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var test = require('tape');
var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams')();
var utilInspect = require('../util.inspect');
var repeat = require('string.prototype.repeat');
var inspect = require('..');
test('inspect', function (t) {
var obj = [{ inspect: function xyzInspect() { return '!XYZ¡'; } }, []];
var stringResult = '[ !XYZ¡, [] ]';
var falseResult = '[ { inspect: [Function: xyzInspect] }, [] ]';
t.equal(inspect(obj), stringResult);
t.equal(inspect(obj, { customInspect: true }), stringResult);
t.equal(inspect(obj, { customInspect: 'symbol' }), falseResult);
t.equal(inspect(obj, { customInspect: false }), falseResult);
function () { inspect(obj, { customInspect: 'not a boolean or "symbol"' }); },
'`customInspect` must be a boolean or the string "symbol"'
test('inspect custom symbol', { skip: !hasSymbols || !utilInspect || !utilInspect.custom }, function (t) {
var obj = { inspect: function stringInspect() { return 'string'; } };
obj[utilInspect.custom] = function custom() { return 'symbol'; };
var symbolResult = '[ symbol, [] ]';
var stringResult = '[ string, [] ]';
var falseResult = '[ { inspect: [Function: stringInspect]' + (utilInspect.custom ? ', [' + inspect(utilInspect.custom) + ']: [Function: custom]' : '') + ' }, [] ]';
var symbolStringFallback = utilInspect.custom ? symbolResult : stringResult;
var symbolFalseFallback = utilInspect.custom ? symbolResult : falseResult;
t.equal(inspect([obj, []]), symbolStringFallback);
t.equal(inspect([obj, []], { customInspect: true }), symbolStringFallback);
t.equal(inspect([obj, []], { customInspect: 'symbol' }), symbolFalseFallback);
t.equal(inspect([obj, []], { customInspect: false }), falseResult);
test('symbols', { skip: !hasSymbols }, function (t) {
var obj = { a: 1 };
obj[Symbol('test')] = 2;
obj[Symbol.iterator] = 3;
Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol('non-enum'), {
enumerable: false,
value: 4
if (typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol') {
t.equal(inspect(obj), '{ a: 1, [Symbol(test)]: 2, [Symbol(Symbol.iterator)]: 3 }', 'object with symbols');
t.equal(inspect([obj, []]), '[ { a: 1, [Symbol(test)]: 2, [Symbol(Symbol.iterator)]: 3 }, [] ]', 'object with symbols in array');
} else {
// symbol sham key ordering is unreliable
/^(?:{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3 }|{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2 })$/,
'object with symbols (nondeterministic symbol sham key ordering)'
inspect([obj, []]),
/^\[ (?:{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3 }|{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2 }), \[\] \]$/,
'object with symbols in array (nondeterministic symbol sham key ordering)'
test('maxStringLength', function (t) {
function () { inspect('', { maxStringLength: -1 }); },
'maxStringLength must be >= 0, or Infinity, not negative'
var str = repeat('a', 1e8);
inspect([str], { maxStringLength: 10 }),
'[ \'aaaaaaaaaa\'... 99999990 more characters ]',
'maxStringLength option limits output'
inspect(['f'], { maxStringLength: null }),
'[ \'\'... 1 more character ]',
'maxStringLength option accepts `null`'
inspect([str], { maxStringLength: Infinity }),
'[ \'' + str + '\' ]',
'maxStringLength option accepts ∞'
test('inspect options', { skip: !utilInspect.custom }, function (t) {
var obj = {};
obj[utilInspect.custom] = function () {
return JSON.stringify(arguments);
utilInspect(obj, { depth: 5 }),
'custom symbols will use node\'s inspect'
inspect(obj, { depth: 2 }),
utilInspect(obj, { depth: 2 }),
'a reduced depth will be passed to node\'s inspect'
inspect({ d1: obj }, { depth: 3 }),
'{ d1: ' + utilInspect(obj, { depth: 2 }) + ' }',
'deep objects will receive a reduced depth'
inspect({ d1: obj }, { depth: 1 }),
'{ d1: [Object] }',
'unlike nodejs inspect, customInspect will not be used once the depth is exceeded.'
test('inspect URL', { skip: typeof URL === 'undefined' }, function (t) {
inspect(new URL('')),
/nodejs\.org/, // Different environments stringify it differently
'url can be inspected'