import numpy as np import requests import streamlit as st import json def main(): st.title("Sentiment Analysis for Book Reviews") st.write("This application lets you perform sentiment analysis on book reviews.\ Simply input a review into the text below and the application will give two predictions for what the \ rating is on a scale of 0-5. The models will also produce the score they assigned their prediction. The score is\ between 0 and 1 and quantifies the confidence the model has in its prediction.\ \n\n Specifically, we consider two pre-trained models, [BERT-tiny]( and [DistilBERT](\ which have been fine-tuned on a dataset of Goodreads book \ reviews, see [here]( for the original dataset. \ These models are deployed on AWS and are accessed using a REST API. To deploy the models we used a combination of AWS Sagemaker, Lambda, and API Gateway.\ \n\n To read more about this project and specifically how we cleaned the data and trained the models, see the following GitHub [repository](") AWS_key = st.secrets['AWS-key'] checkpoints = {} checkpoints['DistilBERT'] = '' checkpoints['BERT-tiny'] = '' # User search with default question. user_input = st.text_area("Search box", """I loved the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is a classic and beautifully written story. \ My favorite part of the book though was when the hobbits met Tom Bombadil, it's too bad he was not in the movies.""") convert_dict = {} for i in range(6): convert_dict[f'LABEL_{i}'] = i # Fetch results if user_input: # Get IDs for each search result. for model_name, URL in checkpoints.items(): headers={'x-api-key': AWS_key} input_data = json.dumps({'inputs':user_input}) r =, data=input_data, headers=headers).json() try: r=r[0] except: st.write("Model loading timed out. Please enter the text again.") continue label, score = convert_dict[r['label']], r['score'] st.write(f"**Model Name**: {model_name}") st.write(f"**Predicted Review**: {label}") st.write(f"**Confidence**: {score}") st.write("-"*20) if __name__ == "__main__": main()