# Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited. 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Args: x: input of shape [..., n, n], a batch of square matrices. steps: number of iterations. temperature: temperature parameter (as temperature approaches zero, the output approaches a permutation matrix). zero_diagonal: whether to force the diagonal logits towards -inf. noise_rng_key: key to add Gumbel noise. Returns: Elementwise logarithm of a doubly-stochastic matrix (a matrix with non-negative elements whose rows and columns sum to 1). """ assert x.ndim >= 2 assert x.shape[-1] == x.shape[-2] if noise_rng_key is not None: # Add standard Gumbel noise (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.08665) noise = -jnp.log(-jnp.log(jax.random.uniform(noise_rng_key, x.shape) + 1e-12) + 1e-12) x = x + noise x /= temperature if zero_diagonal: x = x - 1e6 * jnp.eye(x.shape[-1]) for _ in range(steps): x = jax.nn.log_softmax(x, axis=-1) x = jax.nn.log_softmax(x, axis=-2) return x def construct_decoders(loc: str, t: str, hidden_dim: int, nb_dims: int, name: str): """Constructs decoders.""" linear = functools.partial(hk.Linear, name=f"{name}_dec_linear") if loc == _Location.NODE: # Node decoders. if t in [_Type.SCALAR, _Type.MASK, _Type.MASK_ONE]: decoders = (linear(1),) elif t == _Type.CATEGORICAL: decoders = (linear(nb_dims),) elif t in [_Type.POINTER, _Type.PERMUTATION_POINTER]: decoders = (linear(hidden_dim), linear(hidden_dim), linear(hidden_dim), linear(1)) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Type {t}") elif loc == _Location.EDGE: # Edge decoders. if t in [_Type.SCALAR, _Type.MASK, _Type.MASK_ONE]: decoders = (linear(1), linear(1), linear(1)) elif t == _Type.CATEGORICAL: decoders = (linear(nb_dims), linear(nb_dims), linear(nb_dims)) elif t == _Type.POINTER: decoders = (linear(hidden_dim), linear(hidden_dim), linear(hidden_dim), linear(hidden_dim), linear(1)) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Type {t}") elif loc == _Location.GRAPH: # Graph decoders. if t in [_Type.SCALAR, _Type.MASK, _Type.MASK_ONE]: decoders = (linear(1), linear(1)) elif t == _Type.CATEGORICAL: decoders = (linear(nb_dims), linear(nb_dims)) elif t == _Type.POINTER: decoders = (linear(1), linear(1), linear(1)) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Type {t}") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid Location {loc}") return decoders def construct_diff_decoders(name: str): """Constructs diff decoders.""" linear = functools.partial(hk.Linear, name=f"{name}_diffdec_linear") decoders = {} decoders[_Location.NODE] = linear(1) decoders[_Location.EDGE] = (linear(1), linear(1), linear(1)) decoders[_Location.GRAPH] = (linear(1), linear(1)) return decoders def postprocess(spec: _Spec, preds: Dict[str, _Array], sinkhorn_temperature: float, sinkhorn_steps: int, hard: bool) -> Dict[str, _DataPoint]: """Postprocesses decoder output. This is done on outputs in order to score performance, and on hints in order to score them but also in order to feed them back to the model. At scoring time, the postprocessing mode is "hard", logits will be arg-maxed and masks will be thresholded. However, for the case of the hints that are fed back in the model, the postprocessing can be hard or soft, depending on whether we want to let gradients flow through them or not. Args: spec: The spec of the algorithm whose outputs/hints we are postprocessing. preds: Output and/or hint predictions, as produced by decoders. sinkhorn_temperature: Parameter for the sinkhorn operator on permutation pointers. sinkhorn_steps: Parameter for the sinkhorn operator on permutation pointers. hard: whether to do hard postprocessing, which involves argmax for MASK_ONE, CATEGORICAL and POINTERS, thresholding for MASK, and stop gradient through for SCALAR. If False, soft postprocessing will be used, with softmax, sigmoid and gradients allowed. Returns: The postprocessed `preds`. In "soft" post-processing, POINTER types will change to SOFT_POINTER, so encoders know they do not need to be pre-processed before feeding them back in. """ result = {} for name in preds.keys(): _, loc, t = spec[name] new_t = t data = preds[name] if t == _Type.SCALAR: if hard: data = jax.lax.stop_gradient(data) elif t == _Type.MASK: if hard: data = (data > 0.0) * 1.0 else: data = jax.nn.sigmoid(data) elif t in [_Type.MASK_ONE, _Type.CATEGORICAL]: cat_size = data.shape[-1] if hard: best = jnp.argmax(data, -1) data = hk.one_hot(best, cat_size) else: data = jax.nn.softmax(data, axis=-1) elif t == _Type.POINTER: if hard: data = jnp.argmax(data, -1).astype(float) else: data = jax.nn.softmax(data, -1) new_t = _Type.SOFT_POINTER elif t == _Type.PERMUTATION_POINTER: # Convert the matrix of logits to a doubly stochastic matrix. data = log_sinkhorn( x=data, steps=sinkhorn_steps, temperature=sinkhorn_temperature, zero_diagonal=True, noise_rng_key=None) data = jnp.exp(data) if hard: data = jax.nn.one_hot(jnp.argmax(data, axis=-1), data.shape[-1]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid type") result[name] = probing.DataPoint( name=name, location=loc, type_=new_t, data=data) return result def decode_fts( decoders, spec: _Spec, h_t: _Array, adj_mat: _Array, edge_fts: _Array, graph_fts: _Array, inf_bias: bool, inf_bias_edge: bool, repred: bool, ): """Decodes node, edge and graph features.""" output_preds = {} hint_preds = {} for name in decoders: decoder = decoders[name] stage, loc, t = spec[name] if loc == _Location.NODE: preds = _decode_node_fts(decoder, t, h_t, edge_fts, adj_mat, inf_bias, repred) elif loc == _Location.EDGE: preds = _decode_edge_fts(decoder, t, h_t, edge_fts, adj_mat, inf_bias_edge) elif loc == _Location.GRAPH: preds = _decode_graph_fts(decoder, t, h_t, graph_fts) else: raise ValueError("Invalid output type") if stage == _Stage.OUTPUT: output_preds[name] = preds elif stage == _Stage.HINT: hint_preds[name] = preds else: raise ValueError(f"Found unexpected decoder {name}") return hint_preds, output_preds def _decode_node_fts(decoders, t: str, h_t: _Array, edge_fts: _Array, adj_mat: _Array, inf_bias: bool, repred: bool) -> _Array: """Decodes node features.""" if t in [_Type.SCALAR, _Type.MASK, _Type.MASK_ONE]: preds = jnp.squeeze(decoders[0](h_t), -1) elif t == _Type.CATEGORICAL: preds = decoders[0](h_t) elif t in [_Type.POINTER, _Type.PERMUTATION_POINTER]: p_1 = decoders[0](h_t) p_2 = decoders[1](h_t) p_3 = decoders[2](edge_fts) p_e = jnp.expand_dims(p_2, -2) + p_3 p_m = jnp.maximum(jnp.expand_dims(p_1, -2), jnp.transpose(p_e, (0, 2, 1, 3))) preds = jnp.squeeze(decoders[3](p_m), -1) if inf_bias: per_batch_min = jnp.min(preds, axis=range(1, preds.ndim), keepdims=True) preds = jnp.where(adj_mat > 0.5, preds, jnp.minimum(-1.0, per_batch_min - 1.0)) if t == _Type.PERMUTATION_POINTER: if repred: # testing or validation, no Gumbel noise preds = log_sinkhorn( x=preds, steps=10, temperature=0.1, zero_diagonal=True, noise_rng_key=None) else: # training, add Gumbel noise preds = log_sinkhorn( x=preds, steps=10, temperature=0.1, zero_diagonal=True, noise_rng_key=hk.next_rng_key()) else: raise ValueError("Invalid output type") return preds def _decode_edge_fts(decoders, t: str, h_t: _Array, edge_fts: _Array, adj_mat: _Array, inf_bias_edge: bool) -> _Array: """Decodes edge features.""" pred_1 = decoders[0](h_t) pred_2 = decoders[1](h_t) pred_e = decoders[2](edge_fts) pred = (jnp.expand_dims(pred_1, -2) + jnp.expand_dims(pred_2, -3) + pred_e) if t in [_Type.SCALAR, _Type.MASK, _Type.MASK_ONE]: preds = jnp.squeeze(pred, -1) elif t == _Type.CATEGORICAL: preds = pred elif t == _Type.POINTER: pred_2 = decoders[3](h_t) p_m = jnp.maximum(jnp.expand_dims(pred, -2), jnp.expand_dims( jnp.expand_dims(pred_2, -3), -3)) preds = jnp.squeeze(decoders[4](p_m), -1) else: raise ValueError("Invalid output type") if inf_bias_edge and t in [_Type.MASK, _Type.MASK_ONE]: per_batch_min = jnp.min(preds, axis=range(1, preds.ndim), keepdims=True) preds = jnp.where(adj_mat > 0.5, preds, jnp.minimum(-1.0, per_batch_min - 1.0)) return preds def _decode_graph_fts(decoders, t: str, h_t: _Array, graph_fts: _Array) -> _Array: """Decodes graph features.""" gr_emb = jnp.max(h_t, axis=-2) pred_n = decoders[0](gr_emb) pred_g = decoders[1](graph_fts) pred = pred_n + pred_g if t in [_Type.SCALAR, _Type.MASK, _Type.MASK_ONE]: preds = jnp.squeeze(pred, -1) elif t == _Type.CATEGORICAL: preds = pred elif t == _Type.POINTER: pred_2 = decoders[2](h_t) ptr_p = jnp.expand_dims(pred, 1) + jnp.transpose(pred_2, (0, 2, 1)) preds = jnp.squeeze(ptr_p, 1) else: raise ValueError("Invalid output type") return preds def maybe_decode_diffs( diff_decoders, h_t: _Array, edge_fts: _Array, graph_fts: _Array, decode_diffs: bool, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, _Array]]: """Optionally decodes node, edge and graph diffs.""" if decode_diffs: preds = {} node = _Location.NODE edge = _Location.EDGE graph = _Location.GRAPH preds[node] = _decode_node_diffs(diff_decoders[node], h_t) preds[edge] = _decode_edge_diffs(diff_decoders[edge], h_t, edge_fts) preds[graph] = _decode_graph_diffs(diff_decoders[graph], h_t, graph_fts) else: preds = None return preds def _decode_node_diffs(decoders, h_t: _Array) -> _Array: """Decodes node diffs.""" return jnp.squeeze(decoders(h_t), -1) def _decode_edge_diffs(decoders, h_t: _Array, edge_fts: _Array) -> _Array: """Decodes edge diffs.""" e_pred_1 = decoders[0](h_t) e_pred_2 = decoders[1](h_t) e_pred_e = decoders[2](edge_fts) preds = jnp.squeeze( jnp.expand_dims(e_pred_1, -1) + jnp.expand_dims(e_pred_2, -2) + e_pred_e, -1, ) return preds def _decode_graph_diffs(decoders, h_t: _Array, graph_fts: _Array) -> _Array: """Decodes graph diffs.""" gr_emb = jnp.max(h_t, axis=-2) g_pred_n = decoders[0](gr_emb) g_pred_g = decoders[1](graph_fts) preds = jnp.squeeze(g_pred_n + g_pred_g, -1) return preds