import sys from psutil import cpu_count, cpu_percent from math import ceil import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from shiny import App, Inputs, Outputs, Session, reactive, render, ui shinylive_message = "" # The agg matplotlib backend seems to be a little more efficient than the default when # running on macOS, and also gives more consistent results across operating systems matplotlib.use("agg") # max number of samples to retain MAX_SAMPLES = 1000 # secs between samples SAMPLE_PERIOD = 1 ncpu = cpu_count(logical=True) app_ui = ui.page_fluid( """ /* Don't apply fade effect, it's constantly recalculating */ .recalculating { opacity: 1; } tbody > tr:last-child { /*border: 3px solid var(--bs-dark);*/ box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px #fff, /* inner white */ 0 0 4px 2px #0ff, /* middle cyan */ 0 0 5px 3px #00f; /* outer blue */ } #table table { table-layout: fixed; width: %s; font-size: 0.8em; } th, td { text-align: center; } """ % f"{ncpu*4}em" ), ui.h3("CPU Usage %", class_="mt-2"), ui.layout_sidebar( ui.panel_sidebar( ui.input_select( "cmap", "Colormap", { "inferno": "inferno", "viridis": "viridis", "copper": "copper", "prism": "prism (not recommended)", }, ), ui.p(ui.input_action_button("reset", "Clear history", class_="btn-sm")), ui.input_switch("hold", "Freeze output", value=False), shinylive_message, class_="mb-3", ), ui.panel_main( ui.div( {"class": "card mb-3"}, ui.div( {"class": "card-body"}, ui.h5({"class": "card-title mt-0"}, "Graphs"), ui.output_plot("plot", height=f"{ncpu * 40}px"), ), ui.div( {"class": "card-footer"}, ui.input_numeric("sample_count", "Number of samples per graph", 50), ), ), ui.div( {"class": "card"}, ui.div( {"class": "card-body"}, ui.h5({"class": "card-title m-0"}, "Heatmap"), ), ui.div( {"class": "card-body overflow-auto pt-0"}, ui.output_table("table"), ), ui.div( {"class": "card-footer"}, ui.input_numeric("table_rows", "Rows to display", 5), ), ), ), ), ) @reactive.Calc def cpu_current(): reactive.invalidate_later(SAMPLE_PERIOD) return cpu_percent(percpu=True) def server(input: Inputs, output: Outputs, session: Session): cpu_history = reactive.Value(None) @reactive.Calc def cpu_history_with_hold(): # If "hold" is on, grab an isolated snapshot of cpu_history; if not, then do a # regular read if not input.hold(): return cpu_history() else: # Even if frozen, we still want to respond to input.reset() input.reset() with reactive.isolate(): return cpu_history() @reactive.Effect def collect_cpu_samples(): """cpu_percent() reports just the current CPU usage sample; this Effect gathers them up and stores them in the cpu_history reactive value, in a numpy 2D array (rows are CPUs, columns are time).""" new_data = np.vstack(cpu_current()) with reactive.isolate(): if cpu_history() is None: cpu_history.set(new_data) else: combined_data = np.hstack([cpu_history(), new_data]) # Throw away extra data so we don't consume unbounded amounts of memory if combined_data.shape[1] > MAX_SAMPLES: combined_data = combined_data[:, -MAX_SAMPLES:] cpu_history.set(combined_data) @reactive.Effect(priority=100) @reactive.event(input.reset) def reset_history(): cpu_history.set(None) @output @render.plot def plot(): history = cpu_history_with_hold() if history is None: history = np.array([]) history.shape = (ncpu, 0) nsamples = input.sample_count() # Throw away samples too old to fit on the plot if history.shape[1] > nsamples: history = history[:, -nsamples:] ncols = 2 nrows = int(ceil(ncpu / ncols)) fig, axeses = plt.subplots( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, squeeze=False, ) for i in range(0, ncols * nrows): row = i // ncols col = i % ncols axes = axeses[row, col] if i >= len(history): axes.set_visible(False) continue data = history[i] axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") axes.yaxis.tick_right() axes.set_xlim(-(nsamples - 1), 0) axes.set_ylim(0, 100) assert len(data) <= nsamples # Set up an array of x-values that will right-align the data relative to the # plotting area x = np.arange(0, len(data)) x = np.flip(-x) # Color bars by cmap color = plt.get_cmap(input.cmap())(data / 100), data, color=color, linewidth=0, width=1.0) axes.set_yticks([25, 50, 75]) for ytl in axes.get_yticklabels(): if col == ncols - 1 or i == ncpu - 1 or True: ytl.set_fontsize(7) else: ytl.set_visible(False) hide_ticks(axes.yaxis) for xtl in axes.get_xticklabels(): xtl.set_visible(False) hide_ticks(axes.xaxis) axes.grid(True, linewidth=0.25) return fig @output @render.table def table(): history = cpu_history_with_hold() latest = pd.DataFrame(history).transpose().tail(input.table_rows()) if latest.shape[0] == 0: return latest return ( .hide(axis="index") .set_table_attributes( 'class="dataframe shiny-table table table-borderless font-monospace"' ) .background_gradient(cmap=input.cmap(), vmin=0, vmax=100) ) def hide_ticks(axis): for ticks in [axis.get_major_ticks(), axis.get_minor_ticks()]: for tick in ticks: tick.tick1line.set_visible(False) tick.tick2line.set_visible(False) tick.label1.set_visible(False) tick.label2.set_visible(False) app = App(app_ui, server)