import debug from './debug'; type AddAudioToBufferFunction = ( samples: Array, sampleRate: number, ) => void; export type BufferedSpeechPlayer = { addAudioToBuffer: AddAudioToBufferFunction; setGain: (gain: number) => void; start: () => void; stop: () => void; }; type Options = { onEnded?: () => void; onStarted?: () => void; }; export default function createBufferedSpeechPlayer({ onStarted, onEnded, }: Options): BufferedSpeechPlayer { const audioContext = new AudioContext(); const gainNode = audioContext.createGain(); gainNode.connect(audioContext.destination); let unplayedAudioBuffers: Array = []; let currentPlayingBufferSource: AudioBufferSourceNode | null = null; let isPlaying = false; // This means that the player starts in the 'stopped' state, and you need to call player.start() for it to start playing let shouldPlayWhenAudioAvailable = false; const setGain = (gain: number) => { gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(gain, audioContext.currentTime); }; const start = () => { shouldPlayWhenAudioAvailable = true; debug()?.start(); playNextBufferIfNotAlreadyPlaying(); }; // Stop will stop the audio and clear the buffers const stop = () => { shouldPlayWhenAudioAvailable = false; // Stop the current buffers currentPlayingBufferSource?.stop(); currentPlayingBufferSource = null; unplayedAudioBuffers = []; onEnded != null && onEnded(); isPlaying = false; return; }; const playNextBufferIfNotAlreadyPlaying = () => { if (!isPlaying) { playNextBuffer(); } }; const playNextBuffer = () => { if (shouldPlayWhenAudioAvailable === false) { console.debug( '[BufferedSpeechPlayer][playNextBuffer] Not playing any more audio because shouldPlayWhenAudioAvailable is false.', ); // NOTE: we do not need to set isPlaying = false or call onEnded because that will be handled in the stop() function return; } if (unplayedAudioBuffers.length === 0) { console.debug( '[BufferedSpeechPlayer][playNextBuffer] No buffers to play.', ); if (isPlaying) { isPlaying = false; onEnded != null && onEnded(); } return; } // If isPlaying is false, then we are starting playback fresh rather than continuing it, and should call onStarted if (isPlaying === false) { isPlaying = true; onStarted != null && onStarted(); } const source = audioContext.createBufferSource(); // Get the first unplayed buffer from the array, and remove it from the array const buffer = unplayedAudioBuffers.shift() ?? null; source.buffer = buffer; console.debug( `[BufferedSpeechPlayer] Playing buffer with ${source.buffer?.length} samples`, ); source.connect(gainNode); // the gain node is already connected to audioContext.destination // source.connect(audioContext.destination); const startTime = new Date().getTime(); source.start(); currentPlayingBufferSource = source; // This is probably not necessary, but it doesn't hurt isPlaying = true; // TODO: consider changing this to a while loop to avoid deep recursion const onThisBufferPlaybackEnded = () => { console.debug( `[BufferedSpeechPlayer] Buffer with ${source.buffer?.length} samples ended.`, ); source.removeEventListener('ended', onThisBufferPlaybackEnded); const endTime = new Date().getTime(); debug()?.playedAudio(startTime, endTime, buffer); currentPlayingBufferSource = null; // TODO: should we disconnect source from gain node here? // source.disconnect(gainNode); // We don't set isPlaying = false here because we are attempting to continue playing. It will get set to false if there are no more buffers to play playNextBuffer(); }; source.addEventListener('ended', onThisBufferPlaybackEnded); }; const addAudioToBuffer: AddAudioToBufferFunction = (samples, sampleRate) => { const incomingArrayBufferChunk = audioContext.createBuffer( // 1 channel 1, samples.length, sampleRate, ); incomingArrayBufferChunk.copyToChannel( new Float32Array(samples), // first channel 0, ); console.debug( `[addAudioToBufferAndPlay] Adding buffer with ${incomingArrayBufferChunk.length} samples to queue.`, ); unplayedAudioBuffers.push(incomingArrayBufferChunk); debug()?.receivedAudio( incomingArrayBufferChunk.length / incomingArrayBufferChunk.sampleRate, ); const audioBuffersTableInfo =, i) => { return { index: i, duration: buffer.length / buffer.sampleRate, samples: buffer.length, }; }); const totalUnplayedDuration = unplayedAudioBuffers.reduce((acc, buffer) => { return acc + buffer.length / buffer.sampleRate; }, 0); console.debug( `[addAudioToBufferAndPlay] Current state of incoming audio buffers (${totalUnplayedDuration.toFixed( 1, )}s unplayed):`, ); console.table(audioBuffersTableInfo); if (shouldPlayWhenAudioAvailable) { playNextBufferIfNotAlreadyPlaying(); } }; return {addAudioToBuffer, setGain, stop, start}; }