import collections.abc as collections |
import json |
import os |
import warnings |
from pathlib import Path |
from shutil import copytree |
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union |
from huggingface_hub import ModelHubMixin, snapshot_download |
from huggingface_hub.utils import ( |
get_tf_version, |
is_graphviz_available, |
is_pydot_available, |
is_tf_available, |
yaml_dump, |
) |
from .constants import CONFIG_NAME |
from .hf_api import HfApi |
from .utils import SoftTemporaryDirectory, logging, validate_hf_hub_args |
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) |
if is_tf_available(): |
import tensorflow as tf |
def _flatten_dict(dictionary, parent_key=""): |
"""Flatten a nested dictionary. |
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6027615/10319735 |
Args: |
dictionary (`dict`): |
The nested dictionary to be flattened. |
parent_key (`str`): |
The parent key to be prefixed to the children keys. |
Necessary for recursing over the nested dictionary. |
Returns: |
The flattened dictionary. |
""" |
items = [] |
for key, value in dictionary.items(): |
new_key = f"{parent_key}.{key}" if parent_key else key |
if isinstance(value, collections.MutableMapping): |
items.extend( |
_flatten_dict( |
value, |
new_key, |
).items() |
) |
else: |
items.append((new_key, value)) |
return dict(items) |
def _create_hyperparameter_table(model): |
"""Parse hyperparameter dictionary into a markdown table.""" |
if model.optimizer is not None: |
optimizer_params = model.optimizer.get_config() |
optimizer_params = _flatten_dict(optimizer_params) |
optimizer_params["training_precision"] = tf.keras.mixed_precision.global_policy().name |
table = "| Hyperparameters | Value |\n| :-- | :-- |\n" |
for key, value in optimizer_params.items(): |
table += f"| {key} | {value} |\n" |
else: |
table = None |
return table |
def _plot_network(model, save_directory): |
tf.keras.utils.plot_model( |
model, |
to_file=f"{save_directory}/model.png", |
show_shapes=False, |
show_dtype=False, |
show_layer_names=True, |
rankdir="TB", |
expand_nested=False, |
dpi=96, |
layer_range=None, |
) |
def _create_model_card( |
model, |
repo_dir: Path, |
plot_model: bool = True, |
metadata: Optional[dict] = None, |
): |
""" |
Creates a model card for the repository. |
Do not overwrite an existing README.md file. |
""" |
readme_path = repo_dir / "README.md" |
if readme_path.exists(): |
return |
hyperparameters = _create_hyperparameter_table(model) |
if plot_model and is_graphviz_available() and is_pydot_available(): |
_plot_network(model, repo_dir) |
if metadata is None: |
metadata = {} |
metadata["library_name"] = "keras" |
model_card: str = "---\n" |
model_card += yaml_dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False) |
model_card += "---\n" |
model_card += "\n## Model description\n\nMore information needed\n" |
model_card += "\n## Intended uses & limitations\n\nMore information needed\n" |
model_card += "\n## Training and evaluation data\n\nMore information needed\n" |
if hyperparameters is not None: |
model_card += "\n## Training procedure\n" |
model_card += "\n### Training hyperparameters\n" |
model_card += "\nThe following hyperparameters were used during training:\n\n" |
model_card += hyperparameters |
model_card += "\n" |
if plot_model and os.path.exists(f"{repo_dir}/model.png"): |
model_card += "\n ## Model Plot\n" |
model_card += "\n<details>" |
model_card += "\n<summary>View Model Plot</summary>\n" |
path_to_plot = "./model.png" |
model_card += f"\n\n" |
model_card += "\n</details>" |
readme_path.write_text(model_card) |
def save_pretrained_keras( |
model, |
save_directory: Union[str, Path], |
config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, |
include_optimizer: bool = False, |
plot_model: bool = True, |
tags: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, |
**model_save_kwargs, |
): |
""" |
Saves a Keras model to save_directory in SavedModel format. Use this if |
you're using the Functional or Sequential APIs. |
Args: |
model (`Keras.Model`): |
The [Keras |
model](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/Model) |
you'd like to save. The model must be compiled and built. |
save_directory (`str` or `Path`): |
Specify directory in which you want to save the Keras model. |
config (`dict`, *optional*): |
Configuration object to be saved alongside the model weights. |
include_optimizer(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether or not to include optimizer in serialization. |
plot_model (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): |
Setting this to `True` will plot the model and put it in the model |
card. Requires graphviz and pydot to be installed. |
tags (Union[`str`,`list`], *optional*): |
List of tags that are related to model or string of a single tag. See example tags |
[here](https://github.com/huggingface/hub-docs/blob/main/modelcard.md?plain=1). |
model_save_kwargs(`dict`, *optional*): |
model_save_kwargs will be passed to |
[`tf.keras.models.save_model()`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/models/save_model). |
""" |
if is_tf_available(): |
import tensorflow as tf |
else: |
raise ImportError("Called a Tensorflow-specific function but could not import it.") |
if not model.built: |
raise ValueError("Model should be built before trying to save") |
save_directory = Path(save_directory) |
save_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
if config: |
if not isinstance(config, dict): |
raise RuntimeError(f"Provided config to save_pretrained_keras should be a dict. Got: '{type(config)}'") |
with (save_directory / CONFIG_NAME).open("w") as f: |
json.dump(config, f) |
metadata = {} |
if isinstance(tags, list): |
metadata["tags"] = tags |
elif isinstance(tags, str): |
metadata["tags"] = [tags] |
task_name = model_save_kwargs.pop("task_name", None) |
if task_name is not None: |
warnings.warn( |
"`task_name` input argument is deprecated. Pass `tags` instead.", |
FutureWarning, |
) |
if "tags" in metadata: |
metadata["tags"].append(task_name) |
else: |
metadata["tags"] = [task_name] |
if model.history is not None: |
if model.history.history != {}: |
path = save_directory / "history.json" |
if path.exists(): |
warnings.warn( |
"`history.json` file already exists, it will be overwritten by the history of this version.", |
UserWarning, |
) |
with path.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
json.dump(model.history.history, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True) |
_create_model_card(model, save_directory, plot_model, metadata) |
tf.keras.models.save_model(model, save_directory, include_optimizer=include_optimizer, **model_save_kwargs) |
def from_pretrained_keras(*args, **kwargs) -> "KerasModelHubMixin": |
r""" |
Instantiate a pretrained Keras model from a pre-trained model from the Hub. |
The model is expected to be in `SavedModel` format. |
Args: |
pretrained_model_name_or_path (`str` or `os.PathLike`): |
Can be either: |
- A string, the `model id` of a pretrained model hosted inside a |
model repo on huggingface.co. Valid model ids can be located |
at the root-level, like `bert-base-uncased`, or namespaced |
under a user or organization name, like |
`dbmdz/bert-base-german-cased`. |
- You can add `revision` by appending `@` at the end of model_id |
simply like this: `dbmdz/bert-base-german-cased@main` Revision |
is the specific model version to use. It can be a branch name, |
a tag name, or a commit id, since we use a git-based system |
for storing models and other artifacts on huggingface.co, so |
`revision` can be any identifier allowed by git. |
- A path to a `directory` containing model weights saved using |
[`~transformers.PreTrainedModel.save_pretrained`], e.g., |
`./my_model_directory/`. |
- `None` if you are both providing the configuration and state |
dictionary (resp. with keyword arguments `config` and |
`state_dict`). |
force_download (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether to force the (re-)download of the model weights and |
configuration files, overriding the cached versions if they exist. |
resume_download (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether to delete incompletely received files. Will attempt to |
resume the download if such a file exists. |
proxies (`Dict[str, str]`, *optional*): |
A dictionary of proxy servers to use by protocol or endpoint, e.g., |
`{'http': 'foo.bar:3128', 'http://hostname': 'foo.bar:4012'}`. The |
proxies are used on each request. |
token (`str` or `bool`, *optional*): |
The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. If |
`True`, will use the token generated when running `transformers-cli |
login` (stored in `~/.huggingface`). |
cache_dir (`Union[str, os.PathLike]`, *optional*): |
Path to a directory in which a downloaded pretrained model |
configuration should be cached if the standard cache should not be |
used. |
local_files_only(`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether to only look at local files (i.e., do not try to download |
the model). |
model_kwargs (`Dict`, *optional*): |
model_kwargs will be passed to the model during initialization |
<Tip> |
Passing `token=True` is required when you want to use a private |
model. |
</Tip> |
""" |
return KerasModelHubMixin.from_pretrained(*args, **kwargs) |
@validate_hf_hub_args |
def push_to_hub_keras( |
model, |
repo_id: str, |
*, |
config: Optional[dict] = None, |
commit_message: str = "Push Keras model using huggingface_hub.", |
private: bool = False, |
api_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, |
token: Optional[str] = None, |
branch: Optional[str] = None, |
create_pr: Optional[bool] = None, |
allow_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, |
ignore_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, |
delete_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, |
log_dir: Optional[str] = None, |
include_optimizer: bool = False, |
tags: Optional[Union[list, str]] = None, |
plot_model: bool = True, |
**model_save_kwargs, |
): |
""" |
Upload model checkpoint to the Hub. |
Use `allow_patterns` and `ignore_patterns` to precisely filter which files should be pushed to the hub. Use |
`delete_patterns` to delete existing remote files in the same commit. See [`upload_folder`] reference for more |
details. |
Args: |
model (`Keras.Model`): |
The [Keras model](`https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/Model`) you'd like to push to the |
Hub. The model must be compiled and built. |
repo_id (`str`): |
ID of the repository to push to (example: `"username/my-model"`). |
commit_message (`str`, *optional*, defaults to "Add Keras model"): |
Message to commit while pushing. |
private (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether the repository created should be private. |
api_endpoint (`str`, *optional*): |
The API endpoint to use when pushing the model to the hub. |
token (`str`, *optional*): |
The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. If |
not set, will use the token set when logging in with |
`huggingface-cli login` (stored in `~/.huggingface`). |
branch (`str`, *optional*): |
The git branch on which to push the model. This defaults to |
the default branch as specified in your repository, which |
defaults to `"main"`. |
create_pr (`boolean`, *optional*): |
Whether or not to create a Pull Request from `branch` with that commit. |
Defaults to `False`. |
config (`dict`, *optional*): |
Configuration object to be saved alongside the model weights. |
allow_patterns (`List[str]` or `str`, *optional*): |
If provided, only files matching at least one pattern are pushed. |
ignore_patterns (`List[str]` or `str`, *optional*): |
If provided, files matching any of the patterns are not pushed. |
delete_patterns (`List[str]` or `str`, *optional*): |
If provided, remote files matching any of the patterns will be deleted from the repo. |
log_dir (`str`, *optional*): |
TensorBoard logging directory to be pushed. The Hub automatically |
hosts and displays a TensorBoard instance if log files are included |
in the repository. |
include_optimizer (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): |
Whether or not to include optimizer during serialization. |
tags (Union[`list`, `str`], *optional*): |
List of tags that are related to model or string of a single tag. See example tags |
[here](https://github.com/huggingface/hub-docs/blob/main/modelcard.md?plain=1). |
plot_model (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `True`): |
Setting this to `True` will plot the model and put it in the model |
card. Requires graphviz and pydot to be installed. |
model_save_kwargs(`dict`, *optional*): |
model_save_kwargs will be passed to |
[`tf.keras.models.save_model()`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/models/save_model). |
Returns: |
The url of the commit of your model in the given repository. |
""" |
api = HfApi(endpoint=api_endpoint) |
repo_id = api.create_repo(repo_id=repo_id, token=token, private=private, exist_ok=True).repo_id |
with SoftTemporaryDirectory() as tmp: |
saved_path = Path(tmp) / repo_id |
save_pretrained_keras( |
model, |
saved_path, |
config=config, |
include_optimizer=include_optimizer, |
tags=tags, |
plot_model=plot_model, |
**model_save_kwargs, |
) |
if log_dir is not None: |
delete_patterns = ( |
[] |
if delete_patterns is None |
else ( |
[delete_patterns] |
if isinstance(delete_patterns, str) |
else delete_patterns |
) |
) |
delete_patterns.append("logs/*") |
copytree(log_dir, saved_path / "logs") |
return api.upload_folder( |
repo_type="model", |
repo_id=repo_id, |
folder_path=saved_path, |
commit_message=commit_message, |
token=token, |
revision=branch, |
create_pr=create_pr, |
allow_patterns=allow_patterns, |
ignore_patterns=ignore_patterns, |
delete_patterns=delete_patterns, |
) |
class KerasModelHubMixin(ModelHubMixin): |
""" |
Implementation of [`ModelHubMixin`] to provide model Hub upload/download |
capabilities to Keras models. |
```python |
>>> import tensorflow as tf |
>>> from huggingface_hub import KerasModelHubMixin |
>>> class MyModel(tf.keras.Model, KerasModelHubMixin): |
... def __init__(self, **kwargs): |
... super().__init__() |
... self.config = kwargs.pop("config", None) |
... self.dummy_inputs = ... |
... self.layer = ... |
... def call(self, *args): |
... return ... |
>>> # Initialize and compile the model as you normally would |
>>> model = MyModel() |
>>> model.compile(...) |
>>> # Build the graph by training it or passing dummy inputs |
>>> _ = model(model.dummy_inputs) |
>>> # Save model weights to local directory |
>>> model.save_pretrained("my-awesome-model") |
>>> # Push model weights to the Hub |
>>> model.push_to_hub("my-awesome-model") |
>>> # Download and initialize weights from the Hub |
>>> model = MyModel.from_pretrained("username/super-cool-model") |
``` |
""" |
def _save_pretrained(self, save_directory): |
save_pretrained_keras(self, save_directory) |
@classmethod |
def _from_pretrained( |
cls, |
model_id, |
revision, |
cache_dir, |
force_download, |
proxies, |
resume_download, |
local_files_only, |
token, |
**model_kwargs, |
): |
"""Here we just call [`from_pretrained_keras`] function so both the mixin and |
functional APIs stay in sync. |
TODO - Some args above aren't used since we are calling |
snapshot_download instead of hf_hub_download. |
""" |
if is_tf_available(): |
import tensorflow as tf |
else: |
raise ImportError("Called a TensorFlow-specific function but could not import it.") |
cfg = model_kwargs.pop("config", None) |
if not os.path.isdir(model_id): |
storage_folder = snapshot_download( |
repo_id=model_id, |
revision=revision, |
cache_dir=cache_dir, |
library_name="keras", |
library_version=get_tf_version(), |
) |
else: |
storage_folder = model_id |
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(storage_folder, **model_kwargs) |
model.config = cfg |
return model |