const formatSpacesInfos = (spaces: any) => { const texts: string[] = [] any) => { let text = `${space.cardData?.title} has ${space.likes} likes and has been updated ${space.lastModified} ago.` if (space.cardData?.short_description) { text += `The space description is: ${space.cardData?.short_description}` } texts.push(text) }) return texts.join("\n") } const formatModelsInfos = (models: any) => { const texts: string[] = [] any) => { let text = `${"/")[1]} has ${model.likes} likes and ${model.downloads} downloads.` if (model.gating) { text += `You should ask for access to this model.` } else { text += `This model is public.` } text += `This model is about ${model.pipeline_tag}` texts.push(text) }) return texts.join("\n") } const formatUserInfos = (user: any, countFollowing: number, countFollowers: number, spacesLikes: number, modelsLikes: number, spaces: any, models: any) => { return ` The user ${user.fullname} has ${countFollowers} followers and is following ${countFollowing} users. He is part of ${user.orgs?.length ?? 0} organizations. He is owner of ${spaces?.length ?? 0} spaces and has ${models?.length ?? 0} models. He already liked ${user.likes?.length ?? 0} models/spaces/datasets. This user is ${user.isPro ? "pro" : "not pro"}. He has ${spacesLikes} likes on his spaces and ${modelsLikes} likes on his models. ` } export const formatInformations = ( user: any, countFollowing: number, countFollowers: number, spaces: any, models: any, spacesLikes: number, modelsLikes: number ) => { const userInfos = formatUserInfos(user, countFollowing, countFollowers, spacesLikes, modelsLikes, spaces, models) const spacesInfos = formatSpacesInfos(spaces.slice(0, 6)) const modelsInfos = formatModelsInfos(models.slice(0, 6)) return `${userInfos}\n\n${spacesInfos}\n\n${modelsInfos}` }