// #include "hv/HttpServer.h" // using namespace hv; // int main() { // HttpService router; // router.GET("/ping", [](HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { // print("/ping"); // return resp->String("pong"); // }); // router.GET("/data", [](HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { // print("/data"); // static char data[] = "0123456789"; // return resp->Data(data, 10); // }); // router.GET("/paths", [&router](HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { // print("/paths"); // return resp->Json(router.Paths()); // }); // router.GET("/get", [](HttpRequest* req, HttpResponse* resp) { // print("/get"); // resp->json["origin"] = req->client_addr.ip; // resp->json["url"] = req->url; // resp->json["args"] = req->query_params; // resp->json["headers"] = req->headers; // hv::Json myArray = hv::Json::array(); // myArray.push_back("apple"); // myArray.push_back("banana"); // myArray.push_back("orange"); // resp->json["fruits"] = myArray; // resp->json["test"]["a"] = "json_serializer"; // return 200; // }); // router.POST("/echo", [](const HttpContextPtr& ctx) { // print(ctx->body()); // return ctx->send(ctx->body(), ctx->type()); // }); // HttpServer server(&router); // server.setPort(8080); // server.setThreadNum(4); // server.run(); // return 0; // } // #include "hv/TcpServer.h" // using namespace hv; // int main() { // int port = 1234; // TcpServer srv; // int listenfd = srv.createsocket(port); // if (listenfd < 0) { // return -1; // } // printf("server listen on port %d, listenfd=%d ...\n", port, listenfd); // srv.onConnection = [](const SocketChannelPtr& channel) { // std::string peeraddr = channel->peeraddr(); // if (channel->isConnected()) { // printf("%s connected! connfd=%d\n", peeraddr.c_str(), channel->fd()); // } else { // printf("%s disconnected! connfd=%d\n", peeraddr.c_str(), channel->fd()); // } // }; // srv.onMessage = [](const SocketChannelPtr& channel, Buffer* buf) { // // echo // channel->write(buf); // }; // srv.setThreadNum(4); // srv.start(); // // press Enter to stop // while (getchar() != '\n'); // return 0; // } // #include // #include "hv/TcpClient.h" // using namespace hv; // int main() { // int port = 1234; // TcpClient cli; // int connfd = cli.createsocket(port); // if (connfd < 0) { // return -1; // } // cli.onConnection = [](const SocketChannelPtr& channel) { // std::string peeraddr = channel->peeraddr(); // if (channel->isConnected()) { // printf("connected to %s! connfd=%d\n", peeraddr.c_str(), channel->fd()); // } else { // printf("disconnected to %s! connfd=%d\n", peeraddr.c_str(), channel->fd()); // } // }; // cli.onMessage = [](const SocketChannelPtr& channel, Buffer* buf) { // printf("< %.*s\n", (int)buf->size(), (char*)buf->data()); // }; // cli.start(); // std::string str; // while (std::getline(std::cin, str)) { // if (str == "close") { // cli.closesocket(); // } else if (str == "start") { // cli.start(); // } else if (str == "stop") { // cli.stop(); // break; // } else { // if (!cli.isConnected()) break; // cli.send(str); // } // } // return 0; // } /* * * @build make examples * @server bin/one-acceptor-multi-workers 1234 * @client bin/nc 1234 * nc 1234 * telnet 1234 */ #include "hv/hloop.h" #include "hv/hthread.h" #include "include/hv_utils.h" #include "include/tcp_inbound.h" #include "spdlog/spdlog.h" #include "spdlog/async.h" #include "spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h" static const char* host = ""; static int port = 8080; static int thread_num = 4; static hloop_t* accept_loop = NULL; static void new_conn_event(hevent_t* ev) { hloop_t* loop = ev->loop; hio_t* io = (hio_t*)hevent_userdata(ev); hio_attach(loop, io); tcp_on_accept(io, ev); } static void on_accept(hio_t* io) { hio_detach(io); hloop_t* worker_loop = get_next_loop(); hevent_t ev; memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); ev.loop = worker_loop; ev.cb = new_conn_event; ev.userdata = io; hloop_post_event(worker_loop, &ev); } static HTHREAD_RETTYPE worker_thread(void* userdata) { hloop_t* loop = (hloop_t*)userdata; hloop_run(loop); return 0; } static HTHREAD_RETTYPE accept_thread(void* userdata) { hloop_t* loop = (hloop_t*)userdata; hio_t* listenio = hloop_create_tcp_server(loop, host, port, on_accept); if (listenio == NULL) { exit(1); } hloop_run(loop); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // if (argc < 2) { // printf("Usage: cmd port\n"); // return -10; // } // port = atoi(argv[1]); int cores = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); if (cores > 0) { thread_num = cores; } auto console_sink = std::make_shared(); auto logger = std::make_shared("my_logger", console_sink); // 设置异步模式,设置线程数(0 表示使用 CPU 核心数) spdlog::init_thread_pool(8192, thread_num); // 设置异步日志器 spdlog::set_default_logger(std::make_shared( "ProxyServer", console_sink, spdlog::thread_pool(), spdlog::async_overflow_policy::block)); init_loop(thread_num, worker_thread); spdlog::info("ProxyServer start: threadNum:{:d}", thread_num); accept_loop = hloop_new(HLOOP_FLAG_AUTO_FREE); accept_thread(accept_loop); return 0; }