import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import gradio as gr import time from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap import matplotlib.patches as patches class GridWorld: """A simple grid world environment with obstacles.""" def __init__(self, height=4, width=4): # Grid dimensions self.height = height self.width = width # Define states self.n_states = self.height * self.width # Actions: 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left self.n_actions = 4 self.action_names = ['Up', 'Right', 'Down', 'Left'] # Define rewards self.rewards = np.zeros((self.height, self.width)) # Goal state self.rewards[self.height-1, self.width-1] = 1.0 # Obstacles (negative reward) self.obstacles = [] if height >= 4 and width >= 4: self.rewards[1, 1] = -1.0 self.rewards[1, 2] = -1.0 self.rewards[2, 1] = -1.0 self.obstacles = [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1)] # Start state self.start_state = (0, 0) # Goal state self.goal_state = (self.height-1, self.width-1) # Reset the environment self.reset() def reset(self): """Reset the agent to the start state.""" self.agent_position = self.start_state return self._get_state() def _get_state(self): """Convert the agent's (row, col) position to a state number.""" row, col = self.agent_position return row * self.width + col def _get_pos_from_state(self, state): """Convert a state number to (row, col) position.""" row = state // self.width col = state % self.width return (row, col) def step(self, action): """Take an action and return next_state, reward, done.""" row, col = self.agent_position # Apply the action if action == 0: # up row = max(0, row - 1) elif action == 1: # right col = min(self.width - 1, col + 1) elif action == 2: # down row = min(self.height - 1, row + 1) elif action == 3: # left col = max(0, col - 1) # Update agent position self.agent_position = (row, col) # Get reward reward = self.rewards[row, col] # Check if episode is done done = (row, col) == self.goal_state return self._get_state(), reward, done class QLearningAgent: """A simple Q-learning agent.""" def __init__(self, n_states, n_actions, learning_rate=0.1, discount_factor=0.9, exploration_rate=1.0, exploration_decay=0.995): """Initialize the Q-learning agent.""" self.n_states = n_states self.n_actions = n_actions self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.discount_factor = discount_factor self.exploration_rate = exploration_rate self.exploration_decay = exploration_decay # Initialize Q-table self.q_table = np.zeros((n_states, n_actions)) # Track visited states for visualization self.visit_counts = np.zeros(n_states) # Training metrics self.rewards_history = [] self.exploration_rates = [] def select_action(self, state): """Select an action using epsilon-greedy policy.""" if np.random.random() < self.exploration_rate: # Explore: select a random action return np.random.randint(self.n_actions) else: # Exploit: select the action with the highest Q-value return np.argmax(self.q_table[state]) def update(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done): """Update the Q-table using the Q-learning update rule.""" # Calculate the Q-target if done: q_target = reward else: q_target = reward + self.discount_factor * np.max(self.q_table[next_state]) # Update the Q-value self.q_table[state, action] += self.learning_rate * (q_target - self.q_table[state, action]) # Update visit count for visualization self.visit_counts[state] += 1 def decay_exploration(self): """Decay the exploration rate.""" self.exploration_rate *= self.exploration_decay self.exploration_rates.append(self.exploration_rate) def get_policy(self): """Return the current greedy policy.""" return np.argmax(self.q_table, axis=1) def reset(self): """Reset the agent for a new training session.""" self.q_table = np.zeros((self.n_states, self.n_actions)) self.visit_counts = np.zeros(self.n_states) self.rewards_history = [] self.exploration_rates = [] def create_gridworld_figure(env, agent, episode_count=0, total_reward=0): """Create a figure with environment, visit heatmap, and Q-values.""" fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5)) fig.suptitle(f"Episode: {episode_count}, Total Reward: {total_reward:.2f}, Exploration Rate: {agent.exploration_rate:.2f}") # Define colors for different cell types colors = { 'empty': 'white', 'obstacle': 'black', 'goal': 'green', 'start': 'blue', 'agent': 'red' } # Helper function to draw grid def draw_grid(ax): # Create a grid for i in range(env.height + 1): ax.axhline(i, color='black', lw=1) for j in range(env.width + 1): ax.axvline(j, color='black', lw=1) # Set limits and remove ticks ax.set_xlim(0, env.width) ax.set_ylim(0, env.height) ax.invert_yaxis() # Invert y-axis to match grid coordinates ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0.5, env.width, 1)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, env.height, 1)) ax.set_xticklabels(range(env.width)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(env.height)) # Helper function to draw a cell def draw_cell(ax, row, col, cell_type): color = colors.get(cell_type, 'white') rect = patches.Rectangle((col, row), 1, 1, linewidth=1, edgecolor='black', facecolor=color, alpha=0.7) ax.add_patch(rect) # Helper function to draw an arrow def draw_arrow(ax, row, col, action): # Coordinates for arrows arrow_starts = { 0: (col + 0.5, row + 0.7), # up 1: (col + 0.3, row + 0.5), # right 2: (col + 0.5, row + 0.3), # down 3: (col + 0.7, row + 0.5) # left } arrow_ends = { 0: (col + 0.5, row + 0.3), # up 1: (col + 0.7, row + 0.5), # right 2: (col + 0.5, row + 0.7), # down 3: (col + 0.3, row + 0.5) # left } ax.annotate('', xy=arrow_ends[action], xytext=arrow_starts[action], arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', lw=2, color='blue')) # Draw Environment ax = axes[0] ax.set_title('GridWorld Environment') draw_grid(ax) # Draw cells for i in range(env.height): for j in range(env.width): if (i, j) in env.obstacles: draw_cell(ax, i, j, 'obstacle') elif (i, j) == env.goal_state: draw_cell(ax, i, j, 'goal') elif (i, j) == env.start_state: draw_cell(ax, i, j, 'start') # Draw agent row, col = env.agent_position draw_cell(ax, row, col, 'agent') # Draw policy arrows policy = agent.get_policy() for state in range(env.n_states): row, col = env._get_pos_from_state(state) if (row, col) not in env.obstacles and (row, col) != env.goal_state: draw_arrow(ax, row, col, policy[state]) # Ensure proper aspect ratio ax.set_aspect('equal') # Draw Visit Heatmap ax = axes[1] ax.set_title('State Visitation Heatmap') draw_grid(ax) # Create heatmap data heatmap_data = np.zeros((env.height, env.width)) for state in range(env.n_states): row, col = env._get_pos_from_state(state) heatmap_data[row, col] = agent.visit_counts[state] # Normalize values for coloring max_visits = max(1, np.max(heatmap_data)) # Draw heatmap for i in range(env.height): for j in range(env.width): if (i, j) in env.obstacles: draw_cell(ax, i, j, 'obstacle') elif (i, j) == env.goal_state: draw_cell(ax, i, j, 'goal') else: intensity = heatmap_data[i, j] / max_visits color = rect = patches.Rectangle((j, i), 1, 1, linewidth=1, edgecolor='black', facecolor=color, alpha=0.7) ax.add_patch(rect) # Add visit count text if heatmap_data[i, j] > 0: ax.text(j + 0.5, i + 0.5, int(heatmap_data[i, j]), ha='center', va='center', color='white' if intensity > 0.5 else 'black') # Ensure proper aspect ratio ax.set_aspect('equal') # Draw Q-values ax = axes[2] ax.set_title('Q-Values') draw_grid(ax) # Draw Q-values for each cell for state in range(env.n_states): row, col = env._get_pos_from_state(state) if (row, col) in env.obstacles: draw_cell(ax, row, col, 'obstacle') continue if (row, col) == env.goal_state: draw_cell(ax, row, col, 'goal') continue # Calculate q-values for each action q_values = agent.q_table[state] # Draw arrows proportional to Q-values for action in range(env.n_actions): q_value = q_values[action] # Only draw arrows for positive Q-values if q_value > 0: # Normalize arrow size max_q = max(0.1, np.max(q_values)) arrow_size = 0.3 * (q_value / max_q) # Position calculations center_x = col + 0.5 center_y = row + 0.5 # Direction vectors directions = [ (0, -arrow_size), # up (arrow_size, 0), # right (0, arrow_size), # down (-arrow_size, 0) # left ] dx, dy = directions[action] # Draw arrow ax.arrow(center_x, center_y, dx, dy, head_width=0.1, head_length=0.1, fc='blue', ec='blue', alpha=0.7) # Add Q-value text text_positions = [ (center_x, center_y - 0.25), # up (center_x + 0.25, center_y), # right (center_x, center_y + 0.25), # down (center_x - 0.25, center_y) # left ] tx, ty = text_positions[action] ax.text(tx, ty, f"{q_value:.2f}", ha='center', va='center', fontsize=8, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.7, boxstyle='round,pad=0.1')) # Ensure proper aspect ratio ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.tight_layout() return fig def create_metrics_figure(agent): """Create a figure with training metrics.""" fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4)) # Plot rewards if agent.rewards_history: axes[0].plot(agent.rewards_history) axes[0].set_title('Rewards per Episode') axes[0].set_xlabel('Episode') axes[0].set_ylabel('Total Reward') axes[0].grid(True) else: axes[0].set_title('No reward data yet') # Plot exploration rate if agent.exploration_rates: axes[1].plot(agent.exploration_rates) axes[1].set_title('Exploration Rate Decay') axes[1].set_xlabel('Episode') axes[1].set_ylabel('Exploration Rate (ε)') axes[1].grid(True) else: axes[1].set_title('No exploration rate data yet') plt.tight_layout() return fig def train_single_episode(env, agent): """Train for a single episode and return the total reward.""" state = env.reset() total_reward = 0 done = False steps = 0 max_steps = env.width * env.height * 3 # Prevent infinite loops while not done and steps < max_steps: # Select action action = agent.select_action(state) # Take the action next_state, reward, done = env.step(action) # Update the Q-table agent.update(state, action, reward, next_state, done) # Update state and total reward state = next_state total_reward += reward steps += 1 # Decay exploration rate agent.decay_exploration() # Store the total reward agent.rewards_history.append(total_reward) return total_reward def train_agent(env, agent, episodes, progress=gr.Progress()): """Train the agent for a specified number of episodes.""" progress_text = "" progress(0, desc="Starting training...") for episode in progress.tqdm(range(episodes)): total_reward = train_single_episode(env, agent) if (episode + 1) % 10 == 0 or episode == episodes - 1: progress_text += f"Episode {episode + 1}/{episodes}, Reward: {total_reward}, Exploration: {agent.exploration_rate:.3f}\n" # Create final visualization env_fig = create_gridworld_figure(env, agent, episode_count=episodes, total_reward=total_reward) metrics_fig = create_metrics_figure(agent) return env_fig, metrics_fig, progress_text def run_test_episode(env, agent): """Run a test episode using the learned policy.""" state = env.reset() total_reward = 0 done = False path = [env._get_pos_from_state(state)] steps = 0 max_steps = env.width * env.height * 3 # Prevent infinite loops while not done and steps < max_steps: # Select the best action from the learned policy action = np.argmax(agent.q_table[state]) # Take the action next_state, reward, done = env.step(action) # Update state and total reward state = next_state total_reward += reward path.append(env._get_pos_from_state(state)) steps += 1 # Create visualization env_fig = create_gridworld_figure(env, agent, episode_count="Test", total_reward=total_reward) # Format path for display path_text = "Path taken:\n" for i, pos in enumerate(path): path_text += f"Step {i}: {pos}\n" return env_fig, path_text, f"Test completed with total reward: {total_reward}" def create_ui(): """Create the Gradio interface.""" # Create environment and agent env = GridWorld(height=4, width=4) agent = QLearningAgent( n_states=env.n_states, n_actions=env.n_actions, learning_rate=0.1, discount_factor=0.9, exploration_rate=1.0, exploration_decay=0.995 ) # Create initial visualizations init_env_fig = create_gridworld_figure(env, agent) init_metrics_fig = create_metrics_figure(agent) with gr.Blocks(title="Q-Learning GridWorld Simulator") as demo: gr.Markdown("# Q-Learning GridWorld Simulator") with gr.Tab("Environment Setup"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): grid_height = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=8, value=4, step=1, label="Grid Height") grid_width = gr.Slider(minimum=3, maximum=8, value=4, step=1, label="Grid Width") setup_btn = gr.Button("Setup Environment") env_display = gr.Plot(value=init_env_fig, label="Environment") with gr.Row(): setup_info = gr.Textbox(label="Environment Info", value="4x4 GridWorld with start at (0,0) and goal at (3,3)") with gr.Tab("Train Agent"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): learning_rate = gr.Slider(minimum=0.01, maximum=1.0, value=0.1, step=0.01, label="Learning Rate (α)") discount_factor = gr.Slider(minimum=0.1, maximum=1.0, value=0.9, step=0.01, label="Discount Factor (γ)") exploration_rate = gr.Slider(minimum=0.1, maximum=1.0, value=1.0, step=0.01, label="Initial Exploration Rate (ε)") exploration_decay = gr.Slider(minimum=0.9, maximum=0.999, value=0.995, step=0.001, label="Exploration Decay Rate") episodes = gr.Slider(minimum=10, maximum=500, value=100, step=10, label="Number of Episodes") train_btn = gr.Button("Train Agent") with gr.Row(): train_env_display = gr.Plot(label="Training Environment") train_metrics_display = gr.Plot(label="Training Metrics") train_log = gr.Textbox(label="Training Log", lines=10) with gr.Tab("Test Agent"): with gr.Row(): test_btn = gr.Button("Test Trained Agent") with gr.Row(): test_env_display = gr.Plot(label="Test Environment") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): path_display = gr.Textbox(label="Path Taken", lines=10) test_result = gr.Textbox(label="Test Result") # Setup environment callback def setup_environment(height, width): nonlocal env, agent env = GridWorld(height=int(height), width=int(width)) agent = QLearningAgent( n_states=env.n_states, n_actions=env.n_actions, learning_rate=0.1, discount_factor=0.9, exploration_rate=1.0, exploration_decay=0.995 ) env_fig = create_gridworld_figure(env, agent) info_text = f"{height}x{width} GridWorld with start at (0,0) and goal at ({height-1},{width-1})" if env.obstacles: info_text += f"\nObstacles at: {env.obstacles}" return env_fig, info_text setup_environment, inputs=[grid_height, grid_width], outputs=[env_display, setup_info] ) # Train agent callback def start_training(lr, df, er, ed, eps): nonlocal env, agent agent = QLearningAgent( n_states=env.n_states, n_actions=env.n_actions, learning_rate=float(lr), discount_factor=float(df), exploration_rate=float(er), exploration_decay=float(ed) ) env_fig, metrics_fig, log = train_agent(env, agent, int(eps)) return env_fig, metrics_fig, log start_training, inputs=[learning_rate, discount_factor, exploration_rate, exploration_decay, episodes], outputs=[train_env_display, train_metrics_display, train_log] ) # Test agent callback def test_trained_agent(): nonlocal env, agent env_fig, path_text, result = run_test_episode(env, agent) return env_fig, path_text, result test_trained_agent, inputs=[], outputs=[test_env_display, path_display, test_result] ) return demo if __name__ == "__main__": # Install required packages # !pip install gradio matplotlib numpy # Create and launch the UI demo = create_ui() demo.launch(share=True)