import os |
from pathlib import Path |
import platform |
import re |
import shutil |
import subprocess |
import sys |
import weakref |
import numpy as np |
import pytest |
import matplotlib as mpl |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
from matplotlib import animation |
from matplotlib.testing.decorators import check_figures_equal |
@pytest.fixture() |
def anim(request): |
"""Create a simple animation (with options).""" |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
line, = ax.plot([], []) |
ax.set_xlim(0, 10) |
ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) |
def init(): |
line.set_data([], []) |
return line, |
def animate(i): |
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) |
y = np.sin(x + i) |
line.set_data(x, y) |
return line, |
kwargs = dict(getattr(request, 'param', {})) |
klass = kwargs.pop('klass', animation.FuncAnimation) |
if 'frames' not in kwargs: |
kwargs['frames'] = 5 |
return klass(fig=fig, func=animate, init_func=init, **kwargs) |
class NullMovieWriter(animation.AbstractMovieWriter): |
""" |
A minimal MovieWriter. It doesn't actually write anything. |
It just saves the arguments that were given to the setup() and |
grab_frame() methods as attributes, and counts how many times |
grab_frame() is called. |
This class doesn't have an __init__ method with the appropriate |
signature, and it doesn't define an isAvailable() method, so |
it cannot be added to the 'writers' registry. |
""" |
def setup(self, fig, outfile, dpi, *args): |
self.fig = fig |
self.outfile = outfile |
self.dpi = dpi |
self.args = args |
self._count = 0 |
def grab_frame(self, **savefig_kwargs): |
from matplotlib.animation import _validate_grabframe_kwargs |
_validate_grabframe_kwargs(savefig_kwargs) |
self.savefig_kwargs = savefig_kwargs |
self._count += 1 |
def finish(self): |
pass |
def test_null_movie_writer(anim): |
plt.rcParams["savefig.facecolor"] = "auto" |
filename = "unused.null" |
dpi = 50 |
savefig_kwargs = dict(foo=0) |
writer = NullMovieWriter() |
anim.save(filename, dpi=dpi, writer=writer, |
savefig_kwargs=savefig_kwargs) |
assert writer.fig == plt.figure(1) |
assert writer.outfile == filename |
assert writer.dpi == dpi |
assert writer.args == () |
for k, v in savefig_kwargs.items(): |
assert writer.savefig_kwargs[k] == v |
assert writer._count == anim._save_count |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(klass=dict)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_animation_delete(anim): |
if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': |
np.testing.break_cycles() |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(**anim) |
with pytest.warns(Warning, match='Animation was deleted'): |
del anim |
np.testing.break_cycles() |
def test_movie_writer_dpi_default(): |
class DummyMovieWriter(animation.MovieWriter): |
def _run(self): |
pass |
fig = plt.figure() |
filename = "unused.null" |
fps = 5 |
codec = "unused" |
bitrate = 1 |
extra_args = ["unused"] |
writer = DummyMovieWriter(fps, codec, bitrate, extra_args) |
writer.setup(fig, filename) |
assert writer.dpi == fig.dpi |
@animation.writers.register('null') |
class RegisteredNullMovieWriter(NullMovieWriter): |
def __init__(self, fps=None, codec=None, bitrate=None, |
extra_args=None, metadata=None): |
pass |
@classmethod |
def isAvailable(cls): |
return True |
('ffmpeg', 'movie.mp4'), |
('ffmpeg_file', 'movie.mp4'), |
('imagemagick', 'movie.gif'), |
('imagemagick_file', 'movie.gif'), |
('pillow', 'movie.gif'), |
('html', 'movie.html'), |
('null', 'movie.null') |
] |
def gen_writers(): |
for writer, output in WRITER_OUTPUT: |
if not animation.writers.is_available(writer): |
mark = pytest.mark.skip( |
f"writer '{writer}' not available on this system") |
yield pytest.param(writer, None, output, marks=[mark]) |
yield pytest.param(writer, None, Path(output), marks=[mark]) |
continue |
writer_class = animation.writers[writer] |
for frame_format in getattr(writer_class, 'supported_formats', [None]): |
yield writer, frame_format, output |
yield writer, frame_format, Path(output) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('writer, frame_format, output', gen_writers()) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(klass=dict)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_save_animation_smoketest(tmpdir, writer, frame_format, output, anim): |
if frame_format is not None: |
plt.rcParams["animation.frame_format"] = frame_format |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(**anim) |
dpi = None |
codec = None |
if writer == 'ffmpeg': |
anim._fig.set_size_inches((10.85, 9.21)) |
dpi = 100. |
codec = 'h264' |
with tmpdir.as_cwd(): |
anim.save(output, fps=30, writer=writer, bitrate=500, dpi=dpi, |
codec=codec) |
del anim |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('writer, frame_format, output', gen_writers()) |
def test_grabframe(tmpdir, writer, frame_format, output): |
WriterClass = animation.writers[writer] |
if frame_format is not None: |
plt.rcParams["animation.frame_format"] = frame_format |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
dpi = None |
codec = None |
if writer == 'ffmpeg': |
fig.set_size_inches((10.85, 9.21)) |
dpi = 100. |
codec = 'h264' |
test_writer = WriterClass() |
with tmpdir.as_cwd(): |
with test_writer.saving(fig, output, dpi): |
test_writer.grab_frame() |
for k in {'dpi', 'bbox_inches', 'format'}: |
with pytest.raises( |
TypeError, |
match=f"grab_frame got an unexpected keyword argument {k!r}" |
): |
test_writer.grab_frame(**{k: object()}) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('writer', [ |
pytest.param( |
'ffmpeg', marks=pytest.mark.skipif( |
not animation.FFMpegWriter.isAvailable(), |
reason='Requires FFMpeg')), |
pytest.param( |
'imagemagick', marks=pytest.mark.skipif( |
not animation.ImageMagickWriter.isAvailable(), |
reason='Requires ImageMagick')), |
]) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('html, want', [ |
('none', None), |
('html5', '<video width'), |
('jshtml', '<script ') |
]) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(klass=dict)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_animation_repr_html(writer, html, want, anim): |
if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': |
np.testing.break_cycles() |
if (writer == 'imagemagick' and html == 'html5' |
and not animation.FFMpegWriter.isAvailable()): |
pytest.skip('Requires FFMpeg') |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(**anim) |
with plt.rc_context({'animation.writer': writer, |
'animation.html': html}): |
html = anim._repr_html_() |
if want is None: |
assert html is None |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning): |
del anim |
np.testing.break_cycles() |
else: |
assert want in html |
@pytest.mark.parametrize( |
'anim', |
[{'save_count': 10, 'frames': iter(range(5))}], |
indirect=['anim'] |
) |
def test_no_length_frames(anim): |
anim.save('unused.null', writer=NullMovieWriter()) |
def test_movie_writer_registry(): |
assert len(animation.writers._registered) > 0 |
mpl.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = "not_available_ever_xxxx" |
assert not animation.writers.is_available("ffmpeg") |
bin = "true" if sys.platform != 'win32' else "where" |
mpl.rcParams['animation.ffmpeg_path'] = bin |
assert animation.writers.is_available("ffmpeg") |
@pytest.mark.parametrize( |
"method_name", |
[pytest.param("to_html5_video", marks=pytest.mark.skipif( |
not animation.writers.is_available(mpl.rcParams["animation.writer"]), |
reason="animation writer not installed")), |
"to_jshtml"]) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(frames=1)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_embed_limit(method_name, caplog, tmpdir, anim): |
caplog.set_level("WARNING") |
with tmpdir.as_cwd(): |
with mpl.rc_context({"animation.embed_limit": 1e-6}): |
getattr(anim, method_name)() |
assert len(caplog.records) == 1 |
record, = caplog.records |
assert (record.name == "matplotlib.animation" |
and record.levelname == "WARNING") |
@pytest.mark.parametrize( |
"method_name", |
[pytest.param("to_html5_video", marks=pytest.mark.skipif( |
not animation.writers.is_available(mpl.rcParams["animation.writer"]), |
reason="animation writer not installed")), |
"to_jshtml"]) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(frames=1)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_cleanup_temporaries(method_name, tmpdir, anim): |
with tmpdir.as_cwd(): |
getattr(anim, method_name)() |
assert list(Path(str(tmpdir)).iterdir()) == [] |
@pytest.mark.skipif(shutil.which("/bin/sh") is None, reason="requires a POSIX OS") |
def test_failing_ffmpeg(tmpdir, monkeypatch, anim): |
""" |
Test that we correctly raise a CalledProcessError when ffmpeg fails. |
To do so, mock ffmpeg using a simple executable shell script that |
succeeds when called with no arguments (so that it gets registered by |
`isAvailable`), but fails otherwise, and add it to the $PATH. |
""" |
with tmpdir.as_cwd(): |
monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", ".:" + os.environ["PATH"]) |
exe_path = Path(str(tmpdir), "ffmpeg") |
exe_path.write_bytes(b"#!/bin/sh\n[[ $@ -eq 0 ]]\n") |
os.chmod(exe_path, 0o755) |
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): |
anim.save("test.mpeg") |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cache_frame_data", [False, True]) |
def test_funcanimation_cache_frame_data(cache_frame_data): |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
line, = ax.plot([], []) |
class Frame(dict): |
pass |
def init(): |
line.set_data([], []) |
return line, |
def animate(frame): |
line.set_data(frame['x'], frame['y']) |
return line, |
frames_generated = [] |
def frames_generator(): |
for _ in range(5): |
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) |
y = np.random.rand(100) |
frame = Frame(x=x, y=y) |
frames_generated.append(weakref.ref(frame)) |
yield frame |
MAX_FRAMES = 100 |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, |
frames=frames_generator, |
cache_frame_data=cache_frame_data, |
save_count=MAX_FRAMES) |
writer = NullMovieWriter() |
anim.save('unused.null', writer=writer) |
assert len(frames_generated) == 5 |
np.testing.break_cycles() |
for f in frames_generated: |
assert (f() is None) != cache_frame_data |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('return_value', [ |
None, |
'string', |
1, |
('string', ), |
'artist', |
]) |
def test_draw_frame(return_value): |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
line, = ax.plot([]) |
def animate(i): |
line.set_data([0, 1], [0, i]) |
if return_value == 'artist': |
return line |
else: |
return return_value |
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): |
animation.FuncAnimation( |
fig, animate, blit=True, cache_frame_data=False |
) |
def test_exhausted_animation(tmpdir): |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
def update(frame): |
return [] |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation( |
fig, update, frames=iter(range(10)), repeat=False, |
cache_frame_data=False |
) |
with tmpdir.as_cwd(): |
anim.save("test.gif", writer='pillow') |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exhausted"): |
anim._start() |
def test_no_frame_warning(tmpdir): |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
def update(frame): |
return [] |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation( |
fig, update, frames=[], repeat=False, |
cache_frame_data=False |
) |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="exhausted"): |
anim._start() |
@check_figures_equal(extensions=["png"]) |
def test_animation_frame(tmpdir, fig_test, fig_ref): |
ax = fig_test.add_subplot() |
ax.set_xlim(0, 2 * np.pi) |
ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) |
x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) |
line, = ax.plot([], []) |
def init(): |
line.set_data([], []) |
return line, |
def animate(i): |
line.set_data(x, np.sin(x + i / 100)) |
return line, |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation( |
fig_test, animate, init_func=init, frames=5, |
blit=True, repeat=False) |
with tmpdir.as_cwd(): |
anim.save("test.gif") |
ax = fig_ref.add_subplot() |
ax.set_xlim(0, 2 * np.pi) |
ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) |
ax.plot(x, np.sin(x + 4 / 100)) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(klass=dict)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_save_count_override_warnings_has_length(anim): |
save_count = 5 |
frames = list(range(2)) |
match_target = ( |
f'You passed in an explicit {save_count=} ' |
"which is being ignored in favor of " |
f"{len(frames)=}." |
) |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=re.escape(match_target)): |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation( |
**{**anim, 'frames': frames, 'save_count': save_count} |
) |
assert anim._save_count == len(frames) |
anim._init_draw() |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(klass=dict)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_save_count_override_warnings_scaler(anim): |
save_count = 5 |
frames = 7 |
match_target = ( |
f'You passed in an explicit {save_count=} ' + |
"which is being ignored in favor of " + |
f"{frames=}." |
) |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=re.escape(match_target)): |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation( |
**{**anim, 'frames': frames, 'save_count': save_count} |
) |
assert anim._save_count == frames |
anim._init_draw() |
@pytest.mark.parametrize('anim', [dict(klass=dict)], indirect=['anim']) |
def test_disable_cache_warning(anim): |
cache_frame_data = True |
frames = iter(range(5)) |
match_target = ( |
f"{frames=!r} which we can infer the length of, " |
"did not pass an explicit *save_count* " |
f"and passed {cache_frame_data=}. To avoid a possibly " |
"unbounded cache, frame data caching has been disabled. " |
"To suppress this warning either pass " |
"`cache_frame_data=False` or `save_count=MAX_FRAMES`." |
) |
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=re.escape(match_target)): |
anim = animation.FuncAnimation( |
**{**anim, 'cache_frame_data': cache_frame_data, 'frames': frames} |
) |
assert anim._cache_frame_data is False |
anim._init_draw() |
def test_movie_writer_invalid_path(anim): |
if sys.platform == "win32": |
match_str = r"\[WinError 3] .*'\\\\foo\\\\bar\\\\aardvark'" |
else: |
match_str = r"\[Errno 2] .*'/foo" |
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError, match=match_str): |
anim.save("/foo/bar/aardvark/thiscannotreallyexist.mp4", |
writer=animation.FFMpegFileWriter()) |