School Name Can students use for free or rent facilities for NIL promotions?
University of Colorado No, engagements must not require the student athlete to use school housing, facilities, or equipment, not including uniforms. Also, students cannot rent school facilities.
Long Beach State Athletics No, engagements must not require the student athlete to use school housing, facilities, or equipment, not including uniforms. However, the student athlete may rent school facilities.
Auburn University No, engagements must not require the student athlete to use school housing, facilities, or equipment, not including uniforms. However, the student athlete may rent school facilities.

Additional Questions:

  1. What types of compensation are allowed for NIL activities at each school?
  2. Are there any restrictions on the use of school trademarks and licensing in NIL activities?
  3. What are the prohibited industries, product categories, and products for NIL engagements at each school?
  4. Are student athletes allowed to identify themselves as athletes in NIL activities?
  5. Are booster agreements permitted at each school?