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# Pyserini: Reproducible IR research with sparse and dense representations
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Set, Tuple
class AggregationMethod(Enum):
SUM = 'sum'
class RescoreMethod(Enum):
RRF = 'rrf'
SCALE = 'scale'
NORMALIZE = 'normalize'
class Qrels:
"""Wrapper class for TREC Qrels.
filepath : str
File path of a given TREC Qrels.
columns = ['topic', 'q0', 'docid', 'relevance_grade']
def __init__(self, filepath: str = None):
self.filepath = filepath
self.qrels_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=Qrels.columns)
if filepath is not None:
def read_run(self, filepath: str):
self.qrels_data = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep='\s+', names=Qrels.columns)
def get_relevance_grades(self) -> Set[str]:
"""Return a set with all relevance grades."""
return set(sorted(self.qrels_data["relevance_grade"].unique()))
def topics(self) -> Set[str]:
"""Return a set with all topics."""
return set(sorted(self.qrels_data["topic"].unique()))
def get_docids(self, topic, relevance_grades=None) -> List[str]:
""""Return a list of docids for a given topic and a list relevance grades.
relevance : List[int]
E.g. [0, 1, 2]. If not provided, then all relevance will be returned.
topic : int
if relevance_grades is None:
relevance_grades = self.get_relevance_grades()
filtered_df = self.qrels_data[self.qrels_data['topic'] == topic]
filtered_df = filtered_df[filtered_df['relevance_grade'].isin(relevance_grades)]
return filtered_df['docid'].tolist()
class TrecRun:
"""Wrapper class for a TREC run.
filepath : str
File path of a given TREC Run.
columns = ['topic', 'q0', 'docid', 'rank', 'score', 'tag']
def __init__(self, filepath: str = None, resort: bool = False):
self.filepath = filepath
self.resort = resort
if filepath is not None:
def reset_data(self):
self.run_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=TrecRun.columns)
def read_run(self, filepath: str, resort: bool = False) -> None:
self.run_data = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep='\s+', names=TrecRun.columns, dtype={'docid': 'str'})
if resort:
self.run_data.sort_values(["topic", "score"], inplace=True, ascending=[True, False])
self.run_data["rank"] = self.run_data.groupby("topic")["score"].rank(ascending=False,method='first')
def topics(self) -> Set[str]:
"""Return a set with all topics."""
return set(sorted(self.run_data["topic"].unique()))
def clone(self):
"""Return a deep copy of the current instance."""
return deepcopy(self)
def save_to_txt(self, output_path: str, tag: str = None) -> None:
if len(self.run_data) == 0:
raise Exception('Nothing to save. TrecRun is empty')
if tag is not None:
self.run_data['tag'] = tag
self.run_data = self.run_data.sort_values(by=['topic', 'score'], ascending=[True, False])
self.run_data.to_csv(output_path, sep=' ', header=False, index=False)
def get_docs_by_topic(self, topic: str, max_docs: int = None):
docs = self.run_data[self.run_data['topic'] == topic]
if max_docs is not None:
docs = docs.head(max_docs)
return docs
def rescore(self, method: RescoreMethod, rrf_k: int = None, scale: float = None):
# Refer to this guide on how to efficiently manipulate dataframes:
if method == RescoreMethod.RRF:
assert rrf_k is not None, 'Parameter "rrf_k" must be a valid integer.'
self.run_data['score'] = 1 / (rrf_k + self.run_data['rank'].values)
elif method == RescoreMethod.SCALE:
assert scale is not None, 'Parameter "scale" must not be none.'
self.run_data['score'] = self.run_data['score'].values * scale
elif method == RescoreMethod.NORMALIZE:
for topic in self.topics():
scores = self.run_data[self.run_data['topic'] == topic]['score'].copy().values
low = np.min(scores)
high = np.max(scores)
if high - low == 0:
self.run_data.loc[self.run_data['topic'] == topic, 'score'] = 1
scores = (scores - low) / (high - low)
scores = [float(score) for score in scores]
self.run_data.loc[self.run_data['topic'] == topic, 'score'] = scores
raise NotImplementedError()
return self
def to_numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self.run_data.to_numpy(copy=True)
def discard_qrels(self, qrels: Qrels, clone=True):
"""Discard each docid in self if docid is also in the given qrels.
This operation is performed on each topic separately.
qrels : Qrels
Qrels with docids to remove from TrecRun.
clone : Bool
Return a new TrecRun object if True, else self will be modified and returned.
return self._filter_from_qrels(qrels, False, clone=clone)
def retain_qrels(self, qrels: Qrels, clone=True):
"""Retain each docid in self if docid is also in the given qrels.
This operation is performed on each topic separately.
After this operation, judged@x based on the given qrels should be 1.
qrels : Qrels
Qrels with docids to keep in TrecRun.
clone : Bool
Return a new TrecRun object if True, else self will be modified and returned.
return self._filter_from_qrels(qrels, True, clone=clone)
def _filter_from_qrels(self, qrels: Qrels, keep: bool, clone=True):
"""Private helper function to remove/keep each docid in self if docid is also in the given Qrels object.
This operation is performed on each topic separately.
qrels : Qrels
Qrels with docids to remove from or keep in TrecRun.
clone : Bool
Return a new TrecRun object if True, else self will be modified and returned.
df_list = []
for topic in self.topics():
if topic not in qrels.topics():
qrels_docids = qrels.get_docids(topic)
topic_df = self.run_data[self.run_data['topic'] == topic]
if keep is True:
topic_df = topic_df[topic_df['docid'].isin(qrels_docids)]
topic_df = topic_df[~topic_df['docid'].isin(qrels_docids)]
run = TrecRun() if clone is True else self
return TrecRun.from_dataframes(df_list, run)
def get_all_topics_from_runs(runs) -> Set[str]:
all_topics = set()
for run in runs:
all_topics = all_topics.union(run.topics())
return all_topics
def merge(runs, aggregation: AggregationMethod, depth: int = None, k: int = None):
"""Return a TrecRun by aggregating docid in various ways such as summing scores
runs : List[TrecRun]
List of ``TrecRun`` objects.
aggregation : AggregationMethod
The aggregation method to use.
depth : int
Maximum number of results from each input run to consider. Set to ``None`` by default, which indicates that
the complete list of results is considered.
k : int
Length of final results list. Set to ``None`` by default, which indicates that the union of all input documents
are ranked.
if len(runs) < 2:
raise Exception('Merge requires at least 2 runs.')
rows = []
if aggregation == AggregationMethod.SUM:
topics = list(TrecRun.get_all_topics_from_runs(runs))
def merge_topic(topic):
doc_scores = dict()
for run in runs:
for docid, score in run.get_docs_by_topic(topic, depth)[['docid', 'score']].values:
doc_scores[docid] = doc_scores.get(docid, 0.0) + score
sorted_doc_scores = sorted(iter(doc_scores.items()), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0]))
sorted_doc_scores = sorted_doc_scores if k is None else sorted_doc_scores[:k]
return [
(topic, 'Q0', docid, rank, score, 'merge_sum')
for rank, (docid, score) in enumerate(sorted_doc_scores, start=1)
max_workers = max(len(topics)/10, 1)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=int(max_workers)) as exec:
results = list(, topics))
rows = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(results))
raise NotImplementedError()
return TrecRun.from_list(rows)
def from_dataframes(dfs, run=None):
"""Return a TrecRun by populating dataframe with the provided list of dataframes.
dfs: List[Dataframe]
A list of Dataframes conforming to TrecRun.columns
run: TrecRun
Set to ``None`` by default. If None, then a new instance of TrecRun will be created.
Else, the given TrecRun will be modified.
res = TrecRun() if run is None else run
res.run_data = pd.concat([df for df in dfs])
return res
def from_list(rows, run=None):
"""Return a TrecRun by populating dataframe with the provided list of tuples.
For performance reasons, df.to_numpy() is faster than df.iterrows().
When manipulating dataframes, we first dump to np.ndarray and construct a list of tuples with new values.
Then use this function to convert the list of tuples to a TrecRun object.
rows: List[tuples]
List of tuples in the following format: (topic, 'Q0', docid, rank, score, tag)
run: TrecRun
Set to ``None`` by default. If None, then a new instance of TrecRun will be created.
Else, the given TrecRun will be modified.
res = TrecRun() if run is None else run
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
df.columns = TrecRun.columns
res.run_data = df.copy()
return res
def from_search_results(docid_score_pair: Tuple[str, float], topic=1):
rows = []
for rank, (docid, score) in enumerate(docid_score_pair, start=1):
rows.append((topic, 'Q0', docid, rank, score, 'searcher'))
return TrecRun.from_list(rows)
def concat(runs):
"""Return a new TrecRun by concatenating a list of TrecRuns
runs : List[TrecRun]
List of ``TrecRun`` objects.
run = TrecRun()
run.run_data = pd.concat([run.run_data for run in runs])
return run