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import itertools
import os
import re
from string import Template
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
from tokenizers import Encoding, Tokenizer
dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
css_filename = os.path.join(dirname, "visualizer-styles.css")
with open(css_filename) as f:
css =
class Annotation:
start: int
end: int
label: int
def __init__(self, start: int, end: int, label: str):
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.label = label
AnnotationList = List[Annotation]
PartialIntList = List[Optional[int]]
class CharStateKey(NamedTuple):
token_ix: Optional[int]
anno_ix: Optional[int]
class CharState:
char_ix: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, char_ix):
self.char_ix = char_ix
self.anno_ix: Optional[int] = None
self.tokens: List[int] = []
def token_ix(self):
return self.tokens[0] if len(self.tokens) > 0 else None
def is_multitoken(self):
BPE tokenizers can output more than one token for a char
return len(self.tokens) > 1
def partition_key(self) -> CharStateKey:
return CharStateKey(
class Aligned:
class EncodingVisualizer:
Build an EncodingVisualizer
tokenizer (:class:`~tokenizers.Tokenizer`):
A tokenizer instance
default_to_notebook (:obj:`bool`):
Whether to render html output in a notebook by default
annotation_converter (:obj:`Callable`, `optional`):
An optional (lambda) function that takes an annotation in any format and returns
an Annotation object
unk_token_regex = re.compile("(.{1}\b)?(unk|oov)(\b.{1})?", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(
tokenizer: Tokenizer,
default_to_notebook: bool = True,
annotation_converter: Optional[Callable[[Any], Annotation]] = None,
if default_to_notebook:
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
except ImportError as e:
raise Exception(
"""We couldn't import IPython utils for html display.
Are you running in a notebook?
You can also pass `default_to_notebook=False` to get back raw HTML
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.default_to_notebook = default_to_notebook
self.annotation_coverter = annotation_converter
def __call__(
text: str,
annotations: AnnotationList = [],
default_to_notebook: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> Optional[str]:
Build a visualization of the given text
text (:obj:`str`):
The text to tokenize
annotations (:obj:`List[Annotation]`, `optional`):
An optional list of annotations of the text. The can either be an annotation class
or anything else if you instantiated the visualizer with a converter function
default_to_notebook (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to `False`):
If True, will render the html in a notebook. Otherwise returns an html string.
The HTML string if default_to_notebook is False, otherwise (default) returns None and
renders the HTML in the notebook
final_default_to_notebook = self.default_to_notebook
if default_to_notebook is not None:
final_default_to_notebook = default_to_notebook
if final_default_to_notebook:
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
except ImportError as e:
raise Exception(
"""We couldn't import IPython utils for html display.
Are you running in a notebook?"""
if self.annotation_coverter is not None:
annotations = list(map(self.annotation_coverter, annotations))
encoding = self.tokenizer.encode(text)
html = EncodingVisualizer.__make_html(text, encoding, annotations)
if final_default_to_notebook:
return html
def calculate_label_colors(annotations: AnnotationList) -> Dict[str, str]:
Generates a color palette for all the labels in a given set of annotations
annotations (:obj:`Annotation`):
A list of annotations
:obj:`dict`: A dictionary mapping labels to colors in HSL format
if len(annotations) == 0:
return {}
labels = set(map(lambda x: x.label, annotations))
num_labels = len(labels)
h_step = int(255 / num_labels)
if h_step < 20:
h_step = 20
s = 32
l = 64
h = 10
colors = {}
for label in sorted(labels): # sort so we always get the same colors for a given set of labels
colors[label] = f"hsl({h},{s}%,{l}%"
h += h_step
return colors
def consecutive_chars_to_html(
consecutive_chars_list: List[CharState],
text: str,
encoding: Encoding,
Converts a list of "consecutive chars" into a single HTML element.
Chars are consecutive if they fall under the same word, token and annotation.
The CharState class is a named tuple with a "partition_key" method that makes it easy to
compare if two chars are consecutive.
consecutive_chars_list (:obj:`List[CharState]`):
A list of CharStates that have been grouped together
text (:obj:`str`):
The original text being processed
encoding (:class:`~tokenizers.Encoding`):
The encoding returned from the tokenizer
:obj:`str`: The HTML span for a set of consecutive chars
first = consecutive_chars_list[0]
if first.char_ix is None:
# its a special token
stoken = encoding.tokens[first.token_ix]
# special tokens are represented as empty spans. We use the data attribute and css
# magic to display it
return f'<span class="special-token" data-stoken={stoken}></span>'
# We're not in a special token so this group has a start and end.
last = consecutive_chars_list[-1]
start = first.char_ix
end = last.char_ix + 1
span_text = text[start:end]
css_classes = [] # What css classes will we apply on the resulting span
data_items = {} # What data attributes will we apply on the result span
if first.token_ix is not None:
# We can either be in a token or not (e.g. in white space)
if first.is_multitoken:
if first.token_ix % 2:
# We use this to color alternating tokens.
# A token might be split by an annotation that ends in the middle of it, so this
# lets us visually indicate a consecutive token despite its possible splitting in
# the html markup
# Like above, but a different color so we can see the tokens alternate
if[first.token_ix]) is not None:
# This is a special token that is in the text. probably UNK
# TODO is this the right name for the data attribute ?
data_items["stok"] = encoding.tokens[first.token_ix]
# In this case we are looking at a group/single char that is not tokenized.
# e.g. white space
css = f'''class="{' '.join(css_classes)}"'''
data = ""
for key, val in data_items.items():
data += f' data-{key}="{val}"'
return f"<span {css} {data} >{span_text}</span>"
def __make_html(text: str, encoding: Encoding, annotations: AnnotationList) -> str:
char_states = EncodingVisualizer.__make_char_states(text, encoding, annotations)
current_consecutive_chars = [char_states[0]]
prev_anno_ix = char_states[0].anno_ix
spans = []
label_colors_dict = EncodingVisualizer.calculate_label_colors(annotations)
cur_anno_ix = char_states[0].anno_ix
if cur_anno_ix is not None:
# If we started in an annotation make a span for it
anno = annotations[cur_anno_ix]
label = anno.label
color = label_colors_dict[label]
spans.append(f'<span class="annotation" style="color:{color}" data-label="{label}">')
for cs in char_states[1:]:
cur_anno_ix = cs.anno_ix
if cur_anno_ix != prev_anno_ix:
# If we've transitioned in or out of an annotation
# Create a span from the current consecutive characters
current_consecutive_chars = [cs]
if prev_anno_ix is not None:
# if we transitioned out of an annotation close it's span
if cur_anno_ix is not None:
# If we entered a new annotation make a span for it
anno = annotations[cur_anno_ix]
label = anno.label
color = label_colors_dict[label]
spans.append(f'<span class="annotation" style="color:{color}" data-label="{label}">')
prev_anno_ix = cur_anno_ix
if cs.partition_key() == current_consecutive_chars[0].partition_key():
# If the current charchter is in the same "group" as the previous one
# Otherwise we make a span for the previous group
# An reset the consecutive_char_list to form a new group
current_consecutive_chars = [cs]
# All that's left is to fill out the final span
# TODO I think there is an edge case here where an annotation's span might not close
res = HTMLBody(spans) # Send the list of spans to the body of our html
return res
def __make_anno_map(text: str, annotations: AnnotationList) -> PartialIntList:
text (:obj:`str`):
The raw text we want to align to
annotations (:obj:`AnnotationList`):
A (possibly empty) list of annotations
A list of length len(text) whose entry at index i is None if there is no annotation on
charachter i or k, the index of the annotation that covers index i where k is with
respect to the list of annotations
annotation_map = [None] * len(text)
for anno_ix, a in enumerate(annotations):
for i in range(a.start, a.end):
annotation_map[i] = anno_ix
return annotation_map
def __make_char_states(text: str, encoding: Encoding, annotations: AnnotationList) -> List[CharState]:
For each character in the original text, we emit a tuple representing it's "state":
* which token_ix it corresponds to
* which word_ix it corresponds to
* which annotation_ix it corresponds to
text (:obj:`str`):
The raw text we want to align to
annotations (:obj:`List[Annotation]`):
A (possibly empty) list of annotations
encoding: (:class:`~tokenizers.Encoding`):
The encoding returned from the tokenizer
:obj:`List[CharState]`: A list of CharStates, indicating for each char in the text what
it's state is
annotation_map = EncodingVisualizer.__make_anno_map(text, annotations)
# Todo make this a dataclass or named tuple
char_states: List[CharState] = [CharState(char_ix) for char_ix in range(len(text))]
for token_ix, token in enumerate(encoding.tokens):
offsets = encoding.token_to_chars(token_ix)
if offsets is not None:
start, end = offsets
for i in range(start, end):
for char_ix, anno_ix in enumerate(annotation_map):
char_states[char_ix].anno_ix = anno_ix
return char_states
def HTMLBody(children: List[str], css_styles=css) -> str:
Generates the full html with css from a list of html spans
children (:obj:`List[str]`):
A list of strings, assumed to be html elements
css_styles (:obj:`str`, `optional`):
Optional alternative implementation of the css
:obj:`str`: An HTML string with style markup
children_text = "".join(children)
return f"""
<div class="tokenized-text" dir=auto>