import typing import os import gradio as gr from typing import List import urllib.parse as urlparse import json from gradio_client import Client as GradioClient class GradioUserInference: @staticmethod def chat_interface_components( sample_func: typing.Callable, ): """ The function `chat_interface_components` creates the components for a chat interface, including a chat history, message box, buttons for submitting, stopping, and clearing the conversation, and sliders for advanced options. """ # _max_length = max_sequence_length # _max_new_tokens = max_new_tokens # _max_compile_tokens = max_compile_tokens with gr.Column("100%"): gr.Markdown( f"#

[Indic Gemma 7B Demo]( -- Hosted on [Google Cloud TPU v4 Instance](

", ) history = gr.Chatbot( elem_id="Indic", label="Indic", container=True, height="45vh", ) prompt = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder='Enter your prompt here..', container=False ) input = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder='Provide Additional Input here..', container=False ) with gr.Row(): submit = gr.Button( value="Run", variant="primary" ) stop = gr.Button( value='Stop' ) clear = gr.Button( value='Clear Conversation' ) gr.Markdown( "#

Hosted by " "[Detoxio AI]( for educational purpose. Thanks to Google Cloud for TPUV4 Infrastructure, and [Telugu-LLM-Labs]( for finetuning Gemma on Indian Languages

", ) inputs = [ prompt, input, history, ] [], outputs=[history]) sub_event = fn=sample_func, inputs=inputs, outputs=[prompt, input, history] ) txt_event = prompt.submit( fn=sample_func, inputs=inputs, outputs=[prompt, input, history] ) fn=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, cancels=[txt_event, sub_event] ) def _handle_gradio_input( self, prompt: str, input: str, history: List[List[str]], ): raise NotImplementedError() def build_inference( self, sample_func: typing.Callable, ) -> gr.Blocks: """ The function "build_inference" returns a gr.Blocks object that model interface components. :return: a gr.Blocks object. """ with gr.Blocks() as block: self.chat_interface_components( sample_func=sample_func, ) return block class AssistantRole: def __init__(self, name, seed_urls, poison_files_pattern): = name self.seed_urls = seed_urls self.poison_files_pattern = poison_files_pattern class OutputParsingException(Exception): pass class RemoteLLM(object): def __init__(self, base_url): """ Initialize instance. Parameters: - base_url (str): Base URL of the API. """ self._base_url = base_url self._client = GradioClient(base_url, verbose=False) def generate(self, prompt: str): """ Generate text using the model. Parameters: - prompt (str): Input prompt to be generated. Returns: - str: Reponse """ result = self._client.predict( prompt, # str in 'parameter_24' Textbox component [], # Tuple[str | Dict(file: filepath, alt_text: str | None) | None, str | Dict(file: filepath, alt_text: str | None) | None] in Chatbot component "", # str in 'System Prompt' Textbox component "Chat", # Literal['Chat', 'Instruct'] in 'Mode' Dropdown component 2048, # float (numeric value between 1 and 10000) in 'Max Tokens' Slider component 360, # float (numeric value between 256 and 10000) in 'Max New Tokens' Slider component 256, # float (numeric value between 256 and 256) in 'Max Compile Tokens' Slider component True, # Literal[] in 'Do Sample or Greedy Generation' Radio component 1, # float (numeric value between 0.1 and 1) in 'Temperature' Slider component 1, # float (numeric value between 0.1 and 1) in 'Top P' Slider component 50, # float (numeric value between 1 and 100) in 'Top K' Slider component 5, # float (numeric value between 0.1 and 5) in 'Repetition Penalty' Slider component api_name="/sample_gradio" ) try: out = result[1][0][1] return out except Exception as ex: raise OutputParsingException(ex, result) class RAGApp(GradioUserInference): def __init__(self, url): self._llm = RemoteLLM(url) self._gradio_app_handle=None def _generate(self, prompt, input): if input: combined_prompt = f"{prompt} INPUT {input}" else: combined_prompt = prompt return self._llm.generate(combined_prompt) def _handle_gradio_input(self, prompt: str, input: str, history: List[List[str]]): response = self._generate(prompt, input) if input: combined_prompt = f"{prompt}\n\n\"{input}\"" else: combined_prompt = prompt history.append([combined_prompt, ""]) history[-1][-1] = response yield "", "", history # Initial update of documents and launch interface def run(self): self._gradio_app_handle = self.build_inference(self._handle_gradio_input) self._gradio_app_handle.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": url = os.environ['INDIC_GEMMA_HOSTED_URL'] app = RAGApp(url)