ebook2audiobook_v2.0_Beta / tools /convert_24khz_to_16khz.bat
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@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: Set the path to FFmpeg
set FFmpegPath="C:\path\to\ffmpeg.exe"
:: Root directory to start the search
set RootDir=.
:: Step 1: Find and delete _22khz.wav files
for /r "%RootDir%" %%F in (*_22khz.wav) do (
echo Deleting "%%F"
del "%%F"
:: Step 2: Find _24khz.wav files and convert them to _16khz.wav
for /r "%RootDir%" %%F in (*_24khz.wav) do (
set "InputFile=%%F"
set "OutputFile=%%~dpF%%~nF"
set "OutputFile=!OutputFile:_24khz=_16khz!.wav"
echo Converting "!InputFile!" to "!OutputFile!"
%FFmpegPath% -i "!InputFile!" -ar 16000 "!OutputFile!"
echo Done!