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'''Tools for working with files in the samtools pileup -c format.'''
import collections
import pysam
PileupSubstitution = collections.namedtuple("PileupSubstitution",
PileupIndel = collections.namedtuple("PileupIndel",
def iterate(infile):
'''iterate over ``samtools pileup -c`` formatted file.
*infile* can be any iterator over a lines.
The function yields named tuples of the type :class:`pysam.Pileup.PileupSubstitution`
or :class:`pysam.Pileup.PileupIndel`.
.. note::
The parser converts to 0-based coordinates
conv_subst = (str, lambda x: int(x) - 1, str,
str, int, int, int, int, str, str)
conv_indel = (str, lambda x: int(x) - 1, str, str, int,
int, int, int, str, str, int, int, int)
for line in infile:
d = line[:-1].split()
if d[2] == "*":
yield PileupIndel(*[x(y) for x, y in zip(conv_indel, d)])
except TypeError:
raise pysam.SamtoolsError("parsing error in line: `%s`" % line)
yield PileupSubstitution(*[x(y) for x, y in zip(conv_subst, d)])
except TypeError:
raise pysam.SamtoolsError("parsing error in line: `%s`" % line)
'A': 'A', 'C': 'C', 'G': 'G', 'T': 'T',
'AA': 'A', 'CC': 'C', 'GG': 'G', 'TT': 'T', 'UU': 'U',
'AG': 'r', 'GA': 'R',
'CT': 'y', 'TC': 'Y',
'AC': 'm', 'CA': 'M',
'GT': 'k', 'TG': 'K',
'CG': 's', 'GC': 'S',
'AT': 'w', 'TA': 'W',
'A': 'AA',
'C': 'CC',
'G': 'GG',
'T': 'TT',
'r': 'AG', 'R': 'AG',
'y': 'CT', 'Y': 'CT',
'm': 'AC', 'M': 'AC',
'k': 'GT', 'K': 'GT',
's': 'CG', 'S': 'CG',
'w': 'AT', 'W': 'AT',
# ------------------------------------------------------------
def encodeGenotype(code):
'''encode genotypes like GG, GA into a one-letter code.
The returned code is lower case if code[0] < code[1], otherwise
it is uppercase.
return ENCODE_GENOTYPE[code.upper()]
def decodeGenotype(code):
'''decode single letter genotypes like m, M into two letters.
This is the reverse operation to :meth:`encodeGenotype`.
return DECODE_GENOTYPE[code]
def translateIndelGenotypeFromVCF(vcf_genotypes, ref):
'''translate indel from vcf to pileup format.'''
# indels
def getPrefix(s1, s2):
'''get common prefix of strings s1 and s2.'''
n = min(len(s1), len(s2))
for x in range(n):
if s1[x] != s2[x]:
return s1[:x]
return s1[:n]
def getSuffix(s1, s2):
'''get common sufix of strings s1 and s2.'''
n = min(len(s1), len(s2))
if s1[-1] != s2[-1]:
return ""
for x in range(-2, -n - 1, -1):
if s1[x] != s2[x]:
return s1[x + 1:]
return s1[-n:]
def getGenotype(variant, ref):
if variant == ref:
return "*", 0
if len(ref) > len(variant):
# is a deletion
if ref.startswith(variant):
return "-%s" % ref[len(variant):], len(variant) - 1
elif ref.endswith(variant):
return "-%s" % ref[:-len(variant)], -1
prefix = getPrefix(ref, variant)
suffix = getSuffix(ref, variant)
shared = len(prefix) + len(suffix) - len(variant)
# print "-", prefix, suffix, ref, variant, shared, len(prefix), len(suffix), len(ref)
if shared < 0:
raise ValueError()
return "-%s" % ref[len(prefix):-(len(suffix) - shared)], len(prefix) - 1
elif len(ref) < len(variant):
# is an insertion
if variant.startswith(ref):
return "+%s" % variant[len(ref):], len(ref) - 1
elif variant.endswith(ref):
return "+%s" % variant[:len(ref)], 0
prefix = getPrefix(ref, variant)
suffix = getSuffix(ref, variant)
shared = len(prefix) + len(suffix) - len(ref)
if shared < 0:
raise ValueError()
return "+%s" % variant[len(prefix):-(len(suffix) - shared)], len(prefix)
assert 0, "snp?"
# in pileup, the position refers to the base
# after the coordinate, hence subtract 1
# pos -= 1
genotypes, offsets = [], []
is_error = True
for variant in vcf_genotypes:
g, offset = getGenotype(variant, ref)
except ValueError:
if g != "*":
is_error = False
if is_error:
raise ValueError()
assert len(set(offsets)) == 1, "multiple offsets for indel"
offset = offsets[0]
genotypes = "/".join(genotypes)
return genotypes, offset
def vcf2pileup(vcf, sample):
'''convert vcf record to pileup record.'''
chromosome = vcf.contig
pos = vcf.pos
reference = vcf.ref
allelles = [reference] + vcf.alt
data = vcf[sample]
# get genotype
genotypes = data["GT"]
if len(genotypes) > 1:
raise ValueError("only single genotype per position, %s" % (str(vcf)))
genotypes = genotypes[0]
# not a variant
if genotypes[0] == ".":
return None
genotypes = [allelles[int(x)] for x in genotypes if x != "/"]
# snp_quality is "genotype quality"
snp_quality = consensus_quality = data.get("GQ", [0])[0]
mapping_quality ="MQ", [0])[0]
coverage = data.get("DP", 0)
if len(reference) > 1 or max([len(x) for x in vcf.alt]) > 1:
# indel
genotype, offset = translateIndelGenotypeFromVCF(genotypes, reference)
return PileupIndel(chromosome,
pos + offset,
"<" * len(genotype),
genotype = encodeGenotype("".join(genotypes))
read_bases = ""
base_qualities = ""
return PileupSubstitution(chromosome, pos, reference,
genotype, consensus_quality,
snp_quality, mapping_quality,
coverage, read_bases,
def iterate_from_vcf(infile, sample):
'''iterate over a vcf-formatted file.
*infile* can be any iterator over a lines.
The function yields named tuples of the type
:class:`pysam.Pileup.PileupSubstitution` or
Positions without a snp will be skipped.
This method is wasteful and written to support same legacy code
that expects samtools pileup output.
Better use the vcf parser directly.
vcf = pysam.VCF()
if sample not in vcf.getsamples():
raise KeyError("sample %s not vcf file")
for row in vcf.fetch():
result = vcf2pileup(row, sample)
if result:
yield result