import random import torch from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np from PIL import Image import torchvision.transforms as T from torchvision.transforms import Compose, Resize, CenterCrop, ToTensor from torchvision import transforms as tvtrans from decord import VideoReader, cpu, gpu ############### # text helper # ############### def remove_duplicate_word(tx): def combine_words(input, length): combined_inputs = [] if len(splitted_input) > 1: for i in range(len(input) - 1): combined_inputs.append(input[i] + " " + last_word_of(splitted_input[i + 1], length)) # add the last word of the right-neighbour (overlapping) sequence (before it has expanded), which is the next word in the original sentence return combined_inputs, length + 1 def remove_duplicates(input, length): bool_broke = False #this means we didn't find any duplicates here for i in range(len(input) - length): if input[i] == input[i + length]: #found a duplicate piece of sentence! for j in range(0, length): #remove the overlapping sequences in reverse order del input[i + length - j] bool_broke = True break #break the for loop as the loop length does not matches the length of splitted_input anymore as we removed elements if bool_broke: return remove_duplicates(input, length) #if we found a duplicate, look for another duplicate of the same length return input def last_word_of(input, length): splitted = input.split(" ") if len(splitted) == 0: return input else: return splitted[length - 1] def split_and_puncsplit(text): tx = text.split(" ") txnew = [] for txi in tx: txqueue = [] while True: if txi[0] in '([{': txqueue.extend([txi[:1], '']) txi = txi[1:] if len(txi) == 0: break else: break txnew += txqueue txstack = [] if len(txi) == 0: continue while True: if txi[-1] in '?!.,:;}])': txstack = ['', txi[-1:]] + txstack txi = txi[:-1] if len(txi) == 0: break else: break if len(txi) != 0: txnew += [txi] txnew += txstack return txnew if tx == '': return tx splitted_input = split_and_puncsplit(tx) word_length = 1 intermediate_output = False while len(splitted_input) > 1: splitted_input = remove_duplicates(splitted_input, word_length) if len(splitted_input) > 1: splitted_input, word_length = combine_words(splitted_input, word_length) if intermediate_output: print(splitted_input) print(word_length) output = splitted_input[0] output = output.replace(' ', '') return output ################# # vision helper # ################# def regularize_image(x, image_size=512): BICUBIC = T.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC if isinstance(x, str): x = size = min(x.size) elif isinstance(x, Image.Image): x = x.convert('RGB') size = min(x.size) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = Image.fromarray(x).convert('RGB') size = min(x.size) elif isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): # normalize to [0, 1] x = x/255.0 size = min(x.size()[1:]) else: assert False, 'Unknown image type' """transforms = T.Compose([ T.RandomCrop(size), T.Resize( (image_size, image_size), interpolation=BICUBIC, ), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(), T.ToTensor(), ]) x = transforms(x) assert (x.shape[1] == image_size) & (x.shape[2] == image_size), \ 'Wrong image size' """ x = x * 2 - 1 return x def center_crop(img, new_width=None, new_height=None): width = img.shape[2] height = img.shape[1] if new_width is None: new_width = min(width, height) if new_height is None: new_height = min(width, height) left = int(np.ceil((width - new_width) / 2)) right = width - int(np.floor((width - new_width) / 2)) top = int(np.ceil((height - new_height) / 2)) bottom = height - int(np.floor((height - new_height) / 2)) if len(img.shape) == 3: center_cropped_img = img[:, top:bottom, left:right] else: center_cropped_img = img[:, top:bottom, left:right, ...] return center_cropped_img def _transform(n_px): return Compose([ Resize([n_px, n_px], interpolation=T.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), ]) def regularize_video(video, image_size=256): min_shape = min(video.shape[1:3]) video = center_crop(video, min_shape, min_shape) video = torch.from_numpy(video).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) video = _transform(image_size)(video) video = video / 255.0 * 2.0 - 1.0 return video.permute(1, 0, 2, 3) def time_to_indices(video_reader, time): times = video_reader.get_frame_timestamp(range(len(video_reader))).mean(-1) indices = np.searchsorted(times, time) # Use `np.bitwise_or` so it works both with scalars and numpy arrays. return np.where(np.bitwise_or(indices == 0, times[indices] - time <= time - times[indices - 1]), indices, indices - 1) def load_video(video_path, sample_duration=8.0, num_frames=8): sample_duration = 4.0 num_frames = 4 vr = VideoReader(video_path, ctx=cpu(0)) framerate = vr.get_avg_fps() video_frame_len = len(vr) video_len = video_frame_len / framerate sample_duration = min(sample_duration, video_len) if video_len > sample_duration: s = random.random() * (video_len - sample_duration) t = s + sample_duration start, end = time_to_indices(vr, [s, t]) end = min(video_frame_len - 1, end) start = min(start, end - 1) downsamlp_indices = np.linspace(start, end, num_frames, endpoint=True).astype(int).tolist() else: downsamlp_indices = np.linspace(0, video_frame_len - 1, num_frames, endpoint=True).astype(int).tolist() video = vr.get_batch(downsamlp_indices).asnumpy() return video ############### # some helper # ############### def atomic_save(cfg, net, opt, step, path): if isinstance(net, (torch.nn.DataParallel, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel)): netm = net.module else: netm = net sd = netm.state_dict() slimmed_sd = [(ki, vi) for ki, vi in sd.items() if ki.find('first_stage_model') != 0 and ki.find('cond_stage_model') != 0] checkpoint = { "config": cfg, "state_dict": OrderedDict(slimmed_sd), "step": step} if opt is not None: checkpoint['optimizer_states'] = opt.state_dict() import io import fsspec bytesbuffer = io.BytesIO(), bytesbuffer) with, "wb") as f: f.write(bytesbuffer.getvalue()) def load_state_dict(net, cfg): pretrained_pth_full = cfg.get('pretrained_pth_full', None) pretrained_ckpt_full = cfg.get('pretrained_ckpt_full', None) pretrained_pth = cfg.get('pretrained_pth', None) pretrained_ckpt = cfg.get('pretrained_ckpt', None) pretrained_pth_dm = cfg.get('pretrained_pth_dm', None) pretrained_pth_ema = cfg.get('pretrained_pth_ema', None) strict_sd = cfg.get('strict_sd', False) errmsg = "Overlapped model state_dict! This is undesired behavior!" if pretrained_pth_full is not None or pretrained_ckpt_full is not None: assert (pretrained_pth is None) and \ (pretrained_ckpt is None) and \ (pretrained_pth_dm is None) and \ (pretrained_pth_ema is None), errmsg if pretrained_pth_full is not None: target_file = pretrained_pth_full sd = torch.load(target_file, map_location='cpu') assert pretrained_ckpt is None, errmsg else: target_file = pretrained_ckpt_full sd = torch.load(target_file, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] print('Load full model from [{}] strict [{}].'.format( target_file, strict_sd)) net.load_state_dict(sd, strict=strict_sd) if pretrained_pth is not None or pretrained_ckpt is not None: assert (pretrained_ckpt_full is None) and \ (pretrained_pth_full is None) and \ (pretrained_pth_dm is None) and \ (pretrained_pth_ema is None), errmsg if pretrained_pth is not None: target_file = pretrained_pth sd = torch.load(target_file, map_location='cpu') assert pretrained_ckpt is None, errmsg else: target_file = pretrained_ckpt sd = torch.load(target_file, map_location='cpu')['state_dict'] print('Load model from [{}] strict [{}].'.format( target_file, strict_sd)) sd_extra = [(ki, vi) for ki, vi in net.state_dict().items() \ if ki.find('first_stage_model') == 0 or ki.find('cond_stage_model') == 0] sd.update(OrderedDict(sd_extra)) net.load_state_dict(sd, strict=strict_sd) if pretrained_pth_dm is not None: assert (pretrained_ckpt_full is None) and \ (pretrained_pth_full is None) and \ (pretrained_pth is None) and \ (pretrained_ckpt is None), errmsg print('Load diffusion model from [{}] strict [{}].'.format( pretrained_pth_dm, strict_sd)) sd = torch.load(pretrained_pth_dm, map_location='cpu') net.model.diffusion_model.load_state_dict(sd, strict=strict_sd) if pretrained_pth_ema is not None: assert (pretrained_ckpt_full is None) and \ (pretrained_pth_full is None) and \ (pretrained_pth is None) and \ (pretrained_ckpt is None), errmsg print('Load unet ema model from [{}] strict [{}].'.format( pretrained_pth_ema, strict_sd)) sd = torch.load(pretrained_pth_ema, map_location='cpu') net.model_ema.load_state_dict(sd, strict=strict_sd) def auto_merge_imlist(imlist, max=64): imlist = imlist[0:max] h, w = imlist[0].shape[0:2] num_images = len(imlist) num_row = int(np.sqrt(num_images)) num_col = num_images // num_row + 1 if num_images % num_row != 0 else num_images // num_row canvas = np.zeros([num_row * h, num_col * w, 3], dtype=np.uint8) for idx, im in enumerate(imlist): hi = (idx // num_col) * h wi = (idx % num_col) * w canvas[hi:hi + h, wi:wi + w, :] = im return canvas def latent2im(net, latent): single_input = len(latent.shape) == 3 if single_input: latent = latent[None] im = net.decode_image( im = torch.clamp((im + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) im = [tvtrans.ToPILImage()(i) for i in im] if single_input: im = im[0] return im def im2latent(net, im): single_input = not isinstance(im, list) if single_input: im = [im] im = torch.stack([tvtrans.ToTensor()(i) for i in im], dim=0) im = (im * 2 - 1).to(net.device) z = net.encode_image(im) if single_input: z = z[0] return z class color_adjust(object): def __init__(self, ref_from, ref_to): x0, m0, std0 = self.get_data_and_stat(ref_from) x1, m1, std1 = self.get_data_and_stat(ref_to) self.ref_from_stat = (m0, std0) self.ref_to_stat = (m1, std1) self.ref_from = self.preprocess(x0).reshape(-1, 3) self.ref_to = x1.reshape(-1, 3) def get_data_and_stat(self, x): if isinstance(x, str): x = np.array( elif isinstance(x, PIL.Image.Image): x = np.array(x) elif isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x = torch.clamp(x, min=0.0, max=1.0) x = np.array(tvtrans.ToPILImage()(x)) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): pass else: raise ValueError x = x.astype(float) m = np.reshape(x, (-1, 3)).mean(0) s = np.reshape(x, (-1, 3)).std(0) return x, m, s def preprocess(self, x): m0, s0 = self.ref_from_stat m1, s1 = self.ref_to_stat y = ((x - m0) / s0) * s1 + m1 return y def __call__(self, xin, keep=0, simple=False): xin, _, _ = self.get_data_and_stat(xin) x = self.preprocess(xin) if simple: y = (x * (1 - keep) + xin * keep) y = np.clip(y, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) return y h, w = x.shape[:2] x = x.reshape(-1, 3) y = [] for chi in range(3): yi = self.pdf_transfer_1d(self.ref_from[:, chi], self.ref_to[:, chi], x[:, chi]) y.append(yi) y = np.stack(y, axis=1) y = y.reshape(h, w, 3) y = (y.astype(float) * (1 - keep) + xin.astype(float) * keep) y = np.clip(y, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) return y def pdf_transfer_1d(self, arr_fo, arr_to, arr_in, n=600): arr = np.concatenate((arr_fo, arr_to)) min_v = arr.min() - 1e-6 max_v = arr.max() + 1e-6 min_vto = arr_to.min() - 1e-6 max_vto = arr_to.max() + 1e-6 xs = np.array( [min_v + (max_v - min_v) * i / n for i in range(n + 1)]) hist_fo, _ = np.histogram(arr_fo, xs) hist_to, _ = np.histogram(arr_to, xs) xs = xs[:-1] # compute probability distribution cum_fo = np.cumsum(hist_fo) cum_to = np.cumsum(hist_to) d_fo = cum_fo / cum_fo[-1] d_to = cum_to / cum_to[-1] # transfer t_d = np.interp(d_fo, d_to, xs) t_d[d_fo <= d_to[0]] = min_vto t_d[d_fo >= d_to[-1]] = max_vto arr_out = np.interp(arr_in, xs, t_d) return arr_out