p5.disableFriendlyErrors = true; // disables FES // Colors to be used for the joints let JOINTS_COLORS = { "creeper": "#00B400", "hip": "#FF7818", "knee": "#F4BE18", "neck": "#0000FF", "shoulder": "#6CC9FF", "elbow": "#FF00AA", "hand": "#FF8CFF", "grip": "#FF0000", }; // Secondary off-screen canvas let drawing_canvas; // Used to draw the terrain shapes let trace_canvas; // Used to draw the erase and assets traces following the mouse let forbidden_canvas; // Used to draw the forbidden red area on the terrain startpad let tmp_canvas; /** * Creates the different canvas and sets them up. Called automatically when the programs starts. */ function setup() { let canvas_container = document.querySelector('#canvas_container'); RENDERING_VIEWER_W = canvas_container.offsetWidth; window.canvas = createCanvas(RENDERING_VIEWER_W, RENDERING_VIEWER_H); INIT_ZOOM = RENDERING_VIEWER_W / ((TERRAIN_LENGTH + INITIAL_TERRAIN_STARTPAD) * 1.05 * TERRAIN_STEP * SCALE); THUMBNAIL_ZOOM = RENDERING_VIEWER_W / ((TERRAIN_LENGTH + INITIAL_TERRAIN_STARTPAD) * 0.99 * TERRAIN_STEP * SCALE); canvas.parent("canvas_container"); canvas.style('display', 'block'); canvas.style('margin-left', 'auto'); canvas.style('margin-right', 'auto'); // Creates the off-screen canvas. Height is bigger than main canvas' so that one can scroll vertically when drawing. drawing_canvas = createGraphics(RENDERING_VIEWER_W + SCROLL_X_MAX, RENDERING_VIEWER_H + 2 * SCROLL_Y_MAX); trace_canvas = createGraphics(RENDERING_VIEWER_W + SCROLL_X_MAX, RENDERING_VIEWER_H + 2 * SCROLL_Y_MAX); forbidden_canvas = createGraphics(RENDERING_VIEWER_W + SCROLL_X_MAX, RENDERING_VIEWER_H + 2 * SCROLL_Y_MAX); tmp_canvas = createGraphics(RENDERING_VIEWER_W + SCROLL_X_MAX, RENDERING_VIEWER_H + 2 * SCROLL_Y_MAX); // Prevents automatic calls the draw() function noLoop(); } /** * Converts one rgb component to hexadecimal. * @param c {number} * @return {string} */ function componentToHex(c) { let hex = c.toString(16); return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex; } /** * Converts the rgb array to hexadecimal string. * @param rgb {Array} * @return {string} */ function rgbToHex(rgb) { return "#" + componentToHex(rgb[0]) + componentToHex(rgb[1]) + componentToHex(rgb[2]); } /** * Converts hexadecimal string to rgb array * @param hex * @return {[number, number, number]} */ function hexToRgb(hex) { let result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); let rgb = [ parseInt(result[1], 16), parseInt(result[2], 16), parseInt(result[3], 16) ]; return result ? rgb : null; } /** * Color agent's head depending on its 'dying' state. * @param agent {Object} * @param c1 {Array} * @param c2 {Array} * @return {Array} */ function color_agent_head(agent, c1, c2){ let ratio = 0; if(agent.agent_body.body_type == BodyTypesEnum.SWIMMER){ ratio = agent.nb_steps_outside_water / agent.agent_body.nb_steps_can_survive_outside_water; } else { ratio = agent.nb_steps_under_water / agent.agent_body.nb_steps_can_survive_under_water; } let color1 = [ c1[0] + ratio * (1.0 - c1[0]), c1[1] + ratio * (0.0 - c1[1]), c1[2] + ratio * (0.0 - c1[2]) ] let color2 = c2; return [color1, color2]; } /** * Renders all the elements of the environment. */ function draw() { if(window.game != null){ let env = window.game.env; push(); drawTerrain(env); // Renders the agents if not drawing mode if(!window.is_drawing()){ for(let agent of env.agents){ // Draws the agent morphology drawAgent(agent, env.scale); // Draws the agent's lidars if(window.draw_lidars){ drawLidars(agent.lidars, env.scale); } // Draws the agent's observation if(window.draw_observation){ drawObservation(agent, env.scale); } // Draws the agent's rewards if(window.draw_reward){ drawReward(agent, env.scale); } // Draws the agent's joints if(window.draw_joints){ // Agent motors let joints = [...agent.agent_body.motors]; // Adds neck joint and grip joints for climbers if(agent.agent_body.body_type == BodyTypesEnum.CLIMBER){ joints.push(agent.agent_body.neck_joint); let grip_joints = [...agent.agent_body.sensors.map(s => s.GetUserData().has_joint ? s.GetUserData().joint : null)]; joints = joints.concat(grip_joints); } drawJoints(joints, env.scale); } // Draws the agent's name if(window.draw_names){ drawName(agent, env.scale); } } } // Draws creepers joints if(window.draw_joints) { drawJoints(env.creepers_joints, env.scale); } pop(); } } /** * Draws the given sensors. * @param sensors {Array} * @param scale {number} - Scale of the environment */ function drawSensors(sensors, scale){ for(let i = 0; i < sensors.length; i++){ let radius = sensors[i].GetFixtureList().GetShape().m_radius + 0.01; let sensor_world_center = sensors[i].GetPosition()//sensors[i].GetWorldCenter(); noStroke(); fill(255, 0, 0, 255); //fill("#FFFF00"); circle(sensor_world_center.x, VIEWPORT_H - sensor_world_center.y, radius); } } /** * Draws the given joints. * @param joints * @param scale {number} - Scale of the environment */ function drawJoints(joints, scale){ for(let i = 0; i < joints.length; i++){ if(joints[i] != null){ let posA = joints[i].m_bodyA.GetWorldPoint(joints[i].m_localAnchorA); let posB = joints[i].m_bodyB.GetWorldPoint(joints[i].m_localAnchorB); noStroke(); let joint_type = joints[i].GetUserData().name; fill(JOINTS_COLORS[joint_type]); let radius = joint_type == "creeper" ? 5 : 7; circle(posA.x, VIEWPORT_H - posA.y, radius/scale); circle(posB.x, VIEWPORT_H - posB.y, radius/scale); } } } /** * Draws the name of the given agent. * @param agent {Object} * @param scale {number} - Scale of the environment */ function drawName(agent, scale){ let pos = agent.agent_body.reference_head_object.GetPosition(); fill(0); noStroke() textSize(25 / scale); textAlign(CENTER); let x_pos = pos.x; let y_pos; if(agent.morphology == "bipedal"){ y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT/3; } else if(agent.morphology == "spider"){ y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT / 2; } else if(agent.morphology == "chimpanzee"){ y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT/2; } else if(agent.morphology == "fish"){ y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT * 2; } let age = agent.age == "adult" ? "" : " (" + window.lang_dict[window.get_language()]['morphologies'][agent.age] + ")"; text(agent.name + age, x_pos, RENDERING_VIEWER_H - y_pos); } /** * Draws all the body parts of the given agent. * @param agent {Object} * @param scale {number} - Scale of the environment */ function drawAgent(agent, scale){ let stroke_coef = 1; if(agent.is_selected){ stroke_coef = 2; } let polys = agent.agent_body.get_elements_to_render(); for(let poly of polys){ let shape = poly.GetFixtureList().GetShape(); let vertices = []; for(let i = 0; i < shape.m_count; i++){ let world_pos = poly.GetWorldPoint(shape.m_vertices[i]); vertices.push([world_pos.x, world_pos.y]); } strokeWeight(stroke_coef * 2/scale); stroke(poly.color2); let color1 = poly.color1; if(poly == agent.agent_body.reference_head_object){ let rgb01 = hexToRgb(poly.color1).map(c => c / 255); let rgb255 = color_agent_head(agent, rgb01, poly.color2)[0].map(c => Math.round(c * 255)); color1 = rgbToHex(rgb255); } drawPolygon(vertices, color1); } } /** * Draws the given lidars. * @param lidars {Array} * @param scale {number} - Scale of the environment */ function drawLidars(lidars, scale){ for(let i = 0; i < lidars.length; i++){ let lidar = lidars[i]; // Draws a red line representing the lidar let vertices = [ [lidar.p1.x, lidar.p1.y], [lidar.p2.x, lidar.p2.y] ]; strokeWeight(1/scale); drawLine(vertices, "#FF0000"); } } /** * Draws the different parts of the agent's observation. * @param agent {Object} * @param scale {number} - Scale of the environment */ function drawObservation(agent, scale){ // Draws a circle depending to the surface detected by the lidar and the fraction of the lidar for(let i = 0; i < agent.lidars.length; i++) { let lidar = agent.lidars[i]; if(lidar.fraction < 1){ if(lidar.is_water_detected){ noStroke(); fill(0, 50 + (1 - lidar.fraction) * 160, 150 + (1 - lidar.fraction) * 105); circle(lidar.p2.x, VIEWPORT_H - lidar.p2.y, 5/scale); } else if(lidar.is_creeper_detected){ noStroke(); fill(0, 120 + (1 - lidar.fraction) * 135, 0); circle(lidar.p2.x, VIEWPORT_H - lidar.p2.y, 5/scale); } else{ noStroke(); fill(0, 120 + (1 - lidar.fraction) * 135, 0); circle(lidar.p2.x, VIEWPORT_H - lidar.p2.y, 5/scale); } } } // Draws a line corresponding to the agent's head angle let head = agent.agent_body.reference_head_object; let pos = head.GetPosition(); let angle = head.GetAngle(); let length = 2 * agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH; if(agent.morphology == "spider"){ length = agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH / 2; } let vertices = [ [pos.x - length * Math.cos(angle), pos.y - length * Math.sin(angle)], [pos.x + length * Math.cos(angle), pos.y + length * Math.sin(angle)] ]; let color; if(Math.abs(angle) > Math.PI / 10){ color = "#FF0000"; } else if(Math.abs(angle) > Math.PI / 40){ color = "#F4BE18"; } else{ color = "#00B400"; } strokeWeight(2/scale); drawLine(vertices, color); // Draws an arrow corresponding to the agent's linear velocity let vel = head.GetLinearVelocity().Length(); let x_pos; let y_pos; if(agent.morphology == "bipedal"){ x_pos = pos.x - agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH; y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT / 4; } else if(agent.morphology == "spider"){ x_pos = pos.x - agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH / 2; y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT / 4; } else if(agent.morphology == "chimpanzee"){ x_pos = pos.x - agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH; y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT / 3; } else if(agent.morphology == "fish"){ x_pos = pos.x - agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH; y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT * 1.5; } vertices = [ [x_pos, y_pos], [x_pos + vel / 2, y_pos] ]; strokeWeight(2/scale); drawLine(vertices, "#0070FF"); vertices = [ [x_pos + vel / 2 - 0.25, y_pos + Math.sin(Math.PI / 12)], [x_pos + vel / 2, y_pos] ] drawLine(vertices, "#0070FF"); vertices = [ [x_pos + vel / 2 - 0.25, y_pos - Math.sin(Math.PI / 12)], [x_pos + vel / 2, y_pos] ] drawLine(vertices, "#0070FF"); } /** * Draws the agent's step and episodic reward. * @param agent {Object} * @param scale {number} - Scale of the environment */ function drawReward(agent, scale){ // Text reward if(window.game.rewards.length > 0){ let dict = window.lang_dict[window.get_language()]['advancedOptions']; let pos = agent.agent_body.reference_head_object.GetPosition(); let x_pos; let y_pos; if(agent.morphology == "bipedal"){ x_pos = pos.x + agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH * 3/2; y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT; } else if(agent.morphology == "spider"){ x_pos = pos.x + agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH / 2; y_pos = pos.y + agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT * 3/2; } else if(agent.morphology == "chimpanzee"){ x_pos = pos.x + 8 * agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH; y_pos = pos.y - agent.agent_body.AGENT_HEIGHT; } else if(agent.morphology == "fish"){ x_pos = pos.x + 9 * agent.agent_body.AGENT_WIDTH; y_pos = pos.y; } noStroke() fill(0); textSize(20/ scale); textAlign(RIGHT); text(dict['stepReward'] + " = ", x_pos, RENDERING_VIEWER_H - y_pos); text(dict['totalReward'] + " = ", x_pos, RENDERING_VIEWER_H - (y_pos - 1)); let reward = window.game.rewards[window.game.rewards.length - 1][agent.id].toPrecision(3); if(reward > 0.35){ fill("#00B400"); } else if(reward > 0.15){ fill("#F4BE18"); } else { fill("#FF0000"); } textAlign(LEFT); text(reward, x_pos, RENDERING_VIEWER_H - y_pos); let ep_reward = agent.episodic_reward.toPrecision(3); if(ep_reward > 230){ fill("#00B400"); } else { fill(0); } text(ep_reward, x_pos, RENDERING_VIEWER_H - (y_pos - 1)); } } /** * Draws the sky and the clouds * @param env */ function drawSkyClouds(env){ push(); // Sky background("#E6F0FF"); // Translation to scroll horizontally and vertically translate(- env.scroll[0]/3, env.scroll[1]/3); // Rescaling scale(env.scale); scale(env.zoom * 3/4); // Translating so that the environment is always horizontally centered translate(0, (1 - env.scale * env.zoom) * VIEWPORT_H/(env.scale * env.zoom)); translate(0, (env.zoom - 1) * (env.ceiling_offset)/env.zoom * 1/3); // Clouds for(let cloud of env.cloud_polys){ noStroke(); drawPolygon(cloud.poly, "#FFFFFF"); } pop(); } /** * Draws all the bodies composing the terrain of the given environment. * @param env {Object} */ function drawTerrain(env){ // Updates scroll to stay centered on the agent position if(window.agent_followed != null){ env.set_scroll(window.agent_followed, null, null); } // Sky & clouds drawSkyClouds(env); // Translation to scroll horizontally and vertically translate(- env.scroll[0], env.scroll[1]); // Rescaling scale(env.scale); scale(env.zoom); // Translating so that the environment is always horizontally centered translate(0, (1 - env.scale * env.zoom) * VIEWPORT_H/(env.scale * env.zoom)); translate(0, (env.zoom - 1) * (env.ceiling_offset)/env.zoom * 1/3); // Water let vertices = [ [-RENDERING_VIEWER_W, -RENDERING_VIEWER_H], [-RENDERING_VIEWER_W, env.water_y], [2 * RENDERING_VIEWER_W, env.water_y], [2 * RENDERING_VIEWER_W, -RENDERING_VIEWER_H] ]; noStroke(); drawPolygon(vertices, "#77ACE5"); // Draws all background elements for(let i = 0; i < env.background_polys.length; i++) { let poly = env.background_polys[i]; noStroke(); drawPolygon(poly.vertices, poly.color); } // Draws all terrain elements for(let i = 0; i < env.terrain_bodies.length; i++) { let poly = env.terrain_bodies[i]; let shape = poly.body.GetFixtureList().GetShape(); let vertices = []; if(poly.type == "creeper"){ for(let i = 0; i < shape.m_count; i++){ let world_pos = poly.body.GetWorldPoint(shape.m_vertices[i]); vertices.push([world_pos.x, world_pos.y]); } noStroke(); drawPolygon(vertices, poly.color1); } else{ let v1 = poly.body.GetWorldPoint(shape.m_vertex1); let v2 = poly.body.GetWorldPoint(shape.m_vertex2); vertices = [[v1.x, v1.y], [v2.x, v2.y]]; strokeWeight(1/env.scale); drawLine(vertices, poly.color); } } // Draws a flag on startpad let flag_y1 = TERRAIN_HEIGHT; let flag_y2 = flag_y1 + 90 / env.scale; let flag_x = TERRAIN_STEP * 3; vertices = [ [flag_x, flag_y1], [flag_x, flag_y2] ] drawLine(vertices, "#000000"); vertices = [ [flag_x, flag_y2], [flag_x, flag_y2 - 20 / env.scale], [flag_x + 40 / env.scale, flag_y2 - 10 / env.scale] ] drawPolygon(vertices, "#E63300"); // Draws all assets for(let asset of env.assets_bodies){ let shape = asset.body.GetFixtureList().GetShape(); let stroke_coef = asset.is_selected ? 2 : 1; if(asset.type == "circle"){ let center = asset.body.GetWorldCenter(); strokeWeight(stroke_coef * 2/env.scale); stroke(asset.color2); fill(asset.color1); circle(center.x, RENDERING_VIEWER_H - center.y, shape.m_radius * 2); } } } /** * Draws a polygon in the canvas with the given vertices. * @param vertices {Array} * @param color {string} */ function drawPolygon(vertices, color){ fill(color); beginShape(); for(let v of vertices){ vertex(v[0], VIEWPORT_H - v[1]); } endShape(CLOSE); } /** * Draws a line in the canvas between the two vertices. * @param vertices {Array} * @param color {string} */ function drawLine(vertices, color){ stroke(color); line(vertices[0][0], VIEWPORT_H - vertices[0][1], vertices[1][0], VIEWPORT_H - vertices[1][1]); }