define-hf-demo / vidar /arch /losses /
Jiading Fang
add define
# TRI-VIDAR - Copyright 2022 Toyota Research Institute. All rights reserved.
from abc import ABC
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as tf
from vidar.arch.losses.BaseLoss import BaseLoss
from import Camera
from vidar.utils.depth import inv2depth
from vidar.utils.tensor import match_scales
def view_synthesis(ref_image, depth, ref_cam, cam,
mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', align_corners=True):
assert depth.shape[1] == 1, 'Depth map should have C=1'
# Reconstruct world points from target_camera
world_points = cam.reconstruct(depth, frame='w')
# Project world points onto reference camera
ref_coords = ref_cam.project(world_points, frame='w')
# View-synthesis given the projected reference points
return tf.grid_sample(ref_image, ref_coords, mode=mode,
padding_mode=padding_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
def gradient_x(image):
return image[:, :, :, :-1] - image[:, :, :, 1:]
def gradient_y(image):
return image[:, :, :-1, :] - image[:, :, 1:, :]
def inv_depths_normalize(inv_depths):
mean_inv_depths = [inv_depth.mean(2, True).mean(3, True) for inv_depth in inv_depths]
return [inv_depth / mean_inv_depth.clamp(min=1e-6)
for inv_depth, mean_inv_depth in zip(inv_depths, mean_inv_depths)]
def calc_smoothness(inv_depths, images, num_scales):
inv_depths_norm = inv_depths_normalize(inv_depths)
inv_depth_gradients_x = [gradient_x(d) for d in inv_depths_norm]
inv_depth_gradients_y = [gradient_y(d) for d in inv_depths_norm]
image_gradients_x = [gradient_x(image) for image in images]
image_gradients_y = [gradient_y(image) for image in images]
weights_x = [torch.exp(-torch.mean(torch.abs(g), 1, keepdim=True)) for g in image_gradients_x]
weights_y = [torch.exp(-torch.mean(torch.abs(g), 1, keepdim=True)) for g in image_gradients_y]
# Note: Fix gradient addition
smoothness_x = [inv_depth_gradients_x[i] * weights_x[i] for i in range(num_scales)]
smoothness_y = [inv_depth_gradients_y[i] * weights_y[i] for i in range(num_scales)]
return smoothness_x, smoothness_y
def SSIM(x, y, C1=1e-4, C2=9e-4, kernel_size=3, stride=1):
Structural Similarity (SSIM) distance between two images.
x,y : torch.Tensor
Input images [B,3,H,W]
C1,C2 : float
SSIM parameters
kernel_size,stride : int
Convolutional parameters
ssim : torch.Tensor
SSIM distance [1]
pool2d = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size, stride=stride)
refl = nn.ReflectionPad2d(1)
x, y = refl(x), refl(y)
mu_x = pool2d(x)
mu_y = pool2d(y)
mu_x_mu_y = mu_x * mu_y
mu_x_sq = mu_x.pow(2)
mu_y_sq = mu_y.pow(2)
sigma_x = pool2d(x.pow(2)) - mu_x_sq
sigma_y = pool2d(y.pow(2)) - mu_y_sq
sigma_xy = pool2d(x * y) - mu_x_mu_y
v1 = 2 * sigma_xy + C2
v2 = sigma_x + sigma_y + C2
ssim_n = (2 * mu_x_mu_y + C1) * v1
ssim_d = (mu_x_sq + mu_y_sq + C1) * v2
ssim = ssim_n / ssim_d
return ssim
class MultiViewPhotometricLoss(BaseLoss, ABC):
Self-Supervised multiview photometric loss.
It takes two images, a depth map and a pose transformation to produce a
reconstruction of one image from the perspective of the other, and calculates
the difference between them
num_scales : int
Number of inverse depth map scales to consider
ssim_loss_weight : float
Weight for the SSIM loss
occ_reg_weight : float
Weight for the occlusion regularization loss
smooth_loss_weight : float
Weight for the smoothness loss
C1,C2 : float
SSIM parameters
photometric_reduce_op : str
Method to reduce the photometric loss
disp_norm : bool
True if inverse depth is normalized for
clip_loss : float
Threshold for photometric loss clipping
progressive_scaling : float
Training percentage for progressive scaling (0.0 to disable)
padding_mode : str
Padding mode for view synthesis
automask_loss : bool
True if automasking is enabled for the photometric loss
kwargs : dict
Extra parameters
def __init__(self, num_scales=4, ssim_loss_weight=0.85, occ_reg_weight=0.1, smooth_loss_weight=0.1,
C1=1e-4, C2=9e-4, photometric_reduce_op='mean', disp_norm=True, clip_loss=0.5,
progressive_scaling=0.0, padding_mode='zeros', automask_loss=False, **kwargs):
self.n = num_scales
self.ssim_loss_weight = ssim_loss_weight
self.occ_reg_weight = occ_reg_weight
self.smooth_loss_weight = smooth_loss_weight
self.C1 = C1
self.C2 = C2
self.photometric_reduce_op = photometric_reduce_op
self.disp_norm = disp_norm
self.clip_loss = clip_loss
self.padding_mode = padding_mode
self.automask_loss = automask_loss
# Asserts
if self.automask_loss:
assert self.photometric_reduce_op == 'min', \
'For automasking only the min photometric_reduce_op is supported.'
def logs(self):
"""Returns class logs."""
return {
'num_scales': self.n,
def warp_ref_image(self, inv_depths, ref_image, K, ref_K, pose):
Warps a reference image to produce a reconstruction of the original one.
inv_depths : list[torch.Tensor]
Inverse depth map of the original image [B,1,H,W]
ref_image : torch.Tensor
Reference RGB image [B,3,H,W]
K : torch.Tensor
Original camera intrinsics [B,3,3]
ref_K : torch.Tensor
Reference camera intrinsics [B,3,3]
pose : Pose
Original -> Reference camera transformation
ref_warped : torch.Tensor
Warped reference image (reconstructing the original one) [B,3,H,W]
B, _, H, W = ref_image.shape
device = ref_image.device
# Generate cameras for all scales
cams, ref_cams = [], []
for i in range(self.n):
_, _, DH, DW = inv_depths[i].shape
scale_factor = DW / float(W)
ref_cams.append(Camera(K=ref_K.float(), Tcw=pose).scaled(scale_factor).to(device))
# View synthesis
depths = [inv2depth(inv_depths[i]) for i in range(self.n)]
ref_images = match_scales(ref_image, inv_depths, self.n)
ref_warped = [view_synthesis(
ref_images[i], depths[i], ref_cams[i], cams[i],
padding_mode=self.padding_mode) for i in range(self.n)]
# Return warped reference image
return ref_warped
def SSIM(self, x, y, kernel_size=3):
Calculates the SSIM (Structural Similarity) loss
x,y : torch.Tensor
Input images [B,3,H,W]
kernel_size : int
Convolutional parameter
ssim : torch.Tensor
SSIM loss [1]
ssim_value = SSIM(x, y, C1=self.C1, C2=self.C2, kernel_size=kernel_size)
return torch.clamp((1. - ssim_value) / 2., 0., 1.)
def calc_photometric_loss(self, t_est, images):
Calculates the photometric loss (L1 + SSIM)
t_est : list[torch.Tensor]
List of warped reference images in multiple scales [B,3,H,W]
images : list[torch.Tensor]
List of original images in multiple scales [B,3,H,W]
photometric_loss : list[torch.Tensor]
Photometric loss [B,1,H,W]
# L1 loss
l1_loss = [torch.abs(t_est[i] - images[i])
for i in range(self.n)]
# SSIM loss
if self.ssim_loss_weight > 0.0:
ssim_loss = [self.SSIM(t_est[i], images[i], kernel_size=3)
for i in range(self.n)]
# Weighted Sum: alpha * ssim + (1 - alpha) * l1
photometric_loss = [self.ssim_loss_weight * ssim_loss[i].mean(1, True) +
(1 - self.ssim_loss_weight) * l1_loss[i].mean(1, True)
for i in range(self.n)]
photometric_loss = l1_loss
# Clip loss
if self.clip_loss > 0.0:
for i in range(self.n):
mean, std = photometric_loss[i].mean(), photometric_loss[i].std()
photometric_loss[i] = torch.clamp(
photometric_loss[i], max=float(mean + self.clip_loss * std))
# Return total photometric loss
return photometric_loss
def reduce_photometric_loss(self, photometric_losses):
Combine the photometric loss from all context images
photometric_losses : list[list[torch.Tensor]]
Pixel-wise photometric losses from the entire context [B,3,H,W]
photometric_loss : torch.Tensor
Reduced photometric loss [1]
# Reduce function
def reduce_function(losses):
if self.photometric_reduce_op == 'mean':
return sum([l.mean() for l in losses]) / len(losses)
elif self.photometric_reduce_op == 'min':
return, 1).min(1, True)[0].mean()
raise NotImplementedError(
'Unknown photometric_reduce_op: {}'.format(self.photometric_reduce_op))
# Reduce photometric loss
photometric_loss = sum([reduce_function(photometric_losses[i])
for i in range(self.n)]) / self.n
# Store and return reduced photometric loss
return photometric_loss
def calc_smoothness_loss(self, inv_depths, images):
Calculates the smoothness loss for inverse depth maps.
inv_depths : list[torch.Tensor]
Predicted inverse depth maps for all scales [B,1,H,W]
images : list[torch.Tensor]
Original images for all scales [B,3,H,W]
smoothness_loss : torch.Tensor
Smoothness loss [1]
# Calculate smoothness gradients
smoothness_x, smoothness_y = calc_smoothness(inv_depths, images, self.n)
# Calculate smoothness loss
smoothness_loss = sum([(smoothness_x[i].abs().mean() +
smoothness_y[i].abs().mean()) / 2 ** i
for i in range(self.n)]) / self.n
# Apply smoothness loss weight
smoothness_loss = self.smooth_loss_weight * smoothness_loss
# Store and return smoothness loss
return smoothness_loss