import hashlib from typing import List import numpy as np import torch from loguru import logger from iopaint.helper import download_model from iopaint.plugins.base_plugin import BasePlugin from iopaint.plugins.segment_anything import SamPredictor, sam_model_registry from iopaint.schema import RunPluginRequest # 从小到大 SEGMENT_ANYTHING_MODELS = { "vit_b": { "url": "", "md5": "01ec64d29a2fca3f0661936605ae66f8", }, "vit_l": { "url": "", "md5": "0b3195507c641ddb6910d2bb5adee89c", }, "vit_h": { "url": "", "md5": "4b8939a88964f0f4ff5f5b2642c598a6", }, "mobile_sam": { "url": "", "md5": "f3c0d8cda613564d499310dab6c812cd", }, } class InteractiveSeg(BasePlugin): name = "InteractiveSeg" support_gen_mask = True def __init__(self, model_name, device): super().__init__() self.model_name = model_name self.device = device self._init_session(model_name) def _init_session(self, model_name: str): model_path = download_model( SEGMENT_ANYTHING_MODELS[model_name]["url"], SEGMENT_ANYTHING_MODELS[model_name]["md5"], )"SegmentAnything model path: {model_path}") self.predictor = SamPredictor( sam_model_registry[model_name](checkpoint=model_path).to(self.device) ) self.prev_img_md5 = None def switch_model(self, new_model_name): if self.model_name == new_model_name: return f"Switching InteractiveSeg model from {self.model_name} to {new_model_name}" ) self._init_session(new_model_name) self.model_name = new_model_name def gen_mask(self, rgb_np_img, req: RunPluginRequest) -> np.ndarray: img_md5 = hashlib.md5(req.image.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() return self.forward(rgb_np_img, req.clicks, img_md5) @torch.inference_mode() def forward(self, rgb_np_img, clicks: List[List], img_md5: str): input_point = [] input_label = [] for click in clicks: x = click[0] y = click[1] input_point.append([x, y]) input_label.append(click[2]) if img_md5 and img_md5 != self.prev_img_md5: self.prev_img_md5 = img_md5 self.predictor.set_image(rgb_np_img) masks, scores, _ = self.predictor.predict( point_coords=np.array(input_point), point_labels=np.array(input_label), multimask_output=False, ) mask = masks[0].astype(np.uint8) * 255 return mask