import logging import random import torch from torch.cuda.amp import autocast as autocast import torch.nn as nn from minigpt4.common.registry import registry from minigpt4.models.blip2 import Blip2Base, disabled_train from minigpt4.models.modeling_llama_v2 import LlamaForCausalLM from minigpt4.conversation.conversation import Conversation, SeparatorStyle, StoppingCriteriaList, StoppingCriteriaSub from transformers import LlamaTokenizer, CodeLlamaTokenizer, BitsAndBytesConfig from peft import ( LoraConfig, get_peft_model, prepare_model_for_kbit_training ) import time import numpy as np from minigpt4.models import policies @registry.register_model("mini_gpt4v") class MiniGPT4v(Blip2Base): """ BLIP2 GPT-LLAMA model. """ PRETRAINED_MODEL_CONFIG_DICT = { "pretrain_vicuna": "configs/models/minigpt4.yaml", } def __init__( self, vit_model="eva_clip_g", img_size=224, drop_path_rate=0, use_grad_checkpoint=False, vit_precision="fp16", freeze_vit=True, llama_model="", prompt_path="", prompt_template="", max_txt_len=32, low_resource=False, # use 8 bit and put vit in cpu end_sym='\n', lora_r = 8, lora_target_modules = ["q_proj","v_proj"], lora_alpha=16, # lora_r = 16, # lora_target_modules = ["q_proj","v_proj","v_proj"], lora_dropout= 0.05, ckpt_path = "", system_prompt= False, chat_template=False, token_pooling=True, use_grad_checkpoint_llm=False, max_context_len=3800, remove_template = False, ): super().__init__() self.tokenizer = self.init_tokenizer() self.low_resource = low_resource self.token_pooling = token_pooling self.remove_template = remove_template print("token pooling", self.token_pooling) self.use_grad_checkpoint_llm = use_grad_checkpoint_llm self.max_context_len = max_context_len self.chat_template = chat_template # print('Loading VIT') # self.visual_encoder, self.ln_vision = self.init_vision_encoder( # vit_model, img_size, drop_path_rate, use_grad_checkpoint, vit_precision # ) print("vit precision", vit_precision) self.visual_encoder, self.ln_vision = self.init_vision_encoder( vit_model, 224, drop_path_rate, use_grad_checkpoint, vit_precision ) for name, param in self.visual_encoder.named_parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.visual_encoder = self.visual_encoder.eval() self.visual_encoder.train = disabled_train for name, param in self.ln_vision.named_parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.ln_vision = self.ln_vision.eval() self.ln_vision.train = disabled_train"freeze vision encoder") print("freeze the vision encoder") print('Loading VIT Done') # print("visual encoder shape", self.visual_encoder.pos_embed.shape) # assert False print('Loading LLAMA') self.B_SYS, self.E_SYS = "<>\n", "\n<>\n\n" if 'CodeLlama' in llama_model: self.llama_tokenizer = CodeLlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(llama_model, use_fast=False) # self.llama_tokenizer.pad_token = "$$" else: self.llama_tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(llama_model, use_fast=False) # self.llama_tokenizer.pad_token = "$$" self.system_prompt = system_prompt bnb_config = BitsAndBytesConfig( load_in_4bit=True, bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=True, bnb_4bit_quant_type="nf4", bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) self.llama_model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained( llama_model, quantization_config=bnb_config, device_map={"": 0} ) # self.llama_model.gradient_checkpointing_enable() self.llama_model = prepare_model_for_kbit_training(self.llama_model) # self.llama_model.print_trainable_parameters() print('Loading LLAMA Done') self.merge_n = 3 self.llama_proj = nn.Linear( 1408 * self.merge_n**2, self.llama_model.config.hidden_size ) self.max_txt_len = max_txt_len self.end_sym = end_sym if prompt_path: with open(prompt_path, 'r') as f: raw_prompts = filted_prompts = [raw_prompt for raw_prompt in raw_prompts if "" in raw_prompt] self.prompt_list = [prompt_template.format(p) for p in filted_prompts] print('Load {} training prompts'.format(len(self.prompt_list))) print('Prompt Example \n{}'.format(random.choice(self.prompt_list))) else: self.prompt_list = [] def encode_img(self, image): device = image.device if len(image.shape) > 4: image = image.reshape(-1, *image.shape[-3:]) bs, ch, w, h = image.shape assert w % 224 == 0 bw = w // 224 assert h % 224 == 0 bh = h // 224 image_patches = image.view(bs, ch, bw, 224, bh, 224).permute(0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5) # bs, bw, bh, ch, 224, 224 image_patches = image_patches.reshape(bs * bw * bh, ch, 224, 224) with self.maybe_autocast(): image_patch_embeds = self.ln_vision(self.visual_encoder(image_patches)).to(device) image_patch_embeds = image_patch_embeds[:,1:,:].reshape(bs, bw, bh, 16, 16, image_patch_embeds.shape[-1]) image_patch_embeds = image_patch_embeds.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5) # bs, bw, 16, bh, 16, hs image_embeds = image_patch_embeds.reshape(bs, bw * 16 * bh * 16, image_patch_embeds.shape[-1]) bs, pn, hs = image_embeds.shape image_embeds = image_embeds.view(bs, int(pn/self.merge_n**2), int(hs*self.merge_n**2)) inputs_llama = self.llama_proj(image_embeds) atts_llama = torch.ones(inputs_llama.size()[:-1], dtype=torch.long).to(image.device) return inputs_llama, atts_llama def get_context_emb(self, prompt, img_list): img_device = img_list[0].device prompt_segs = prompt.split('') assert len(prompt_segs) == len(img_list) + 1, "Unmatched numbers of image placeholders and images." seg_tokens = [ self.llama_tokenizer( seg, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=i==0).to(img_device).input_ids # only add bos to the first seg for i, seg in enumerate(prompt_segs) ] seg_embs = [self.embed_tokens(seg_t) for seg_t in seg_tokens] mixed_embs = [emb for pair in zip(seg_embs[:-1], img_list) for emb in pair] + [seg_embs[-1]] mixed_embs =, dim=1) return mixed_embs def prompt_wrap(self, img_embeds, atts_img, prompts, lengths=None): if prompts is None or len(prompts) == 0: # prompts is not provided, just return the original image embedding return img_embeds, atts_img elif img_embeds is None: # prompt is provided but there is no image embedding. return the prompt embedding in right padding self.llama_tokenizer.padding_side = "right" prompt_tokens = self.llama_tokenizer( prompts, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest", add_special_tokens=False ).to(self.device) prompt_embeds = self.embed_tokens(prompt_tokens.input_ids) atts_prompt = prompt_tokens.attention_mask return prompt_embeds, atts_prompt else: # return the multi-modal embedding in right padding emb_lists = [] for idx, (each_img_embed, each_prompt) in enumerate(zip(img_embeds, prompts)): pn = each_img_embed.shape[-2] if lengths is not None: each_img_embed = each_img_embed.reshape(-1, each_img_embed.shape[-1]) each_img_embed = each_img_embed[:lengths[idx] * pn] p_segs = each_prompt.split('') interleave_emb = [] for idx, seg in enumerate(p_segs[:-1]): p_tokens = self.llama_tokenizer(seg, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False).to(img_embeds.device) p_embed = self.embed_tokens(p_tokens.input_ids) interleave_emb.append([p_embed, each_img_embed[None][:, idx*pn:(idx+1)*pn]], dim=1)) wrapped_emb =, dim=1) p_tokens = self.llama_tokenizer(p_segs[-1], return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False).to(img_embeds.device) p_embed = self.embed_tokens(p_tokens.input_ids) wrapped_emb =[wrapped_emb,p_embed], dim=1) emb_lists.append(wrapped_emb) emb_lens = [emb.shape[1] for emb in emb_lists] pad_emb = self.embed_tokens(torch.tensor(self.llama_tokenizer.pad_token_id, device=img_embeds.device)) max_length = max(emb_lens) if max(emb_lens) < self.max_context_len else self.max_context_len wrapped_embs = pad_emb.expand(len(emb_lens), max_length, -1).clone() wrapped_atts = torch.zeros([len(emb_lens), max_length],, device=img_embeds.device) for i, emb in enumerate(emb_lists): length = emb_lens[i] if emb_lens[i] < self.max_context_len else self.max_context_len wrapped_embs[i, :length] = emb[:, :length] wrapped_atts[i, :length] = 1 return wrapped_embs, wrapped_atts def concat_emb_input_output(self, input_embs, input_atts, output_embs, output_atts): """ Concatenate the batched input embedding and batched output embedding together. Both the input and the output embedding should be right padded. """ input_lens = [] cat_embs = [] cat_atts = [] for i in range(input_embs.size(0)): input_len = input_atts[i].sum() input_lens.append(input_len) cat_embs.append([ input_embs[i][:input_len], output_embs[i], input_embs[i][input_len:] ]) ) cat_atts.append([ input_atts[i][:input_len], output_atts[i], input_atts[i][input_len:] ]) ) # print('===================================') # print('check input emb: ', input_embs[i][this_input_ones-2:this_input_ones]) # print('check pad emb: ', input_embs[i][this_input_ones:this_input_ones+2]) # print('check out emb: ', output_embs[i][:2]) # print('check out pad emb: ', output_embs[i][-2:]) # print('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') # # print('check attn before: ', input_atts[i][:this_input_ones]) # print('check attn after: ', input_atts[i][this_input_ones:]) # print('check attn gt before: ', output_atts[i][:3]) # print('check attn gt after: ', output_atts[i][-3:]) cat_embs = torch.stack(cat_embs) cat_atts = torch.stack(cat_atts) return cat_embs, cat_atts, input_lens def get_conv_emb(self, conv_q, conv_a, conv_img): """concatenate conversation and make sure the model is only trained to regress the answer""" regress_embs_list = [] targets_list = [] batch_size = len(conv_q) for batch_idx in range(batch_size): questions, answers = conv_q[batch_idx], conv_a[batch_idx] assigned_imgs = conv_img[batch_idx] questions = [self.prompt_wrap( img_embeds=img, atts_img=None, prompts=[q], lengths=[img.shape[1]] if img is not None else None) for q, img in zip(questions, assigned_imgs)] q_embs = [emb for emb, _ in questions] answers = [self.llama_tokenizer(a, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False).to(self.device) for a in answers] cur_emb = [] cur_target = [] for i in range(len(questions)): cur_emb.append(q_embs[i]) cur_target.append(torch.ones_like(q_embs[i][..., 0], * -100) cur_emb.append(self.embed_tokens(answers[i].input_ids)) cur_target.append(answers[i].input_ids) cur_emb =, dim=1) cur_target =, dim=1) regress_embs_list.append(cur_emb) targets_list.append(cur_target) max_len = min(max([target.shape[1] for target in targets_list]), self.max_txt_len) regress_embeds = torch.zeros([batch_size, max_len, cur_emb.shape[-1]], device=self.device) regress_attn = torch.zeros([batch_size, max_len],, device=self.device) targets = torch.ones([batch_size, max_len], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) * -100 for batch_idx in range(batch_size): cur_len = regress_embs_list[batch_idx].shape[1] regress_embeds[batch_idx, :cur_len] = regress_embs_list[batch_idx][0, :max_len] regress_attn[batch_idx, :cur_len] = 1 targets[batch_idx, :cur_len] = targets_list[batch_idx][0, :max_len] return regress_embeds, regress_attn, targets def preparing_embedding(self, samples): def remove_special_tokens(data): # if "instruction_input" in data: data = [instruct.replace(" [caption]","") for instruct in data] data = [instruct.replace(" [vqa]","") for instruct in data] data = [instruct.replace(" [grounding]","") for instruct in data] data = [instruct.replace(" [identify]","") for instruct in data] data = [instruct.replace(" [refer]","") for instruct in data] return data ### prepare input tokens if 'image' in samples: img_embeds, img_atts = self.encode_img(samples["image"]) else: img_embeds = img_atts = None if 'conv_q' in samples: # handeling conversation datasets conv_q, conv_a = samples['conv_q'], samples['conv_a'] connect_sym = samples['connect_sym'][0] conv_q = [q.split(connect_sym)for q in conv_q] conv_a = [a.split(connect_sym) for a in conv_a] conv_img = assign_imgs(conv_q, img_embeds) if self.chat_template: conv_q = [["[INST] " + item + "[/INST]" for item in items] for items in conv_q] regress_embeds, regress_atts, part_targets = self.get_conv_emb(conv_q, conv_a, conv_img) cond_embeds, cond_atts = regress_embeds[:, :0], regress_atts[:, :0] else: instruction = samples["instruction_input"] if "instruction_input" in samples else None # print("instruction before", instruction) if self.remove_template: instruction = remove_special_tokens(instruction) # print("instruction after", instruction) if self.chat_template: instruction = ["[INST] " + instruct + "[/INST]" for instruct in instruction] if 'length' in samples: # the input is a image train (like videos) bsz, pn, hs = img_embeds.shape img_embeds = img_embeds.reshape(len(samples['image']), -1, pn, hs) cond_embeds, cond_atts = self.prompt_wrap(img_embeds, img_atts, instruction, samples['length']) else: cond_embeds, cond_atts = self.prompt_wrap(img_embeds, img_atts, instruction) ### prepare target tokens self.llama_tokenizer.padding_side = "right" text = [t + self.end_sym for t in samples["answer"]] regress_tokens = self.llama_tokenizer( text, return_tensors="pt", padding="longest", truncation=True, max_length=self.max_txt_len, add_special_tokens=False ).to(self.device) regress_token_ids = regress_tokens.input_ids regress_atts = regress_tokens.attention_mask part_targets = regress_token_ids.masked_fill( regress_token_ids == self.llama_tokenizer.pad_token_id, -100 ) regress_embeds = self.embed_tokens(regress_token_ids) return cond_embeds, cond_atts, regress_embeds, regress_atts, part_targets def forward(self, samples, reduction="mean"): # prepare the embedding to condition and the embedding to regress cond_embeds, cond_atts, regress_embeds, regress_atts, part_targets = \ self.preparing_embedding(samples) # concat the embedding to condition and the embedding to regress inputs_embeds, attention_mask, input_lens = \ self.concat_emb_input_output(cond_embeds, cond_atts, regress_embeds, regress_atts) # get bos token embedding bos = torch.ones_like(part_targets[:, :1]) * self.llama_tokenizer.bos_token_id bos_embeds = self.embed_tokens(bos) bos_atts = attention_mask[:, :1] # add bos token at the begining inputs_embeds =[bos_embeds, inputs_embeds], dim=1) attention_mask =[bos_atts, attention_mask], dim=1) # ensemble the final targets targets = torch.ones([inputs_embeds.shape[0], inputs_embeds.shape[1]], dtype=torch.long).to(self.device).fill_(-100) for i, target in enumerate(part_targets): targets[i, input_lens[i]+1:input_lens[i]+len(target)+1] = target # plus 1 for bos with self.maybe_autocast(): outputs = self.llama_model( inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, attention_mask=attention_mask, return_dict=True, labels=targets, reduction=reduction ) loss = outputs.loss return {"loss": loss} @torch.no_grad() def generate( self, images, texts, use_nucleus_sampling=False, num_beams=1, max_new_tokens=20, min_length=1, top_p=0.9, repetition_penalty=1, length_penalty=1, temperature=1, do_sample=False, stop_words_ids=[2], lengths=None, ): ''' function for generate test use ''' stopping_criteria = StoppingCriteriaList([StoppingCriteriaSub( stops=[torch.tensor([i]).to(self.device) for i in stop_words_ids])]) img_embeds, atts_img = self.encode_img( if lengths is not None: image_lists = [] img_embeds = img_embeds.reshape(len(lengths), -1, img_embeds.shape[-2], img_embeds.shape[-1]) for idx, img_embed in enumerate(img_embeds): image_lists.append([img_embed[i][None] for i in range(lengths[idx])]) else: image_lists = [[image_emb[None]] for image_emb in img_embeds] assert len(texts) == len(image_lists) batch_embs = [self.get_context_emb(text, img_list) for text, img_list in zip(texts, image_lists)] batch_size = len(batch_embs) max_len = max([emb.shape[1] for emb in batch_embs]) emb_dim = batch_embs[0].shape[2] dtype = batch_embs[0].dtype device = batch_embs[0].device embs = torch.zeros([batch_size, max_len, emb_dim], dtype=dtype, device=device) attn_mask = torch.zeros([batch_size, max_len],, device=device) for i, emb in enumerate(batch_embs): emb_len = emb.shape[1] embs[i, -emb_len:] = emb[0] attn_mask[i, -emb_len:] = 1 with self.maybe_autocast(): outputs = self.llama_model.generate( inputs_embeds=embs, attention_mask=attn_mask, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, num_beams=num_beams, do_sample=do_sample, # stopping_criteria=stopping_criteria, ) answers = [] for output_token in outputs: if output_token[0] == 0: output_token = output_token[1:] output_texts = self.llama_tokenizer.decode(output_token, skip_special_tokens=True) output_texts = output_texts.split('')[0] # remove the stop sign output_texts = output_texts.replace("", "") output_texts = output_texts.split(r'[/INST]')[-1].strip() answers.append(output_texts) return answers @torch.no_grad() def multi_select(self, images, texts, answers, num_cand=None): all_losses = [] for answer in answers: choice_samples = { 'image': images, 'instruction_input': texts, 'answer': answer } loss = self.forward(choice_samples, reduction='none')['loss'].reshape(-1, 1) all_losses.append(loss) torch.cuda.empty_cache() all_losses =, dim=-1) if num_cand is not None: for i in range(all_losses.shape[0]): all_losses[i, num_cand[i]:] = 9999 output_class_ranks = torch.argsort(all_losses, dim=-1) return output_class_ranks.tolist() def predict_answers( self, samples, num_beams=5, inference_method="generate", max_len=10, min_len=1, num_ans_candidates=128, answer_list=None, prompt="", length_penalty=0, **kwargs ): ''' function for open-ended VQA ''' images = samples["image"].cuda() texts = samples["instruction_input"] output_text = self.generate( images=images, texts=texts, num_beams=num_beams, max_new_tokens=max_len, min_length=min_len, length_penalty=length_penalty ) if "apply_lemmatizer" in samples.keys() and samples["apply_lemmatizer"]: output_text = self._lemmatize(output_text) return output_text def predict_class( self, samples, num_beams=5, inference_method="generate", max_len=10, min_len=1, num_ans_candidates=5, answer_list=None, prompt="", length_penalty=0, **kwargs ): ''' function for multi-choice VQA ''' image = samples["image"].cuda() instruction = samples['instruction_input'] answers = samples["choices"] num_cand = samples["num_choices"] ranks = self.multi_select(image, instruction, answers, num_cand) pred_ans = [] for i, rank in enumerate(ranks): pred = answers[rank[0]][i] pred_ans.append(pred) return pred_ans def embed_tokens(self, token_ids): try: embeds = self.llama_model.base_model.model.model.embed_tokens(token_ids) except AttributeError: embeds = self.llama_model.model.embed_tokens(token_ids) return embeds @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg): vit_model = cfg.get("vit_model", "eva_clip_g") q_former_model = cfg.get("q_former_model", "") img_size = cfg.get("image_size") num_query_token = cfg.get("num_query_token") llama_model = cfg.get("llama_model") drop_path_rate = cfg.get("drop_path_rate", 0) use_grad_checkpoint = cfg.get("use_grad_checkpoint", False) vit_precision = cfg.get("vit_precision", "fp16") freeze_vit = cfg.get("freeze_vit", True) freeze_qformer = cfg.get("freeze_qformer", True) low_resource = cfg.get("low_resource", False) prompt_path = cfg.get("prompt_path", "") prompt_template = cfg.get("prompt_template", "") max_txt_len = cfg.get("max_txt_len", 300) end_sym = cfg.get("end_sym", '\n') lora_r = cfg.get("lora_r",64) lora_alpha = cfg.get("lora_alpha",16) chat_template = cfg.get("chat_template",False) system_prompt = cfg.get("system_prompt", False) token_pooling = cfg.get("token_pooling",True) use_grad_checkpoint_llm = cfg.get("use_grad_checkpoint_llm", False) max_context_len = cfg.get("max_context_len", 3800) remove_template = cfg.get("remove_template", False) model = cls( vit_model=vit_model, img_size=img_size, drop_path_rate=drop_path_rate, use_grad_checkpoint=use_grad_checkpoint, vit_precision=vit_precision, freeze_vit=freeze_vit, llama_model=llama_model, prompt_path=prompt_path, prompt_template=prompt_template, max_txt_len=max_txt_len, low_resource=low_resource, end_sym=end_sym, lora_r = lora_r, lora_alpha = lora_alpha, chat_template = chat_template, system_prompt = system_prompt, token_pooling = token_pooling, use_grad_checkpoint_llm=use_grad_checkpoint_llm, max_context_len=max_context_len, remove_template = remove_template ) ckpt_path = cfg.get("ckpt", "") # load weights of MiniGPT-4 if ckpt_path: print("Load Minigpt-4-LLM Checkpoint: {}".format(ckpt_path)) ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location="cpu") msg = model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model'], strict=False) return model def assign_imgs(batched_instruct_list, batched_img_embeds): '''this function is used when the data is interleaved. the interlevaed data is separated, and this function assign corresponding image embeddings to each segment''' if len(batched_img_embeds.shape) == 3: batched_img_embeds = batched_img_embeds[:, None] batched_assigned = [] for instruct_list, img_embeds in zip(batched_instruct_list, batched_img_embeds): img_idx = 0 assigned_img = [] n_assigned = [] for instruct in instruct_list: n_img = instruct.count('') if n_img > 0: # this instruction include images. assigned_img.append(img_embeds[None, img_idx:img_idx+n_img]) img_idx += n_img n_assigned.append(n_img) else: # this instruction doesn't include images assigned_img.append(None) n_assigned.append(None) batched_assigned.append(assigned_img) return batched_assigned