"""Module for reading TFM (TeX Font Metrics) files. |
The TFM format is described in the TFtoPL WEB source code, whose typeset form |
can be found on `CTAN <http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/knuth-pdf/texware/tftopl.pdf>`_. |
>>> from fontTools.tfmLib import TFM |
>>> tfm = TFM("Tests/tfmLib/data/cmr10.tfm") |
>>> |
>>> # Accessing an attribute gets you metadata. |
>>> tfm.checksum |
1274110073 |
>>> tfm.designsize |
10.0 |
>>> tfm.codingscheme |
'TeX text' |
>>> tfm.family |
'CMR' |
>>> tfm.seven_bit_safe_flag |
False |
>>> tfm.face |
234 |
>>> tfm.extraheader |
{} |
>>> tfm.fontdimens |
{'SLANT': 0.0, 'SPACE': 0.33333396911621094, 'STRETCH': 0.16666698455810547, 'SHRINK': 0.11111164093017578, 'XHEIGHT': 0.4305553436279297, 'QUAD': 1.0000028610229492, 'EXTRASPACE': 0.11111164093017578} |
>>> # Accessing a character gets you its metrics. |
>>> # “width” is always available, other metrics are available only when |
>>> # applicable. All values are relative to “designsize”. |
>>> tfm.chars[ord("g")] |
{'width': 0.5000019073486328, 'height': 0.4305553436279297, 'depth': 0.1944446563720703, 'italic': 0.013888359069824219} |
>>> # Kerning and ligature can be accessed as well. |
>>> tfm.kerning[ord("c")] |
{104: -0.02777862548828125, 107: -0.02777862548828125} |
>>> tfm.ligatures[ord("f")] |
{105: ('LIG', 12), 102: ('LIG', 11), 108: ('LIG', 13)} |
""" |
from types import SimpleNamespace |
from fontTools.misc.sstruct import calcsize, unpack, unpack2 |
> |
lf: h # length of the entire file, in words |
lh: h # length of the header data, in words |
bc: h # smallest character code in the font |
ec: h # largest character code in the font |
nw: h # number of words in the width table |
nh: h # number of words in the height table |
nd: h # number of words in the depth table |
ni: h # number of words in the italic correction table |
nl: h # number of words in the ligature/kern table |
nk: h # number of words in the kern table |
ne: h # number of words in the extensible character table |
np: h # number of font parameter words |
""" |
FIXED_FORMAT = "12.20F" |
> |
checksum: L |
designsize: {FIXED_FORMAT} |
""" |
codingscheme: 40p |
""" |
family: 20p |
""" |
seven_bit_safe_flag: ? |
ignored: x |
ignored: x |
face: B |
""" |
> |
skip_byte: B |
next_char: B |
op_byte: B |
remainder: B |
""" |
"SLANT", |
"SPACE", |
"QUAD", |
] |
"NUM1", |
"NUM2", |
"NUM3", |
"DENOM1", |
"DENOM2", |
"SUP1", |
"SUP2", |
"SUP3", |
"SUB1", |
"SUB2", |
"DELIM1", |
"DELIM2", |
] |
] |
MATHSY = 1 |
MATHEX = 2 |
NO_TAG = 0 |
LIG_TAG = 1 |
LIST_TAG = 2 |
EXT_TAG = 3 |
STOP_FLAG = 128 |
KERN_FLAG = 128 |
class TFMException(Exception): |
def __init__(self, message): |
super().__init__(message) |
class TFM: |
def __init__(self, file): |
self._read(file) |
def __repr__(self): |
return ( |
f"<TFM" |
f" for {self.family}" |
f" in {self.codingscheme}" |
f" at {self.designsize:g}pt>" |
) |
def _read(self, file): |
if hasattr(file, "read"): |
data = file.read() |
else: |
with open(file, "rb") as fp: |
data = fp.read() |
self._data = data |
if len(data) < SIZES_SIZE: |
raise TFMException("Too short input file") |
sizes = SimpleNamespace() |
unpack2(SIZES_FORMAT, data, sizes) |
if sizes.lf < 0: |
raise TFMException("The file claims to have negative or zero length!") |
if len(data) < sizes.lf * 4: |
raise TFMException("The file has fewer bytes than it claims!") |
for name, length in vars(sizes).items(): |
if length < 0: |
raise TFMException("The subfile size: '{name}' is negative!") |
if sizes.lh < 2: |
raise TFMException(f"The header length is only {sizes.lh}!") |
if sizes.bc > sizes.ec + 1 or sizes.ec > 255: |
raise TFMException( |
f"The character code range {sizes.bc}..{sizes.ec} is illegal!" |
) |
if sizes.nw == 0 or sizes.nh == 0 or sizes.nd == 0 or sizes.ni == 0: |
raise TFMException("Incomplete subfiles for character dimensions!") |
if sizes.ne > 256: |
raise TFMException(f"There are {ne} extensible recipes!") |
if sizes.lf != ( |
6 |
+ sizes.lh |
+ (sizes.ec - sizes.bc + 1) |
+ sizes.nw |
+ sizes.nh |
+ sizes.nd |
+ sizes.ni |
+ sizes.nl |
+ sizes.nk |
+ sizes.ne |
+ sizes.np |
): |
raise TFMException("Subfile sizes don’t add up to the stated total") |
char_base = 6 + sizes.lh - sizes.bc |
width_base = char_base + sizes.ec + 1 |
height_base = width_base + sizes.nw |
depth_base = height_base + sizes.nh |
italic_base = depth_base + sizes.nd |
lig_kern_base = italic_base + sizes.ni |
kern_base = lig_kern_base + sizes.nl |
exten_base = kern_base + sizes.nk |
param_base = exten_base + sizes.ne |
def char_info(c): |
return 4 * (char_base + c) |
def width_index(c): |
return data[char_info(c)] |
def noneexistent(c): |
return c < sizes.bc or c > sizes.ec or width_index(c) == 0 |
def height_index(c): |
return data[char_info(c) + 1] // 16 |
def depth_index(c): |
return data[char_info(c) + 1] % 16 |
def italic_index(c): |
return data[char_info(c) + 2] // 4 |
def tag(c): |
return data[char_info(c) + 2] % 4 |
def remainder(c): |
return data[char_info(c) + 3] |
def width(c): |
r = 4 * (width_base + width_index(c)) |
return read_fixed(r, "v")["v"] |
def height(c): |
r = 4 * (height_base + height_index(c)) |
return read_fixed(r, "v")["v"] |
def depth(c): |
r = 4 * (depth_base + depth_index(c)) |
return read_fixed(r, "v")["v"] |
def italic(c): |
r = 4 * (italic_base + italic_index(c)) |
return read_fixed(r, "v")["v"] |
def exten(c): |
return 4 * (exten_base + remainder(c)) |
def lig_step(i): |
return 4 * (lig_kern_base + i) |
def lig_kern_command(i): |
command = SimpleNamespace() |
unpack2(LIG_KERN_COMMAND, data[i:], command) |
return command |
def kern(i): |
r = 4 * (kern_base + i) |
return read_fixed(r, "v")["v"] |
def param(i): |
return 4 * (param_base + i) |
def read_fixed(index, key, obj=None): |
ret = unpack2(f">;{key}:{FIXED_FORMAT}", data[index:], obj) |
return ret[0] |
unpack(HEADER_FORMAT4, [0] * HEADER_SIZE4, self) |
offset = 24 |
length = sizes.lh * 4 |
self.extraheader = {} |
if length >= HEADER_SIZE4: |
rest = unpack2(HEADER_FORMAT4, data[offset:], self)[1] |
if self.face < 18: |
s = self.face % 2 |
b = self.face // 2 |
self.face = "MBL"[b % 3] + "RI"[s] + "RCE"[b // 3] |
for i in range(sizes.lh - HEADER_SIZE4 // 4): |
rest = unpack2(f">;HEADER{i + 18}:l", rest, self.extraheader)[1] |
elif length >= HEADER_SIZE3: |
unpack2(HEADER_FORMAT3, data[offset:], self) |
elif length >= HEADER_SIZE2: |
unpack2(HEADER_FORMAT2, data[offset:], self) |
elif length >= HEADER_SIZE1: |
unpack2(HEADER_FORMAT1, data[offset:], self) |
self.fonttype = VANILLA |
scheme = self.codingscheme.upper() |
if scheme.startswith("TEX MATH SY"): |
self.fonttype = MATHSY |
elif scheme.startswith("TEX MATH EX"): |
self.fonttype = MATHEX |
self.fontdimens = {} |
for i in range(sizes.np): |
name = f"PARAMETER{i+1}" |
if i <= 6: |
name = BASE_PARAMS[i] |
elif self.fonttype == MATHSY and i <= 21: |
name = MATHSY_PARAMS[i - 7] |
elif self.fonttype == MATHEX and i <= 12: |
name = MATHEX_PARAMS[i - 7] |
read_fixed(param(i), name, self.fontdimens) |
lig_kern_map = {} |
self.right_boundary_char = None |
self.left_boundary_char = None |
if sizes.nl > 0: |
cmd = lig_kern_command(lig_step(0)) |
if cmd.skip_byte == 255: |
self.right_boundary_char = cmd.next_char |
cmd = lig_kern_command(lig_step((sizes.nl - 1))) |
if cmd.skip_byte == 255: |
self.left_boundary_char = 256 |
r = 256 * cmd.op_byte + cmd.remainder |
lig_kern_map[self.left_boundary_char] = r |
self.chars = {} |
for c in range(sizes.bc, sizes.ec + 1): |
if width_index(c) > 0: |
self.chars[c] = info = {} |
info["width"] = width(c) |
if height_index(c) > 0: |
info["height"] = height(c) |
if depth_index(c) > 0: |
info["depth"] = depth(c) |
if italic_index(c) > 0: |
info["italic"] = italic(c) |
char_tag = tag(c) |
if char_tag == NO_TAG: |
pass |
elif char_tag == LIG_TAG: |
lig_kern_map[c] = remainder(c) |
elif char_tag == LIST_TAG: |
info["nextlarger"] = remainder(c) |
elif char_tag == EXT_TAG: |
info["varchar"] = varchar = {} |
for i in range(4): |
part = data[exten(c) + i] |
if i == 3 or part > 0: |
name = "rep" |
if i == 0: |
name = "top" |
elif i == 1: |
name = "mid" |
elif i == 2: |
name = "bot" |
if noneexistent(part): |
varchar[name] = c |
else: |
varchar[name] = part |
self.ligatures = {} |
self.kerning = {} |
for c, i in sorted(lig_kern_map.items()): |
cmd = lig_kern_command(lig_step(i)) |
if cmd.skip_byte > STOP_FLAG: |
i = 256 * cmd.op_byte + cmd.remainder |
while i < sizes.nl: |
cmd = lig_kern_command(lig_step(i)) |
if cmd.skip_byte > STOP_FLAG: |
pass |
else: |
if cmd.op_byte >= KERN_FLAG: |
r = 256 * (cmd.op_byte - KERN_FLAG) + cmd.remainder |
self.kerning.setdefault(c, {})[cmd.next_char] = kern(r) |
else: |
r = cmd.op_byte |
if r == 4 or (r > 7 and r != 11): |
lig = r |
else: |
lig = "" |
if r % 4 > 1: |
lig += "/" |
lig += "LIG" |
if r % 2 != 0: |
lig += "/" |
while r > 3: |
lig += ">" |
r -= 4 |
self.ligatures.setdefault(c, {})[cmd.next_char] = ( |
lig, |
cmd.remainder, |
) |
if cmd.skip_byte >= STOP_FLAG: |
break |
i += cmd.skip_byte + 1 |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
import sys |
tfm = TFM(sys.argv[1]) |
print( |
"\n".join( |
x |
for x in [ |
f"tfm.checksum={tfm.checksum}", |
f"tfm.designsize={tfm.designsize}", |
f"tfm.codingscheme={tfm.codingscheme}", |
f"tfm.fonttype={tfm.fonttype}", |
f"tfm.family={tfm.family}", |
f"tfm.seven_bit_safe_flag={tfm.seven_bit_safe_flag}", |
f"tfm.face={tfm.face}", |
f"tfm.extraheader={tfm.extraheader}", |
f"tfm.fontdimens={tfm.fontdimens}", |
f"tfm.right_boundary_char={tfm.right_boundary_char}", |
f"tfm.left_boundary_char={tfm.left_boundary_char}", |
f"tfm.kerning={tfm.kerning}", |
f"tfm.ligatures={tfm.ligatures}", |
f"tfm.chars={tfm.chars}", |
] |
) |
) |
print(tfm) |