Many people have contributed to pysam. The list of github contributors |
is the best place to get a full list of authors and their contributions. |
The list and summary below is a out-of-date and represents the earlier |
stages of the project. |
List of contributors: |
Andreas Heger, Tildon Grant Belgard, Florian Finkernagel, Leo |
Goodstadt, Martin Goodson all contributed code to pysam. |
John Marshall has been looking after pysam and its community for |
several years, as well as making many code contributions and improving |
the engineering of pysam. |
Kevin B. Jacobs implemented a Cython wrapper for the VCF/BCF |
reader/writer in htslib. |
Gerton Lunter provided a validating VCF parser. |
Marcel Martin implemented python 3 compatibility. |
Ben Schiller contributed a Windows compatible clone. |
The sources in the directory samtools are from the samtools project: |
http: |
MIT licence. The attributions for this code are as follows: |
Heng Li from the Sanger Institute wrote most of the initial source code |
of SAMtools and various converters. |
Bob Handsaker from the Broad Institute is a major contributor to the |
SAM/BAM specification. He designed and implemented the BGZF format, the |
underlying indexable compression format for the BAM format. BGZF does |
not support arithmetic between file offsets. |
Jue Ruan for the Beijing Genome Institute designed and implemented the |
RAZF format, an alternative indexable compression format. RAZF supports |
arithmetic between file offsets, at the cost of increased index file |
size and the full compatibility with gzip. RAZF is optional and only |
used in `faidx' for indexing RAZF compressed fasta files. |
Colin Hercus updated novo2sam.pl to support gapped alignment by |
novoalign. |