from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify, redirect, url_for, session |
from flask_session import Session |
from flask.sessions import SecureCookieSessionInterface |
from salesforce import get_salesforce_connection |
from datetime import timedelta |
import os |
print("Starting app...") |
app = Flask(__name__) |
print("Flask app initialized.") |
sf = get_salesforce_connection() |
print("Salesforce connection established.") |
app.secret_key = os.getenv("SECRET_KEY", "sSSjyhInIsUohKpG8sHzty2q") |
app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem" |
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE"] = True |
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE"] = "None" |
Session(app) |
print("Session interface configured.") |
app.session_interface = SecureCookieSessionInterface() |
print("Session interface configured.") |
import random |
import string |
def generate_referral_code(length=8): |
characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits |
referral_code = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length)) |
return referral_code |
@app.route("/") |
def home(): |
user_email = request.args.get("email") |
user_name = request.args.get("name") |
table_number = request.args.get("table") |
if user_email and user_name: |
session["user_email"] = user_email |
session["user_name"] = user_name |
session["table_number"] = table_number |
print(f"User logged in: {user_email} - {user_name} - Table: {table_number}") |
session.modified = True |
return redirect(url_for("menu")) |
return render_template("index.html") |
from datetime import datetime |
def generate_coupon_code(length=10): |
"""Generates a random alphanumeric coupon code""" |
characters = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits |
return ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length)) |
@app.route("/generate_custom_dish", methods=["POST"]) |
def generate_custom_dish(): |
try: |
data = request.form |
dish_name = data.get("name") |
description = data.get("description") |
item_image_url = "https://huggingface.co/spaces/nagasurendra/BiryaniHubflask30/resolve/main/static/customized.jpg" |
item_image_url2 = "https://huggingface.co/spaces/nagasurendra/BiryaniHubflask30/resolve/main/static/customized1.jpg" |
if not dish_name or not description: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Both fields are required"}), 400 |
price = random.randint(10, 30) |
veg_keywords = ["paneer", "vegetable", "mushroom", "cheese"] |
non_veg_keywords = ["chicken", "mutton", "fish", "egg"] |
category = "Veg" if any(word in description.lower() for word in veg_keywords) else \ |
"Non veg" if any(word in description.lower() for word in non_veg_keywords) else \ |
"both" |
existing_dish_query = f"SELECT Id, Name, Price__c, Image1__c, Image2__c, Description__c, Veg_NonVeg__c FROM Custom_Dish__c WHERE Name = '{dish_name}'" |
existing_dish_result = sf.query(existing_dish_query) |
if existing_dish_result['totalSize'] > 0: |
existing_dish = existing_dish_result['records'][0] |
price = existing_dish['Price__c'] |
item_image_url = existing_dish['Image1__c'] |
item_image_url2 = existing_dish['Image2__c'] |
category = existing_dish['Veg_NonVeg__c'] |
else: |
custom_dish = { |
'Name': dish_name, |
'Price__c': price, |
'Image1__c': item_image_url, |
'Image2__c': item_image_url2, |
'Description__c': description, |
'Veg_NonVeg__c': category, |
'Section__c': 'Customized dish', |
'Total_Ordered__c': 0 |
} |
result = sf.Custom_Dish__c.create(custom_dish) |
if not result.get('success'): |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Failed to create custom dish in Salesforce"}), 500 |
email = session.get('user_email') |
cart_item_query = f"SELECT Id, Quantity__c, Price__c, Base_Price__c FROM Cart_Item__c WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{email}' AND Name = '{dish_name}'" |
cart_item_result = sf.query(cart_item_query) |
if cart_item_result['totalSize'] > 0: |
cart_item = cart_item_result['records'][0] |
new_quantity = cart_item['Quantity__c'] + 1 |
new_price = price * new_quantity |
updated_cart_item = { |
'Quantity__c': new_quantity, |
'Price__c': new_price |
} |
cart_item_update = sf.Cart_Item__c.update(cart_item['Id'], updated_cart_item) |
else: |
cart_item = { |
'Name': dish_name, |
'Price__c': price, |
'Base_Price__c': price, |
'Image1__c': item_image_url, |
'Quantity__c': 1, |
'Add_Ons__c': '', |
'Add_Ons_Price__c': 0, |
'Customer_Email__c': email |
} |
cart_result = sf.Cart_Item__c.create(cart_item) |
return redirect(url_for("cart")) |
except Exception as e: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": str(e)}), 500 |
import re |
@app.route("/edit_profile", methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
def edit_profile(): |
email = session.get('user_email') |
if not email: |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
try: |
result = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Id, Name, Email__c, Phone_Number__c, Password__c |
FROM Customer_Login__c |
WHERE Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
if not result['records']: |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
user = result['records'][0] |
user_id = user.get("Id") |
user_name = user.get("Name") |
user_phone = user.get("Phone_Number__c") |
user_email = user.get("Email__c") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching user data: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Error fetching user data"}) |
try: |
new_name = request.form.get('name') |
new_email = request.form.get('email') |
new_phone = request.form.get('phone') |
new_password = request.form.get('password') |
update_data = { |
'Name': new_name, |
'Email__c': new_email, |
'Phone_Number__c': new_phone |
} |
if new_password: |
update_data['Password__c'] = new_password |
sf.Customer_Login__c.update(user_id, update_data) |
return redirect(url_for('customer_details')) |
except Exception as e: |
return render_template("edit_profile.html", user_name=user_name, user_phone=user_phone, user_email=user_email, error=str(e)) |
import re |
@app.route("/customer_details", methods=["GET"]) |
def customer_details(): |
email = session.get('user_email') |
if not email: |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
try: |
customer_record = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Name, Email__c, Phone_Number__c, Referral__c, Reward_Points__c |
FROM Customer_Login__c |
WHERE Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
if not customer_record.get("records"): |
return jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Customer not found in Salesforce"}) |
customer = customer_record["records"][0] |
customer_data = { |
"name": customer.get("Name", ""), |
"email": customer.get("Email__c", ""), |
"phone": customer.get("Phone_Number__c", ""), |
"referral_code": customer.get("Referral__c", ""), |
"reward_points": customer.get("Reward_Points__c", 0) |
} |
return render_template("customer_details.html", customer=customer_data) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching customer details: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "message": f"Error fetching customer details: {str(e)}"}) |
@app.route("/order-history", methods=["GET"]) |
def order_history(): |
email = session.get('user_email') |
if not email: |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
try: |
result = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Id, Customer_Name__c, Customer_Email__c, Total_Amount__c, |
Order_Details__c, Order_Status__c, Discount__c, Total_Bill__c, CreatedDate |
FROM Order__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{email}' |
ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC |
""") |
orders = result.get("records", []) |
for order in orders: |
order_details = order.get("Order_Details__c", "") |
cleaned_details = re.sub(r'http[s]?://\S+', '', order_details) |
cleaned_details = cleaned_details.replace("\n", " ") |
order['Order_Details__c'] = cleaned_details |
return render_template("order_history.html", orders=orders) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching order history: {str(e)}") |
return render_template("order_history.html", orders=[], error=str(e)) |
app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(minutes=5) |
@app.before_request |
def check_session_timeout(): |
if "last_activity" in session: |
last_activity_time = session["last_activity"] |
now = datetime.now().timestamp() |
if now - last_activity_time > 300: |
session.clear() |
return redirect(url_for("logout")) |
session["last_activity"] = datetime.now().timestamp() |
@app.route("/dashboard") |
def dashboard(): |
return render_template("dashboard.html") |
@app.route("/logout") |
def logout(): |
table_number = session.get('table_number', '') |
session.pop('name', None) |
session.pop('email', None) |
session.pop('rewardPoints', None) |
session.pop('coupon', None) |
return render_template("redirect_page.html", table_number=table_number) |
@app.route("/signup", methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
def signup(): |
if request.method == "POST": |
name = request.form.get("name") |
phone = request.form.get("phone") |
email = request.form.get("email").strip() |
password = request.form.get("password") |
referral_code = request.form.get("referral") |
generated_referral_code = generate_referral_code() |
try: |
ref = 0 |
email_query = "SELECT Id, Email__c FROM Customer_Login__c" |
email_result = sf.query(email_query) |
existing_emails = {record["Email__c"].lower() for record in email_result["records"]} |
if email.lower() in existing_emails: |
return render_template("signup.html", error="Email already in use! Please use a different email.") |
if referral_code: |
referral_query = f"SELECT Id, Email__c, Name FROM Customer_Login__c WHERE Referral__c = '{referral_code}'" |
referral_result = sf.query(referral_query) |
if not referral_result['records']: |
return render_template("signup.html", error="Invalid referral code!") |
referrer = referral_result['records'][0] |
referrer_email = referrer.get('Email__c') |
referrer_name = referrer.get('Name') |
new_coupon_code = generate_coupon_code() |
existing_coupon_query = f"SELECT Id, Coupon_Code__c FROM Referral_Coupon__c WHERE Referral_Email__c = '{referrer_email}'" |
existing_coupon_result = sf.query(existing_coupon_query) |
if existing_coupon_result['records']: |
referral_record = existing_coupon_result['records'][0] |
referral_id = referral_record['Id'] |
existing_coupons = referral_record.get('Coupon_Code__c', '') |
updated_coupons = f"{existing_coupons}\n{new_coupon_code}".strip() |
sf.Referral_Coupon__c.update(referral_id, { |
"Coupon_Code__c": updated_coupons |
}) |
else: |
sf.Referral_Coupon__c.create({ |
"Name": referrer_name, |
"Referral_Email__c": referrer_email, |
"Coupon_Code__c": new_coupon_code |
}) |
sf.Customer_Login__c.create({ |
"Name": name, |
"Phone_Number__c": phone, |
"Email__c": email, |
"Password__c": password, |
"Reward_Points__c": ref, |
"Referral__c": generated_referral_code |
}) |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
except Exception as e: |
return render_template("signup.html", error=f"Error: {str(e)}") |
return render_template("signup.html") |
@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
def login(): |
if request.method == "POST": |
email = request.form.get("email") |
password = request.form.get("password") |
print(f"Login attempt with email: {email}") |
try: |
query = f"SELECT Id, Name, Email__c, Reward_Points__c FROM Customer_Login__c WHERE Email__c='{email}' AND Password__c='{password}'" |
result = sf.query(query) |
if result["records"]: |
user = result["records"][0] |
session['user_id'] = user['Id'] |
if 'user_email' not in session or session['user_email'] != email: |
session['user_email'] = email |
session['user_name'] = user.get("Name", "") |
print(f"✅ Session email updated: {session['user_email']}") |
reward_points = user.get("Reward_Points__c") or 0 |
if reward_points >= 500: |
new_coupon_code = generate_coupon_code() |
coupon_query = sf.query(f"SELECT Id, Coupon_Code__c FROM Referral_Coupon__c WHERE Referral_Email__c = '{email}'") |
if coupon_query["records"]: |
coupon_record = coupon_query["records"][0] |
referral_coupon_id = coupon_record["Id"] |
existing_coupons = coupon_record.get("Coupon_Code__c", "") |
updated_coupons = f"{existing_coupons}\n{new_coupon_code}".strip() |
sf.Referral_Coupon__c.update(referral_coupon_id, {"Coupon_Code__c": updated_coupons}) |
else: |
sf.Referral_Coupon__c.create({ |
"Referral_Email__c": email, |
"Name": user.get("Name", ""), |
"Coupon_Code__c": new_coupon_code |
}) |
new_reward_points = reward_points - 500 |
sf.Customer_Login__c.update(user['Id'], {"Reward_Points__c": new_reward_points}) |
return redirect(url_for("menu")) |
else: |
print("Invalid credentials!") |
return render_template("login.html", error="Invalid credentials!") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error during login: {str(e)}") |
return render_template("login.html", error=f"Error: {str(e)}") |
return render_template("login.html") |
@app.route("/menu", methods=["GET", "POST"]) |
def menu(): |
selected_category = request.args.get("category", "All") |
user_email = session.get('user_email') |
if not user_email: |
user_email = request.args.get("email") |
user_name = request.args.get("name") |
if user_email: |
session['user_email'] = user_email |
session['user_name'] = user_name |
else: |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
else: |
user_name = session.get('user_name') |
first_letter = user_name[0].upper() if user_name else "A" |
try: |
user_query = f"SELECT Referral__c, Reward_Points__c FROM Customer_Login__c WHERE Email__c = '{user_email}'" |
user_result = sf.query(user_query) |
if not user_result['records']: |
return redirect(url_for('login')) |
referral_code = user_result['records'][0].get('Referral__c', 'N/A') |
reward_points = user_result['records'][0].get('Reward_Points__c', 0) |
menu_query = """ |
SELECT Name, Price__c, Description__c, Image1__c, Image2__c, Veg_NonVeg__c, Section__c, Total_Ordered__c |
FROM Menu_Item__c |
""" |
result = sf.query(menu_query) |
food_items = result['records'] if 'records' in result else [] |
for item in food_items: |
if 'Total_Ordered__c' not in item or item['Total_Ordered__c'] is None: |
item['Total_Ordered__c'] = 0 |
custom_dish_query = """ |
SELECT Name, Price__c, Description__c, Image1__c, Image2__c, Veg_NonVeg__c, Section__c, Total_Ordered__c |
FROM Custom_Dish__c |
WHERE CreatedDate >= LAST_N_DAYS:7 |
""" |
custom_dish_result = sf.query(custom_dish_query) |
custom_dishes = custom_dish_result['records'] if 'records' in custom_dish_result else [] |
all_items = food_items + custom_dishes |
section_order = ["Best Sellers", "Starters", "Biryanis", "Curries", "Breads", "Customized dish", "Apetizer", "Desserts", "Soft Drinks"] |
ordered_menu = {section: [] for section in section_order} |
best_sellers = sorted(all_items, key=lambda x: x.get("Total_Ordered__c", 0), reverse=True) |
if selected_category == "Veg": |
best_sellers = [item for item in best_sellers if item.get("Veg_NonVeg__c") in ["Veg", "both"]] |
elif selected_category == "Non veg": |
best_sellers = [item for item in best_sellers if item.get("Veg_NonVeg__c") in ["Non veg", "both"]] |
best_sellers = best_sellers[:4] |
if best_sellers: |
ordered_menu["Best Sellers"] = best_sellers |
added_item_names = set() |
for item in all_items: |
section = item.get("Section__c", "Others") |
if section not in ordered_menu: |
ordered_menu[section] = [] |
if item['Name'] in added_item_names: |
continue |
if selected_category == "Veg" and item.get("Veg_NonVeg__c") not in ["Veg", "both"]: |
continue |
if selected_category == "Non veg" and item.get("Veg_NonVeg__c") not in ["Non veg", "both"]: |
continue |
ordered_menu[section].append(item) |
added_item_names.add(item['Name']) |
print(f"Added item to {section}: {item['Name']}") |
ordered_menu = {section: items for section, items in ordered_menu.items() if items} |
print(f"Final ordered menu: {ordered_menu.keys()}") |
categories = ["All", "Veg", "Non veg"] |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching menu data: {str(e)}") |
ordered_menu = {} |
categories = ["All", "Veg", "Non veg"] |
referral_code = 'N/A' |
reward_points = 0 |
return render_template( |
"menu.html", |
ordered_menu=ordered_menu, |
categories=categories, |
selected_category=selected_category, |
referral_code=referral_code, |
reward_points=reward_points, |
user_name=user_name, |
first_letter=first_letter |
) |
@app.route("/cart", methods=["GET"]) |
def cart(): |
email = session.get('user_email') |
if not email: |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
try: |
result = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Name, Price__c, Quantity__c, Add_Ons__c, Add_Ons_Price__c, Image1__c, Instructions__c, Category__c, Section__c |
FROM Cart_Item__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
cart_items = result.get("records", []) |
subtotal = sum(item['Price__c'] for item in cart_items) |
customer_result = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Reward_Points__c |
FROM Customer_Login__c |
WHERE Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
reward_points = customer_result['records'][0].get('Reward_Points__c', 0) if customer_result['records'] else 0 |
coupon_result = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Coupon_Code__c FROM Referral_Coupon__c WHERE Referral_Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
if coupon_result["records"]: |
raw_coupons = coupon_result["records"][0].get("Coupon_Code__c", "") |
coupons = raw_coupons.split("\n") if raw_coupons else [] |
else: |
coupons = [] |
suggestions = [] |
if cart_items: |
first_item = cart_items[0] |
item_category = first_item.get('Category__c', 'All') |
item_section = first_item.get('Section__c', 'Biryanis') |
complementary_sections = { |
'Breads': ['Curries', 'Biryanis', 'Starters'], |
'Biryanis': ['Curries', 'Starters', 'Desserts'], |
'Curries': ['Biryanis', 'Breads', 'Starters'], |
'Starters': ['Biryanis', 'Curries', 'Desserts'], |
'Desserts': ['Biryanis', 'Curries', 'Soft Drinks'], |
'Soft Drinks': ['Starters', 'Biryanis', 'Curries'] |
} |
suggested_sections = complementary_sections.get(item_section, []) |
try: |
for suggested_section in suggested_sections: |
if item_category == "All": |
query = f""" |
SELECT Name, Price__c, Image1__c |
FROM Menu_Item__c |
WHERE Section__c = '{suggested_section}' |
AND (Veg_NonVeg__c = 'Veg' OR Veg_NonVeg__c = 'Non veg') |
""" |
else: |
query = f""" |
SELECT Name, Price__c, Image1__c |
FROM Menu_Item__c |
WHERE Section__c = '{suggested_section}' |
AND Veg_NonVeg__c = '{item_category}' |
""" |
suggestion_result = sf.query(query) |
suggestions.extend(suggestion_result.get("records", [])) |
if len(suggestions) > 4: |
suggestions = suggestions[:4] |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching suggestions: {e}") |
return render_template( |
"cart.html", |
cart_items=cart_items, |
subtotal=subtotal, |
reward_points=reward_points, |
customer_email=email, |
coupons=coupons, |
suggestions=suggestions |
) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching cart items: {e}") |
return render_template("cart.html", cart_items=[], subtotal=0, reward_points=0, coupons=[], suggestions=[]) |
@app.route("/cart/add_suggestion_to_cart", methods=["POST"]) |
def add_suggestion_to_cart(): |
try: |
data = request.get_json() |
item_name = data.get('item_name').strip() |
item_price = data.get('item_price') |
item_image = data.get('item_image') |
item_id = data.get('item_id') |
customer_email = data.get('customer_email') |
addons = data.get('addons', []) |
instructions = data.get('instructions', "") |
addons_price = 0 |
addons_string = "None" |
query = f""" |
SELECT Id, Quantity__c, Add_Ons__c, Add_Ons_Price__c, Instructions__c |
FROM Cart_Item__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{customer_email}' AND Name = '{item_name}' |
""" |
result = sf.query(query) |
cart_items = result.get("records", []) |
if cart_items: |
cart_item_id = cart_items[0]['Id'] |
existing_quantity = cart_items[0]['Quantity__c'] |
existing_addons = cart_items[0].get('Add_Ons__c', "None") |
existing_addons_price = cart_items[0].get('Add_Ons_Price__c', 0) |
existing_instructions = cart_items[0].get('Instructions__c', "") |
combined_addons = existing_addons if existing_addons != "None" else "" |
if addons: |
combined_addons = f"{combined_addons}; {addons}".strip("; ") |
combined_instructions = existing_instructions |
if instructions: |
combined_instructions = f"{combined_instructions} | {instructions}".strip(" | ") |
combined_addons_list = combined_addons.split("; ") |
combined_addons_price = sum( |
float(addon.split("($")[1][:-1]) for addon in combined_addons_list if "($" in addon |
) |
sf.Cart_Item__c.update(cart_item_id, { |
"Quantity__c": existing_quantity + 1, |
"Add_Ons__c": combined_addons, |
"Add_Ons_Price__c": combined_addons_price, |
"Instructions__c": combined_instructions, |
"Price__c": (existing_quantity + 1) * float(item_price) + combined_addons_price |
}) |
else: |
total_price = float(item_price) + addons_price |
sf.Cart_Item__c.create({ |
"Name": item_name, |
"Price__c": total_price, |
"Base_Price__c": item_price, |
"Quantity__c": 1, |
"Add_Ons_Price__c": addons_price, |
"Add_Ons__c": addons_string, |
"Image1__c": item_image, |
"Customer_Email__c": customer_email, |
"Instructions__c": instructions |
}) |
return jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Item added to cart successfully."}) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error adding item to cart: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": str(e)}) |
@app.route('/cart/add', methods=['POST']) |
def add_to_cart(): |
try: |
data = request.json |
item_name = data.get('itemName', '').strip() |
item_price = data.get('itemPrice') |
item_image = data.get('itemImage') |
addons = data.get('addons', []) |
instructions = data.get('instructions', '') |
category = data.get('category') |
section = data.get('section') |
customer_email = session.get('user_email') |
if not item_name or not item_price: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Item name and price are required."}), 400 |
if not customer_email: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "User email is required."}), 400 |
query = f""" |
SELECT Id, Quantity__c, Add_Ons__c, Add_Ons_Price__c, Instructions__c |
FROM Cart_Item__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{customer_email}' AND Name = '{item_name}' |
""" |
result = sf.query(query) |
cart_items = result.get("records", []) |
addons_price = sum(addon['price'] for addon in addons) |
new_addons = "; ".join([f"{addon['name']} (${addon['price']})" for addon in addons]) |
if cart_items: |
cart_item_id = cart_items[0]['Id'] |
existing_quantity = cart_items[0]['Quantity__c'] |
existing_addons = cart_items[0].get('Add_Ons__c', "None") |
existing_addons_price = cart_items[0].get('Add_Ons_Price__c', 0) |
existing_instructions = cart_items[0].get('Instructions__c', "") |
combined_addons = existing_addons if existing_addons != "None" else "" |
if new_addons: |
combined_addons = f"{combined_addons}; {new_addons}".strip("; ") |
combined_instructions = existing_instructions |
if instructions: |
combined_instructions = f"{combined_instructions} | {instructions}".strip(" | ") |
combined_addons_list = combined_addons.split("; ") |
combined_addons_price = sum( |
float(addon.split("($")[1][:-1]) for addon in combined_addons_list if "($" in addon |
) |
sf.Cart_Item__c.update(cart_item_id, { |
"Quantity__c": existing_quantity + 1, |
"Add_Ons__c": combined_addons, |
"Add_Ons_Price__c": combined_addons_price, |
"Instructions__c": combined_instructions, |
"Price__c": (existing_quantity + 1) * item_price + combined_addons_price, |
"Category__c": category, |
"Section__c": section |
}) |
else: |
addons_string = "None" |
if addons: |
addons_string = new_addons |
total_price = item_price + addons_price |
sf.Cart_Item__c.create({ |
"Name": item_name, |
"Price__c": total_price, |
"Base_Price__c": item_price, |
"Quantity__c": 1, |
"Add_Ons_Price__c": addons_price, |
"Add_Ons__c": addons_string, |
"Image1__c": item_image, |
"Customer_Email__c": customer_email, |
"Instructions__c": instructions, |
"Category__c": category, |
"Section__c": section |
}) |
return jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Item added to cart successfully."}) |
except KeyError as e: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": f"Missing required field: {str(e)}"}), 400 |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error adding item to cart: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "An error occurred while adding the item to the cart."}), 500 |
@app.route("/cart/add_item", methods=["POST"]) |
def add_item_to_cart(): |
data = request.json |
email = data.get('email') |
item_name = data.get('item_name') |
quantity = data.get('quantity', 1) |
addons = data.get('addons', []) |
if not email or not item_name: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Email and item name are required."}), 400 |
try: |
sf.Cart_Item__c.create({ |
"Customer_Email__c": email, |
"Item_Name__c": item_name, |
"Quantity__c": quantity, |
"Add_Ons__c": addons_string |
}) |
return jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Item added to cart successfully."}) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error adding item to cart: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": str(e)}), 500 |
@app.route('/cart/remove/<item_name>', methods=['POST']) |
def remove_cart_item(item_name): |
try: |
customer_email = session.get('user_email') |
if not customer_email: |
return jsonify({'success': False, 'message': 'User email not found. Please log in again.'}), 400 |
query = f""" |
SELECT Id FROM Cart_Item__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{customer_email}' AND Name = '{item_name}' |
""" |
result = sf.query(query) |
if result['totalSize'] == 0: |
return jsonify({'success': False, 'message': 'Item not found in cart.'}), 400 |
cart_item_id = result['records'][0]['Id'] |
sf.Cart_Item__c.delete(cart_item_id) |
return jsonify({'success': True, 'message': f"'{item_name}' removed successfully!"}), 200 |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({'success': False, 'message': f"An error occurred: {str(e)}"}), 500 |
@app.route('/api/addons', methods=['GET']) |
def get_addons(): |
item_name = request.args.get('item_name') |
item_section = request.args.get('item_section') |
if not item_name or not item_section: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Item name and section are required."}), 400 |
try: |
query = f""" |
SELECT Name, Customization_Type__c, Options__c, Max_Selections__c, Extra_Charge__c, Extra_Charge_Amount__c |
FROM Customization_Options__c |
WHERE Section__c = '{item_section}' |
""" |
result = sf.query(query) |
addons = result.get('records', []) |
if not addons: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "No customization options found for the given section."}), 404 |
formatted_addons = [] |
for addon in addons: |
options = addon.get("Options__c", "") |
if options: |
options = options.split(", ") |
else: |
options = [] |
formatted_addons.append({ |
"name": addon["Name"], |
"type": addon["Customization_Type__c"], |
"options": options, |
"max_selections": addon.get("Max_Selections__c", 1), |
"extra_charge": addon.get("Extra_Charge__c", False), |
"extra_charge_amount": addon.get("Extra_Charge_Amount__c", 0) |
}) |
return jsonify({"success": True, "addons": formatted_addons}) |
except Exception as e: |
app.logger.error(f"Error fetching addons: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "An error occurred while fetching customization options."}), 500 |
@app.route("/cart/update_quantity", methods=["POST"]) |
def update_quantity(): |
data = request.json |
email = data.get('email') |
item_name = data.get('item_name') |
try: |
quantity = int(data.get('quantity')) |
except (ValueError, TypeError): |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Invalid quantity provided."}), 400 |
if not email or not item_name or quantity is None: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Email, item name, and quantity are required."}), 400 |
try: |
cart_items = sf.query( |
f"SELECT Id, Quantity__c, Price__c, Base_Price__c, Add_Ons_Price__c FROM Cart_Item__c " |
f"WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{email}' AND Name = '{item_name}'" |
)['records'] |
if not cart_items: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": "Cart item not found."}), 404 |
cart_item_id = cart_items[0]['Id'] |
base_price = cart_items[0]['Base_Price__c'] |
addons_price = cart_items[0].get('Add_Ons_Price__c', 0) |
new_item_price = (base_price * quantity) + addons_price |
sf.Cart_Item__c.update(cart_item_id, { |
"Quantity__c": quantity, |
"Price__c": new_item_price, |
}) |
cart_items = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Price__c, Add_Ons_Price__c |
FROM Cart_Item__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{email}' |
""")['records'] |
new_subtotal = sum(item['Price__c'] for item in cart_items) |
return jsonify({"success": True, "new_item_price": new_item_price, "subtotal": new_subtotal}) |
print(f"New item price: {new_item_price}, New subtotal: {new_subtotal}") |
return jsonify({"success": True, "new_item_price": new_item_price, "subtotal": new_subtotal}) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error updating quantity: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": str(e)}), 500 |
@app.route("/checkout", methods=["POST"]) |
def checkout(): |
email = session.get('user_email') |
user_id = session.get('user_name') |
table_number = session.get('table_number') |
if not email or not user_id: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "message": "User not logged in"}) |
try: |
data = request.json |
selected_coupon = data.get("selectedCoupon", "").strip() |
result = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Id, Name, Price__c, Add_Ons_Price__c, Quantity__c, Add_Ons__c, Instructions__c, Image1__c |
FROM Cart_Item__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
cart_items = result.get("records", []) |
if not cart_items: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Cart is empty"}) |
total_price = sum(item['Price__c'] for item in cart_items) |
discount = 0 |
coupon_query = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Id, Coupon_Code__c FROM Referral_Coupon__c WHERE Referral_Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
has_coupons = bool(coupon_query["records"]) |
if selected_coupon: |
discount = total_price * 0.10 |
referral_coupon_id = coupon_query["records"][0]["Id"] |
existing_coupons = coupon_query["records"][0]["Coupon_Code__c"].split("\n") |
updated_coupons = [coupon for coupon in existing_coupons if coupon.strip() != selected_coupon] |
updated_coupons_str = "\n".join(updated_coupons).strip() |
sf.Referral_Coupon__c.update(referral_coupon_id, { |
"Coupon_Code__c": updated_coupons_str |
}) |
else: |
reward_points_to_add = total_price * 0.10 |
customer_record = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Id, Reward_Points__c FROM Customer_Login__c |
WHERE Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
customer = customer_record.get("records", [])[0] if customer_record else None |
if customer: |
current_reward_points = customer.get("Reward_Points__c") or 0 |
new_reward_points = current_reward_points + reward_points_to_add |
sf.Customer_Login__c.update(customer["Id"], { |
"Reward_Points__c": new_reward_points |
}) |
total_bill = total_price - discount |
order_details = "\n".join( |
f"{item['Name']} x{item['Quantity__c']} | Add-Ons: {item.get('Add_Ons__c', 'None')} | " |
f"Instructions: {item.get('Instructions__c', 'None')} | " |
f"Price: ${item['Price__c']} | Image: {item['Image1__c']}" |
for item in cart_items |
) |
customer_query = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Id FROM Customer_Login__c |
WHERE Email__c = '{email}' |
""") |
customer_id = customer_query["records"][0]["Id"] if customer_query["records"] else None |
if not customer_id: |
return jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Customer record not found in Salesforce"}) |
order_data = { |
"Customer_Name__c": user_id, |
"Customer_Email__c": email, |
"Total_Amount__c": total_price, |
"Discount__c": discount, |
"Total_Bill__c": total_bill, |
"Order_Status__c": "Pending", |
"Customer2__c": customer_id, |
"Order_Details__c": order_details, |
"Table_Number__c": table_number |
} |
sf.Order__c.create(order_data) |
for item in cart_items: |
sf.Cart_Item__c.delete(item["Id"]) |
return jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Order placed successfully!"}) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error during checkout: {str(e)}") |
return jsonify({"success": False, "error": str(e)}) |
@app.route("/order", methods=["GET"]) |
def order_summary(): |
email = session.get('user_email') |
if not email: |
return redirect(url_for("login")) |
try: |
result = sf.query(f""" |
SELECT Id, Customer_Name__c, Customer_Email__c, Total_Amount__c, Order_Details__c, Order_Status__c, Discount__c, Total_Bill__c |
FROM Order__c |
WHERE Customer_Email__c = '{email}' |
ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC |
""") |
order = result.get("records", [])[0] if result.get("records") else None |
if not order: |
return render_template("order.html", order=None) |
return render_template("order.html", order=order) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error fetching order details: {str(e)}") |
return render_template("order.html", order=None, error=str(e)) |
import smtplib |
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart |
from email.mime.text import MIMEText |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app.run(debug=True, host="", port=7860) |