Runtime error
Runtime error
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv' | |
import 'isomorphic-fetch' | |
import type { ChatGPTAPIOptions, ChatMessage, SendMessageOptions } from 'chatgpt' | |
import { ChatGPTAPI, ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI } from 'chatgpt' | |
import { SocksProxyAgent } from 'socks-proxy-agent' | |
import httpsProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent' | |
import fetch from 'node-fetch' | |
import type { AuditConfig, CHATMODEL, KeyConfig, UserInfo } from 'src/storage/model' | |
import jwt_decode from 'jwt-decode' | |
import dayjs from 'dayjs' | |
import type { TextAuditService } from '../utils/textAudit' | |
import { textAuditServices } from '../utils/textAudit' | |
import { getCacheApiKeys, getCacheConfig, getOriginConfig } from '../storage/config' | |
import { sendResponse } from '../utils' | |
import { hasAnyRole, isNotEmptyString } from '../utils/is' | |
import type { ChatContext, ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPIOptions, JWT, ModelConfig } from '../types' | |
import { getChatByMessageId, updateRoomAccountId } from '../storage/mongo' | |
import type { RequestOptions } from './types' | |
const { HttpsProxyAgent } = httpsProxyAgent | |
dotenv.config() | |
const ErrorCodeMessage: Record<string, string> = { | |
401: '[OpenAI] 提供错误的API密钥 | Incorrect API key provided', | |
403: '[OpenAI] 服务器拒绝访问,请稍后再试 | Server refused to access, please try again later', | |
502: '[OpenAI] 错误的网关 | Bad Gateway', | |
503: '[OpenAI] 服务器繁忙,请稍后再试 | Server is busy, please try again later', | |
504: '[OpenAI] 网关超时 | Gateway Time-out', | |
500: '[OpenAI] 服务器繁忙,请稍后再试 | Internal Server Error', | |
} | |
let auditService: TextAuditService | |
const _lockedKeys: { key: string; lockedTime: number }[] = [] | |
export async function initApi(key: KeyConfig, chatModel: CHATMODEL) { | |
// More Info: | |
const config = await getCacheConfig() | |
const model = chatModel as string | |
if (key.keyModel === 'ChatGPTAPI') { | |
const OPENAI_API_BASE_URL = config.apiBaseUrl | |
const options: ChatGPTAPIOptions = { | |
apiKey: key.key, | |
completionParams: { model }, | |
debug: !config.apiDisableDebug, | |
messageStore: undefined, | |
getMessageById, | |
} | |
// increase max token limit if use gpt-4 | |
if (model.toLowerCase().includes('gpt-4')) { | |
// if use 32k model | |
if (model.toLowerCase().includes('32k')) { | |
options.maxModelTokens = 32768 | |
options.maxResponseTokens = 8192 | |
} | |
else { | |
options.maxModelTokens = 8192 | |
options.maxResponseTokens = 2048 | |
} | |
} | |
if (isNotEmptyString(OPENAI_API_BASE_URL)) | |
options.apiBaseUrl = `${OPENAI_API_BASE_URL}/v1` | |
await setupProxy(options) | |
return new ChatGPTAPI({ ...options }) | |
} | |
else { | |
const options: ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPIOptions = { | |
accessToken: key.key, | |
apiReverseProxyUrl: isNotEmptyString(config.reverseProxy) ? config.reverseProxy : '', | |
model, | |
debug: !config.apiDisableDebug, | |
} | |
await setupProxy(options) | |
return new ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI({ ...options }) | |
} | |
} | |
const processThreads: { userId: string; abort: AbortController; messageId: string }[] = [] | |
async function chatReplyProcess(options: RequestOptions) { | |
const model = options.user.config.chatModel | |
const key = await getRandomApiKey(options.user, options.user.config.chatModel, | |
const userId = options.user._id.toString() | |
const messageId = options.messageId | |
if (key == null || key === undefined) | |
throw new Error('没有可用的配置。请再试一次 | No available configuration. Please try again.') | |
if (key.keyModel === 'ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI') { | |
if (! | |
updateRoomAccountId(userId,, getAccountId(key.key)) | |
if (options.lastContext && ((options.lastContext.conversationId && !options.lastContext.parentMessageId) | |
|| (!options.lastContext.conversationId && options.lastContext.parentMessageId))) | |
throw new Error('无法在一个房间同时使用 AccessToken 以及 Api,请联系管理员,或新开聊天室进行对话 | Unable to use AccessToken and Api at the same time in the same room, please contact the administrator or open a new chat room for conversation') | |
} | |
const { message, lastContext, process, systemMessage, temperature, top_p } = options | |
try { | |
const timeoutMs = (await getCacheConfig()).timeoutMs | |
let options: SendMessageOptions = { timeoutMs } | |
if (key.keyModel === 'ChatGPTAPI') { | |
if (isNotEmptyString(systemMessage)) | |
options.systemMessage = systemMessage | |
options.completionParams = { model, temperature, top_p } | |
} | |
if (lastContext != null) { | |
if (key.keyModel === 'ChatGPTAPI') | |
options.parentMessageId = lastContext.parentMessageId | |
else | |
options = { ...lastContext } | |
} | |
const api = await initApi(key, model) | |
const abort = new AbortController() | |
options.abortSignal = abort.signal | |
processThreads.push({ userId, abort, messageId }) | |
const response = await api.sendMessage(message, { | |
...options, | |
onProgress: (partialResponse) => { | |
process?.(partialResponse) | |
}, | |
}) | |
return sendResponse({ type: 'Success', data: response }) | |
} | |
catch (error: any) { | |
const code = error.statusCode | |
if (code === 429 && (error.message.includes('Too Many Requests') || error.message.includes('Rate limit'))) { | |
// access token Only one message at a time | |
if (options.tryCount++ < 3) { | |
_lockedKeys.push({ key: key.key, lockedTime: }) | |
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)) | |
return await chatReplyProcess(options) | |
} | |
} | |
global.console.error(error) | |
if (Reflect.has(ErrorCodeMessage, code)) | |
return sendResponse({ type: 'Fail', message: ErrorCodeMessage[code] }) | |
return sendResponse({ type: 'Fail', message: error.message ?? 'Please check the back-end console' }) | |
} | |
finally { | |
const index = processThreads.findIndex(d => d.userId === userId) | |
if (index > -1) | |
processThreads.splice(index, 1) | |
} | |
} | |
export function abortChatProcess(userId: string) { | |
const index = processThreads.findIndex(d => d.userId === userId) | |
if (index <= -1) | |
return | |
const messageId = processThreads[index].messageId | |
processThreads[index].abort.abort() | |
processThreads.splice(index, 1) | |
return messageId | |
} | |
export function initAuditService(audit: AuditConfig) { | |
if (!audit || !audit.options || !audit.options.apiKey || !audit.options.apiSecret) | |
return | |
const Service = textAuditServices[audit.provider] | |
auditService = new Service(audit.options) | |
} | |
async function containsSensitiveWords(audit: AuditConfig, text: string): Promise<boolean> { | |
if (audit.customizeEnabled && isNotEmptyString(audit.sensitiveWords)) { | |
const textLower = text.toLowerCase() | |
const notSafe = audit.sensitiveWords.split('\n').filter(d => textLower.includes(d.trim().toLowerCase())).length > 0 | |
if (notSafe) | |
return true | |
} | |
if (audit.enabled) { | |
if (!auditService) | |
initAuditService(audit) | |
return await auditService.containsSensitiveWords(text) | |
} | |
return false | |
} | |
async function fetchAccessTokenExpiredTime() { | |
const config = await getCacheConfig() | |
const jwt = jwt_decode(config.accessToken) as JWT | |
if (jwt.exp) | |
return dayjs.unix(jwt.exp).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') | |
return '-' | |
} | |
let cachedBalance: number | undefined | |
let cacheExpiration = 0 | |
async function fetchBalance() { | |
const now = new Date().getTime() | |
if (cachedBalance && cacheExpiration > now) | |
return Promise.resolve(cachedBalance.toFixed(3)) | |
// 计算起始日期和结束日期 | |
const startDate = new Date(now - 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) | |
const endDate = new Date(now + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) | |
const config = await getCacheConfig() | |
const OPENAI_API_KEY = config.apiKey | |
const OPENAI_API_BASE_URL = config.apiBaseUrl | |
if (!isNotEmptyString(OPENAI_API_KEY)) | |
return Promise.resolve('-') | |
const API_BASE_URL = isNotEmptyString(OPENAI_API_BASE_URL) | |
: '' | |
// 查是否订阅 | |
const urlSubscription = `${API_BASE_URL}/v1/dashboard/billing/subscription` | |
// 查普通账单 | |
// const urlBalance = `${API_BASE_URL}/dashboard/billing/credit_grants` | |
// 查使用量 | |
const urlUsage = `${API_BASE_URL}/v1/dashboard/billing/usage?start_date=${formatDate(startDate)}&end_date=${formatDate(endDate)}` | |
const headers = { | |
'Authorization': `Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}`, | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', | |
} | |
let socksAgent | |
let httpsAgent | |
if (isNotEmptyString(config.socksProxy)) { | |
socksAgent = new SocksProxyAgent({ | |
hostname: config.socksProxy.split(':')[0], | |
port: parseInt(config.socksProxy.split(':')[1]), | |
userId: isNotEmptyString(config.socksAuth) ? config.socksAuth.split(':')[0] : undefined, | |
password: isNotEmptyString(config.socksAuth) ? config.socksAuth.split(':')[1] : undefined, | |
}) | |
} | |
else if (isNotEmptyString(config.httpsProxy)) { | |
httpsAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent(config.httpsProxy) | |
} | |
try { | |
// 获取API限额 | |
let response = await fetch(urlSubscription, { agent: socksAgent === undefined ? httpsAgent : socksAgent, headers }) | |
if (!response.ok) { | |
console.error('您的账户已被封禁,请登录OpenAI进行查看。') | |
return | |
} | |
const subscriptionData = await response.json() | |
const totalAmount = subscriptionData.hard_limit_usd | |
// 获取已使用量 | |
response = await fetch(urlUsage, { agent: socksAgent === undefined ? httpsAgent : socksAgent, headers }) | |
const usageData = await response.json() | |
const totalUsage = usageData.total_usage / 100 | |
// 计算剩余额度 | |
cachedBalance = totalAmount - totalUsage | |
cacheExpiration = now + 60 * 60 * 1000 | |
return Promise.resolve(cachedBalance.toFixed(3)) | |
} | |
catch (error) { | |
global.console.error(error) | |
return Promise.resolve('-') | |
} | |
} | |
function formatDate(date) { | |
const year = date.getFullYear() | |
const month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') | |
const day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0') | |
return `${year}-${month}-${day}` | |
} | |
async function chatConfig() { | |
const config = await getOriginConfig() as ModelConfig | |
// if (config.apiModel === 'ChatGPTAPI') | |
// config.balance = await fetchBalance() | |
// else | |
// config.accessTokenExpiredTime = await fetchAccessTokenExpiredTime() | |
return sendResponse<ModelConfig>({ | |
type: 'Success', | |
data: config, | |
}) | |
} | |
async function setupProxy(options: ChatGPTAPIOptions | ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPIOptions) { | |
const config = await getCacheConfig() | |
if (isNotEmptyString(config.socksProxy)) { | |
const agent = new SocksProxyAgent({ | |
hostname: config.socksProxy.split(':')[0], | |
port: parseInt(config.socksProxy.split(':')[1]), | |
userId: isNotEmptyString(config.socksAuth) ? config.socksAuth.split(':')[0] : undefined, | |
password: isNotEmptyString(config.socksAuth) ? config.socksAuth.split(':')[1] : undefined, | |
}) | |
options.fetch = (url, options) => { | |
return fetch(url, { agent, ...options }) | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
if (isNotEmptyString(config.httpsProxy)) { | |
const httpsProxy = config.httpsProxy | |
if (httpsProxy) { | |
const agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(httpsProxy) | |
options.fetch = (url, options) => { | |
return fetch(url, { agent, ...options }) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
async function getMessageById(id: string): Promise<ChatMessage | undefined> { | |
const isPrompt = id.startsWith('prompt_') | |
const chatInfo = await getChatByMessageId(isPrompt ? id.substring(7) : id) | |
if (chatInfo) { | |
if (isPrompt) { // prompt | |
return { | |
id, | |
conversationId: chatInfo.options.conversationId, | |
parentMessageId: chatInfo.options.parentMessageId, | |
role: 'user', | |
text: chatInfo.prompt, | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
return { // completion | |
id, | |
conversationId: chatInfo.options.conversationId, | |
parentMessageId: `prompt_${id}`, // parent message is the prompt | |
role: 'assistant', | |
text: chatInfo.response, | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
else { return undefined } | |
} | |
async function randomKeyConfig(keys: KeyConfig[]): Promise<KeyConfig | null> { | |
if (keys.length <= 0) | |
return null | |
// cleanup old locked keys | |
_lockedKeys.filter(d => d.lockedTime <= - 1000 * 20).forEach(d => _lockedKeys.splice(_lockedKeys.indexOf(d), 1)) | |
let unsedKeys = keys.filter(d => _lockedKeys.filter(l => d.key === l.key).length <= 0) | |
const start = | |
while (unsedKeys.length <= 0) { | |
if ( - start > 3000) | |
break | |
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) | |
unsedKeys = keys.filter(d => _lockedKeys.filter(l => d.key === l.key).length <= 0) | |
} | |
if (unsedKeys.length <= 0) | |
return null | |
const thisKey = unsedKeys[Math.floor(Math.random() * unsedKeys.length)] | |
return thisKey | |
} | |
async function getRandomApiKey(user: UserInfo, chatModel: CHATMODEL, accountId?: string): Promise<KeyConfig | undefined> { | |
let keys = (await getCacheApiKeys()).filter(d => hasAnyRole(d.userRoles, user.roles)) | |
.filter(d => d.chatModels.includes(chatModel)) | |
if (accountId) | |
keys = keys.filter(d => d.keyModel === 'ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI' && getAccountId(d.key) === accountId) | |
return randomKeyConfig(keys) | |
} | |
function getAccountId(accessToken: string): string { | |
try { | |
const jwt = jwt_decode(accessToken) as JWT | |
return jwt[''].user_id | |
} | |
catch (error) { | |
return '' | |
} | |
} | |
export type { ChatContext, ChatMessage } | |
export { chatReplyProcess, chatConfig, containsSensitiveWords } | |