{ "girl": {"meaning": "소녀", "example": "She is a smart girl."}, "understand": {"meaning": "이해하다", "example": "I can't understand what you're saying."}, "beauty": {"meaning": "아름다움", "example": "The beauty of nature is breathtaking."}, "form": {"meaning": "형태", "example": "The artist admired the form of the sculpture."}, "favorite": {"meaning": "좋아하는", "example": "What's your favorite color?"}, "name": {"meaning": "이름", "example": "My name is John."}, "kind": {"meaning": "친절한", "example": "It was kind of you to help."}, "environment": {"meaning": "환경", "example": "Pollution is harmful to the environment."}, "above": {"meaning": "위에", "example": "The birds were flying above the clouds."}, "communicate": {"meaning": "소통하다", "example": "They communicate through gestures."}, "next": {"meaning": "다음", "example": "The next chapter will be very exciting."}, "box": {"meaning": "상자", "example": "He put the gift in a small box."}, "design": {"meaning": "디자인", "example": "She's studying fashion design."}, "famous": {"meaning": "유명한", "example": "Michael Jackson was a famous singer."}, "spend": {"meaning": "소비하다", "example": "We spend too much money on clothes."}, "door": {"meaning": "문", "example": "Please close the door behind you."}, "cause": {"meaning": "원인이다", "example": "Lack of sleep can cause health problems."}, "tree": {"meaning": "나무", "example": "The tree provided shade on hot days."}, "travel": {"meaning": "여행하다", "example": "They love to travel and explore new places."}, "goal": {"meaning": "목표", "example": "Her goal is to become a doctor."}, "house": {"meaning": "집", "example": "They bought a new house last year."}, "opinion": {"meaning": "의견", "example": "What's your opinion on the matter?"}, "invent": {"meaning": "발명하다", "example": "Thomas Edison invented the light bulb."}, "improve": {"meaning": "개선하다", "example": "She wants to improve her English skills."}, "remember": {"meaning": "기억하다", "example": "I'll always remember our time together."}, "tradition": {"meaning": "전통", "example": "It's a tradition in our family to celebrate Thanksgiving."}, "structure": {"meaning": "구조", "example": "The structure of the building was impressive."}, "search": {"meaning": "찾다", "example": "They searched the entire house for the missing keys."}, "actual": {"meaning": "실제의", "example": "The actual cost was higher than we expected."}, "situation": {"meaning": "상황", "example": "She handled the situation with calmness."}, "technology": {"meaning": "기술", "example": "The rapid advancement of technology is impressive."}, "eye": {"meaning": "눈", "example": "His eyes were blue like the ocean."}, "include": {"meaning": "포함하다", "example": "The package includes a free gift."}, "week": {"meaning": "주", "example": "They go jogging together every week."}, "ever": {"meaning": "언제나", "example": "Have you ever been to Paris?"}, "game": {"meaning": "게임", "example": "We played a fun game of charades."}, "stress": {"meaning": "스트레스", "example": "Yoga can help reduce stress levels."}, "ready": {"meaning": "준비된", "example": "Are you ready to leave?"}, "worry": {"meaning": "걱정하다", "example": "Don't worry, everything will be fine."}, "room": {"meaning": "방", "example": "She decorated her room with posters."}, "introduce": {"meaning": "소개하다", "example": "Let me introduce you to my friend."}, "happy": {"meaning": "행복한", "example": "She felt happy and content with her life."}, "pay": {"meaning": "지불하다", "example": "Don't forget to pay the bill."}, "four": {"meaning": "네 개의", "example": "There are four seasons in a year."}, "moment": {"meaning": "순간", "example": "The moment she saw him, her heart skipped a beat."}, "final": {"meaning": "최종의", "example": "This is the final decision."}, "challenge": {"meaning": "도전", "example": "Overcoming challenges makes us stronger."}, "dream": {"meaning": "꿈", "example": "She finally achieved her dream of becoming a pilot."}, "prepare": {"meaning": "준비하다", "example": "We need to prepare for the upcoming exam."}, "forget": {"meaning": "잊다", "example": "Please don't forget to buy milk."}, "night": {"meaning": "밤", "example": "The stars shone brightly in the night sky."}, "tour": {"meaning": "여행", "example": "They went on a guided tour of the city."}, "provide": {"meaning": "제공하다", "example": "The company provides excellent customer service."}, "subject": {"meaning": "주제", "example": "Math is not my favorite subject."}, "light": {"meaning": "빛", "example": "The light from the candle flickered softly."}, "area": {"meaning": "지역", "example": "This area is known for its beautiful scenery."}, "unique": {"meaning": "독특한", "example": "Each snowflake is unique in its design."}, "effect": {"meaning": "효과", "example": "Exercise has a positive effect on health."}, "report": {"meaning": "보고서", "example": "She needs to finish her report by Friday."}, "notice": {"meaning": "주목하다", "example": "I noticed a strange sound coming from the attic."}, "allow": {"meaning": "허용하다", "example": "Smoking is not allowed in this area."}, "safe": {"meaning": "안전한", "example": "Make sure the environment is safe for children."}, "amaze": {"meaning": "놀라게 하다", "example": "Her talent never fails to amaze me."}, "discuss": {"meaning": "토론하다", "example": "Let's discuss the plan at tomorrow's meeting."}, "weather": {"meaning": "날씨", "example": "The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow."}, "field": {"meaning": "분야", "example": "She's an expert in the field of neuroscience."}, "explain": {"meaning": "설명하다", "example": "Can you explain how this works?"}, "team": {"meaning": "팀", "example": "Our team won the championship last year."}, "device": {"meaning": "장치", "example": "He's working on a new electronic device."}, "sell": {"meaning": "판매하다", "example": "They sell organic vegetables at the market."}, "car": {"meaning": "자동차", "example": "He drives a red sports car."}, "OK": {"meaning": "괜찮다", "example": "Is it OK if I come over later?"}, "drink": {"meaning": "마시다", "example": "Would you like something to drink?"}, "parent": {"meaning": "부모", "example": "His parents are very supportive."}, "poor": {"meaning": "가난한", "example": "Many people in that country are poor."}, "encourage": {"meaning": "격려하다", "example": "He always encourages me to do my best."}, "treat": {"meaning": "대우하다", "example": "She always treats her employees fairly."}, "inspire": {"meaning": "영감을 주다", "example": "Her bravery inspired others to speak up."}, "apply": {"meaning": "적용하다", "example": "You can apply this technique to any situation."}, "king": {"meaning": "왕", "example": "The king ruled over his kingdom with wisdom."}, "produce": {"meaning": "생산하다", "example": "This factory produces high-quality goods."}, "shop": {"meaning": "가게", "example": "She went to the flower shop to buy roses."}, "suggest": {"meaning": "제안하다", "example": "I suggest we take a break and relax."}, "though": {"meaning": "그러나", "example": "It's raining, though they planned a picnic."}, "research": {"meaning": "연구", "example": "The university is known for its medical research."}, "sense": {"meaning": "감각", "example": "She had a strong sense of smell."}, "solution": {"meaning": "해결책", "example": "We need to find a solution to this problem."}, "system": {"meaning": "체계", "example": "The new system will be implemented next month."}, "bird": {"meaning": "새", "example": "The bird sings beautifully in the morning."}, "society": {"meaning": "사회", "example": "Our society is becoming more diverse."}, "course": {"meaning": "과정", "example": "She's enrolled in a photography course."}, "museum": {"meaning": "박물관", "example": "They visited the museum to see the art exhibit."}, "sea": {"meaning": "바다", "example": "The sea was calm and peaceful."}, "father": {"meaning": "아버지", "example": "Her father taught her how to ride a bike."}, "influence": {"meaning": "영향", "example": "Her friends have a great influence on her."}, "ago": {"meaning": "전에", "example": "They met at a party a few years ago."}, "store": {"meaning": "상점", "example": "She bought a dress from the clothing store."}, "surprise": {"meaning": "놀라게 하다", "example": "She surprised him with a birthday cake."}, "chance": {"meaning": "기회", "example": "He took the chance and applied for the job."}, "sun": {"meaning": "태양", "example": "The sun was shining brightly in the sky."} }