import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import re | |
import nltk | |'wordnet') | |
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer | |'stopwords') | |
from nltk.corpus import stopwords | |
from pprint import pprint | |
import pickle | |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components | |
from io import StringIO | |
from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer | |
import csv | |
import sys | |
#===config=== | |
st.set_page_config( | |
page_title="Coconut", | |
page_icon="π₯₯", | |
layout="wide", | |
initial_sidebar_state="collapsed" | |
) | |
hide_streamlit_style = """ | |
<style> | |
#MainMenu | |
{visibility: hidden;} | |
footer {visibility: hidden;} | |
[data-testid="collapsedControl"] {display: none} | |
</style> | |
""" | |
st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
with st.popover("π Menu"): | |
st.page_link("", label="Home", icon="π ") | |
st.page_link("pages/1", label="Scattertext", icon="1οΈβ£") | |
st.page_link("pages/2 Topic", label="Topic Modeling", icon="2οΈβ£") | |
st.page_link("pages/3 Bidirected", label="Bidirected Network", icon="3οΈβ£") | |
st.page_link("pages/4", label="Sunburst", icon="4οΈβ£") | |
st.page_link("pages/5 Burst", label="Burst Detection", icon="5οΈβ£") | |
st.page_link("pages/6 Keywords", label="Keywords Stem", icon="6οΈβ£") | |
st.header("Keywords Stem", anchor=False) | |
st.subheader('Put your file here...', anchor=False) | |
def reset_data(): | |
st.cache_data.clear() | |
#===check filetype=== | |
def get_ext(extype): | |
extype = | |
return extype | |
#===upload=== | |
def upload(extype): | |
keywords = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) | |
return keywords | |
def conv_txt(extype): | |
col_dict = {'TI': 'Title', | |
'SO': 'Source title', | |
'DE': 'Author Keywords', | |
'ID': 'Keywords Plus'} | |
keywords = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file, sep='\t', lineterminator='\r') | |
keywords.rename(columns=col_dict, inplace=True) | |
return keywords | |
def rev_conv_txt(extype): | |
col_dict_rev = {'Title': 'TI', | |
'Source title': 'SO', | |
'Author Keywords': 'DE', | |
'Keywords Plus': 'ID'} | |
keywords.rename(columns=col_dict_rev, inplace=True) | |
return keywords | |
def get_data(extype): | |
list_of_column_key = list(keywords.columns) | |
list_of_column_key = [k for k in list_of_column_key if 'Keyword' in k] | |
return list_of_column_key | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('', type=['csv','txt'], on_change=reset_data) | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
try: | |
extype = get_ext(uploaded_file) | |
if extype.endswith('.csv'): | |
keywords = upload(extype) | |
elif extype.endswith('.txt'): | |
keywords = conv_txt(extype) | |
list_of_column_key = get_data(extype) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
method = st.selectbox( | |
'Choose method', | |
('Lemmatization', 'Stemming'), on_change=reset_data) | |
with col2: | |
keyword = st.selectbox( | |
'Choose column', | |
(list_of_column_key), on_change=reset_data) | |
def clean_keyword(extype): | |
global keyword, keywords | |
try: | |
key = keywords[keyword] | |
except KeyError: | |
st.error('Error: Please check your Author/Index Keywords column.') | |
sys.exit(1) | |
keywords = keywords.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].astype(str) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].map(lambda x: re.sub('-', ' ', x)) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].map(lambda x: re.sub('; ', ' ; ', x)) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].map(lambda x: x.lower()) | |
#===Keywords list=== | |
key = key.dropna() | |
key = pd.concat([key.str.split('; ', expand=True)], axis=1) | |
key = pd.Series(np.ravel(key)).dropna().drop_duplicates().sort_values().reset_index() | |
key[0] = key[0].map(lambda x: re.sub('-', ' ', x)) | |
key['new']=key[0].map(lambda x: x.lower()) | |
return keywords, key | |
#===stem/lem=== | |
def Lemmatization(extype): | |
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() | |
def lemmatize_words(text): | |
words = text.split() | |
words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words] | |
return ' '.join(words) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].apply(lemmatize_words) | |
key['new'] = key['new'].apply(lemmatize_words) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].map(lambda x: re.sub(' ; ', '; ', x)) | |
return keywords, key | |
def Stemming(extype): | |
stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english") | |
def stem_words(text): | |
words = text.split() | |
words = [stemmer.stem(word) for word in words] | |
return ' '.join(words) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].apply(stem_words) | |
key['new'] = key['new'].apply(stem_words) | |
keywords[keyword] = keywords[keyword].map(lambda x: re.sub(' ; ', '; ', x)) | |
return keywords, key | |
keywords, key = clean_keyword(extype) | |
if method is 'Lemmatization': | |
keywords, key = Lemmatization(extype) | |
else: | |
keywords, key = Stemming(extype) | |
st.write('Congratulations! π€© You choose',keyword ,'with',method,'method. Now, you can easily download the result by clicking the button below') | |
st.divider() | |
#===show & download csv=== | |
tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = st.tabs(["π₯ Result", "π₯ List of Keywords", "π Reference", "π Recommended Reading"]) | |
with tab1: | |
st.dataframe(keywords, use_container_width=True, hide_index=True) | |
def convert_df(extype): | |
return keywords.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8') | |
def convert_txt(extype): | |
return keywords.to_csv(index=False, sep='\t', lineterminator='\r').encode('utf-8') | |
if extype.endswith('.csv'): | |
csv = convert_df(extype) | |
st.download_button( | |
"Press to download result π", | |
csv, | |
"result.csv", | |
"text/csv") | |
elif extype.endswith('.txt'): | |
keywords = rev_conv_txt(extype) | |
txt = convert_txt(extype) | |
st.download_button( | |
"Press to download result π", | |
txt, | |
"result.txt", | |
"text/csv") | |
with tab2: | |
def table_keyword(extype): | |
keytab = key.drop(['index'], axis=1).rename(columns={0: 'label'}) | |
return keytab | |
#===coloring the same keywords=== | |
def highlight_cells(value): | |
if keytab['new'].duplicated(keep=False).any() and keytab['new'].duplicated(keep=False)[keytab['new'] == value].any(): | |
return 'background-color: yellow' | |
return '' | |
keytab = table_keyword(extype) | |
st.dataframe(, subset=['new']), use_container_width=True, hide_index=True) | |
def convert_dfs(extype): | |
return key.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8') | |
csv = convert_dfs(extype) | |
st.download_button( | |
"Press to download keywords π", | |
csv, | |
"keywords.csv", | |
"text/csv") | |
with tab3: | |
st.markdown('**Santosa, F. A. (2023). Prior steps into knowledge mapping: Text mining application and comparison. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 102.**') | |
with tab4: | |
st.markdown('**Beri, A. (2021, January 27). Stemming vs Lemmatization. Medium.**') | |
st.markdown('**Khyani, D., Siddhartha B S, Niveditha N M, & Divya B M. (2020). An Interpretation of Lemmatization and Stemming in Natural Language Processing. Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology , 22(10), 350β357.**') | |
st.markdown('**Lamba, M., & Madhusudhan, M. (2021, July 31). Text Pre-Processing. Text Mining for Information Professionals, 79β103.**') | |
except: | |
st.error("Please ensure that your file is correct. Please contact us if you find that this is an error.", icon="π¨") | |
st.stop() |