import json from tqdm import tqdm from pytubefix import YouTube import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import os with open ('VideoInstruct100K.json','r') as f : data=json.load(f) # Usage existed_video_id={} for video_name in os.listdir('videos'): video_id = video_name.split('.')[0] existed_video_id[video_id]=True def download_video_with_subtitles(video_id): # Create a YouTube object. yt = YouTube(f'{video_id}') video_filename = f"{video_id}.mp4" video_downloaded=False try : # Get the video stream with the highest resolution and download the video. stream = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()'videos', filename=video_filename) video_downloaded=True except Exception as e: print(f"Error downloading video {video_id}: {str(e)}") video_downloaded=False if not video_downloaded: return False,False # Get the video's available captions (subtitles). captions = yt.captions.all() # Download the captions if available in xml format. caption_downloaded = False for caption in captions: caption_code = caption.code # select only english captions if 'en' in caption_code:"{video_id}", output_path='subtitles_xml',srt=False) caption_downloaded = True return video_downloaded,caption_downloaded def convert_xml_vtt(xml_path, vtt_path): # Parse the XML subtitle file tree = ET.parse(xml_path) root = tree.getroot() # Initialize a list to store VTT subtitle entries vtt_subtitle = [] # Function to convert time in milliseconds to WebVTT format def ms_to_vtt_time(milliseconds): seconds, milliseconds = divmod(milliseconds, 1000) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) return f"{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}.{milliseconds:03d}" # Iterate through subtitle elements toggle = True for p in root.findall(".//p"): if toggle: start_time = int(p.get("t")) subtitle_text = " ".join(s.text.strip() for s in p.findall(".//s")) # duration = int(p.get("d")) if p.get("d") is not None else 0 if not toggle: end_time = int(p.get("t")) # Format and append the VTT entry to the list vtt_subtitle.append(f"{ms_to_vtt_time(start_time)} --> {ms_to_vtt_time(end_time)}\n{subtitle_text}\n") toggle = not toggle # Join the VTT entries into a single string vtt_content = "WEBVTT\n\n" + "\n".join(vtt_subtitle) # Save the VTT content to a file with open(vtt_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as vtt_file: vtt_file.write(vtt_content) import os os.makedirs('videos', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('subtitles_vtt', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('subtitles_xml', exist_ok=True) for video_path in tqdm(data,desc='Downloading videos') : video_id=video_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] if existed_video_id.get(video_id,False): continue video_downloaded,caption_downloaded=download_video_with_subtitles(video_id) if caption_downloaded: # convert xml to vtt xml_file_path=f'subtitles_xml/{video_id} (a.en).xml' convert_xml_vtt(xml_file_path,f'subtitles_vtt/{video_id}.vtt')