# %% | |
# packages | |
import streamlit as st | |
import polars as pl | |
import as px | |
import as pio | |
pio.templates.default = "simple_white" | |
# %% | |
# Data | |
dat = pl.read_csv("dat_munged.csv") | |
info = pl.read_csv("Metadata_Indicator_API_Download_DS2_en_csv_v2_5657328.csv").rename({"INDICATOR_CODE":"Indicator Code", "INDICATOR_NAME":"Indicator Name"}) | |
dat_vars = pl.read_csv("dat_vars.csv") | |
# %% | |
# Example Chart | |
# drop_country = ["ZAF"] | |
# indicator_code = "NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD" | |
list_name ="Indicator Name").to_series().to_list() | |
list_code ="Indicator Code").to_series().to_list() | |
list_country_code = ["ZAF", "ZWE", "KEN", "NGA", "GHA", "COD"] | |
list_country_name = ["South Africa", "Zimbabwe", "Kenya", "Nigeria", "Ghana", "Congo, Dem. Rep."] | |
drop_country = st.sidebar.multiselect("Remove Country (Country Code)", list_country_code) | |
checked_var = st.sidebar.checkbox("Use Variable Name") | |
if checked_var: | |
indicator_name = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select your variable", list_name) | |
indicator_code = dat_vars.filter(pl.col("Indicator Name") == indicator_name).select("Indicator Code").to_series()[0] | |
else: | |
indicator_code = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select your variable", list_code) | |
indicator_name = dat_vars.filter(pl.col("Indicator Code") == indicator_code).select("Indicator Name").to_series()[0] | |
title_text = indicator_name | |
subtitle_text = info.filter(pl.col("Indicator Code") == indicator_code).select("SOURCE_NOTE").to_series()[0] | |
y_axis_title = indicator_name[indicator_name.find("(")+1:indicator_name.find(")")] | |
use_dat = dat.filter((pl.col("Indicator Code").is_in([str(indicator_code)])) & (~pl.col("Country Code").is_in(drop_country)) & (pl.col("value").is_not_null())) | |
sp = px.line(use_dat.to_pandas(), | |
x="year", y="value", color="Country Name", markers=True, | |
labels = {"year":"Year", "value":y_axis_title}, | |
title = title_text) | |
st.markdown("## Country performance over time") | |
st.markdown("__" + title_text + "__") | |
st.markdown(subtitle_text) | |
st.markdown("### Chart") | |
st.markdown("_Use the expand arrows visible when you hover over the upper right corner of the chart to see it in full screen._") | |
sp | |
st.markdown("### Table: " + title_text) | |
display_dat ="Country Code", "Indicator Name", "year", "value") | |
st.dataframe( | |
display_dat\ | |
.pivot(index="year", on="Country Code", values="value", aggregate_function="first")\ | |
.sort(pl.col("year"),descending=True), hide_index=True, | |
use_container_width=True, | |
column_config={ | |
"value": y_axis_title, | |
"year": st.column_config.NumberColumn( | |
"Year", | |
help="Year of data", | |
format="%.0f" | |
)}) | |
def convert_df(df): | |
return df.write_csv().encode('utf-8') | |
csv = convert_df(display_dat) | |
st.download_button("Download Data", data = csv, file_name = "data.csv", mime="text/csv") |