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# Set the page title | |
st.title("PHY 615: Quantum Mechanics II") | |
# Course Details | |
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## Course Details | |
- **Course Title**: Quantum Mechanics II | |
- **Credits**: 3 | |
- **Prerequisites**: PHY 614 | |
- **Instructor**: [Instructor Name] | |
- **Office Hours**: [Office Hours] | |
## Course Description | |
This course builds on Quantum Mechanics I, delving deeper into perturbation theory, scattering theory, symmetry, and invariance. Students will explore time-dependent quantum phenomena and apply quantum mechanics to more complex systems. | |
## Course Objectives | |
Upon completing this course, students will: | |
- Be proficient in time-dependent perturbation theory. | |
- Apply quantum mechanics to scattering problems. | |
- Understand the role of symmetry and invariance in quantum systems. | |
- Explore applications to atomic, molecular, and quantum field systems. | |
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# Weekly Outline with Problems | |
# Week 1: Review of Quantum Mechanics I | |
with st.expander("**Week 1: Review of Quantum Mechanics I**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Review of key concepts from Quantum Mechanics I. | |
- Time-independent perturbation theory and the Schrödinger equation. | |
- Angular momentum and spin. | |
### Problems | |
1. Solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation for a particle in a finite potential well. | |
2. Apply time-independent perturbation theory to a hydrogen-like atom in an external electric field (Stark effect). | |
3. Compute the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for a particle in a 3D box. | |
4. Use the ladder operator approach to solve the quantum harmonic oscillator. | |
5. Solve for the angular momentum eigenstates of a particle in a central potential. | |
6. Derive the commutation relations between the components of the angular momentum operators. | |
7. Solve for the spin-1/2 particle eigenstates using Pauli matrices. | |
8. Calculate the energy shift in a two-level system under a weak magnetic field using first-order perturbation theory. | |
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# Week 2-3: Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory | |
with st.expander("**Week 2-3: Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Time-dependent Schrödinger equation. | |
- Time-dependent perturbation theory and transition probabilities. | |
- Periodic perturbations and transition amplitudes. | |
### Problems | |
9. Solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a two-level atom in an oscillating electric field. | |
10. Apply time-dependent perturbation theory to a particle in a harmonic potential subjected to a time-varying force. | |
11. Calculate the transition probability between two quantum states due to a sudden perturbation. | |
12. Derive the transition amplitude for a system undergoing a periodic perturbation. | |
13. Compute the probability of transition from the ground state to an excited state in a system subjected to a sinusoidal perturbation. | |
14. Analyze the effect of a time-dependent perturbation on a particle in a potential well. | |
15. Solve for the transition probabilities of a particle in a harmonic oscillator subjected to a weak time-dependent perturbation. | |
16. Use the Dyson series to compute the evolution operator for a system under time-dependent perturbation. | |
17. Derive the first-order transition amplitude for a particle in a potential subject to a weak time-dependent perturbation. | |
18. Apply time-dependent perturbation theory to a quantum system interacting with an external electromagnetic field. | |
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# Week 4: Fermi’s Golden Rule and Transition Rates | |
with st.expander("**Week 4: Fermi’s Golden Rule and Transition Rates**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Fermi’s Golden Rule. | |
- Transition rates and weak perturbations. | |
- Applications in quantum systems. | |
### Problems | |
19. Derive Fermi’s Golden Rule for the transition rate of a quantum system subjected to a weak perturbation. | |
20. Calculate the spontaneous emission rate of a photon from an excited atom using Fermi's Golden Rule. | |
21. Solve for the transition rate of a particle scattering off a potential using Fermi's Golden Rule. | |
22. Apply Fermi’s Golden Rule to calculate the decay rate of an unstable particle. | |
23. Derive the absorption rate of radiation by an atom in an external field using Fermi’s Golden Rule. | |
24. Solve for the transition rate of an electron in an atom interacting with a photon field. | |
25. Use Fermi’s Golden Rule to compute the decay rate of a system in a potential well. | |
26. Calculate the transition rate for an atom interacting with a laser field. | |
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# Week 5-6: Scattering Theory: Born Approximation, Partial Waves | |
with st.expander("**Week 5-6: Scattering Theory: Born Approximation, Partial Waves**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Quantum scattering theory. | |
- Born approximation for weak potentials. | |
- Partial wave expansion and phase shifts. | |
### Problems | |
27. Apply the Born approximation to a particle scattering off a delta-function potential. | |
28. Solve for the scattering cross-section of a particle in a square potential using the Born approximation. | |
29. Calculate the scattering amplitude for a particle interacting with a Yukawa potential using the Born approximation. | |
30. Use the Born approximation to compute the differential cross-section for electron-atom scattering. | |
31. Derive the scattering cross-section for a particle in a hard sphere potential using partial wave analysis. | |
32. Apply partial wave expansion to solve the scattering problem for a spherical potential. | |
33. Calculate the phase shift for a particle scattered by a central potential. | |
34. Solve for the total cross-section of a particle scattering off a spherically symmetric potential. | |
35. Analyze the low-energy scattering of a particle in a potential well using partial waves. | |
36. Derive the phase shifts for scattering off a potential with a long-range tail. | |
37. Solve for the scattering amplitude using the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and Born approximation. | |
38. Compute the differential cross-section for neutron-proton scattering using the partial wave method. | |
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# Week 7: Symmetry and Conservation Laws | |
with st.expander("**Week 7: Symmetry and Conservation Laws**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Symmetry in quantum mechanics. | |
- Conservation laws derived from symmetries. | |
- Parity, time-reversal symmetry, and selection rules. | |
### Problems | |
39. Derive the conservation of angular momentum for a particle in a central potential. | |
40. Use Noether’s theorem to show how symmetry leads to conservation laws in quantum mechanics. | |
41. Apply parity symmetry to a quantum system and determine the selection rules for transitions. | |
42. Calculate the consequences of time-reversal symmetry for a two-level quantum system. | |
43. Solve for the energy eigenstates of a particle in a potential with reflection symmetry. | |
44. Analyze the role of rotational symmetry in determining the degeneracy of energy levels in a quantum system. | |
45. Use parity conservation to solve for the transition probabilities in an atomic system. | |
46. Compute the effect of time-reversal symmetry breaking on the spin states of a particle in a magnetic field. | |
47. Derive the selection rules for electric dipole transitions in atoms using symmetry arguments. | |
48. Apply conservation laws to solve a problem involving the scattering of particles in a central potential. | |
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# Week 8-9: Quantum Mechanics of Identical Particles | |
with st.expander("**Week 8-9: Quantum Mechanics of Identical Particles**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Symmetrization and antisymmetrization of wavefunctions. | |
- Pauli exclusion principle and fermions. | |
- Exchange interactions and quantum statistics. | |
### Problems | |
49. Symmetrize the wavefunction of a system of two identical bosons in a 1D harmonic oscillator potential. | |
50. Antisymmetrize the wavefunction of a system of two identical fermions in a potential well. | |
51. Apply the Pauli exclusion principle to solve for the ground state configuration of the helium atom. | |
52. Compute the exchange interaction energy for a system of two electrons in a hydrogen molecule. | |
53. Analyze the effect of particle indistinguishability on the energy levels of a system of fermions. | |
54. Solve for the wavefunction of a system of three identical fermions in a harmonic potential. | |
55. Use the spin-statistics theorem to determine the behavior of identical particles in a quantum system. | |
56. Calculate the ground state wavefunction of a system of identical bosons in a double well potential. | |
57. Apply the symmetrization principle to solve for the energy levels of a multi-electron atom. | |
58. Analyze the role of the Pauli exclusion principle in determining the structure of the periodic table. | |
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# Week 10-11: Applications to Atomic and Molecular Systems | |
with st.expander("**Week 10-11: Applications to Atomic and Molecular Systems**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Fine and hyperfine structure of atoms. | |
- Quantum mechanics of molecular bonding. | |
- Vibrational and rotational energy levels in | |
### Topics Covered (continued) | |
- Vibrational and rotational energy levels in diatomic molecules. | |
- Born-Oppenheimer approximation and molecular orbitals. | |
### Problems | |
59. Calculate the fine structure of the hydrogen atom using perturbation theory. | |
60. Analyze the hyperfine structure of the hydrogen atom and compute the energy shifts. | |
61. Solve for the rotational energy levels of a diatomic molecule using quantum mechanics. | |
62. Compute the vibrational energy levels of a diatomic molecule using the harmonic approximation. | |
63. Apply the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to separate the nuclear and electronic motion in a molecule. | |
64. Derive the energy levels of a hydrogen molecule using the quantum mechanical treatment of molecular bonding. | |
65. Solve for the electronic structure of the helium atom using the Hartree-Fock approximation. | |
66. Compute the rovibrational energy levels of a diatomic molecule using perturbation theory. | |
67. Analyze the fine and hyperfine structure of alkali atoms using quantum mechanics. | |
68. Apply quantum mechanics to solve for the molecular orbitals of a multi-atom molecule. | |
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# Week 12-13: Advanced Topics: Quantum Field Theory | |
with st.expander("**Week 12-13: Advanced Topics: Quantum Field Theory**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Introduction to quantum field theory (QFT). | |
- Second quantization and field operators. | |
- Applications of quantum field theory in particle interactions. | |
### Problems | |
69. Quantize the electromagnetic field using the second quantization formalism. | |
70. Solve for the vacuum expectation value of the number operator in quantum electrodynamics (QED). | |
71. Compute the scattering amplitude for electron-positron annihilation in QED. | |
72. Analyze the creation and annihilation operators in a simple quantum field theory. | |
73. Derive the Feynman rules for a scalar quantum field theory. | |
74. Apply the second quantization method to solve for the energy levels of a quantum field. | |
75. Compute the interaction energy between two particles using quantum field theory. | |
76. Use Feynman diagrams to solve for the scattering amplitude of two particles in QED. | |
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# Week 14: Open Quantum Systems and Decoherence | |
with st.expander("**Week 14: Open Quantum Systems and Decoherence**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Open quantum systems and interaction with the environment. | |
- Decoherence and quantum coherence. | |
- Master equation and Lindblad equation for open quantum systems. | |
### Problems | |
77. Derive the master equation for an open quantum system interacting with its environment. | |
78. Solve for the time evolution of a quantum system undergoing decoherence. | |
79. Apply the Lindblad equation to compute the loss of coherence in a two-level quantum system. | |
80. Analyze the effect of environmental interaction on the quantum states of a particle in a potential well. | |
81. Solve for the steady-state solution of an open quantum system coupled to a thermal bath. | |
82. Compute the decoherence time for a quantum system interacting with an external reservoir. | |
83. Derive the density matrix for an open quantum system and solve for its time evolution. | |
84. Analyze the role of decoherence in quantum computing and quantum information theory. | |
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# Week 15: Review and Final Exam Preparation | |
with st.expander("**Week 15: Review and Final Exam Preparation**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Comprehensive review of time-dependent perturbation theory, scattering, and symmetry. | |
- Applications to atomic, molecular, and quantum field systems. | |
- Problem-solving sessions and final exam preparation. | |
### Problems | |
85. Solve for the scattering cross-section of a particle in a central potential using the Born approximation and partial waves. | |
86. Compute the transition rate for a quantum system undergoing spontaneous emission using Fermi’s Golden Rule. | |
87. Apply time-dependent perturbation theory to solve for the transition probability of a quantum system in an oscillating field. | |
88. Solve for the energy levels of a multi-electron atom using the Pauli exclusion principle and perturbation theory. | |
89. Analyze the quantum behavior of identical particles in a potential well and compute the exchange interaction energy. | |
90. Use the second quantization formalism to compute the energy levels of a quantum field. | |
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# Textbooks Section | |
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## Textbooks | |
- **"Modern Quantum Mechanics"** by J. J. Sakurai and Jim Napolitano | |
- **"Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications"** by Nouredine Zettili | |
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