Runtime error
Runtime error
import requests | |
import streamlit as st | |
import sqlite3 | |
import pandas as pd | |
st.set_page_config('Price',menu_items={'About': "This is an *extremely* cool app!"}) | |
con = sqlite3.connect("mydb.db") | |
cur = con.cursor() | |
menu=['Find price'] | |
ch=st.sidebar.selectbox('Menu',menu) | |
if 'Find price' in ch: | |
with st.container(): | |
st.title('Search for price') | |
ti=st.text_input('Search') | |
if len(ti)>0: | |
r=requests.get(''+ti) | |
x=r.json() | |
for i in x['products']: | |
with st.container(): | |
lc , rc = st.columns(2) | |
with lc: | |
add='https:/'+i['image']['path'] | |
st.image(add) | |
with rc: | |
id=i['id'] | |
comp=i['url'] | |
des=i['description'] | |
low=i['lowestPrice']['amount'] | |
name=i['name'] | |
r2=requests.get(''+id+'/dk/filter') | |
x2=r2.json() | |
x3=x2['filteredOfferList']['merchantOffers'][0]['offers'][0]['url'] | |
link=(''+ x3) | |
st.header(name) | |
st.write(des) | |
st.success(low+' DKK') | |
st.write('Link to buy:') | |
st.write(''+ x3) | |
cur.execute("insert into proucts values(?,?,?,?)", (name,low,des,link)) | |
con.commit() | |
st.write('---') | |
df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM proucts ', con) | |
h = df.to_csv(sep=',') | |
c = st.download_button("Download csv file",h,'price.csv','text/csv',) | |
if c : | |
cur.execute("DELETE from proucts ") | |
con.commit() | |
st.warning('Database is empty now again,try with new search again') | |
con.close() |