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Good afternoon. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm a little bit sick today, so please bear with me. Let's get right into it. Are there any questions before we start? I'll give you a bit of background on what we're going to see today. We're already halfway through the course. We have already seen exploratory data analysis, the principles of design, and the basics of data visualization. Today we're going to look at perception and cognition. That's going to be our last theoretical class. Next week we'll start with Tableau and it will be all about Tableau. Before I start with Tableau, I noticed that this week the class was a little bit quieter than the previous one. I don't know if you had an exam or something, but I'm happy to adapt to your workload. I thought about posting another thread, but I didn't give it out as participation. Assignment number two is the last assignment, except for the final project, and it will be a group assignment. It should be straightforward. I think everyone has a good understanding of the grammar of graphics, which is great. Some people have experience with other Python visualization libraries, which is also good to see. I'm impressed with everyone. As far as the final project is concerned, it can be done in pairs or individually, depending on what you prefer. I'm open to groups, but we may need to change the scope a little bit. Tomorrow I will post the assignment. Okay, so today's class is going to be very interactive. There will be some exercises that we'll do as a group and individually. We'll talk about them in groups. I'm going to challenge your knowledge and preconceived notions. You'll be surprised by what you learn. Visual perception is the first thing I want to mention. We've learned a lot of different principles of design, but we should seek to understand why they are effective or not. To do that, we'll take a trip to the brain and the human eye to understand that graphical communication is purely visual.If we really want to be effective, we must express information in a way that the human eyes can perceive. But our brains can understand both the initial carrying rays of light that interact and the interpretation and information that happens on the cortex. So that is the approach we are going to follow today when thinking about vision itself. We said that it is the most powerful and efficient channel for receiving information from the world around us, as 70% of our body receptors are dedicated to vision. There is an intimate connection between seeing, thinking, and understanding. When we visualize something, we first perceive, then interpret, and finally understand when we apply our knowledge. This is why we talk about words like enlightenment, elimination, insight, and call people of extraordinary wisdom visionaries. We must apply both perceptual and cognitive principles to avoid confusion when looking at data. Every time we see orange, we expect orange; if we see orange in blue, something is not right. We must present information and data in ways that make important information stand out, or else we are not being effective. Our brains see something that is not always what it looks like, and this is a constant battle between perception and cognition. We must consider what we initially see versus what our learning, memory, and expectations tell us.Because until the invention of fire and light, or the electric light, most sources of illumination actually came from the sun. So, always light comes from above, and that's interesting into our perception that we expect. And the same happens with, for example, remember the graph from the death toll in Iraq? The same. We see something going down. We see red. We think that's blood, and that's in touch with our perception. That's our memory there, and again, that's what we're going to be looking out for today. And in the end, seeing again, it's making sense of what we're receiving. So let's look at this. For example, no, it's let me. Okay. I don't know if you can see. I need to share now a second. What are you looking at right now? Okay. So some people see something moving down. Some people see that person walking across this. Okay. What if just by changing, making a little change, I can actually see a female? What if I just want to? Very like female? And these are just the same exact set of points. Why are you receiving this or perceiving this because your experience is actually telling you that. This is what you're looking at right now, these are light female walking very relaxed. So we can even see the let's say, she said. But just by making pretty small tweaks to the position or the speed, we're seeing a totally different thing. And this is exactly what we're going to be doing when we create this organization, really tapping again into our audience's perception and cognition, both, and we need to have both into account. And some people can argue that we're just looking at thoughts. I think some of it at the very beginning. These are not just thoughts, right? Once we put them together. Why, again, because we already I've seen so many humans with a similar behavior, and that's what our eyes expect. Let's go back to your presentation. Yeah, it's very similar. Actually, it captures motion. Yes, exactly. But again, just imagine that they put someone happy and that person walked. It does behave in a different way than what we understand as a happy person. Then again, we're seeing something, but that doesn't match with our expectation of happiness. And that's what we're trying to avoid here with perception recognition. Yeah. But it's it's in a way it's similar. So, as I said before, the thing is our brain normally combines when we see something. It's first, we perceive it, but immediately again our brain is erasing the signals of what we're seeing, and it's combining again. It's bottom to top and top to bottom, both. I don't want to go too much into depth, but just think about the eyes of the set of cameras right, which have several components working together just to sense information that is containing something very simple, which is light. And again, we don't want to need to go too deep into that. But one thing I want to mention is that the the fovea, which is a very important part of the eye, actually can only focus on a limited area at a time. Just one simple area. That's what we call fixation. So our eyes normally fix on a particular spot. We mean there for half a second, taking the details that it can, and then it goes to the next point, and that's what we call again the decades. So we pick, say, and then we move, and we're going to see some examples in which we do that. Just look at how we interpret the picture on the left-hand side. Our eyes normally go to some specific points which might be relevant or not, and then they go to the next one. We fix it, and we decade. We fix it, and we secure it. That means we keep moving, or I keep moving. And that's exactly again what people do when they interpret graphs. They fixate their eyes on a specific part and then they move to the next one. So you also need to think, okay, what do we want people to see or perceive? Sorry, at the very beginning.That is something we need to keep in mind: perception. We mentioned this in the first class. It happens before we can even think; it is extremely fast. Some people have compared it to a computer's random access memory. The most important thing to think about is what stands out: not only the big differences, but also the contrast. For example, on the left hand side, if we are trying to find a spot, it is not easy because there is not much contrast. On the right hand side, however, it is easier to spot the person in the middle or the person in green. That is what our eyes receive first, and we are not even thinking; our eyes just go straight to that contrast. We need to maximize contrast in our visualizations. Red does not have the same meaning in different cultures, and we need to think about how to maximize people's perception, cognition, and experience, which may be very different. As an example, if we see a blue sky, it is easy to spot a bird; however, if there are too many contrasts, it is not effective. We need to think about how contrast and surroundings play with our minds and make us perceive something differently.It's hard for us to search for something sequentially. If we make it stand out by encoding it with color or shape, it's much easier for people to find the piece of data they're looking for. This is what we call pre-attentive attributes, because our minds and eyes perceive them first. They play an important role in visual design. If customers tell you to use a certain visualization, you should know why there are some things called pre-attentive attributes that are more effective than others. These are used to distinctly group and highlight objects. It happens below the level of consciousness at an extremely high speed and is tuned to detect a specific set of attributes. For quantitative variables, position is the most effective pre-attentive attribute, followed by length. For ordinal variables, area is not effective, so length, position, color, shape, texture, and orientation should be used instead. When showing a positive trend, don't use red, as it goes against people's expectations. For color blindness, there are different techniques and rules that should be applied.If we're talking about categorical or nominal data, yes, color is the most efficient. Be more efficient. So this slide that we're looking at right now, we're going to be applying it almost on a daily basis once we start creating graphs. We always, and it's just going to become very intuitive. I know I need to be sure to visualize one or two quantitative variables. Position stands out. There is one visual channel that is not here. Can you think of which visual channel is not here? That is actually the most efficient of all - animation. Why? Because we, as humans, have historically heavily relied on our perception. If we were in the jungle and we saw an object moving towards us, we don't think, "Oh, it's a lion! The lion might be hungry, the lion might eat me." No, immediately we spot it and that triggers a reaction. Animation is actually the most efficient visual channel. Here we're just talking about non-interactive visualization, but if you can use interaction, use it because it's highly effective, and especially with Tableau. We're going to be using a lot of interaction and movement, and it's going to be very efficient. So you actually called it the hue. Correct. That's why. Also, if you look at size or area, it's not that effective. You're like, "Okay." And we're going to see that in a second, like how much darker is this bar from the other one, for example, or how much brighter is this point from this other point. It's hard to tell, so it's not that effective. That's why it's the same way that, for example, we cannot. Let's just go to that exercise. Actually, yeah, this we're going to go right now into this. We're going to see how, if you were not. We are actually measuring that definitely. So let's do this as a group. How much longer is A than B? I see some people saying double. Okay, but it's not sure about double. Twice. Most of you saw that, but we're going to make it harder in a second. How much longer is it right now? Okay, for X, 5X. Okay, yes. There's no consensus. 3, 4, 4, that should be 4 times larger. You see? And this is actually the second most effective. We attentive actually with length, and still we struggle really with quantifying it. But let's go to. We saw, for example, the funny was talking about. For example, intensity. Here in quantitative variables, we have slope. How are we calculating slopes? How much steeper is B from A? I see some people scratching their heads. 3.5, 2, for example, 3. Okay, could be 3. Let's look at it 4 times deeper. No way we can. Actually, our human brain can see this or can't quantify that. So the comment here - fake news. There you go, further on a fake. Absolute fake news here. Okay, but now we go to the famous bar chart and the quantification of areas. How much larger is A than B in area, not diameter, not radius, area? 3, 4, 5. No, no, not a 10. Okay, interesting. I see 2, 5. Whatever it is, there's no consensus. That's the most important thing. No consensus at all. Everyone has their own opinion. So that's it. Find out. It's 5 times larger. I think who actually got it right? Diana, Barbara, and Ian got it right. But it was not that easy. What about this one? There's the answer already. But 3 times 20 people would not guess this one. And how much larger in diameter is A from B? And I know there's like a difference between A and B, just don't think about that. Okay, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2.5, very precise. 2.5. Okay, deal. No consensus twice. The diameter is only twice, although it looks already larger. A lot of you thought that it was larger.Going back to Stephanie's question, how much darker is B than a 2.5? You're very precise. It's almost two-two, one point more. Let's try not to use too much color intensity if possible. It's a way of encoding an ordinary variable, but it's not that effective. The most important thing is that we need to use the rules of visual perception to create different effective graphs. We can combine multiple variables, but when we want to maximize contrast, try not to maximize more than two or three. We need to be careful about how many attributes or channels we are going to be using. We can combine them, but we need to do it in a smart way. It's funny that there is a website called WTFViz, which has a lot of surreal visualizations that have been published. These go against our perception and recognition, and consequently against the principles of effective design. We need to think about the context of the graph and what our brains are expecting to see.First, we perceive, then we interpret, and then we use our memories or knowledge to provide context to better understand the Sunday graph. But the thing is, for the good and for the body conditions, what we see, we also talk about long-term memory. We're talking about, for example, the perceptions that we have already in our community system, like colors. We always relate green with better and red with worse. So let's not go against those principles. That's the most important thing. I'm going to skip this part and go back to the previous point. The working memory is the process that happens in between perception and commission. Think about it as the random access memory in a computer. It's the one in between. The thing is, it's very limited. We can only hold in our minds 5 to 7, 8 more or less visual objects, although there are different theories, as well as people that say 3 to 4. So let's do some exercises here. Let's have a little bit of fun. Let me memorize these pictures. Okay, so I'm going to get my watch. We're going to spend just 5 seconds on each picture. I'm going to show around 6 to 7 pictures. And then we're going to see if you really remember those pictures. Okay. So let's start with the first one. Okay. The working memory is not going to last very long. So this is just a little bit of what we've seen. I don't want to show it right away. But I'm going to ask you now. I'm going to show you pictures and I want everyone to say if they have seen this picture or not. Yes or no. And then we're going to think. Why have we seen what we have seen? And why do we react as we are reacting? Okay, everybody, just mute and just say yes or no. Let's start to make it fun. A lot of consensus there. Okay. Did you say no? Good. Yes. No, yes, no. No, you haven't seen this. No. There you go. We're going to go into that in a second. Mohammed, yes. So we haven't seen this one. What about this one? Okay. I think it was Mala who said yes. Here. You're sure everyone's very confident. Okay. Good. I have seen this one. You're sure. Let's see. Good. So yes, the thing is, we have seen very similar pictures, and of course I introduced some others to confuse you a little bit. But what conclusions can we draw from this exercise? Exactly. We think about. Okay, I've seen the bathroom. I've seen a living room. You think about you. We think conceptually. What else? Okay, you. Then you also pinpoint or try to memorize specific objects. In 5 seconds, you can only get the main concept a little bit. Also what Kristen was saying, she's a big picture, not everything. What else? Exactly. Any more thoughts? There you go. But that's that's a point. It's the contrast. If there is no contrast, there's no contract, or at least the contract is lower. But that just makes it harder. Very good point. And yes, Barbara, the details will make all the difference. And this is to get how our brain works. First, we look again at basic spatial distribution. We're talking about location of points as the most effective visual channel, because we think spatially. We humans always think spatially. I don't know if you guys have done any memorization or memory trainings or exercises. But the zoom, the easiest one is actually. And what experts tell you is just to think, especially if you want to remember 50 things. Think about 50 places, and put those objects in those 50 places. That's how our brain works. We always think spatially. And when we don't have enough time, we think about basic spatial distribution. What was the couch? What was on the right? Think about your house. I'm sure you remember perfectly what you can find in every specific point of your house. Basically. But again, I think also, this is what Barbara mentioned. We remember essential information, the concepts that Chris talked about at a very high level.We don't really remember the details, which are normally ignored, unless I think it was not emailed. I don't know who mentioned it, unless again. We have enough time; we can actually spend time on that. But that's not the only case, so let's bring that back to data visualization. People don't spend hours trying to decode and understand your graphs; you're probably going to spend some seconds and then move on to something else. Unless we can make it so that they might want to interact more with the data and have a bit of a conversation with it. But that's for a second. If you don't have a lot of attention, we're gone. That's what matters the most. So again, don't assume that the audience is going to remember what you are showing. They're going to remember the big picture, the contrast, and the big concept, not the fact that two different points were at different sizes. Probably they're not going to remember that. And also, when we talk about cognition, we think of it in layers; it's what is called Hierarchical Cognition. But it also talks about spatial distribution. If I ask you how many points are here? No one has answered yet. It's taking you some time. Sixteen, fifteen. Again, there's not even consensus. Sixteen. Okay. But look at how easy it is if we just use the spatial distribution to show us again to look at those points. And I'm going to show you the Gestalt Principles. I think we weren't going to have time, but now we're going to have a good pace. We're going to use these principles, which were created in the seventies, to show how our brain works as well. And what to use or not to use in data visualization. There's some comments here. Yes. So actually, this was the Gestalt school of psychology. And Gestalt means pattern, right? So there was a set of researches that tried to really understand how the eye and the brain work, and how we actually create those patterns in our mind. How do we structure information and how do we make sense of the world around us? So there are different principles. The first one is what we call the principle of proximity. But basically, we always perceive objects that are close to each other as belonging to the same group. When we see two things together, we think they are part of the same group. Inevitably, that's just how our brain works. So we can normally just let readers scan across rows, or we can actually space data in a way that makes sense for them. But that's the first principle, the principle of proximity. The second one is similarity; we normally tend to group together objects that are familiar to one another, whether it's in size, color, shape, orientation. And that is something our brain doesn't like: loose ends. The brain tries to find structure in chaos. And that's also why we apply what we call the principle of enclosure. With that, we always believe that objects are, or belong together, if they have a boundary around them. Which is also very tied to the next principle, which is closure. The brain really doesn't like loose ends, so even when we see open structures, we perceive them as closed. We want to confirm; the brain wants to complete them in a way that we can really understand them. Then there's the principle of alignment. So if we have different objects that are aligned with one another, we think they are part of the same group. We think that they are part of the same group.Let's look at an exercise. This is a test of selective attention. How many did you count? 14, 13, or 15? Did everyone see the gorilla? Stephanie and Christian didn't. What conclusions can we draw from this exercise? Very good points. Our cognition is very picky and tells us what we want to see. Politicians use this a lot during campaigns by constructing graphs in a way that misleads people. Our mind is very selective and once we want to see a specific trend, that's what we see, even if the data tells a different story. We perceive with our eyes, but see with our brain, so we cannot think about or see many things at the same time. This applies to data visualization as well. We cannot expect the audience to remember and understand eight different variables. It is not going to be effective. We need to think about which variables to use and what the main message is that we want to show. We can use the other variables to support that message. So, yeah, let me just run this video as well. And this is also from a pro call very related to this called Change Blindness. What conclusions can we draw from this video? Yes. What else, but in the end, what this shows us is that we see whatever we want to see. That's it. We're going to be trying to find again what we expected before. And that's how the brain works again. And that's also what we need to fight in a way when we create or generate visualizations. How can we again bring down a frequency notion of whatever trend there is, whatever the data tell us, and how can we encode it in a way again, that brings down this common understanding? Because, yes, the thing is we, or features of habit. Unperceptionably play a very important role in again how we really interpret and how we consume information.It definitely does. And it goes again also with the effectiveness of the pre-attentive channels. Let's see if someone has the answer. But what if you do it, for example, with size? I mean, is it quantitative, or is it categorical? I mean, if it's categorical, and you have too many categories, it's always better to use shape, although again, it's not the most effective that we saw in the first class. When you have more than 6 or 7 categories, it's not going to be very effective. So try it again. If there's a lot of contrast, I mean, if you have too many categories, it's not going to be effective by using a single value. You can do that and code a single value in a way that stands out the most, like color intensity or size. Any other means? Can you repeat the last part? So you have a standard plot, and you absolutely. But let's say, for example, that you want to create a rule. You say, "I want to see all the students that have a grade higher than 8," and then again, basically you create a rule, and that's something we'll do in Tableau. What you create a rule, and for example, you visualize in green all the ones that have a grade greater than 8, and in red the ones lower than 8. The only thing is, the contrast is in a group. It's a group contrast. Yes, basically you create a new variable, which is just a true or false statement. So is it above? Yes, green, if it's below, no, right? For example. But the only thing is, it will be a group contrast. It wouldn't be a single value contrast. Yes, single value only would be if you say, "Okay, just give me the student with the grade higher than 9.8," and you just have one student eventually. Yes. But then again, basically you're coding that contrast. Another way on those cases. Again, if you just want to pinpoint one or two, or a set of numbers, you can just use annotations. We have done annotation in the last forum. But is it the best way? It depends. I would say again, if you have too many categories, once you have more than three or four, it's not going to make any difference. So if you want contrast, use another thing, like shape or size. But again, normally, if you have a lot of categories, you need to manually hard code and create some rules to make something stand out. Sure. That's everything for today. Yeah. So thank you very much everyone. Any questions before we finish? No? Okay. Wish everyone a good rest of your weekend. Enjoy Saturday and have fun. I'll see you on Monday and tomorrow night I will post the assignment number two. |