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"""Visualization utilities for 3D reconstruction results using Viser.
Provides tools to visualize predicted camera poses, 3D point clouds, and confidence
thresholding through an interactive web interface.
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
import tyro
from import tqdm
import cv2
import viser
import viser.transforms as tf
import glob
import os
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
# from camera import closed_form_inverse_se3
import torch
import threading
def viser_wrapper(
pred_dict: dict,
port: int = None,
init_conf_threshold: float = 3.0,
) -> None:
pred_dict: Dictionary containing predictions
port: Optional port number for the viser server. If None, a random port will be used.
print(f"Starting viser server on port {port}") # Debug print
server = viser.ViserServer(host="", port=port)
# server = viser.ViserServer(port=port)
server.gui.configure_theme(titlebar_content=None, control_layout="collapsible")
# Unpack and preprocess inputs
images = pred_dict["images"]
world_points = pred_dict["pred_world_points"]
conf = pred_dict["pred_world_points_conf"]
extrinsics = pred_dict["last_pred_extrinsic"]
# Handle batch dimension if present
if len(images.shape) > 4:
images = images[0]
world_points = world_points[0]
conf = conf[0]
extrinsics = extrinsics[0]
colors = images.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) # Convert to (B, H, W, C)
# Reshape for visualization
S, H, W, _ = world_points.shape
colors = (colors.reshape(-1, 3) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # Convert to 0-255 range
conf = conf.reshape(-1)
world_points = world_points.reshape(-1, 3)
# Calculate camera poses in world coordinates
cam_to_world = closed_form_inverse_se3(extrinsics)
extrinsics = cam_to_world[:, :3, :]
# Center scene for better visualization
scene_center = np.mean(world_points, axis=0)
world_points -= scene_center
extrinsics[..., -1] -= scene_center
# set points3d as world_points
points = world_points
# frame_mask
frame_indices = np.arange(S)
frame_indices = frame_indices[:, None, None] # Shape: (S, 1, 1, 1)
frame_indices = np.tile(frame_indices, (1, H, W)) # Shape: (S, H, W, 3)
frame_indices = frame_indices.reshape(-1)
gui_points_conf = server.gui.add_slider(
"Confidence Thres",
gui_point_size = server.gui.add_slider(
"Point size", min=0.00001, max=0.01, step=0.0001, initial_value=0.00001
# Change from "Frame Selector" to more descriptive name
gui_frame_selector = server.gui.add_dropdown(
"Filter by Frame", # More action-oriented name
options=["All"] + [str(i) for i in range(S)],
# Initial mask shows all points passing confidence threshold
init_conf_mask = conf > init_conf_threshold
point_cloud = server.scene.add_point_cloud(
frames: List[viser.FrameHandle] = []
def visualize_frames(extrinsics: np.ndarray, intrinsics: np.ndarray, images: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Send all COLMAP elements to viser for visualization. This could be optimized
a ton!"""
extrinsics = np.copy(extrinsics)
# Remove existing image frames.
for frame in frames:
def attach_callback(
frustum: viser.CameraFrustumHandle, frame: viser.FrameHandle
) -> None:
def _(_) -> None:
for client in server.get_clients().values(): = frame.wxyz = frame.position
img_ids = sorted(range(S))
for img_id in tqdm(img_ids):
cam_to_world = extrinsics[img_id]
T_world_camera = tf.SE3.from_matrix(cam_to_world)
ratio = 1
frame = server.scene.add_frame(
origin_radius = 0.002/ratio
img = images[img_id]
img = (img.transpose(1, 2, 0) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
H, W = img.shape[:2]
# fy = intrinsics[img_id, 1, 1] * H
fy = 1.1 * H
image = img
# image = image[::downsample_factor, ::downsample_factor]
frustum = server.scene.add_camera_frustum(
fov=2 * np.arctan2(H / 2, fy),
aspect=W / H,
# line_thickness=0.01,
attach_callback(frustum, frame)
def _(_) -> None:
conf_mask = conf > gui_points_conf.value
frame_mask = np.ones_like(conf_mask) # Default to all frames
if gui_frame_selector.value != "All":
selected_idx = int(gui_frame_selector.value)
frame_mask = (frame_indices == selected_idx)
combined_mask = conf_mask & frame_mask
point_cloud.points = points[combined_mask]
point_cloud.colors = colors[combined_mask]
def _(_) -> None:
point_cloud.point_size = gui_point_size.value
def _(_) -> None:
"""Update points based on frame selection."""
conf_mask = conf > gui_points_conf.value
if gui_frame_selector.value == "All":
# Show all points passing confidence threshold
point_cloud.points = points[conf_mask]
point_cloud.colors = colors[conf_mask]
# Show only selected frame's points
selected_idx = int(gui_frame_selector.value)
frame_mask = (frame_indices == selected_idx)
combined_mask = conf_mask & frame_mask
point_cloud.points = points[combined_mask]
point_cloud.colors = colors[combined_mask]
# Move camera to selected frame
# if 0 <= selected_idx < len(frames):
# selected_frame = frames[selected_idx]
# for client in server.get_clients().values():
# = selected_frame.wxyz
# = selected_frame.position
# Initial visualization
visualize_frames(extrinsics, None, images)
# # Start server update loop in a background thread
def server_loop():
while True:
time.sleep(1e-3) # Small sleep to prevent CPU hogging
thread = threading.Thread(target=server_loop, daemon=True)
def closed_form_inverse_se3(se3, R=None, T=None):
Compute the inverse of each 4x4 (or 3x4) SE3 matrix in a batch.
If `R` and `T` are provided, they must correspond to the rotation and translation
components of `se3`. Otherwise, they will be extracted from `se3`.
se3: Nx4x4 or Nx3x4 array or tensor of SE3 matrices.
R (optional): Nx3x3 array or tensor of rotation matrices.
T (optional): Nx3x1 array or tensor of translation vectors.
Inverted SE3 matrices with the same type and device as `se3`.
se3: (N, 4, 4)
R: (N, 3, 3)
T: (N, 3, 1)
# Check if se3 is a numpy array or a torch tensor
is_numpy = isinstance(se3, np.ndarray)
# Validate shapes
if se3.shape[-2:] != (4, 4) and se3.shape[-2:] != (3, 4):
raise ValueError(f"se3 must be of shape (N,4,4), got {se3.shape}.")
# Extract R and T if not provided
if R is None:
R = se3[:, :3, :3] # (N,3,3)
if T is None:
T = se3[:, :3, 3:] # (N,3,1)
# Transpose R
if is_numpy:
# Compute the transpose of the rotation for NumPy
R_transposed = np.transpose(R, (0, 2, 1))
# -R^T t for NumPy
top_right = -np.matmul(R_transposed, T)
inverted_matrix = np.tile(np.eye(4), (len(R), 1, 1))
R_transposed = R.transpose(1, 2) # (N,3,3)
top_right = -torch.bmm(R_transposed, T) # (N,3,1)
inverted_matrix = torch.eye(4, 4)[None].repeat(len(R), 1, 1)
inverted_matrix =
inverted_matrix[:, :3, :3] = R_transposed
inverted_matrix[:, :3, 3:] = top_right
return inverted_matrix