import os import gradio as gr import pathlib import torch import faiss from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from brain import encode_image, analyze_image_with_query from patientvoice import record_audio, transcribe_with_groq from doctorvoice import text_to_speech_with_gtts, text_to_speech_with_elevenlabs from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter # Check if CUDA is available device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" print(f"Using device: {device}") # Initialize embeddings model class SentenceTransformerEmbeddings(Embeddings): def __init__(self, model_name: str, device: str = None): self.model = SentenceTransformer(model_name, device=device) def embed_documents(self, texts: list[str]) -> list[list[float]]: embeddings = self.model.encode(texts, convert_to_tensor=False) return embeddings.tolist() def embed_query(self, text: str) -> list[float]: embedding = self.model.encode(text, convert_to_tensor=False) return embedding.tolist() embeddings = SentenceTransformerEmbeddings( model_name="sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", device=device ) # Define vectorstore paths consistently VECTORSTORE_DIR = "vectorstore/db_faiss" vectorstore_path = pathlib.Path(VECTORSTORE_DIR) # Create vectorstore directory if it doesn't exist vectorstore_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not (vectorstore_path / "index.faiss").exists(): print("Creating new vectorstore...") # Load and split the PDF loader = PyPDFLoader("medical.pdf") documents = loader.load() # Split documents into chunks text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size=2000, chunk_overlap=100, length_function=len, ) texts = text_splitter.split_documents(documents) # Create and save the vectorstore vectorstore = FAISS.from_documents(texts, embeddings) # If CUDA is available, convert index to GPU if device == "cuda": res = faiss.StandardGpuResources() # Initialize GPU resources index = vectorstore.index gpu_index = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(res, 0, index) # Move to GPU vectorstore.index = gpu_index # Save the vectorstore vectorstore.save_local(VECTORSTORE_DIR) print("Vectorstore created and saved successfully.") else: print("Loading existing vectorstore...") # Load existing vectorstore vectorstore = FAISS.load_local( folder_path=VECTORSTORE_DIR, embeddings=embeddings, allow_dangerous_deserialization=True ) # If CUDA is available, convert loaded index to GPU if device == "cuda": res = faiss.StandardGpuResources() # Initialize GPU resources index = vectorstore.index gpu_index = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(res, 0, index) # Move to GPU vectorstore.index = gpu_index print("Vectorstore loaded successfully.") def get_relevant_context(query): try: # Search the vector store for relevant documents docs = vectorstore.similarity_search(query, k=2) # Extract and combine the content from retrieved documents context = "\n".join([doc.page_content for doc in docs]) return context except Exception as e: print(f"Error in similarity search: {e}") return "Could not retrieve relevant context." # Update system prompt to include retrieved context def get_enhanced_prompt(query, context): enhanced_prompt = f"""You have to act as a professional doctor, i know you are not but this is for learning purpose. Use the following medical context to inform your response: {context} What's in this image?. Do you find anything wrong with it medically? If you make a differential, suggest some remedies for them. Donot add any numbers or special characters in your response. Your response should be in one long paragraph. Also always answer as if you are answering to a real person. Donot say 'In the image I see' but say 'With what I see, I think you have ....' Dont respond as an AI model in markdown, your answer should mimic that of an actual doctor not an AI bot, Keep your answer concise (max 2 sentences). No preamble, start your answer right away please. Question from patient: {query}""" return enhanced_prompt def process_inputs(audio_filepath, image_filepath): speech_to_text_output = transcribe_with_groq(GROQ_API_KEY=os.environ.get("GROQ_API_KEY"), audio_filepath=audio_filepath, stt_model="whisper-large-v3") # Get relevant context from the vector store context = get_relevant_context(speech_to_text_output) # Handle the image input if image_filepath: enhanced_prompt = get_enhanced_prompt(speech_to_text_output, context) doctor_response = analyze_image_with_query(query=enhanced_prompt, encoded_image=encode_image(image_filepath), model="llama-3.2-90b-vision-preview") else: doctor_response = "No image provided for me to analyze" # Generate audio response and return the filepath output_filepath = "output_audio.mp3" voice_of_doctor = text_to_speech_with_elevenlabs(input_text=doctor_response, output_filepath=output_filepath) return speech_to_text_output, doctor_response, output_filepath # Create the interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_inputs, inputs=[ gr.Audio(sources=["microphone"], type="filepath"), gr.Image(type="filepath") ], outputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Speech to Text"), gr.Textbox(label="Doctor's Response"), gr.Audio(label="Doctor's Voice") ], title="MediVox : AI Doctor with Vision and Voice", css=".gradio-container {text-align: center;}" ) iface.launch(debug=True)