Emanuele Lapponi
:bug: fix repetizer
history blame contribute delete
No virus
4.15 kB
import io
import numpy as np
import pedalboard as pb
import pydub
import soundfile as sf
import streamlit as st
from audio_recorder_streamlit import audio_recorder
def stretch(audio, factor):
buffer = []
for s in audio:
for _ in range(factor):
return np.array(buffer)
st.title("πŸ‘Ή Sound Refukculator")
audio = np.array([])
source = st.radio("Choose source", ["Microphone", "File upload"])
if source == "Microphone":
audio_bytes = audio_recorder()
if audio_bytes:
audio, sr = sf.read(io.BytesIO(audio_bytes))
audio_bytes = st.file_uploader("Upload file")
if audio_bytes:
if audio_bytes.name.endswith("mp3"):
audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_mp3(audio_bytes)
sr = audio.frame_rate
audio = np.float32(audio.get_array_of_samples()) / 2**15
audio, sr = sf.read(audio_bytes)
if audio.any():
st.write("Original sound:")
st.audio(audio.T, sample_rate=sr)
cols = st.columns(5)
chunk_dividend = cols[0].slider("πŸ«€ Chunkizer", 16, 128, step=16)
prob = cols[1].slider("🀑 Impredictidiblize", 0, 100, 0)
stretch_factor = cols[2].slider("🧌 Trollizer", 0, 10, 0)
reps = cols[3].slider("🫣 Repetizer", 0, 1, 0)
rev_size = cols[4].slider("πŸš› Hugermaker", 0.0, 0.09, 0.0)
delay_macro = cols[0].slider("πŸͺ Spaceometer", 0.01, 0.09, 0.0)
rounder = cols[1].slider("πŸ€” Rounder", 0, 100, 0)
pshift = cols[2].slider("😱 Tonermaker", 0, 1, 0)
reverse = cols[3].slider("🧢 Revolver", 0, 1, 0)
sr_factor = cols[4].slider("πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ Chirpidize", 1, 16, 1)
delay = pb.Pedalboard(
[pb.Delay(delay_seconds=delay_macro, feedback=delay_macro * 5)]
reverb = pb.Pedalboard([pb.Reverb(room_size=rev_size)])
chorus = pb.Pedalboard([pb.Chorus(rate_hz=rounder)])
pshifter7 = pb.Pedalboard([pb.PitchShift(-7)])
pshifter3 = pb.Pedalboard([pb.PitchShift(-3)])
pshifter5 = pb.Pedalboard([pb.PitchShift(-5)])
pshifter12 = pb.Pedalboard([pb.PitchShift(-12)])
processed = []
chunk_dividend = sorted(np.random.randint(audio.shape[0], size=chunk_dividend))
for i, chunk in enumerate(np.array_split(audio, chunk_dividend)):
chunk = (
stretch(chunk, stretch_factor)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and stretch_factor
else chunk
chunk = (
reverb(chunk, sample_rate=sr, reset=False)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and rev_size
else chunk
chunk = (
delay(chunk, sample_rate=sr, reset=False)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and delay_macro
else chunk
chunk = (
chorus(chunk, sample_rate=sr, reset=False)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and rounder
else chunk
chunk = (
pshifter7(chunk, sample_rate=sr, reset=True)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and pshift
else chunk
chunk = (
pshifter3(chunk, sample_rate=sr, reset=True)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and pshift
else chunk
chunk = (
pshifter5(chunk, sample_rate=sr, reset=True)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and pshift
else chunk
chunk = (
pshifter12(chunk, sample_rate=sr, reset=True)
if np.random.randint(100) < prob and pshift
else chunk
chunk = np.concatenate([chunk, chunk]) if np.random.randint(100) < prob and reps else chunk
chunk = np.flip(chunk) if np.random.randint(100) < prob and reverse else chunk
processed += [s for s in chunk]
processed = np.array(processed)
reverb = pb.Pedalboard([pb.Reverb(room_size=0.3)])
# processed = reverb(processed, sr, reset=False)
compressor = pb.Pedalboard([pb.Limiter(threshold_db=-1)])
processed = compressor(processed, sr, reset=False)
st.write("Refukculized sound:")
st.audio(processed.T, sample_rate=sr * sr_factor)