# taken and modified from | |
# tokenize latex formulas | |
import sys | |
import os | |
import re | |
import argparse | |
import subprocess | |
import shutil | |
from threading import Timer | |
from datetime import datetime | |
def run_cmd(cmd, timeout_sec=30): | |
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) | |
kill_proc = lambda p: p.kill() | |
timer = Timer(timeout_sec, kill_proc, [proc]) | |
try: | |
timer.start() | |
stdout,stderr = proc.communicate() | |
finally: | |
timer.cancel() | |
def tokenize_latex(latex_code, latex_type="", middle_file=""): | |
if not latex_code: | |
return False, latex_code | |
if not latex_type: | |
latex_type = "tabular" if "tabular" in latex_code else "formula" | |
if not middle_file: | |
middle_file = "out-" +'%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') + ".txt" | |
temp_file = middle_file + '.tmp' | |
if latex_type == "formula": | |
with open(temp_file, 'w') as f: | |
prepre = latex_code | |
# replace split, align with aligned | |
prepre = re.sub(r'\\begin{(split|align|alignedat|alignat|eqnarray)\*?}(.+?)\\end{\1\*?}', r'\\begin{aligned}\2\\end{aligned}', prepre, flags=re.S) | |
prepre = re.sub(r'\\begin{(smallmatrix)\*?}(.+?)\\end{\1\*?}', r'\\begin{matrix}\2\\end{matrix}', prepre, flags=re.S) | |
f.write(prepre) | |
cmd = r"cat %s | node %s %s > %s " % (temp_file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'preprocess_formula.js'), 'normalize', middle_file) | |
ret =, shell=True) | |
os.remove(temp_file) | |
if ret != 0: | |
return False, latex_code | |
operators = '\s?'.join('|'.join(['arccos', 'arcsin', 'arctan', 'arg', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cot', 'coth', 'csc', 'deg', 'det', 'dim', 'exp', 'gcd', 'hom', 'inf', | |
'injlim', 'ker', 'lg', 'lim', 'liminf', 'limsup', 'ln', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'Pr', 'projlim', 'sec', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sup', 'tan', 'tanh'])) | |
ops = re.compile(r'\\operatorname {(%s)}' % operators) | |
with open(middle_file, 'r') as fin: | |
for line in fin: | |
tokens = line.strip().split() | |
tokens_out = [] | |
for token in tokens: | |
tokens_out.append(token) | |
post = ' '.join(tokens_out) | |
# use \sin instead of \operatorname{sin} | |
names = ['\\'+x.replace(' ', '') for x in re.findall(ops, post)] | |
post = re.sub(ops, lambda match: str(names.pop(0)), post).replace(r'\\ \end{array}', r'\end{array}') | |
os.remove(middle_file) | |
return True, post | |
elif latex_type == "tabular": | |
latex_code = latex_code.replace("\\\\%", "\\\\ %") | |
latex_code = latex_code.replace("\%", "<PERCENTAGE_TOKEN>") | |
latex_code = latex_code.split('%')[0] | |
latex_code = latex_code.replace("<PERCENTAGE_TOKEN>", "\%") | |
if not "\\end{tabular}" in latex_code: | |
latex_code += "\\end{tabular}" | |
with open(middle_file, 'w') as f: | |
f.write(latex_code.replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')) | |
cmd = "perl -pe 's|hskip(.*?)(cm\\|in\\|pt\\|mm\\|em)|hspace{\\1\\2}|g' %s > %s"%(middle_file, temp_file) | |
ret =, shell=True) | |
if ret != 0: | |
return False, latex_code | |
os.remove(middle_file) | |
cmd = r"cat %s | node %s %s > %s " % (temp_file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'preprocess_tabular.js'), 'tokenize', middle_file) | |
ret =, shell=True) | |
os.remove(temp_file) | |
if ret != 0: | |
return False, latex_code | |
with open(middle_file, 'r') as fin: | |
for line in fin: | |
tokens = line.strip().split() | |
tokens_out = [] | |
for token in tokens: | |
tokens_out.append(token) | |
post = ' '.join(tokens_out) | |
os.remove(middle_file) | |
return True, post | |
else: | |
print(f"latex type{latex_type} unrecognized.") | |
return False, latex_code | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
latex_code = open("2.txt", 'r').read().replace('\r', ' ') | |
print("=>", latex_code) | |
new_code = tokenize_latex(latex_code) | |
print("=>", new_code) |