Runtime error
Runtime error
import requests | |
import streamlit as st | |
import yfinance as yf | |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components | |
from requests_html import HTMLSession | |
st.set_page_config('Picture',":tent:",menu_items={'About': "This is an *extremely* cool app!"}) | |
menu=['Find picture'] | |
ch=st.sidebar.selectbox('Menu',menu) | |
if 'Find picture' in ch: | |
with st.container(): | |
st.title('Search and download your picturs here!') | |
ti=st.text_input('Search') | |
if len(ti)>0: | |
r=requests.get(''+ti+'&per_page=100&xp=') | |
x=r.json() | |
for i in x['photos']['results']: | |
with st.container(): | |
lc , rc = st.columns(2) | |
with lc: | |
st.image(i['urls']['small']) | |
with rc: | |
st.subheader('Download link') | |
st.write(i['links']['download']) | |
st.write('---') | |