import json import re from tqdm import tqdm import os import asyncio from openai import AsyncOpenAI from utils.api_utils import generate_from_openai_chat_completion, generate_from_claude_chat_completion def construct_prompt_textonly(question: str, options: list, answer: str, answer_analysis: str) -> str: optionized_list = [f"{chr(65 + i)}. {option}" for i, option in enumerate(options)] optionized_str = "\n".join(optionized_list) prompt = f""" Generate a multiple-choice question with additional distractors that increase the complexity of answer selection. Follow these instructions: 1. **Retain Original Structure**: Retain the original question and options. 2. **Add Three Distractors**: Add three new distractors that are **plausible and maintain professional validity**. These should increase the difficulty but still be incorrect, based on the original question and answer analysis. 3. **Use Answer Analysis**: Reference the **correct answer analysis** when creating distractors to ensure they challenge **subject-matter experts**. 4. **Expert-Level Difficulty**: Keep the distractors **challenging and hard to distinguish** from the correct answer, requiring **advanced knowledge** to avoid the correct answer being too obvious. 5. **Balanced Length**: Ensure all options have **similar lengths** to prevent any one option from standing out. 6. **Distractors Analysis**: Provide a **distractor analysis in Chinese**, explaining why the distractors are **incorrect** but **challenging and hard to distinguish**. Please output the result in valid JSON format using the structure below. Make sure there are no extra commas, missing commas, extra quotation marks or missing quotation marks: {{ "question": "{question}", "options": {{ "A": "{options[0]}", "B": "{options[1]}", "C": "{options[2]}", "D": "{options[3]}" }}, "distractors": {{ "E": "New distractor 1", "F": "New distractor 2", "G": "New distractor 3", "analysis_of_distractors": "Use Chinese to explain why the distractors are **incorrect** but **challenging and hard to distinguish**, based on the question, options, and answer analysis.", }}, "correct_answer": "{answer}", }} Input: Question: {question} Options: {optionized_str} Answer: {answer} Answer Analysis: {answer_analysis} """ # prompt = prompt.replace("I don't know.", "Idle.") return prompt def prepare_q_text_input(query, prompt_func=construct_prompt_textonly): question = query['question'] options = [query['option_1'], query['option_2'], query['option_3'], query['option_4']] gt = query['answer'] answer_analysis = query['answer_analysis'] q_text_prompt = prompt_func(question=question, options=options, answer=gt, answer_analysis=answer_analysis) return q_text_prompt def prepare_q_inputs(queries): messages = [] for i, query in enumerate(queries): q_text_prompt = prepare_q_text_input(query) prompt_message = [ { "role": "user", "content": q_text_prompt, }, ] messages.append(prompt_message) return messages # def extract_json_from_text(text): # text = json.dumps(text) # # 移除转义符和换行符 # text = text.replace('\\n', '').replace('\\"', '"') # # 定义匹配 JSON 对象的正则表达式模式 # json_pattern = re.compile( # r'\{\s*"question":\s*"([^"]*)",\s*"options":\s*\{\s*"A":\s*"([^"]*)",\s*"B":\s*"([^"]*)",\s*"C":\s*"([^"]*)",\s*"D":\s*"([^"]*)"\s*\},' # r'\s*"distractors":\s*\{\s*"E":\s*"([^"]*)",\s*"F":\s*"([^"]*)",\s*"G":\s*"([^"]*)"\s*\},\s*"correct_answer":\s*"([^"]*)"\s*\}', # re.DOTALL # ) # # 匹配 JSON 结构 # match = # if match: # # 捕获到的匹配组 # question = # option_a = # option_b = # option_c = # option_d = # distractor_e = # distractor_f = # distractor_g = # correct_answer = # # 构建 JSON 对象 # json_data = { # "question": question, # "options": { # "A": option_a, # "B": option_b, # "C": option_c, # "D": option_d # }, # "distractors": { # "E": distractor_e, # "F": distractor_f, # "G": distractor_g # }, # "correct_answer": correct_answer # } # return json_data # else: # print("No JSON object found in the text.") # return None def generate_distractors(model_name: str, queries: list, n: int=1, max_tokens: int=4096): assert model_name in ["gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4-turbo", "gpt-4o", "gpt-4o-2024-08-06"], "Invalid model name" client = AsyncOpenAI(api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY"),base_url="") messages = prepare_q_inputs(queries) responses = generate_from_openai_chat_completion( client, messages=messages, engine_name=model_name, n = n, max_tokens=max_tokens, requests_per_minute=30, json_format=True ) ) for query, response in zip(queries, responses): new_options = response # print(new_options) if new_options and "distractors" in new_options: query["option_5"] = new_options["distractors"].get("E", "") else: query["option_5"] = "" if new_options and "distractors" in new_options: query["option_6"] = new_options["distractors"].get("F", "") else: query["option_6"] = "" if new_options and "distractors" in new_options: query["option_7"] = new_options["distractors"].get("G", "") else: query["option_7"] = "" if new_options and "distractors" in new_options: query["distractor_analysis"] = new_options["distractors"].get("analysis_of_distractors", "") else: query["distractor_analysis"] = "" return queries