import os import json import math from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor import threading from tqdm import tqdm # from glcontext import egl # egl.create_context() # exit(0) LOCAL_RANK = 0 num_processes = 4 NODE_RANK = int(os.getenv("SLURM_PROCID")) WORLD_SIZE = 1 NODE_NUM=1 # NODE_RANK = int(os.getenv("SLURM_NODEID")) IS_MAIN = False if NODE_RANK == 0 and LOCAL_RANK == 0: IS_MAIN = True GLOBAL_RANK = NODE_RANK * (WORLD_SIZE//NODE_NUM) + LOCAL_RANK # json_path = "object_lists/Thuman2.0.json" # json_path = "object_lists/THuman3.0.json" json_path = "object_lists/CustomHumans.json" data_dir = '/aifs4su/mmcode/lipeng' save_dir = '/aifs4su/mmcode/lipeng/human_8view_new' def parse_obj_list(x): if 'THuman3.0' in x: # print(apath) splits = x.split('/') x = os.path.join('THuman3.0', splits[-2]) elif 'Thuman2.0' in x: splits = x.split('/') x = os.path.join('Thuman2.0', splits[-2]) elif 'CustomHumans' in x: splits = x.split('/') x = os.path.join('CustomHumans', splits[-2]) # print(splits[-2]) elif '1M' in x: splits = x.split('/') x = os.path.join('2K2K', splits[-2]) elif 'realistic_8k_model' in x: splits = x.split('/') x = os.path.join('realistic_8k_model', splits[-1].split('.')[0]) return f'{save_dir}/{x}' with open(json_path, 'r') as f: glb_list = json.load(f) # glb_list = ['Thuman2.0/0011/0011.obj'] # glb_list = ['THuman3.0/00024_1/00024_0006/mesh.obj'] # glb_list = ['CustomHumans/mesh/0383_00070_02_00061/mesh-f00061.obj'] # glb_list = ['realistic_8k_model/1d41f2a72f994306b80e632f1cc8233f.glb'] total_num_glbs = len(glb_list) num_glbs_local = int(math.ceil(total_num_glbs / WORLD_SIZE)) start_idx = GLOBAL_RANK * num_glbs_local end_idx = start_idx + num_glbs_local # print(start_idx, end_idx) local_glbs = glb_list[start_idx:end_idx] if IS_MAIN: pbar = tqdm(total=len(local_glbs)) lock = threading.Lock() def process_human(glb_path): src_path = os.path.join(data_dir, glb_path) save_path = parse_obj_list(glb_path) # print(save_path) command = ('blender -b -P' f' -- --object_path {src_path}' f' --output_dir {save_path} ') # 1>/dev/null # print(command) os.system(command) if IS_MAIN: with lock: pbar.update(1) with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_processes) as executor:, local_glbs)