""" |
Abstract base class for the various polynomial Classes. |
The ABCPolyBase class provides the methods needed to implement the common API |
for the various polynomial classes. It operates as a mixin, but uses the |
abc module from the stdlib, hence it is only available for Python >= 2.6. |
""" |
import os |
import abc |
import numbers |
import numpy as np |
from . import polyutils as pu |
__all__ = ['ABCPolyBase'] |
class ABCPolyBase(abc.ABC): |
"""An abstract base class for immutable series classes. |
ABCPolyBase provides the standard Python numerical methods |
'+', '-', '*', '//', '%', 'divmod', '**', and '()' along with the |
methods listed below. |
.. versionadded:: 1.9.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
coef : array_like |
Series coefficients in order of increasing degree, i.e., |
``(1, 2, 3)`` gives ``1*P_0(x) + 2*P_1(x) + 3*P_2(x)``, where |
``P_i`` is the basis polynomials of degree ``i``. |
domain : (2,) array_like, optional |
Domain to use. The interval ``[domain[0], domain[1]]`` is mapped |
to the interval ``[window[0], window[1]]`` by shifting and scaling. |
The default value is the derived class domain. |
window : (2,) array_like, optional |
Window, see domain for its use. The default value is the |
derived class window. |
symbol : str, optional |
Symbol used to represent the independent variable in string |
representations of the polynomial expression, e.g. for printing. |
The symbol must be a valid Python identifier. Default value is 'x'. |
.. versionadded:: 1.24 |
Attributes |
---------- |
coef : (N,) ndarray |
Series coefficients in order of increasing degree. |
domain : (2,) ndarray |
Domain that is mapped to window. |
window : (2,) ndarray |
Window that domain is mapped to. |
symbol : str |
Symbol representing the independent variable. |
Class Attributes |
---------------- |
maxpower : int |
Maximum power allowed, i.e., the largest number ``n`` such that |
``p(x)**n`` is allowed. This is to limit runaway polynomial size. |
domain : (2,) ndarray |
Default domain of the class. |
window : (2,) ndarray |
Default window of the class. |
""" |
__hash__ = None |
__array_ufunc__ = None |
maxpower = 100 |
_superscript_mapping = str.maketrans({ |
"0": "⁰", |
"1": "¹", |
"2": "²", |
"3": "³", |
"4": "⁴", |
"5": "⁵", |
"6": "⁶", |
"7": "⁷", |
"8": "⁸", |
"9": "⁹" |
}) |
_subscript_mapping = str.maketrans({ |
"0": "₀", |
"1": "₁", |
"2": "₂", |
"3": "₃", |
"4": "₄", |
"5": "₅", |
"6": "₆", |
"7": "₇", |
"8": "₈", |
"9": "₉" |
}) |
_use_unicode = not os.name == 'nt' |
@property |
def symbol(self): |
return self._symbol |
@property |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def domain(self): |
pass |
@property |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def window(self): |
pass |
@property |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def basis_name(self): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _add(c1, c2): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _sub(c1, c2): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _mul(c1, c2): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _div(c1, c2): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _pow(c, pow, maxpower=None): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _val(x, c): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _int(c, m, k, lbnd, scl): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _der(c, m, scl): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _fit(x, y, deg, rcond, full): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _line(off, scl): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _roots(c): |
pass |
@staticmethod |
@abc.abstractmethod |
def _fromroots(r): |
pass |
def has_samecoef(self, other): |
"""Check if coefficients match. |
.. versionadded:: 1.6.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
other : class instance |
The other class must have the ``coef`` attribute. |
Returns |
------- |
bool : boolean |
True if the coefficients are the same, False otherwise. |
""" |
if len(self.coef) != len(other.coef): |
return False |
elif not np.all(self.coef == other.coef): |
return False |
else: |
return True |
def has_samedomain(self, other): |
"""Check if domains match. |
.. versionadded:: 1.6.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
other : class instance |
The other class must have the ``domain`` attribute. |
Returns |
------- |
bool : boolean |
True if the domains are the same, False otherwise. |
""" |
return np.all(self.domain == other.domain) |
def has_samewindow(self, other): |
"""Check if windows match. |
.. versionadded:: 1.6.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
other : class instance |
The other class must have the ``window`` attribute. |
Returns |
------- |
bool : boolean |
True if the windows are the same, False otherwise. |
""" |
return np.all(self.window == other.window) |
def has_sametype(self, other): |
"""Check if types match. |
.. versionadded:: 1.7.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
other : object |
Class instance. |
Returns |
------- |
bool : boolean |
True if other is same class as self |
""" |
return isinstance(other, self.__class__) |
def _get_coefficients(self, other): |
"""Interpret other as polynomial coefficients. |
The `other` argument is checked to see if it is of the same |
class as self with identical domain and window. If so, |
return its coefficients, otherwise return `other`. |
.. versionadded:: 1.9.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
other : anything |
Object to be checked. |
Returns |
------- |
coef |
The coefficients of`other` if it is a compatible instance, |
of ABCPolyBase, otherwise `other`. |
Raises |
------ |
TypeError |
When `other` is an incompatible instance of ABCPolyBase. |
""" |
if isinstance(other, ABCPolyBase): |
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): |
raise TypeError("Polynomial types differ") |
elif not np.all(self.domain == other.domain): |
raise TypeError("Domains differ") |
elif not np.all(self.window == other.window): |
raise TypeError("Windows differ") |
elif self.symbol != other.symbol: |
raise ValueError("Polynomial symbols differ") |
return other.coef |
return other |
def __init__(self, coef, domain=None, window=None, symbol='x'): |
[coef] = pu.as_series([coef], trim=False) |
self.coef = coef |
if domain is not None: |
[domain] = pu.as_series([domain], trim=False) |
if len(domain) != 2: |
raise ValueError("Domain has wrong number of elements.") |
self.domain = domain |
if window is not None: |
[window] = pu.as_series([window], trim=False) |
if len(window) != 2: |
raise ValueError("Window has wrong number of elements.") |
self.window = window |
try: |
if not symbol.isidentifier(): |
raise ValueError( |
"Symbol string must be a valid Python identifier" |
) |
except AttributeError: |
raise TypeError("Symbol must be a non-empty string") |
self._symbol = symbol |
def __repr__(self): |
coef = repr(self.coef)[6:-1] |
domain = repr(self.domain)[6:-1] |
window = repr(self.window)[6:-1] |
name = self.__class__.__name__ |
return (f"{name}({coef}, domain={domain}, window={window}, " |
f"symbol='{self.symbol}')") |
def __format__(self, fmt_str): |
if fmt_str == '': |
return self.__str__() |
if fmt_str not in ('ascii', 'unicode'): |
raise ValueError( |
f"Unsupported format string '{fmt_str}' passed to " |
f"{self.__class__}.__format__. Valid options are " |
f"'ascii' and 'unicode'" |
) |
if fmt_str == 'ascii': |
return self._generate_string(self._str_term_ascii) |
return self._generate_string(self._str_term_unicode) |
def __str__(self): |
if self._use_unicode: |
return self._generate_string(self._str_term_unicode) |
return self._generate_string(self._str_term_ascii) |
def _generate_string(self, term_method): |
""" |
Generate the full string representation of the polynomial, using |
``term_method`` to generate each polynomial term. |
""" |
linewidth = np.get_printoptions().get('linewidth', 75) |
if linewidth < 1: |
linewidth = 1 |
out = pu.format_float(self.coef[0]) |
for i, coef in enumerate(self.coef[1:]): |
out += " " |
power = str(i + 1) |
try: |
if coef >= 0: |
next_term = f"+ " + pu.format_float(coef, parens=True) |
else: |
next_term = f"- " + pu.format_float(-coef, parens=True) |
except TypeError: |
next_term = f"+ {coef}" |
next_term += term_method(power, self.symbol) |
line_len = len(out.split('\n')[-1]) + len(next_term) |
if i < len(self.coef[1:]) - 1: |
line_len += 2 |
if line_len >= linewidth: |
next_term = next_term.replace(" ", "\n", 1) |
out += next_term |
return out |
@classmethod |
def _str_term_unicode(cls, i, arg_str): |
""" |
String representation of single polynomial term using unicode |
characters for superscripts and subscripts. |
""" |
if cls.basis_name is None: |
raise NotImplementedError( |
"Subclasses must define either a basis_name, or override " |
"_str_term_unicode(cls, i, arg_str)" |
) |
return (f"·{cls.basis_name}{i.translate(cls._subscript_mapping)}" |
f"({arg_str})") |
@classmethod |
def _str_term_ascii(cls, i, arg_str): |
""" |
String representation of a single polynomial term using ** and _ to |
represent superscripts and subscripts, respectively. |
""" |
if cls.basis_name is None: |
raise NotImplementedError( |
"Subclasses must define either a basis_name, or override " |
"_str_term_ascii(cls, i, arg_str)" |
) |
return f" {cls.basis_name}_{i}({arg_str})" |
@classmethod |
def _repr_latex_term(cls, i, arg_str, needs_parens): |
if cls.basis_name is None: |
raise NotImplementedError( |
"Subclasses must define either a basis name, or override " |
"_repr_latex_term(i, arg_str, needs_parens)") |
return f"{{{cls.basis_name}}}_{{{i}}}({arg_str})" |
@staticmethod |
def _repr_latex_scalar(x, parens=False): |
return r'\text{{{}}}'.format(pu.format_float(x, parens=parens)) |
def _repr_latex_(self): |
off, scale = self.mapparms() |
if off == 0 and scale == 1: |
term = self.symbol |
needs_parens = False |
elif scale == 1: |
term = f"{self._repr_latex_scalar(off)} + {self.symbol}" |
needs_parens = True |
elif off == 0: |
term = f"{self._repr_latex_scalar(scale)}{self.symbol}" |
needs_parens = True |
else: |
term = ( |
f"{self._repr_latex_scalar(off)} + " |
f"{self._repr_latex_scalar(scale)}{self.symbol}" |
) |
needs_parens = True |
mute = r"\color{{LightGray}}{{{}}}".format |
parts = [] |
for i, c in enumerate(self.coef): |
if i == 0: |
coef_str = f"{self._repr_latex_scalar(c)}" |
elif not isinstance(c, numbers.Real): |
coef_str = f" + ({self._repr_latex_scalar(c)})" |
elif not np.signbit(c): |
coef_str = f" + {self._repr_latex_scalar(c, parens=True)}" |
else: |
coef_str = f" - {self._repr_latex_scalar(-c, parens=True)}" |
term_str = self._repr_latex_term(i, term, needs_parens) |
if term_str == '1': |
part = coef_str |
else: |
part = rf"{coef_str}\,{term_str}" |
if c == 0: |
part = mute(part) |
parts.append(part) |
if parts: |
body = ''.join(parts) |
else: |
body = '0' |
return rf"${self.symbol} \mapsto {body}$" |
def __getstate__(self): |
ret = self.__dict__.copy() |
ret['coef'] = self.coef.copy() |
ret['domain'] = self.domain.copy() |
ret['window'] = self.window.copy() |
ret['symbol'] = self.symbol |
return ret |
def __setstate__(self, dict): |
self.__dict__ = dict |
def __call__(self, arg): |
off, scl = pu.mapparms(self.domain, self.window) |
arg = off + scl*arg |
return self._val(arg, self.coef) |
def __iter__(self): |
return iter(self.coef) |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.coef) |
def __neg__(self): |
return self.__class__( |
-self.coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol |
) |
def __pos__(self): |
return self |
def __add__(self, other): |
othercoef = self._get_coefficients(other) |
try: |
coef = self._add(self.coef, othercoef) |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def __sub__(self, other): |
othercoef = self._get_coefficients(other) |
try: |
coef = self._sub(self.coef, othercoef) |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def __mul__(self, other): |
othercoef = self._get_coefficients(other) |
try: |
coef = self._mul(self.coef, othercoef) |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def __truediv__(self, other): |
if not isinstance(other, numbers.Number) or isinstance(other, bool): |
raise TypeError( |
f"unsupported types for true division: " |
f"'{type(self)}', '{type(other)}'" |
) |
return self.__floordiv__(other) |
def __floordiv__(self, other): |
res = self.__divmod__(other) |
if res is NotImplemented: |
return res |
return res[0] |
def __mod__(self, other): |
res = self.__divmod__(other) |
if res is NotImplemented: |
return res |
return res[1] |
def __divmod__(self, other): |
othercoef = self._get_coefficients(other) |
try: |
quo, rem = self._div(self.coef, othercoef) |
except ZeroDivisionError: |
raise |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
quo = self.__class__(quo, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
rem = self.__class__(rem, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
return quo, rem |
def __pow__(self, other): |
coef = self._pow(self.coef, other, maxpower=self.maxpower) |
res = self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
return res |
def __radd__(self, other): |
try: |
coef = self._add(other, self.coef) |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def __rsub__(self, other): |
try: |
coef = self._sub(other, self.coef) |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def __rmul__(self, other): |
try: |
coef = self._mul(other, self.coef) |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def __rdiv__(self, other): |
return self.__rfloordiv__(other) |
def __rtruediv__(self, other): |
return NotImplemented |
def __rfloordiv__(self, other): |
res = self.__rdivmod__(other) |
if res is NotImplemented: |
return res |
return res[0] |
def __rmod__(self, other): |
res = self.__rdivmod__(other) |
if res is NotImplemented: |
return res |
return res[1] |
def __rdivmod__(self, other): |
try: |
quo, rem = self._div(other, self.coef) |
except ZeroDivisionError: |
raise |
except Exception: |
return NotImplemented |
quo = self.__class__(quo, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
rem = self.__class__(rem, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
return quo, rem |
def __eq__(self, other): |
res = (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and |
np.all(self.domain == other.domain) and |
np.all(self.window == other.window) and |
(self.coef.shape == other.coef.shape) and |
np.all(self.coef == other.coef) and |
(self.symbol == other.symbol)) |
return res |
def __ne__(self, other): |
return not self.__eq__(other) |
def copy(self): |
"""Return a copy. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
Copy of self. |
""" |
return self.__class__(self.coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def degree(self): |
"""The degree of the series. |
.. versionadded:: 1.5.0 |
Returns |
------- |
degree : int |
Degree of the series, one less than the number of coefficients. |
Examples |
-------- |
Create a polynomial object for ``1 + 7*x + 4*x**2``: |
>>> poly = np.polynomial.Polynomial([1, 7, 4]) |
>>> print(poly) |
1.0 + 7.0·x + 4.0·x² |
>>> poly.degree() |
2 |
Note that this method does not check for non-zero coefficients. |
You must trim the polynomial to remove any trailing zeroes: |
>>> poly = np.polynomial.Polynomial([1, 7, 0]) |
>>> print(poly) |
1.0 + 7.0·x + 0.0·x² |
>>> poly.degree() |
2 |
>>> poly.trim().degree() |
1 |
""" |
return len(self) - 1 |
def cutdeg(self, deg): |
"""Truncate series to the given degree. |
Reduce the degree of the series to `deg` by discarding the |
high order terms. If `deg` is greater than the current degree a |
copy of the current series is returned. This can be useful in least |
squares where the coefficients of the high degree terms may be very |
small. |
.. versionadded:: 1.5.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
deg : non-negative int |
The series is reduced to degree `deg` by discarding the high |
order terms. The value of `deg` must be a non-negative integer. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
New instance of series with reduced degree. |
""" |
return self.truncate(deg + 1) |
def trim(self, tol=0): |
"""Remove trailing coefficients |
Remove trailing coefficients until a coefficient is reached whose |
absolute value greater than `tol` or the beginning of the series is |
reached. If all the coefficients would be removed the series is set |
to ``[0]``. A new series instance is returned with the new |
coefficients. The current instance remains unchanged. |
Parameters |
---------- |
tol : non-negative number. |
All trailing coefficients less than `tol` will be removed. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
New instance of series with trimmed coefficients. |
""" |
coef = pu.trimcoef(self.coef, tol) |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def truncate(self, size): |
"""Truncate series to length `size`. |
Reduce the series to length `size` by discarding the high |
degree terms. The value of `size` must be a positive integer. This |
can be useful in least squares where the coefficients of the |
high degree terms may be very small. |
Parameters |
---------- |
size : positive int |
The series is reduced to length `size` by discarding the high |
degree terms. The value of `size` must be a positive integer. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
New instance of series with truncated coefficients. |
""" |
isize = int(size) |
if isize != size or isize < 1: |
raise ValueError("size must be a positive integer") |
if isize >= len(self.coef): |
coef = self.coef |
else: |
coef = self.coef[:isize] |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def convert(self, domain=None, kind=None, window=None): |
"""Convert series to a different kind and/or domain and/or window. |
Parameters |
---------- |
domain : array_like, optional |
The domain of the converted series. If the value is None, |
the default domain of `kind` is used. |
kind : class, optional |
The polynomial series type class to which the current instance |
should be converted. If kind is None, then the class of the |
current instance is used. |
window : array_like, optional |
The window of the converted series. If the value is None, |
the default window of `kind` is used. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
The returned class can be of different type than the current |
instance and/or have a different domain and/or different |
window. |
Notes |
----- |
Conversion between domains and class types can result in |
numerically ill defined series. |
""" |
if kind is None: |
kind = self.__class__ |
if domain is None: |
domain = kind.domain |
if window is None: |
window = kind.window |
return self(kind.identity(domain, window=window, symbol=self.symbol)) |
def mapparms(self): |
"""Return the mapping parameters. |
The returned values define a linear map ``off + scl*x`` that is |
applied to the input arguments before the series is evaluated. The |
map depends on the ``domain`` and ``window``; if the current |
``domain`` is equal to the ``window`` the resulting map is the |
identity. If the coefficients of the series instance are to be |
used by themselves outside this class, then the linear function |
must be substituted for the ``x`` in the standard representation of |
the base polynomials. |
Returns |
------- |
off, scl : float or complex |
The mapping function is defined by ``off + scl*x``. |
Notes |
----- |
If the current domain is the interval ``[l1, r1]`` and the window |
is ``[l2, r2]``, then the linear mapping function ``L`` is |
defined by the equations:: |
L(l1) = l2 |
L(r1) = r2 |
""" |
return pu.mapparms(self.domain, self.window) |
def integ(self, m=1, k=[], lbnd=None): |
"""Integrate. |
Return a series instance that is the definite integral of the |
current series. |
Parameters |
---------- |
m : non-negative int |
The number of integrations to perform. |
k : array_like |
Integration constants. The first constant is applied to the |
first integration, the second to the second, and so on. The |
list of values must less than or equal to `m` in length and any |
missing values are set to zero. |
lbnd : Scalar |
The lower bound of the definite integral. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
A new series representing the integral. The domain is the same |
as the domain of the integrated series. |
""" |
off, scl = self.mapparms() |
if lbnd is None: |
lbnd = 0 |
else: |
lbnd = off + scl*lbnd |
coef = self._int(self.coef, m, k, lbnd, 1./scl) |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def deriv(self, m=1): |
"""Differentiate. |
Return a series instance of that is the derivative of the current |
series. |
Parameters |
---------- |
m : non-negative int |
Find the derivative of order `m`. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
A new series representing the derivative. The domain is the same |
as the domain of the differentiated series. |
""" |
off, scl = self.mapparms() |
coef = self._der(self.coef, m, scl) |
return self.__class__(coef, self.domain, self.window, self.symbol) |
def roots(self): |
"""Return the roots of the series polynomial. |
Compute the roots for the series. Note that the accuracy of the |
roots decreases the further outside the `domain` they lie. |
Returns |
------- |
roots : ndarray |
Array containing the roots of the series. |
""" |
roots = self._roots(self.coef) |
return pu.mapdomain(roots, self.window, self.domain) |
def linspace(self, n=100, domain=None): |
"""Return x, y values at equally spaced points in domain. |
Returns the x, y values at `n` linearly spaced points across the |
domain. Here y is the value of the polynomial at the points x. By |
default the domain is the same as that of the series instance. |
This method is intended mostly as a plotting aid. |
.. versionadded:: 1.5.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
n : int, optional |
Number of point pairs to return. The default value is 100. |
domain : {None, array_like}, optional |
If not None, the specified domain is used instead of that of |
the calling instance. It should be of the form ``[beg,end]``. |
The default is None which case the class domain is used. |
Returns |
------- |
x, y : ndarray |
x is equal to linspace(self.domain[0], self.domain[1], n) and |
y is the series evaluated at element of x. |
""" |
if domain is None: |
domain = self.domain |
x = np.linspace(domain[0], domain[1], n) |
y = self(x) |
return x, y |
@classmethod |
def fit(cls, x, y, deg, domain=None, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, |
window=None, symbol='x'): |
"""Least squares fit to data. |
Return a series instance that is the least squares fit to the data |
`y` sampled at `x`. The domain of the returned instance can be |
specified and this will often result in a superior fit with less |
chance of ill conditioning. |
Parameters |
---------- |
x : array_like, shape (M,) |
x-coordinates of the M sample points ``(x[i], y[i])``. |
y : array_like, shape (M,) |
y-coordinates of the M sample points ``(x[i], y[i])``. |
deg : int or 1-D array_like |
Degree(s) of the fitting polynomials. If `deg` is a single integer |
all terms up to and including the `deg`'th term are included in the |
fit. For NumPy versions >= 1.11.0 a list of integers specifying the |
degrees of the terms to include may be used instead. |
domain : {None, [beg, end], []}, optional |
Domain to use for the returned series. If ``None``, |
then a minimal domain that covers the points `x` is chosen. If |
``[]`` the class domain is used. The default value was the |
class domain in NumPy 1.4 and ``None`` in later versions. |
The ``[]`` option was added in numpy 1.5.0. |
rcond : float, optional |
Relative condition number of the fit. Singular values smaller |
than this relative to the largest singular value will be |
ignored. The default value is len(x)*eps, where eps is the |
relative precision of the float type, about 2e-16 in most |
cases. |
full : bool, optional |
Switch determining nature of return value. When it is False |
(the default) just the coefficients are returned, when True |
diagnostic information from the singular value decomposition is |
also returned. |
w : array_like, shape (M,), optional |
Weights. If not None, the weight ``w[i]`` applies to the unsquared |
residual ``y[i] - y_hat[i]`` at ``x[i]``. Ideally the weights are |
chosen so that the errors of the products ``w[i]*y[i]`` all have |
the same variance. When using inverse-variance weighting, use |
``w[i] = 1/sigma(y[i])``. The default value is None. |
.. versionadded:: 1.5.0 |
window : {[beg, end]}, optional |
Window to use for the returned series. The default |
value is the default class domain |
.. versionadded:: 1.6.0 |
symbol : str, optional |
Symbol representing the independent variable. Default is 'x'. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
A series that represents the least squares fit to the data and |
has the domain and window specified in the call. If the |
coefficients for the unscaled and unshifted basis polynomials are |
of interest, do ``new_series.convert().coef``. |
[resid, rank, sv, rcond] : list |
These values are only returned if ``full == True`` |
- resid -- sum of squared residuals of the least squares fit |
- rank -- the numerical rank of the scaled Vandermonde matrix |
- sv -- singular values of the scaled Vandermonde matrix |
- rcond -- value of `rcond`. |
For more details, see `linalg.lstsq`. |
""" |
if domain is None: |
domain = pu.getdomain(x) |
elif type(domain) is list and len(domain) == 0: |
domain = cls.domain |
if window is None: |
window = cls.window |
xnew = pu.mapdomain(x, domain, window) |
res = cls._fit(xnew, y, deg, w=w, rcond=rcond, full=full) |
if full: |
[coef, status] = res |
return ( |
cls(coef, domain=domain, window=window, symbol=symbol), status |
) |
else: |
coef = res |
return cls(coef, domain=domain, window=window, symbol=symbol) |
@classmethod |
def fromroots(cls, roots, domain=[], window=None, symbol='x'): |
"""Return series instance that has the specified roots. |
Returns a series representing the product |
``(x - r[0])*(x - r[1])*...*(x - r[n-1])``, where ``r`` is a |
list of roots. |
Parameters |
---------- |
roots : array_like |
List of roots. |
domain : {[], None, array_like}, optional |
Domain for the resulting series. If None the domain is the |
interval from the smallest root to the largest. If [] the |
domain is the class domain. The default is []. |
window : {None, array_like}, optional |
Window for the returned series. If None the class window is |
used. The default is None. |
symbol : str, optional |
Symbol representing the independent variable. Default is 'x'. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
Series with the specified roots. |
""" |
[roots] = pu.as_series([roots], trim=False) |
if domain is None: |
domain = pu.getdomain(roots) |
elif type(domain) is list and len(domain) == 0: |
domain = cls.domain |
if window is None: |
window = cls.window |
deg = len(roots) |
off, scl = pu.mapparms(domain, window) |
rnew = off + scl*roots |
coef = cls._fromroots(rnew) / scl**deg |
return cls(coef, domain=domain, window=window, symbol=symbol) |
@classmethod |
def identity(cls, domain=None, window=None, symbol='x'): |
"""Identity function. |
If ``p`` is the returned series, then ``p(x) == x`` for all |
values of x. |
Parameters |
---------- |
domain : {None, array_like}, optional |
If given, the array must be of the form ``[beg, end]``, where |
``beg`` and ``end`` are the endpoints of the domain. If None is |
given then the class domain is used. The default is None. |
window : {None, array_like}, optional |
If given, the resulting array must be if the form |
``[beg, end]``, where ``beg`` and ``end`` are the endpoints of |
the window. If None is given then the class window is used. The |
default is None. |
symbol : str, optional |
Symbol representing the independent variable. Default is 'x'. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
Series of representing the identity. |
""" |
if domain is None: |
domain = cls.domain |
if window is None: |
window = cls.window |
off, scl = pu.mapparms(window, domain) |
coef = cls._line(off, scl) |
return cls(coef, domain, window, symbol) |
@classmethod |
def basis(cls, deg, domain=None, window=None, symbol='x'): |
"""Series basis polynomial of degree `deg`. |
Returns the series representing the basis polynomial of degree `deg`. |
.. versionadded:: 1.7.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
deg : int |
Degree of the basis polynomial for the series. Must be >= 0. |
domain : {None, array_like}, optional |
If given, the array must be of the form ``[beg, end]``, where |
``beg`` and ``end`` are the endpoints of the domain. If None is |
given then the class domain is used. The default is None. |
window : {None, array_like}, optional |
If given, the resulting array must be if the form |
``[beg, end]``, where ``beg`` and ``end`` are the endpoints of |
the window. If None is given then the class window is used. The |
default is None. |
symbol : str, optional |
Symbol representing the independent variable. Default is 'x'. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
A series with the coefficient of the `deg` term set to one and |
all others zero. |
""" |
if domain is None: |
domain = cls.domain |
if window is None: |
window = cls.window |
ideg = int(deg) |
if ideg != deg or ideg < 0: |
raise ValueError("deg must be non-negative integer") |
return cls([0]*ideg + [1], domain, window, symbol) |
@classmethod |
def cast(cls, series, domain=None, window=None): |
"""Convert series to series of this class. |
The `series` is expected to be an instance of some polynomial |
series of one of the types supported by by the numpy.polynomial |
module, but could be some other class that supports the convert |
method. |
.. versionadded:: 1.7.0 |
Parameters |
---------- |
series : series |
The series instance to be converted. |
domain : {None, array_like}, optional |
If given, the array must be of the form ``[beg, end]``, where |
``beg`` and ``end`` are the endpoints of the domain. If None is |
given then the class domain is used. The default is None. |
window : {None, array_like}, optional |
If given, the resulting array must be if the form |
``[beg, end]``, where ``beg`` and ``end`` are the endpoints of |
the window. If None is given then the class window is used. The |
default is None. |
Returns |
------- |
new_series : series |
A series of the same kind as the calling class and equal to |
`series` when evaluated. |
See Also |
-------- |
convert : similar instance method |
""" |
if domain is None: |
domain = cls.domain |
if window is None: |
window = cls.window |
return series.convert(domain, cls, window) |