import sys import numpy as np # Only ask users to install matplotlib if they actually need it try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: print('To display the environment in a window, please install matplotlib, eg:') print('pip3 install --user matplotlib') sys.exit(-1) class Window: """ Window to draw a gridworld instance using Matplotlib """ def __init__(self, title, figsize=(3, 3)): self.fig = None self.imshow_obj = None # Create the figure and axes self.fig, = plt.subplots( # figsize=(10, 5), figsize=figsize, ) # Show the env name in the window title self.fig.canvas.set_window_title(title) # Turn off x/y axis numbering/ticks'none')'none') _ =[]) _ =[]) # list of text handles self.txt_handles = [] # Flag indicating the window was closed self.closed = False def close_handler(evt): self.closed = True self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', close_handler) def show_img(self, img): """ Show an image or update the image being shown """ # Show the first image of the environment if self.imshow_obj is None: self.imshow_obj =, interpolation='bilinear') self.imshow_obj.set_data(img) self.fig.canvas.draw() # Let matplotlib process UI events # This is needed for interactive mode to work properly # plt.pause(0.001) def set_caption(self, text, relevant_set=None): """ Set/update the caption text below the image """ # plt.xlabel(text) # text = "All utterances:\n\n"+text lines = text.split("\n") if len(lines) > 8: lines = ["..."]+lines[-8:] text = "\n".join(lines) if hasattr(self, "caption"): self.caption.set_text(text) else: # self.caption = plt.text(400, 250, text, ha="left",wrap=True) self.caption = plt.text(330, 250, text, ha="left", wrap=True) if relevant_set is not None: # if a line in the text has one of these strings it will be put in the relevant set relevant_lines = ["Relevant utterances:\n"] + [ l for l in text.rsplit("\n") if any([r in l for r in relevant_set]) ] + ["\n"] relevant_text = "\n".join(relevant_lines) if hasattr(self, "relevant_caption"): self.relevant_caption.set_text(relevant_text) else: self.relevant_caption = plt.text(-200, 250, relevant_text, ha="left") def reg_key_handler(self, key_handler): """ Register a keyboard event handler """ # Keyboard handler self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', key_handler) def show(self, block=True): """ Show the window, and start an event loop """ # If not blocking, trigger interactive mode if not block: plt.ion() # Show the plot # In non-interative mode, this enters the matplotlib event loop # In interactive mode, this call does not block def close(self): """ Close the window """ plt.close() def add_text(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['transform'] = self.txt_handles.append(*args, **kwargs)) def clear_text(self): if len(self.txt_handles) > 0: while len(self.txt_handles) > 0: self.txt_handles.pop().remove()