import hydra import torch import os from hydra.utils import instantiate from omegaconf import DictConfig from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms as TF import glob from vggt.utils.pose_enc import pose_encoding_to_extri_intri from viser_fn import viser_wrapper # @hydra.main(config_path="config", config_name="base") def demo_fn(cfg: DictConfig, model) -> None: print(cfg.SCENE_DIR) if not torch.cuda.is_available(): raise ValueError("CUDA is not available. Check your environment.") if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" else: device = "cpu" model = # _VGGT_URL = "" # # Reload model # pretrain_model = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(_VGGT_URL) # if "model" in pretrain_model: # model_dict = pretrain_model["model"] # model.load_state_dict(model_dict, strict=False) # else: # model.load_state_dict(pretrain_model, strict=True) # batch = torch.load("/fsx-repligen/jianyuan/cvpr2025_ckpts/batch.pth") # y_hat_raw = torch.load("/fsx-repligen/jianyuan/cvpr2025_ckpts/y_hat.pth") image_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.SCENE_DIR, "images", "*")) image_list = sorted(image_list) images = load_and_preprocess_images(image_list) images = images[None].to(device) batch = {"images": images} with torch.no_grad(): with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.float16): y_hat = model(batch) last_pred_pose_enc = y_hat["pred_extrinsic_list"][-1] pose_encoding_type = cfg.CameraHead.pose_encoding_type last_pred_extrinsic, _ = pose_encoding_to_extri_intri(last_pred_pose_enc.detach(), None, pose_encoding_type=pose_encoding_type, build_intrinsics=False) y_hat["last_pred_extrinsic"] = last_pred_extrinsic for key in y_hat.keys(): if isinstance(y_hat[key], torch.Tensor): y_hat[key] = y_hat[key].cpu().numpy() torch.cuda.empty_cache() return y_hat def load_and_preprocess_images(image_path_list): # Check for empty list if len(image_path_list) == 0: raise ValueError("At least 1 image is required") # 1. load images as RGB # 2. resize images to (518, X, 3), where X is the resized width and X should be divisible by 14 # 3. normalize images to (0, 1) # 4. concatenate images to (N, 3, 518, X), where N is the number of images images = [] shapes = set() to_tensor = TF.ToTensor() # First process all images and collect their shapes for image_path in image_path_list: img ="RGB") width, height = img.size new_width = 518 # Calculate height maintaining aspect ratio, divisible by 14 new_height = round(height * (new_width / width) / 14) * 14 # Resize with new dimensions (width, height) img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.Resampling.BICUBIC) img = to_tensor(img) # Convert to tensor (0, 1) # Center crop height if it's larger than 518 if new_height > 518: start_y = (new_height - 518) // 2 img = img[:, start_y:start_y + 518, :] shapes.add((img.shape[1], img.shape[2])) images.append(img) # Check if we have different shapes if len(shapes) > 1: print(f"Warning: Found images with different shapes: {shapes}") # Find maximum dimensions max_height = max(shape[0] for shape in shapes) max_width = max(shape[1] for shape in shapes) # Pad images if necessary padded_images = [] for img in images: h_padding = max_height - img.shape[1] w_padding = max_width - img.shape[2] if h_padding > 0 or w_padding > 0: pad_top = h_padding // 2 pad_bottom = h_padding - pad_top pad_left = w_padding // 2 pad_right = w_padding - pad_left img = torch.nn.functional.pad( img, (pad_left, pad_right, pad_top, pad_bottom), mode='constant', value=1.0 ) padded_images.append(img) images = padded_images images = torch.stack(images) # concatenate images # Ensure correct shape when single image if len(image_path_list) == 1: # Verify shape is (1, C, H, W) if images.dim() == 3: images = images.unsqueeze(0) return images # if __name__ == "__main__": # y_hat = demo_fn() # # viser_wrapper(y_hat, port=8080)