import os import time os.system("wget") from huggingface_hub import CommitOperationAdd, create_commit, HfApi, HfFileSystem, login from huggingface_hub import ModelCardData, EvalResult, ModelCard from huggingface_hub.repocard_data import eval_results_to_model_index from huggingface_hub.repocard import RepoCard from openllm import get_json_format_data, get_datas from tqdm import tqdm import time import requests import pandas as pd from pytablewriter import MarkdownTableWriter import gradio as gr api = HfApi() fs = HfFileSystem() data = get_json_format_data() finished_models = get_datas(data) df = pd.DataFrame(finished_models) def search(df, value): result_df = df[df["Model"] == value] return result_df.iloc[0].to_dict() if not result_df.empty else None def get_details_url(repo): author, model = repo.split("/") return f"{author}__{model}" def get_query_url(repo): return f"{repo}" desc = """ This is an automated PR created with The purpose of this PR is to add evaluation results from the Open LLM Leaderboard to your model card. If you encounter any issues, please report them to """ def get_task_summary(results): return { "ARC": {"dataset_type":"ai2_arc", "dataset_name":"AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot)", "metric_type":"acc_norm", "metric_value":results["ARC"], "dataset_config":"ARC-Challenge", "dataset_split":"test", "dataset_revision":None, "dataset_args":{"num_few_shot": 25}, "metric_name":"normalized accuracy" }, "HellaSwag": {"dataset_type":"hellaswag", "dataset_name":"HellaSwag (10-Shot)", "metric_type":"acc_norm", "metric_value":results["HellaSwag"], "dataset_config":None, "dataset_split":"validation", "dataset_revision":None, "dataset_args":{"num_few_shot": 10}, "metric_name":"normalized accuracy" }, "MMLU": { "dataset_type":"cais/mmlu", "dataset_name":"MMLU (5-Shot)", "metric_type":"acc", "metric_value":results["MMLU"], "dataset_config":"all", "dataset_split":"test", "dataset_revision":None, "dataset_args":{"num_few_shot": 5}, "metric_name":"accuracy" }, "TruthfulQA": { "dataset_type":"truthful_qa", "dataset_name":"TruthfulQA (0-shot)", "metric_type":"mc2", "metric_value":results["TruthfulQA"], "dataset_config":"multiple_choice", "dataset_split":"validation", "dataset_revision":None, "dataset_args":{"num_few_shot": 0}, "metric_name":None }, "Winogrande": { "dataset_type":"winogrande", "dataset_name":"Winogrande (5-shot)", "metric_type":"acc", "metric_value":results["Winogrande"], "dataset_config":"winogrande_xl", "dataset_split":"validation", "dataset_args":{"num_few_shot": 5}, "metric_name":"accuracy" }, "GSM8K": { "dataset_type":"gsm8k", "dataset_name":"GSM8k (5-shot)", "metric_type":"acc", "metric_value":results["GSM8K"], "dataset_config":"main", "dataset_split":"test", "dataset_args":{"num_few_shot": 5}, "metric_name":"accuracy" } } def get_eval_results(repo): results = search(df, repo) task_summary = get_task_summary(results) md_writer = MarkdownTableWriter() md_writer.headers = ["Metric", "Value"] md_writer.value_matrix = [["Avg.", results['Average ⬆️']]] + [[v["dataset_name"], v["metric_value"]] for v in task_summary.values()] text = f""" # [Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results]( Detailed results can be found [here]({get_details_url(repo)}) {md_writer.dumps()} """ return text def get_edited_yaml_readme(repo, token: str | None): card = ModelCard.load(repo, token=token) results = search(df, repo) common = {"task_type": 'text-generation', "task_name": 'Text Generation', "source_name": "Open LLM Leaderboard", "source_url": f"{repo}"} tasks_results = get_task_summary(results) if not['eval_results']: # No results reported yet, we initialize the metadata["model-index"] = eval_results_to_model_index(repo.split('/')[1], [EvalResult(**task, **common) for task in tasks_results.values()]) else: # We add the new evaluations for task in tasks_results.values(): cur_result = EvalResult(**task, **common) if any(result.is_equal_except_value(cur_result) for result in['eval_results']): continue['eval_results'].append(cur_result) return str(card) def commit(repo, pr_number=None, message="Adding Evaluation Results", oauth_token: gr.OAuthToken | None = None): # specify pr number if you want to edit it, don't if you don't want if oauth_token is None: raise gr.Error("You must be logged in to open a PR. Click on 'Sign in with Huggingface' first.") if oauth_token.expires_at < time.time(): raise gr.Error("Token expired. Logout and try again.") token = oauth_token.token edited = {"revision": f"refs/pr/{pr_number}"} if pr_number else {"create_pr": True} try: try: # check if there is a readme already readme_text = get_edited_yaml_readme(repo, token=token) + get_eval_results(repo) except Exception as e: if "Repo card metadata block was not found." in str(e): # There is no readme readme_text = get_edited_yaml_readme(repo, token=token) else: print(f"Something went wrong: {e}") liste = [CommitOperationAdd(path_in_repo="", path_or_fileobj=readme_text.encode())] commit = (create_commit(repo_id=repo, token=token, operations=liste, commit_message=message, commit_description=desc, repo_type="model", **edited).pr_url) return commit except Exception as e: if "Discussions are disabled for this repo" in str(e): return "Discussions disabled" elif "Cannot access gated repo" in str(e): return "Gated repo" elif "Repository Not Found" in str(e): return "Repository Not Found" else: return e gradio_title="🧐 Open LLM Leaderboard Results PR Opener" gradio_desc= """🎯 This tool's aim is to provide [Open LLM Leaderboard]( results in the model card. ## 💭 What Does This Tool Do: - This tool adds the [Open LLM Leaderboard]( result of your model at the end of your model card. - This tool also adds evaluation results as your model's metadata to showcase the evaluation results as a widget. ## 🛠️ Backend The leaderboard's backend mainly runs on the [Hugging Face Hub API]( ## 🤝 Acknowledgements - Special thanks to [Clémentine Fourrier (clefourrier)]( for her help and contributions to the code. - Special thanks to [Lucain Pouget (Wauplin)]( for assisting with the [Hugging Face Hub API]( """ with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(f"""


""") gr.Markdown(gradio_desc) with gr.Row(equal_height=False): with gr.Column(): space_id = gr.Textbox(label="Model ID or URL", lines=1) gr.LoginButton() with gr.Column(): output = gr.Textbox(label="Output", lines=1) gr.LogoutButton() submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary") try: space_id = "/".join(space_id.split('/')[-2::]) if space_id.startswith("") else space_id except Exception as e: gr.Error(f"There is an error with your model ID, check it again: {e}"), space_id, output) demo.launch()