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"""The SuperGLUE benchmark metric."""
import datasets
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, matthews_corrcoef
import evaluate
from .record_evaluation import evaluate as evaluate_record
_CITATION = """\
title={SuperGLUE: A Stickier Benchmark for General-Purpose Language Understanding Systems},
author={Wang, Alex and Pruksachatkun, Yada and Nangia, Nikita and Singh, Amanpreet and Michael, Julian and Hill, Felix and Levy, Omer and Bowman, Samuel R},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.00537},
SuperGLUE ( is a new benchmark styled after
GLUE with a new set of more difficult language understanding tasks, improved
resources, and a new public leaderboard.
Compute SuperGLUE evaluation metric associated to each SuperGLUE dataset.
predictions: list of predictions to score. Depending on the SuperGlUE subset:
- for 'record': list of question-answer dictionaries with the following keys:
- 'idx': index of the question as specified by the dataset
- 'prediction_text': the predicted answer text
- for 'multirc': list of question-answer dictionaries with the following keys:
- 'idx': index of the question-answer pair as specified by the dataset
- 'prediction': the predicted answer label
- otherwise: list of predicted labels
references: list of reference labels. Depending on the SuperGLUE subset:
- for 'record': list of question-answers dictionaries with the following keys:
- 'idx': index of the question as specified by the dataset
- 'answers': list of possible answers
- otherwise: list of reference labels
Returns: depending on the SuperGLUE subset:
- for 'record':
- 'exact_match': Exact match between answer and gold answer
- 'f1': F1 score
- for 'multirc':
- 'exact_match': Exact match between answer and gold answer
- 'f1_m': Per-question macro-F1 score
- 'f1_a': Average F1 score over all answers
- for 'axb':
'matthews_correlation': Matthew Correlation
- for 'cb':
- 'accuracy': Accuracy
- 'f1': F1 score
- for all others:
- 'accuracy': Accuracy
>>> super_glue_metric = evaluate.load('super_glue', 'copa') # any of ["copa", "rte", "wic", "wsc", "wsc.fixed", "boolq", "axg"]
>>> predictions = [0, 1]
>>> references = [0, 1]
>>> results = super_glue_metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)
>>> print(results)
{'accuracy': 1.0}
>>> super_glue_metric = evaluate.load('super_glue', 'cb')
>>> predictions = [0, 1]
>>> references = [0, 1]
>>> results = super_glue_metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)
>>> print(results)
{'accuracy': 1.0, 'f1': 1.0}
>>> super_glue_metric = evaluate.load('super_glue', 'record')
>>> predictions = [{'idx': {'passage': 0, 'query': 0}, 'prediction_text': 'answer'}]
>>> references = [{'idx': {'passage': 0, 'query': 0}, 'answers': ['answer', 'another_answer']}]
>>> results = super_glue_metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)
>>> print(results)
{'exact_match': 1.0, 'f1': 1.0}
>>> super_glue_metric = evaluate.load('super_glue', 'multirc')
>>> predictions = [{'idx': {'answer': 0, 'paragraph': 0, 'question': 0}, 'prediction': 0}, {'idx': {'answer': 1, 'paragraph': 2, 'question': 3}, 'prediction': 1}]
>>> references = [0, 1]
>>> results = super_glue_metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)
>>> print(results)
{'exact_match': 1.0, 'f1_m': 1.0, 'f1_a': 1.0}
>>> super_glue_metric = evaluate.load('super_glue', 'axb')
>>> references = [0, 1]
>>> predictions = [0, 1]
>>> results = super_glue_metric.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)
>>> print(results)
{'matthews_correlation': 1.0}
def simple_accuracy(preds, labels):
return float((preds == labels).mean())
def acc_and_f1(preds, labels, f1_avg="binary"):
acc = simple_accuracy(preds, labels)
f1 = float(f1_score(y_true=labels, y_pred=preds, average=f1_avg))
return {
"accuracy": acc,
"f1": f1,
def evaluate_multirc(ids_preds, labels):
Computes F1 score and Exact Match for MultiRC predictions.
question_map = {}
for id_pred, label in zip(ids_preds, labels):
question_id = f'{id_pred["idx"]["paragraph"]}-{id_pred["idx"]["question"]}'
pred = id_pred["prediction"]
if question_id in question_map:
question_map[question_id].append((pred, label))
question_map[question_id] = [(pred, label)]
f1s, ems = [], []
for question, preds_labels in question_map.items():
question_preds, question_labels = zip(*preds_labels)
f1 = f1_score(y_true=question_labels, y_pred=question_preds, average="macro")
em = int(sum(p == l for p, l in preds_labels) == len(preds_labels))
f1_m = float(sum(f1s) / len(f1s))
em = sum(ems) / len(ems)
f1_a = float(f1_score(y_true=labels, y_pred=[id_pred["prediction"] for id_pred in ids_preds]))
return {"exact_match": em, "f1_m": f1_m, "f1_a": f1_a}
@evaluate.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION, _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION)
class SuperGlue(evaluate.Metric):
def _info(self):
if self.config_name not in [
raise KeyError(
"You should supply a configuration name selected in "
'["boolq", "cb", "copa", "multirc", "record", "rte", "wic", "wsc", "wsc.fixed", "axb", "axg",]'
return evaluate.MetricInfo(
format="numpy" if not self.config_name == "record" and not self.config_name == "multirc" else None,
def _get_feature_types(self):
if self.config_name == "record":
return {
"predictions": {
"idx": {
"passage": datasets.Value("int64"),
"query": datasets.Value("int64"),
"prediction_text": datasets.Value("string"),
"references": {
"idx": {
"passage": datasets.Value("int64"),
"query": datasets.Value("int64"),
"answers": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
elif self.config_name == "multirc":
return {
"predictions": {
"idx": {
"answer": datasets.Value("int64"),
"paragraph": datasets.Value("int64"),
"question": datasets.Value("int64"),
"prediction": datasets.Value("int64"),
"references": datasets.Value("int64"),
return {
"predictions": datasets.Value("int64"),
"references": datasets.Value("int64"),
def _compute(self, predictions, references):
if self.config_name == "axb":
return {"matthews_correlation": matthews_corrcoef(references, predictions)}
elif self.config_name == "cb":
return acc_and_f1(predictions, references, f1_avg="macro")
elif self.config_name == "record":
dataset = [
"qas": [
{"id": ref["idx"]["query"], "answers": [{"text": ans} for ans in ref["answers"]]}
for ref in references
predictions = {pred["idx"]["query"]: pred["prediction_text"] for pred in predictions}
return evaluate_record(dataset, predictions)[0]
elif self.config_name == "multirc":
return evaluate_multirc(predictions, references)
elif self.config_name in ["copa", "rte", "wic", "wsc", "wsc.fixed", "boolq", "axg"]:
return {"accuracy": simple_accuracy(predictions, references)}
raise KeyError(
"You should supply a configuration name selected in "
'["boolq", "cb", "copa", "multirc", "record", "rte", "wic", "wsc", "wsc.fixed", "axb", "axg",]'