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import logging
import math
import numpy as np
import torch
from coqpit import Coqpit
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional
from TTS.tts.utils.helpers import sequence_mask
from TTS.tts.utils.ssim import SSIMLoss as _SSIMLoss
from TTS.utils.audio.torch_transforms import TorchSTFT
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# relates https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/42305
class L1LossMasked(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, seq_len_norm):
self.seq_len_norm = seq_len_norm
def forward(self, x, target, length):
x: A Variable containing a FloatTensor of size
(batch, max_len, dim) which contains the
unnormalized probability for each class.
target: A Variable containing a LongTensor of size
(batch, max_len, dim) which contains the index of the true
class for each corresponding step.
length: A Variable containing a LongTensor of size (batch,)
which contains the length of each data in a batch.
x: B x T X D
target: B x T x D
length: B
loss: An average loss value in range [0, 1] masked by the length.
# mask: (batch, max_len, 1)
target.requires_grad = False
mask = sequence_mask(sequence_length=length, max_len=target.size(1)).unsqueeze(2).float()
if self.seq_len_norm:
norm_w = mask / mask.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
out_weights = norm_w.div(target.shape[0] * target.shape[2])
mask = mask.expand_as(x)
loss = functional.l1_loss(x * mask, target * mask, reduction="none")
loss = loss.mul(out_weights.to(loss.device)).sum()
mask = mask.expand_as(x)
loss = functional.l1_loss(x * mask, target * mask, reduction="sum")
loss = loss / mask.sum()
return loss
class MSELossMasked(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, seq_len_norm):
self.seq_len_norm = seq_len_norm
def forward(self, x, target, length):
x: A Variable containing a FloatTensor of size
(batch, max_len, dim) which contains the
unnormalized probability for each class.
target: A Variable containing a LongTensor of size
(batch, max_len, dim) which contains the index of the true
class for each corresponding step.
length: A Variable containing a LongTensor of size (batch,)
which contains the length of each data in a batch.
- x: :math:`[B, T, D]`
- target: :math:`[B, T, D]`
- length: :math:`B`
loss: An average loss value in range [0, 1] masked by the length.
# mask: (batch, max_len, 1)
target.requires_grad = False
mask = sequence_mask(sequence_length=length, max_len=target.size(1)).unsqueeze(2).float()
if self.seq_len_norm:
norm_w = mask / mask.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
out_weights = norm_w.div(target.shape[0] * target.shape[2])
mask = mask.expand_as(x)
loss = functional.mse_loss(x * mask, target * mask, reduction="none")
loss = loss.mul(out_weights.to(loss.device)).sum()
mask = mask.expand_as(x)
loss = functional.mse_loss(x * mask, target * mask, reduction="sum")
loss = loss / mask.sum()
return loss
def sample_wise_min_max(x: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Min-Max normalize tensor through first dimension
- x: :math:`[B, D1, D2]`
- m: :math:`[B, D1, 1]`
maximum = torch.amax(x.masked_fill(~mask, 0), dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True)
minimum = torch.amin(x.masked_fill(~mask, np.inf), dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True)
return (x - minimum) / (maximum - minimum + 1e-8)
class SSIMLoss(torch.nn.Module):
"""SSIM loss as (1 - SSIM)
SSIM is explained here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_similarity
def __init__(self):
self.loss_func = _SSIMLoss()
def forward(self, y_hat, y, length):
y_hat (tensor): model prediction values.
y (tensor): target values.
length (tensor): length of each sample in a batch for masking.
y_hat: B x T X D
y: B x T x D
length: B
loss: An average loss value in range [0, 1] masked by the length.
mask = sequence_mask(sequence_length=length, max_len=y.size(1)).unsqueeze(2)
y_norm = sample_wise_min_max(y, mask)
y_hat_norm = sample_wise_min_max(y_hat, mask)
ssim_loss = self.loss_func((y_norm * mask).unsqueeze(1), (y_hat_norm * mask).unsqueeze(1))
if ssim_loss.item() > 1.0:
logger.info("SSIM loss is out-of-range (%.2f), setting it to 1.0", ssim_loss.item())
ssim_loss = torch.tensor(1.0, device=ssim_loss.device)
if ssim_loss.item() < 0.0:
logger.info("SSIM loss is out-of-range (%.2f), setting it to 0.0", ssim_loss.item())
ssim_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, device=ssim_loss.device)
return ssim_loss
class AttentionEntropyLoss(nn.Module):
# pylint: disable=R0201
def forward(self, align):
Forces attention to be more decisive by penalizing
soft attention weights
entropy = torch.distributions.Categorical(probs=align).entropy()
loss = (entropy / np.log(align.shape[1])).mean()
return loss
class BCELossMasked(nn.Module):
"""BCE loss with masking.
Used mainly for stopnet in autoregressive models.
pos_weight (float): weight for positive samples. If set < 1, penalize early stopping. Defaults to None.
def __init__(self, pos_weight: float = None):
self.register_buffer("pos_weight", torch.tensor([pos_weight]))
def forward(self, x, target, length):
x: A Variable containing a FloatTensor of size
(batch, max_len) which contains the
unnormalized probability for each class.
target: A Variable containing a LongTensor of size
(batch, max_len) which contains the index of the true
class for each corresponding step.
length: A Variable containing a LongTensor of size (batch,)
which contains the length of each data in a batch.
x: B x T
target: B x T
length: B
loss: An average loss value in range [0, 1] masked by the length.
target.requires_grad = False
if length is not None:
# mask: (batch, max_len, 1)
mask = sequence_mask(sequence_length=length, max_len=target.size(1))
num_items = mask.sum()
loss = functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
loss = functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
x, target, pos_weight=self.pos_weight.to(x.device), reduction="sum"
num_items = torch.numel(x)
loss = loss / num_items
return loss
class DifferentialSpectralLoss(nn.Module):
"""Differential Spectral Loss
def __init__(self, loss_func):
self.loss_func = loss_func
def forward(self, x, target, length=None):
x: B x T
target: B x T
length: B
loss: An average loss value in range [0, 1] masked by the length.
x_diff = x[:, 1:] - x[:, :-1]
target_diff = target[:, 1:] - target[:, :-1]
if length is None:
return self.loss_func(x_diff, target_diff)
return self.loss_func(x_diff, target_diff, length - 1)
class GuidedAttentionLoss(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, sigma=0.4):
self.sigma = sigma
def _make_ga_masks(self, ilens, olens):
B = len(ilens)
max_ilen = max(ilens)
max_olen = max(olens)
ga_masks = torch.zeros((B, max_olen, max_ilen))
for idx, (ilen, olen) in enumerate(zip(ilens, olens)):
ga_masks[idx, :olen, :ilen] = self._make_ga_mask(ilen, olen, self.sigma)
return ga_masks
def forward(self, att_ws, ilens, olens):
ga_masks = self._make_ga_masks(ilens, olens).to(att_ws.device)
seq_masks = self._make_masks(ilens, olens).to(att_ws.device)
losses = ga_masks * att_ws
loss = torch.mean(losses.masked_select(seq_masks))
return loss
def _make_ga_mask(ilen, olen, sigma):
grid_x, grid_y = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(olen).to(olen), torch.arange(ilen).to(ilen), indexing="ij")
grid_x, grid_y = grid_x.float(), grid_y.float()
return 1.0 - torch.exp(-((grid_y / ilen - grid_x / olen) ** 2) / (2 * (sigma**2)))
def _make_masks(ilens, olens):
in_masks = sequence_mask(ilens)
out_masks = sequence_mask(olens)
return out_masks.unsqueeze(-1) & in_masks.unsqueeze(-2)
class Huber(nn.Module):
# pylint: disable=R0201
def forward(self, x, y, length=None):
x: B x T
y: B x T
length: B
mask = sequence_mask(sequence_length=length, max_len=y.size(1)).unsqueeze(2).float()
return torch.nn.functional.smooth_l1_loss(x * mask, y * mask, reduction="sum") / mask.sum()
class ForwardSumLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, blank_logprob=-1):
self.log_softmax = torch.nn.LogSoftmax(dim=3)
self.ctc_loss = torch.nn.CTCLoss(zero_infinity=True)
self.blank_logprob = blank_logprob
def forward(self, attn_logprob, in_lens, out_lens):
key_lens = in_lens
query_lens = out_lens
attn_logprob_padded = torch.nn.functional.pad(input=attn_logprob, pad=(1, 0), value=self.blank_logprob)
total_loss = 0.0
for bid in range(attn_logprob.shape[0]):
target_seq = torch.arange(1, key_lens[bid] + 1).unsqueeze(0)
curr_logprob = attn_logprob_padded[bid].permute(1, 0, 2)[: query_lens[bid], :, : key_lens[bid] + 1]
curr_logprob = self.log_softmax(curr_logprob[None])[0]
loss = self.ctc_loss(
input_lengths=query_lens[bid : bid + 1],
target_lengths=key_lens[bid : bid + 1],
total_loss = total_loss + loss
total_loss = total_loss / attn_logprob.shape[0]
return total_loss
class TacotronLoss(torch.nn.Module):
"""Collection of Tacotron set-up based on provided config."""
def __init__(self, c, ga_sigma=0.4):
self.stopnet_pos_weight = c.stopnet_pos_weight
self.use_capacitron_vae = c.use_capacitron_vae
if self.use_capacitron_vae:
self.capacitron_capacity = c.capacitron_vae.capacitron_capacity
self.capacitron_vae_loss_alpha = c.capacitron_vae.capacitron_VAE_loss_alpha
self.ga_alpha = c.ga_alpha
self.decoder_diff_spec_alpha = c.decoder_diff_spec_alpha
self.postnet_diff_spec_alpha = c.postnet_diff_spec_alpha
self.decoder_alpha = c.decoder_loss_alpha
self.postnet_alpha = c.postnet_loss_alpha
self.decoder_ssim_alpha = c.decoder_ssim_alpha
self.postnet_ssim_alpha = c.postnet_ssim_alpha
self.config = c
# postnet and decoder loss
if c.loss_masking:
self.criterion = L1LossMasked(c.seq_len_norm) if c.model in ["Tacotron"] else MSELossMasked(c.seq_len_norm)
self.criterion = nn.L1Loss() if c.model in ["Tacotron"] else nn.MSELoss()
# guided attention loss
if c.ga_alpha > 0:
self.criterion_ga = GuidedAttentionLoss(sigma=ga_sigma)
# differential spectral loss
if c.postnet_diff_spec_alpha > 0 or c.decoder_diff_spec_alpha > 0:
self.criterion_diff_spec = DifferentialSpectralLoss(loss_func=self.criterion)
# ssim loss
if c.postnet_ssim_alpha > 0 or c.decoder_ssim_alpha > 0:
self.criterion_ssim = SSIMLoss()
# stopnet loss
# pylint: disable=not-callable
self.criterion_st = BCELossMasked(pos_weight=torch.tensor(self.stopnet_pos_weight)) if c.stopnet else None
# For dev pruposes only
self.criterion_capacitron_reconstruction_loss = nn.L1Loss(reduction="sum")
def forward(
# decoder outputs linear or mel spectrograms for Tacotron and Tacotron2
# the target should be set acccordingly
postnet_target = linear_input if self.config.model.lower() in ["tacotron"] else mel_input
return_dict = {}
# remove lengths if no masking is applied
if not self.config.loss_masking:
output_lens = None
# decoder and postnet losses
if self.config.loss_masking:
if self.decoder_alpha > 0:
decoder_loss = self.criterion(decoder_output, mel_input, output_lens)
if self.postnet_alpha > 0:
postnet_loss = self.criterion(postnet_output, postnet_target, output_lens)
if self.decoder_alpha > 0:
decoder_loss = self.criterion(decoder_output, mel_input)
if self.postnet_alpha > 0:
postnet_loss = self.criterion(postnet_output, postnet_target)
loss = self.decoder_alpha * decoder_loss + self.postnet_alpha * postnet_loss
return_dict["decoder_loss"] = decoder_loss
return_dict["postnet_loss"] = postnet_loss
if self.use_capacitron_vae:
# extract capacitron vae infos
posterior_distribution, prior_distribution, beta = capacitron_vae_outputs
# KL divergence term between the posterior and the prior
kl_term = torch.mean(torch.distributions.kl_divergence(posterior_distribution, prior_distribution))
# Limit the mutual information between the data and latent space by the variational capacity limit
kl_capacity = kl_term - self.capacitron_capacity
# pass beta through softplus to keep it positive
beta = torch.nn.functional.softplus(beta)[0]
# This is the term going to the main ADAM optimiser, we detach beta because
# beta is optimised by a separate, SGD optimiser below
capacitron_vae_loss = beta.detach() * kl_capacity
# normalize the capacitron_vae_loss as in L1Loss or MSELoss.
# After this, both the standard loss and capacitron_vae_loss will be in the same scale.
# For this reason we don't need use L1Loss and MSELoss in "sum" reduction mode.
# Note: the batch is not considered because the L1Loss was calculated in "sum" mode
# divided by the batch size, So not dividing the capacitron_vae_loss by B is legitimate.
# get B T D dimension from input
B, T, D = mel_input.size()
# normalize
if self.config.loss_masking:
# if mask loss get T using the mask
T = output_lens.sum() / B
# Only for dev purposes to be able to compare the reconstruction loss with the values in the
# original Capacitron paper
return_dict["capaciton_reconstruction_loss"] = (
self.criterion_capacitron_reconstruction_loss(decoder_output, mel_input) / decoder_output.size(0)
) + kl_capacity
capacitron_vae_loss = capacitron_vae_loss / (T * D)
capacitron_vae_loss = capacitron_vae_loss * self.capacitron_vae_loss_alpha
# This is the term to purely optimise beta and to pass into the SGD optimizer
beta_loss = torch.negative(beta) * kl_capacity.detach()
loss += capacitron_vae_loss
return_dict["capacitron_vae_loss"] = capacitron_vae_loss
return_dict["capacitron_vae_beta_loss"] = beta_loss
return_dict["capacitron_vae_kl_term"] = kl_term
return_dict["capacitron_beta"] = beta
stop_loss = (
self.criterion_st(stopnet_output, stopnet_target, stop_target_length)
if self.config.stopnet
else torch.zeros(1)
loss += stop_loss
return_dict["stopnet_loss"] = stop_loss
# backward decoder loss (if enabled)
if self.config.bidirectional_decoder:
if self.config.loss_masking:
decoder_b_loss = self.criterion(torch.flip(decoder_b_output, dims=(1,)), mel_input, output_lens)
decoder_b_loss = self.criterion(torch.flip(decoder_b_output, dims=(1,)), mel_input)
decoder_c_loss = torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(torch.flip(decoder_b_output, dims=(1,)), decoder_output)
loss += self.decoder_alpha * (decoder_b_loss + decoder_c_loss)
return_dict["decoder_b_loss"] = decoder_b_loss
return_dict["decoder_c_loss"] = decoder_c_loss
# double decoder consistency loss (if enabled)
if self.config.double_decoder_consistency:
if self.config.loss_masking:
decoder_b_loss = self.criterion(decoder_b_output, mel_input, output_lens)
decoder_b_loss = self.criterion(decoder_b_output, mel_input)
# decoder_c_loss = torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(decoder_b_output, decoder_output)
attention_c_loss = torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(alignments, alignments_backwards)
loss += self.decoder_alpha * (decoder_b_loss + attention_c_loss)
return_dict["decoder_coarse_loss"] = decoder_b_loss
return_dict["decoder_ddc_loss"] = attention_c_loss
# guided attention loss (if enabled)
if self.config.ga_alpha > 0:
ga_loss = self.criterion_ga(alignments, input_lens, alignment_lens)
loss += ga_loss * self.ga_alpha
return_dict["ga_loss"] = ga_loss
# decoder differential spectral loss
if self.config.decoder_diff_spec_alpha > 0:
decoder_diff_spec_loss = self.criterion_diff_spec(decoder_output, mel_input, output_lens)
loss += decoder_diff_spec_loss * self.decoder_diff_spec_alpha
return_dict["decoder_diff_spec_loss"] = decoder_diff_spec_loss
# postnet differential spectral loss
if self.config.postnet_diff_spec_alpha > 0:
postnet_diff_spec_loss = self.criterion_diff_spec(postnet_output, postnet_target, output_lens)
loss += postnet_diff_spec_loss * self.postnet_diff_spec_alpha
return_dict["postnet_diff_spec_loss"] = postnet_diff_spec_loss
# decoder ssim loss
if self.config.decoder_ssim_alpha > 0:
decoder_ssim_loss = self.criterion_ssim(decoder_output, mel_input, output_lens)
loss += decoder_ssim_loss * self.postnet_ssim_alpha
return_dict["decoder_ssim_loss"] = decoder_ssim_loss
# postnet ssim loss
if self.config.postnet_ssim_alpha > 0:
postnet_ssim_loss = self.criterion_ssim(postnet_output, postnet_target, output_lens)
loss += postnet_ssim_loss * self.postnet_ssim_alpha
return_dict["postnet_ssim_loss"] = postnet_ssim_loss
return_dict["loss"] = loss
return return_dict
class GlowTTSLoss(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.constant_factor = 0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi)
def forward(self, z, means, scales, log_det, y_lengths, o_dur_log, o_attn_dur, x_lengths):
return_dict = {}
# flow loss - neg log likelihood
pz = torch.sum(scales) + 0.5 * torch.sum(torch.exp(-2 * scales) * (z - means) ** 2)
log_mle = self.constant_factor + (pz - torch.sum(log_det)) / (torch.sum(y_lengths) * z.shape[2])
# duration loss - MSE
loss_dur = torch.sum((o_dur_log - o_attn_dur) ** 2) / torch.sum(x_lengths)
# duration loss - huber loss
# loss_dur = torch.nn.functional.smooth_l1_loss(o_dur_log, o_attn_dur, reduction="sum") / torch.sum(x_lengths)
return_dict["loss"] = log_mle + loss_dur
return_dict["log_mle"] = log_mle
return_dict["loss_dur"] = loss_dur
# check if any loss is NaN
for key, loss in return_dict.items():
if torch.isnan(loss):
raise RuntimeError(f" [!] NaN loss with {key}.")
return return_dict
def mse_loss_custom(x, y):
"""MSE loss using the torch back-end without reduction.
It uses less VRAM than the raw code"""
expanded_x, expanded_y = torch.broadcast_tensors(x, y)
return torch._C._nn.mse_loss(expanded_x, expanded_y, 0) # pylint: disable=protected-access, c-extension-no-member
class MDNLoss(nn.Module):
"""Mixture of Density Network Loss as described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.01950.pdf."""
def forward(self, logp, text_lengths, mel_lengths): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
mu: [B, D, T]
log_sigma: [B, D, T]
mel_spec: [B, D, T]
B, T_seq, T_mel = logp.shape
log_alpha = logp.new_ones(B, T_seq, T_mel) * (-1e4)
log_alpha[:, 0, 0] = logp[:, 0, 0]
for t in range(1, T_mel):
prev_step = torch.cat(
[log_alpha[:, :, t - 1 : t], functional.pad(log_alpha[:, :, t - 1 : t], (0, 0, 1, -1), value=-1e4)],
log_alpha[:, :, t] = torch.logsumexp(prev_step + 1e-4, dim=-1) + logp[:, :, t]
alpha_last = log_alpha[torch.arange(B), text_lengths - 1, mel_lengths - 1]
mdn_loss = -alpha_last.mean() / T_seq
return mdn_loss # , log_prob_matrix
class AlignTTSLoss(nn.Module):
"""Modified AlignTTS Loss.
- L1 and SSIM losses from output spectrograms.
- Huber loss for duration predictor.
- MDNLoss for Mixture of Density Network.
All loss values are aggregated by a weighted sum of the alpha values.
c (dict): TTS model configuration.
def __init__(self, c):
self.mdn_loss = MDNLoss()
self.spec_loss = MSELossMasked(False)
self.ssim = SSIMLoss()
self.dur_loss = MSELossMasked(False)
self.ssim_alpha = c.ssim_alpha
self.dur_loss_alpha = c.dur_loss_alpha
self.spec_loss_alpha = c.spec_loss_alpha
self.mdn_alpha = c.mdn_alpha
def forward(
self, logp, decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens, dur_output, dur_target, input_lens, phase
# ssim_alpha, dur_loss_alpha, spec_loss_alpha, mdn_alpha = self.set_alphas(step)
spec_loss, ssim_loss, dur_loss, mdn_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0
if phase == 0:
mdn_loss = self.mdn_loss(logp, input_lens, decoder_output_lens)
elif phase == 1:
spec_loss = self.spec_loss(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
ssim_loss = self.ssim(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
elif phase == 2:
mdn_loss = self.mdn_loss(logp, input_lens, decoder_output_lens)
spec_loss = self.spec_lossX(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
ssim_loss = self.ssim(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
elif phase == 3:
dur_loss = self.dur_loss(dur_output.unsqueeze(2), dur_target.unsqueeze(2), input_lens)
mdn_loss = self.mdn_loss(logp, input_lens, decoder_output_lens)
spec_loss = self.spec_loss(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
ssim_loss = self.ssim(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
dur_loss = self.dur_loss(dur_output.unsqueeze(2), dur_target.unsqueeze(2), input_lens)
loss = (
self.spec_loss_alpha * spec_loss
+ self.ssim_alpha * ssim_loss
+ self.dur_loss_alpha * dur_loss
+ self.mdn_alpha * mdn_loss
return {"loss": loss, "loss_l1": spec_loss, "loss_ssim": ssim_loss, "loss_dur": dur_loss, "mdn_loss": mdn_loss}
class VitsGeneratorLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, c: Coqpit):
self.kl_loss_alpha = c.kl_loss_alpha
self.gen_loss_alpha = c.gen_loss_alpha
self.feat_loss_alpha = c.feat_loss_alpha
self.dur_loss_alpha = c.dur_loss_alpha
self.mel_loss_alpha = c.mel_loss_alpha
self.spk_encoder_loss_alpha = c.speaker_encoder_loss_alpha
self.stft = TorchSTFT(
def feature_loss(feats_real, feats_generated):
loss = 0
for dr, dg in zip(feats_real, feats_generated):
for rl, gl in zip(dr, dg):
rl = rl.float().detach()
gl = gl.float()
loss += torch.mean(torch.abs(rl - gl))
return loss * 2
def generator_loss(scores_fake):
loss = 0
gen_losses = []
for dg in scores_fake:
dg = dg.float()
l = torch.mean((1 - dg) ** 2)
loss += l
return loss, gen_losses
def kl_loss(z_p, logs_q, m_p, logs_p, z_mask):
z_p, logs_q: [b, h, t_t]
m_p, logs_p: [b, h, t_t]
z_p = z_p.float()
logs_q = logs_q.float()
m_p = m_p.float()
logs_p = logs_p.float()
z_mask = z_mask.float()
kl = logs_p - logs_q - 0.5
kl += 0.5 * ((z_p - m_p) ** 2) * torch.exp(-2.0 * logs_p)
kl = torch.sum(kl * z_mask)
l = kl / torch.sum(z_mask)
return l
def cosine_similarity_loss(gt_spk_emb, syn_spk_emb):
return -torch.nn.functional.cosine_similarity(gt_spk_emb, syn_spk_emb).mean()
def forward(
- mel_slice : :math:`[B, 1, T]`
- mel_slice_hat: :math:`[B, 1, T]`
- z_p: :math:`[B, C, T]`
- logs_q: :math:`[B, C, T]`
- m_p: :math:`[B, C, T]`
- logs_p: :math:`[B, C, T]`
- z_len: :math:`[B]`
- scores_disc_fake[i]: :math:`[B, C]`
- feats_disc_fake[i][j]: :math:`[B, C, T', P]`
- feats_disc_real[i][j]: :math:`[B, C, T', P]`
loss = 0.0
return_dict = {}
z_mask = sequence_mask(z_len).float()
# compute losses
loss_kl = (
self.kl_loss(z_p=z_p, logs_q=logs_q, m_p=m_p, logs_p=logs_p, z_mask=z_mask.unsqueeze(1))
* self.kl_loss_alpha
loss_feat = (
self.feature_loss(feats_real=feats_disc_real, feats_generated=feats_disc_fake) * self.feat_loss_alpha
loss_gen = self.generator_loss(scores_fake=scores_disc_fake)[0] * self.gen_loss_alpha
loss_mel = torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(mel_slice, mel_slice_hat) * self.mel_loss_alpha
loss_duration = torch.sum(loss_duration.float()) * self.dur_loss_alpha
loss = loss_kl + loss_feat + loss_mel + loss_gen + loss_duration
if use_speaker_encoder_as_loss:
loss_se = self.cosine_similarity_loss(gt_spk_emb, syn_spk_emb) * self.spk_encoder_loss_alpha
loss = loss + loss_se
return_dict["loss_spk_encoder"] = loss_se
# pass losses to the dict
return_dict["loss_gen"] = loss_gen
return_dict["loss_kl"] = loss_kl
return_dict["loss_feat"] = loss_feat
return_dict["loss_mel"] = loss_mel
return_dict["loss_duration"] = loss_duration
return_dict["loss"] = loss
return return_dict
class VitsDiscriminatorLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, c: Coqpit):
self.disc_loss_alpha = c.disc_loss_alpha
def discriminator_loss(scores_real, scores_fake):
loss = 0
real_losses = []
fake_losses = []
for dr, dg in zip(scores_real, scores_fake):
dr = dr.float()
dg = dg.float()
real_loss = torch.mean((1 - dr) ** 2)
fake_loss = torch.mean(dg**2)
loss += real_loss + fake_loss
return loss, real_losses, fake_losses
def forward(self, scores_disc_real, scores_disc_fake):
loss = 0.0
return_dict = {}
loss_disc, loss_disc_real, _ = self.discriminator_loss(
scores_real=scores_disc_real, scores_fake=scores_disc_fake
return_dict["loss_disc"] = loss_disc * self.disc_loss_alpha
loss = loss + return_dict["loss_disc"]
return_dict["loss"] = loss
for i, ldr in enumerate(loss_disc_real):
return_dict[f"loss_disc_real_{i}"] = ldr
return return_dict
class ForwardTTSLoss(nn.Module):
"""Generic configurable ForwardTTS loss."""
def __init__(self, c):
if c.spec_loss_type == "mse":
self.spec_loss = MSELossMasked(False)
elif c.spec_loss_type == "l1":
self.spec_loss = L1LossMasked(False)
raise ValueError(" [!] Unknown spec_loss_type {}".format(c.spec_loss_type))
if c.duration_loss_type == "mse":
self.dur_loss = MSELossMasked(False)
elif c.duration_loss_type == "l1":
self.dur_loss = L1LossMasked(False)
elif c.duration_loss_type == "huber":
self.dur_loss = Huber()
raise ValueError(" [!] Unknown duration_loss_type {}".format(c.duration_loss_type))
if c.model_args.use_aligner:
self.aligner_loss = ForwardSumLoss()
self.aligner_loss_alpha = c.aligner_loss_alpha
if c.model_args.use_pitch:
self.pitch_loss = MSELossMasked(False)
self.pitch_loss_alpha = c.pitch_loss_alpha
if c.model_args.use_energy:
self.energy_loss = MSELossMasked(False)
self.energy_loss_alpha = c.energy_loss_alpha
if c.use_ssim_loss:
self.ssim = SSIMLoss() if c.use_ssim_loss else None
self.ssim_loss_alpha = c.ssim_loss_alpha
self.spec_loss_alpha = c.spec_loss_alpha
self.dur_loss_alpha = c.dur_loss_alpha
self.binary_alignment_loss_alpha = c.binary_align_loss_alpha
def _binary_alignment_loss(alignment_hard, alignment_soft):
"""Binary loss that forces soft alignments to match the hard alignments as
explained in `https://arxiv.org/pdf/2108.10447.pdf`.
log_sum = torch.log(torch.clamp(alignment_soft[alignment_hard == 1], min=1e-12)).sum()
return -log_sum / alignment_hard.sum()
def forward(
loss = 0
return_dict = {}
if hasattr(self, "ssim_loss") and self.ssim_loss_alpha > 0:
ssim_loss = self.ssim(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
loss = loss + self.ssim_loss_alpha * ssim_loss
return_dict["loss_ssim"] = self.ssim_loss_alpha * ssim_loss
if self.spec_loss_alpha > 0:
spec_loss = self.spec_loss(decoder_output, decoder_target, decoder_output_lens)
loss = loss + self.spec_loss_alpha * spec_loss
return_dict["loss_spec"] = self.spec_loss_alpha * spec_loss
if self.dur_loss_alpha > 0:
log_dur_tgt = torch.log(dur_target.float() + 1)
dur_loss = self.dur_loss(dur_output[:, :, None], log_dur_tgt[:, :, None], input_lens)
loss = loss + self.dur_loss_alpha * dur_loss
return_dict["loss_dur"] = self.dur_loss_alpha * dur_loss
if hasattr(self, "pitch_loss") and self.pitch_loss_alpha > 0:
pitch_loss = self.pitch_loss(pitch_output.transpose(1, 2), pitch_target.transpose(1, 2), input_lens)
loss = loss + self.pitch_loss_alpha * pitch_loss
return_dict["loss_pitch"] = self.pitch_loss_alpha * pitch_loss
if hasattr(self, "energy_loss") and self.energy_loss_alpha > 0:
energy_loss = self.energy_loss(energy_output.transpose(1, 2), energy_target.transpose(1, 2), input_lens)
loss = loss + self.energy_loss_alpha * energy_loss
return_dict["loss_energy"] = self.energy_loss_alpha * energy_loss
if hasattr(self, "aligner_loss") and self.aligner_loss_alpha > 0:
aligner_loss = self.aligner_loss(alignment_logprob, input_lens, decoder_output_lens)
loss = loss + self.aligner_loss_alpha * aligner_loss
return_dict["loss_aligner"] = self.aligner_loss_alpha * aligner_loss
if self.binary_alignment_loss_alpha > 0 and alignment_hard is not None:
binary_alignment_loss = self._binary_alignment_loss(alignment_hard, alignment_soft)
loss = loss + self.binary_alignment_loss_alpha * binary_alignment_loss
if binary_loss_weight:
return_dict["loss_binary_alignment"] = (
self.binary_alignment_loss_alpha * binary_alignment_loss * binary_loss_weight
return_dict["loss_binary_alignment"] = self.binary_alignment_loss_alpha * binary_alignment_loss
return_dict["loss"] = loss
return return_dict