Runtime error
Runtime error
const char * clblast_dequant_legacy = MULTILINE_QUOTE( | |
struct block_q4_0 | |
{ | |
float d; | |
uchar qs[16]; | |
}; | |
__kernel void dequantize_row_q4_0(__global struct block_q4_0* blocks, __global float* result) { | |
const uint i = get_global_id(0) / 32; | |
const uint l = get_local_id(0); | |
const float d = blocks[i].d; | |
const uchar vi = blocks[i].qs[l]; | |
const uint index = i*32 + l*2; | |
result[index + 0] = ((vi & 0xf) - 8)*d; | |
result[index + 1] = ((vi >> 4) - 8)*d; | |
} | |
struct block_q4_1 | |
{ | |
float d; | |
float m; | |
uchar qs[16]; | |
}; | |
__kernel void dequantize_row_q4_1(__global struct block_q4_1* blocks, __global float* result) { | |
const uint i = get_global_id(0) / 32; | |
const uint l = get_local_id(0); | |
const float d = blocks[i].d; | |
const float m = blocks[i].m; | |
const uchar vi = blocks[i].qs[l]; | |
const uint index = i*32 + l*2; | |
result[index + 0] = (vi & 0xf) * d + m; | |
result[index + 1] = (vi >> 4) * d + m; | |
} | |
struct block_q4_2 | |
{ | |
ushort d; | |
uchar qs[8]; | |
}; | |
__kernel void dequantize_row_q4_2(__global struct block_q4_2* blocks, __global float* result) { | |
const uint i = get_global_id(0) / 16; | |
const uint l = get_local_id(0); | |
const float d = vload_half(0, (__global half*) &blocks[i].d); | |
const uchar vi = blocks[i].qs[l]; | |
const uint index = i*16 + l*2; | |
result[index + 0] = ((vi & 0xf) - 8)*d; | |
result[index + 1] = ((vi >> 4) - 8)*d; | |
} | |
struct block_q4_3 | |
{ | |
ushort d; | |
ushort m; | |
uchar qs[8]; | |
}; | |
__kernel void dequantize_row_q4_3(__global struct block_q4_3* blocks, __global float* result) { | |
const uint i = get_global_id(0) / 16; | |
const uint l = get_local_id(0); | |
const float d = vload_half(0, (__global half*) &(blocks[i].d)); | |
const float m = vload_half(0, (__global half*) &(blocks[i].m)); | |
const uchar vi = blocks[i].qs[l]; | |
const uint index = i*16 + l*2; | |
result[index + 0] = (vi & 0xf) * d + m; | |
result[index + 1] = (vi >> 4) * d + m; | |
} | |
struct block_q5_0 | |
{ | |
float d; | |
uint qh; | |
uchar qs[16]; | |
}; | |
__kernel void dequantize_row_q5_0(__global struct block_q5_0* blocks, __global float* result) { | |
const uint i = get_global_id(0) / 32; | |
const uint l = get_local_id(0); | |
const float d = blocks[i].d; | |
const uchar vi = blocks[i].qs[l]; | |
const uint l2 = l * 2; | |
const uchar vh0 = ((blocks[i].qh & (1 << (l2 + 0))) >> (l2 + 0)) << 4; | |
const uchar vh1 = ((blocks[i].qh & (1 << (l2 + 1))) >> (l2 + 1)) << 4; | |
const uint index = i*32 + l2; | |
result[index + 0] = (((vi & 0xf) | vh0) - 16)*d; | |
result[index + 1] = (((vi >> 4) | vh1) - 16)*d; | |
} | |
struct block_q5_1 | |
{ | |
ushort d; | |
ushort m; | |
uint qh; | |
uchar qs[16]; | |
}; | |
__kernel void dequantize_row_q5_1(__global struct block_q5_1* blocks, __global float* result) { | |
const uint i = get_global_id(0) / 32; | |
const uint l = get_local_id(0); | |
const float d = vload_half(0, (__global half*) &blocks[i].d); | |
const float m = vload_half(0, (__global half*) &blocks[i].m); | |
const uchar vi = blocks[i].qs[l]; | |
const uint l2 = l * 2; | |
const uchar vh0 = ((blocks[i].qh & (1 << (l2 + 0))) >> (l2 + 0)) << 4; | |
const uchar vh1 = ((blocks[i].qh & (1 << (l2 + 1))) >> (l2 + 1)) << 4; | |
const uint index = i*32 + l2; | |
result[index + 0] = ((vi & 0xf) | vh0)*d + m; | |
result[index + 1] = ((vi >> 4) | vh1)*d + m; | |
} | |
struct block_q8_0 | |
{ | |
float d; | |
char qs[32]; | |
}; | |
__kernel void dequantize_row_q8_0(__global struct block_q8_0* blocks, __global float* result) { | |
const uint i = get_global_id(0) / 32; | |
const uint l = get_local_id(0); | |
result[i*32 + l] = blocks[i].qs[l] * blocks[i].d; | |
} | |
); | |
typedef struct { | |
ggml_v2_fp16_t d; // delta | |
uint8_t qh[4]; // 5-th bit of quants | |
uint8_t qs[QK5_0 / 2]; // nibbles / quants | |
} block_q5_0; | |
typedef struct { | |
float d; // delta | |
uint32_t qh; // 5-th bit of quants | |
uint8_t qs[QK5_0 / 2]; // nibbles / quants | |
} cl_block_q5_0; | |
static cl_platform_id platform; | |
static cl_device_id device; | |
static cl_context context; | |
static cl_command_queue queue; | |
static cl_program program; | |
static cl_kernel kernel_q4_0, kernel_q4_1, kernel_q4_2, kernel_q4_3, kernel_q5_0, kernel_q5_1, kernel_q8_0; | |
static cl_mem cl_buffer_a, cl_buffer_qb, cl_buffer_b, cl_buffer_c; | |
static size_t cl_size_a = 0, cl_size_qb = 0, cl_size_b = 0, cl_size_c = 0; | |
static cl_program build_program_from_source(cl_context ctx, cl_device_id dev, const char* program_buffer) { | |
cl_program p; | |
char *program_log; | |
size_t program_size, log_size; | |
int err; | |
program_size = strlen(program_buffer); | |
p = clCreateProgramWithSource(ctx, 1, (const char**)&program_buffer, &program_size, &err); | |
if(err < 0) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "OpenCL error creating program"); | |
exit(1); | |
} | |
err = clBuildProgram(p, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); | |
if(err < 0) { | |
clGetProgramBuildInfo(p, dev, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &log_size); | |
program_log = (char*) malloc(log_size + 1); | |
program_log[log_size] = '\0'; | |
clGetProgramBuildInfo(p, dev, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, log_size + 1, program_log, NULL); | |
printf("%s\n", program_log); | |
free(program_log); | |
exit(1); | |
} | |
return p; | |
} | |
void ggml_v2_cl_init_legacy(void) { | |
cl_int err = 0; | |
int plat_num = (GGML_V2_CLBLAST_PLATFORM == NULL ? 0 : atoi(GGML_V2_CLBLAST_PLATFORM)); | |
int dev_num = (GGML_V2_CLBLAST_DEVICE == NULL ? 0 : atoi(GGML_V2_CLBLAST_DEVICE)); | |
printf("\nInitializing LEGACY CLBlast (First Run)..."); | |
printf("\nAttempting to use: Platform=%d, Device=%d (If invalid, program will crash)\n",plat_num,dev_num); | |
cl_uint num_platforms; | |
clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &num_platforms); | |
cl_platform_id* platforms = (cl_platform_id*)malloc(num_platforms*sizeof(cl_platform_id)); | |
clGetPlatformIDs(num_platforms, platforms, NULL); | |
platform = platforms[plat_num]; | |
char platform_buffer[1024]; | |
clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, sizeof(platform_buffer), &platform_buffer, NULL); | |
cl_uint num_devices; | |
clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, NULL, &num_devices); | |
cl_device_id* devices = (cl_device_id*)malloc(num_devices*sizeof(cl_device_id)); | |
clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, num_devices, devices, NULL); | |
device = devices[dev_num]; | |
char device_buffer[1024]; | |
clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, sizeof(device_buffer), &device_buffer, NULL); | |
printf("Using Platform: %s Device: %s\n", platform_buffer, device_buffer); | |
context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateContext"); | |
queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateCommandQueue"); | |
free(platforms); | |
free(devices); | |
program = build_program_from_source(context, device, clblast_dequant_legacy); | |
// Prepare dequantize kernels | |
kernel_q4_0 = clCreateKernel(program, "dequantize_row_q4_0", &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateKernel"); | |
kernel_q4_1 = clCreateKernel(program, "dequantize_row_q4_1", &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateKernel"); | |
kernel_q4_2 = clCreateKernel(program, "dequantize_row_q4_2", &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateKernel"); | |
kernel_q4_3 = clCreateKernel(program, "dequantize_row_q4_3", &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateKernel"); | |
kernel_q5_0 = clCreateKernel(program, "dequantize_row_q5_0", &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateKernel"); | |
kernel_q5_1 = clCreateKernel(program, "dequantize_row_q5_1", &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateKernel"); | |
kernel_q8_0 = clCreateKernel(program, "dequantize_row_q8_0", &err); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateKernel"); | |
} | |
static void ggml_v2_cl_malloc(size_t req_size, size_t* cur_size, cl_mem_flags flags, cl_mem* buf) { | |
if (req_size <= *cur_size) { | |
return; | |
} | |
// Reallocate buffer with enough space | |
if (*cur_size > 0) { | |
clReleaseMemObject(*buf); | |
} | |
cl_int err; | |
*buf = clCreateBuffer(context, flags, req_size, NULL, &err); | |
*cur_size = req_size; | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clCreateBuffer"); | |
} | |
void ggml_v2_cl_sgemm_wrapper_legacy( | |
const enum ggml_v2_blas_order order, const enum ggml_v2_blas_op trans_a, const enum ggml_v2_blas_op trans_b, | |
const int m, const int n, const int k, | |
const float alpha, const void *host_a, const int lda, | |
const float *host_b, const int ldb, const float beta, | |
float *host_c, const int ldc, const int btype) { | |
cl_int err = 0; | |
cl_kernel kernel; | |
size_t global = n * k, local, size_qb; | |
bool dequant; | |
cl_block_q5_0* cl_host_b; | |
switch (btype) { | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_F32: | |
dequant = false; | |
break; | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_Q4_0: | |
dequant = true; | |
kernel = kernel_q4_0; | |
local = 16; | |
size_qb = global * (sizeof(float) + local) / 32; | |
break; | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_Q4_1: | |
dequant = true; | |
kernel = kernel_q4_1; | |
local = 16; | |
size_qb = global * (sizeof(float) * 2 + local) / 32; | |
break; | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_Q4_2: | |
dequant = true; | |
kernel = kernel_q4_2; | |
local = 8; | |
size_qb = global * (sizeof(ggml_v2_fp16_t) + local) / 16; | |
break; | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_Q4_3: | |
dequant = true; | |
kernel = kernel_q4_3; | |
local = 8; | |
size_qb = global * (sizeof(short) * 2 + local) / 16; | |
break; | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_Q5_0: | |
dequant = true; | |
kernel = kernel_q5_0; | |
local = 16; | |
// For some reason OpenCL seems to be incapable of working with structs of size 22. | |
// 20 and 24 bytes are fine. Workaround to do the fp16 to fp32 step on CPU... | |
// TODO Find the reason, fix and remove workaround. | |
const block_q5_0* b = (const block_q5_0*) host_b; | |
cl_host_b = (cl_block_q5_0*) malloc(sizeof(cl_block_q5_0) * global / 32); | |
for (size_t i = 0; i < global / 32; i++) { | |
cl_host_b[i].d = ggml_v2_fp16_to_fp32(b[i].d); | |
memcpy(&cl_host_b[i].qh, b[i].qh, sizeof(uint32_t)); | |
memcpy(&cl_host_b[i].qs, b[i].qs, QK5_0 / 2); | |
} | |
host_b = (const float*) cl_host_b; | |
size_qb = global * (sizeof(float) + sizeof(uint32_t) + local) / 32; | |
break; | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_Q5_1: | |
dequant = true; | |
kernel = kernel_q5_1; | |
local = 16; | |
size_qb = global * (sizeof(ggml_v2_fp16_t) * 2 + sizeof(uint32_t) + local) / 32; | |
break; | |
case GGML_V2_TYPE_Q8_0: | |
dequant = true; | |
kernel = kernel_q8_0; | |
local = 32; | |
size_qb = global * (sizeof(float) + local) / 32; | |
break; | |
default: | |
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unsupported OpenCL btype %d\n", btype); | |
abort(); | |
} | |
const size_t size_a = m * k * sizeof(float); | |
const size_t size_b = n * k * sizeof(float); | |
const size_t size_c = m * n * sizeof(float); | |
// Prepare buffers | |
ggml_v2_cl_malloc(size_a, &cl_size_a, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &cl_buffer_a); | |
if (dequant) { | |
ggml_v2_cl_malloc(size_qb, &cl_size_qb, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, &cl_buffer_qb); | |
} | |
ggml_v2_cl_malloc(size_b, &cl_size_b, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &cl_buffer_b); | |
ggml_v2_cl_malloc(size_c, &cl_size_c, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, &cl_buffer_c); | |
cl_event ev_a, ev_qb, ev_b; | |
if (dequant) { | |
err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &cl_buffer_qb); | |
err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &cl_buffer_b); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clSetKernelArg"); | |
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, cl_buffer_qb, CL_FALSE, 0, size_qb, host_b, 0, NULL, &ev_qb); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clEnqueueWriteBuffer qb"); | |
} else { | |
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, cl_buffer_b, CL_FALSE, 0, size_b, host_b, 0, NULL, &ev_b); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clEnqueueWriteBuffer b"); | |
} | |
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, cl_buffer_a, CL_FALSE, 0, size_a, host_a, 0, NULL, &ev_a); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clEnqueueWriteBuffer a"); | |
if (dequant) { | |
err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, &global, &local, 1, &ev_qb, &ev_b); | |
CL_CHECK(err, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel"); | |
clReleaseEvent(ev_qb); | |
} | |
clWaitForEvents(1, &ev_a); | |
clWaitForEvents(1, &ev_b); | |
clReleaseEvent(ev_a); | |
clReleaseEvent(ev_b); | |
cl_event ev_sgemm; | |
CLBlastStatusCode status = CLBlastSgemm((CLBlastLayout)order, | |
(CLBlastTranspose)trans_a, (CLBlastTranspose)trans_b, | |
m, n, k, | |
alpha, | |
cl_buffer_a, 0, lda, | |
cl_buffer_b, 0, ldb, | |
beta, | |
cl_buffer_c, 0, ldc, | |
&queue, &ev_sgemm); | |
if (status != CLBlastSuccess) { | |
fprintf(stderr, "Error: CLBlast SGEMM %d\n", status); | |
abort(); | |
} | |
cl_event ev_c; | |
clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, cl_buffer_c, CL_TRUE, 0, size_c, host_c, 1, &ev_sgemm, &ev_c); | |
// Wait for completion | |
clWaitForEvents(1, &ev_c); | |
clReleaseEvent(ev_sgemm); | |
clReleaseEvent(ev_c); | |
if (btype == GGML_V2_TYPE_Q5_0) { | |
free((void*) cl_host_b); | |
} | |
} | |