import unittest from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock import pandas as pd import requests import os import asyncio from app import ( calculate_level, calculate_xp, add_exp, update_google_sheet, update_hub_stats, on_ready, DISCORD_TOKEN, bot, global_df, test_merge ) class TestAppFunctions(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Set up any state needed before tests are run cls.test_member_id = 123456789 cls.test_xp = 1000 cls.test_level = 10 def test_calculate_level(self): level = calculate_level(self.test_xp) self.assertEqual(level, int(self.test_xp ** (1.0 / 3.0))) def test_calculate_xp(self): xp = calculate_xp(self.test_level) self.assertEqual(xp, int(self.test_level ** 3)) @patch('app.global_df', new_callable=pd.DataFrame) @patch('app.update_google_sheet') def test_add_exp(self, mock_update_google_sheet, mock_global_df): # Mock the bot and guild setup bot.get_guild.return_value.get_member.return_value = MagicMock() # Add mock data to global_df data = {'discord_user_id': ['L123456789L'], 'discord_exp': ['L1000L'], 'total_exp': ['L2000L'], 'hub_exp': ['L1000L']} mock_global_df.return_value = pd.DataFrame(data) # Run add_exp and assert it does not raise exceptions try: success = True except Exception as e: success = False self.assertTrue(success) @patch('requests.get') def test_update_hub_stats(self, mock_get): # Set up mock response for requests.get mock_response = MagicMock() mock_response.status_code = 200 mock_response.json.return_value = { "numLikes": 10, "numModels": 5, "numDatasets": 3, "numSpaces": 2, "numDiscussions": 7, "numPapers": 1, "numUpvotes": 4 } mock_get.return_value = mock_response # Add mock data to global_df data = {'hf_user_name': ['test_user'], 'discord_exp': ['L1000L'], 'total_exp': ['L2000L'], 'hub_exp': ['L1000L']} global_df = pd.DataFrame(data) try: update_hub_stats() success = True except Exception as e: success = False self.assertTrue(success) def test_on_ready(self): # Test the real bot's on_ready method async def run_on_ready(): await on_ready() try: success = True except Exception as e: success = False self.assertTrue(success) def test_update_google_sheet(self): # Mock gspread and related functions with patch('app.set_with_dataframe') as mock_set_with_dataframe: update_google_sheet() mock_set_with_dataframe.assert_called() def test_env_key_exists(self): self.assertIn('KEY', os.environ, "The 'KEY' environment variable is not set.") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()