import torch import nltk from nltk.translate.bleu_score import SmoothingFunction from tqdm import tqdm def calculate_perplexity(model, tokens, prompt_len, bsz=1, marker=False): """ Calculate perplexity of given tokens using provided model, ignoring padding tokens. Args: model: Llama model tokens (List[List[int]] or torch.Tensor): Input tokens (n_prompt * n_draft, seqlen) prompt_len (int): Prefix length bsz (int): Batch size marker (bool): Whether to show progress bar Returns: Perplexity across all generations (n_prompt * n_drafts) """ it = range(0, len(tokens), bsz) if marker: it = tqdm(it) start = 0 ppl = torch.zeros(len(tokens)) for start in it: end = start + bsz data = tokens[start : end] if not isinstance(data, list): data = data.tolist() # Remove any padding tokens (-1) in generations for d_idx in range(len(data)): cur = data[d_idx] if -1 in cur: data[d_idx] = cur[:cur.index(-1)] # Calculate cross entropy loss on tokens ce_loss = model.generate(data, max_gen_len=0, temperature=-1, top_p=-1, grade=True) # Cut off everything past `prompt_len` ce_loss = ce_loss[:, prompt_len-1:] # Subtract 1 because the first token (start token) is removed # Calculate perplexity lengths = (ce_loss != 0).sum(dim=-1) mean = ce_loss.sum(dim=-1) / lengths ppl[start : end] = torch.exp(-1 * mean) return ppl def calculate_diversity(generations, k=4): """ Calculate diversity of generations using SELF-BLEU. Args: generations (List[List[List[int]]]): Tokenized input k (int, Optional): Number of n-grams to use for bleu Returns: Average diversity across all generations (float) """'punkt') # Can be deleted once downloaded smooth = SmoothingFunction() bleus = [] for drafts in generations: tokenized_drafts = [] # Stringify tokens for d in drafts: if -1 in d: d = d[:d.index(-1)] tokenized_drafts.append([str(n) for n in d]) # Calculate SELF-BLEU minlength = min([len(g) for g in tokenized_drafts]) minlength = min(minlength, k) weights = tuple((1. / minlength for _ in range(minlength))) for i in range(len(drafts)): # Create source and reference (all other drafts) src = tokenized_drafts[i] ref = tokenized_drafts[:i] + tokenized_drafts[i+1:] tmp = nltk.translate.bleu_score.sentence_bleu(references=ref, hypothesis=src, weights=weights, smoothing_function=smooth.method1) bleus.append(tmp) bleus = torch.Tensor(bleus) return torch.mean(bleus) def calculate_ngram_repetition(sequences): """ Calculate uniqueness scores of `sequences`. Args: sequences (List[List[int]]): Generated sequences Returns: (unigram_uniqueness, bigram_uniqueness, trigram_uniqueness) """ u_total = 0 b_total = 0 t_total = 0 # Iterate through all sequences indiscriminately for gen in sequences: if -1 in gen: gen = gen[:gen.index(-1)] unigrams, bigrams, trigrams = [], [], [] o = [str(i) for i in gen] # Create lists of n-grams for the generation for i in range(len(o)): unigrams.append(o[i]) for i in range(len(o) - 1): bigrams.append(o[i] + '_' + o[i + 1]) for i in range(len(o) - 2): trigrams.append(o[i] + '_' + o[i + 1] + '_' + o[i + 2]) # Calculate uniqueness of the generation u, b, t = len(set(unigrams)) / len(unigrams), len(set(bigrams)) / len(bigrams), len(set(trigrams)) / len(trigrams) u_total += u b_total += b t_total += t return u_total / len(sequences), b_total / len(sequences), t_total / len(sequences)