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Add a ``figure-mpl`` directive that is a responsive version of ``figure``.
This implementation is very similar to ``.. figure::``, except it also allows a
``srcset=`` argument to be passed to the image tag, hence allowing responsive
resolution images.
There is no particular reason this could not be used standalone, but is meant
to be used with :doc:`/api/sphinxext_plot_directive_api`.
Note that the directory organization is a bit different than ``.. figure::``.
See the *FigureMpl* documentation below.
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.images import Figure, Image
import os
from os.path import relpath
from pathlib import PurePath, Path
import shutil
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError
import matplotlib
class figmplnode(nodes.General, nodes.Element):
class FigureMpl(Figure):
Implements a directive to allow an optional hidpi image.
Meant to be used with the *plot_srcset* configuration option in,
and gets set in the TEMPLATE of
.. figure-mpl:: plot_directive/some_plots-1.png
:alt: bar
:srcset: plot_directive/some_plots-1.png,
plot_directive/some_plots-1.2x.png 2.00x
:class: plot-directive
The resulting html (at ``some_plots.html``) is::
<img src="sphx_glr_bar_001_hidpi.png"
_images/some_plots-1.2x.png 2.00x",
class="plot_directive" />
Note that the handling of subdirectories is different than that used by the sphinx
figure directive::
.. figure-mpl:: plot_directive/nestedpage/index-1.png
:alt: bar
:srcset: plot_directive/nestedpage/index-1.png
plot_directive/nestedpage/index-1.2x.png 2.00x
:class: plot_directive
The resulting html (at ``nestedpage/index.html``)::
<img src="../_images/nestedpage-index-1.png"
../_images/_images/nestedpage-index-1.2x.png 2.00x",
class="sphx-glr-single-img" />
where the subdirectory is included in the image name for uniqueness.
has_content = False
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 2
final_argument_whitespace = False
option_spec = {
'alt': directives.unchanged,
'height': directives.length_or_unitless,
'width': directives.length_or_percentage_or_unitless,
'scale': directives.nonnegative_int,
'align': Image.align,
'class': directives.class_option,
'caption': directives.unchanged,
'srcset': directives.unchanged,
def run(self):
image_node = figmplnode()
imagenm = self.arguments[0]
image_node['alt'] = self.options.get('alt', '')
image_node['align'] = self.options.get('align', None)
image_node['class'] = self.options.get('class', None)
image_node['width'] = self.options.get('width', None)
image_node['height'] = self.options.get('height', None)
image_node['scale'] = self.options.get('scale', None)
image_node['caption'] = self.options.get('caption', None)
# we would like uri to be the highest dpi version so that
# latex etc will use that. But for now, lets just make
# imagenm... maybe pdf one day?
image_node['uri'] = imagenm
image_node['srcset'] = self.options.get('srcset', None)
return [image_node]
def _parse_srcsetNodes(st):
parse srcset...
entries = st.split(',')
srcset = {}
for entry in entries:
spl = entry.strip().split(' ')
if len(spl) == 1:
srcset[0] = spl[0]
elif len(spl) == 2:
mult = spl[1][:-1]
srcset[float(mult)] = spl[0]
raise ExtensionError(f'srcset argument "{entry}" is invalid.')
return srcset
def _copy_images_figmpl(self, node):
# these will be the temporary place the plot-directive put the images eg:
# ../../../build/html/plot_directive/users/explain/artists/index-1.png
if node['srcset']:
srcset = _parse_srcsetNodes(node['srcset'])
srcset = None
# the rst file's location: eg /Users/username/matplotlib/doc/users/explain/artists
docsource = PurePath(self.document['source']).parent
# get the relpath relative to root:
srctop = self.builder.srcdir
rel = relpath(docsource, srctop).replace('.', '').replace(os.sep, '-')
if len(rel):
rel += '-'
# eg: users/explain/artists
imagedir = PurePath(self.builder.outdir, self.builder.imagedir)
# eg: /Users/username/matplotlib/doc/build/html/_images/users/explain/artists
Path(imagedir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# copy all the sources to the imagedir:
if srcset:
for src in srcset.values():
# the entries in srcset are relative to docsource's directory
abspath = PurePath(docsource, src)
name = rel +
shutil.copyfile(abspath, imagedir / name)
abspath = PurePath(docsource, node['uri'])
name = rel +
shutil.copyfile(abspath, imagedir / name)
return imagedir, srcset, rel
def visit_figmpl_html(self, node):
imagedir, srcset, rel = _copy_images_figmpl(self, node)
# /doc/examples/subd/plot_1.rst
docsource = PurePath(self.document['source'])
# /doc/
# make sure to add the trailing slash:
srctop = PurePath(self.builder.srcdir, '')
# examples/subd/plot_1.rst
relsource = relpath(docsource, srctop)
# /doc/build/html
desttop = PurePath(self.builder.outdir, '')
# /doc/build/html/examples/subd
dest = desttop / relsource
# ../../_images/ for dirhtml and ../_images/ for html
imagerel = PurePath(relpath(imagedir, dest.parent)).as_posix()
if == "dirhtml":
imagerel = f'..{imagerel}'
# make uri also be relative...
nm = PurePath(node['uri'][1:]).name
uri = f'{imagerel}/{rel}{nm}'
# make srcset str. Need to change all the prefixes!
maxsrc = uri
srcsetst = ''
if srcset:
maxmult = -1
for mult, src in srcset.items():
nm = PurePath(src[1:]).name
# ../../_images/plot_1_2_0x.png
path = f'{imagerel}/{rel}{nm}'
srcsetst += path
if mult == 0:
srcsetst += ', '
srcsetst += f' {mult:1.2f}x, '
if mult > maxmult:
maxmult = mult
maxsrc = path
# trim trailing comma and space...
srcsetst = srcsetst[:-2]
alt = node['alt']
if node['class'] is not None:
classst = ' '.join(node['class'])
classst = f'class="{classst}"'
classst = ''
stylers = ['width', 'height', 'scale']
stylest = ''
for style in stylers:
if node[style]:
stylest += f'{style}: {node[style]};'
figalign = node['align'] if node['align'] else 'center'
# <figure class="align-default" id="id1">
# <a class="reference internal image-reference" href="_images/index-1.2x.png">
# <img alt="_images/index-1.2x.png" src="_images/index-1.2x.png" style="width: 53%;" />
# </a>
# <figcaption>
# <p><span class="caption-text">Figure caption is here....</span>
# <a class="headerlink" href="#id1" title="Permalink to this image">#</a></p>
# </figcaption>
# </figure>
img_block = (f'<img src="{uri}" style="{stylest}" srcset="{srcsetst}" '
f'alt="{alt}" {classst}/>')
html_block = f'<figure class="align-{figalign}">\n'
html_block += f' <a class="reference internal image-reference" href="{maxsrc}">\n'
html_block += f' {img_block}\n </a>\n'
if node['caption']:
html_block += ' <figcaption>\n'
html_block += f' <p><span class="caption-text">{node["caption"]}</span></p>\n'
html_block += ' </figcaption>\n'
html_block += '</figure>\n'
def visit_figmpl_latex(self, node):
if node['srcset'] is not None:
imagedir, srcset = _copy_images_figmpl(self, node)
maxmult = -1
# choose the highest res version for latex:
maxmult = max(srcset, default=-1)
node['uri'] = PurePath(srcset[maxmult]).name
def depart_figmpl_html(self, node):
def depart_figmpl_latex(self, node):
def figurempl_addnode(app):
html=(visit_figmpl_html, depart_figmpl_html),
latex=(visit_figmpl_latex, depart_figmpl_latex))
def setup(app):
app.add_directive("figure-mpl", FigureMpl)
metadata = {'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True,
'version': matplotlib.__version__}
return metadata