File size: 10,546 Bytes
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import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js";
import { rgthree } from "./rgthree.js";
import { getOutputNodes } from "./utils.js";
import { SERVICE as CONFIG_SERVICE } from "./services/config_service.js";
const BTN_SIZE = 20;
const BTN_MARGIN = [6, 6];
const BTN_SPACING = 8;
const BTN_GRID = BTN_SIZE / 8;
const TOGGLE_TO_MODE = new Map([
["MUTE", LiteGraph.NEVER],
["BYPASS", 4],
function getToggles() {
return [...CONFIG_SERVICE.getFeatureValue("group_header_fast_toggle.toggles", [])].reverse();
function clickedOnToggleButton(e, group) {
const toggles = getToggles();
const pos = group.pos;
const size = group.size;
for (let i = 0; i < toggles.length; i++) {
const toggle = toggles[i];
if (LiteGraph.isInsideRectangle(e.canvasX, e.canvasY, pos[0] + size[0] - (BTN_SIZE + BTN_MARGIN[0]) * (i + 1), pos[1] + BTN_MARGIN[1], BTN_SIZE, BTN_SIZE)) {
return toggle;
return null;
name: "rgthree.GroupHeaderToggles",
async setup() {
setInterval(() => {
if (CONFIG_SERVICE.getFeatureValue("group_header_fast_toggle.enabled") &&
CONFIG_SERVICE.getFeatureValue("") !== "always") {
app.canvas.setDirty(true, true);
}, 250);
rgthree.addEventListener("on-process-mouse-down", ((e) => {
if (!CONFIG_SERVICE.getFeatureValue("group_header_fast_toggle.enabled"))
const canvas = app.canvas;
if (canvas.selected_group) {
const originalEvent = e.detail.originalEvent;
const group = canvas.selected_group;
const clickedOnToggle = clickedOnToggleButton(originalEvent, group) || "";
const toggleAction = clickedOnToggle === null || clickedOnToggle === void 0 ? void 0 : clickedOnToggle.toLocaleUpperCase();
if (toggleAction) {
if (toggleAction === "QUEUE") {
const outputNodes = getOutputNodes(group._nodes);
if (!(outputNodes === null || outputNodes === void 0 ? void 0 : outputNodes.length)) {
id: "no-output-in-group",
type: "warn",
timeout: 4000,
message: "No output nodes for group!",
else {
rgthree.queueOutputNodes( =>;
else {
const toggleMode = TOGGLE_TO_MODE.get(toggleAction);
if (toggleMode) {
const hasAnyActiveNodes = group._nodes.some((n) => n.mode === LiteGraph.ALWAYS);
const isAllMuted = !hasAnyActiveNodes && group._nodes.every((n) => n.mode === LiteGraph.NEVER);
const isAllBypassed = !hasAnyActiveNodes && !isAllMuted && group._nodes.every((n) => n.mode === 4);
let newMode = LiteGraph.ALWAYS;
if (toggleMode === LiteGraph.NEVER) {
newMode = isAllMuted ? LiteGraph.ALWAYS : LiteGraph.NEVER;
else {
newMode = isAllBypassed ? LiteGraph.ALWAYS : 4;
for (const node of group._nodes) {
node.mode = newMode;
canvas.selected_group = null;
canvas.dragging_canvas = false;
const drawGroups = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawGroups;
LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawGroups = function (canvasEl, ctx) {
drawGroups.apply(this, [...arguments]);
if (!CONFIG_SERVICE.getFeatureValue("group_header_fast_toggle.enabled") ||
!rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent) {
const graph = app.graph;
let groups;
if (CONFIG_SERVICE.getFeatureValue("") !== "always") {
const hoverGroup = graph.getGroupOnPos(rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent.canvasX, rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent.canvasY);
groups = hoverGroup ? [hoverGroup] : [];
else {
groups = graph._groups || [];
if (!groups.length) {
const toggles = getToggles();;
for (const group of groups || []) {
let anyActive = false;
let allMuted = !!group._nodes.length;
let allBypassed = allMuted;
for (const node of group._nodes) {
anyActive = anyActive || node.mode === LiteGraph.ALWAYS;
allMuted = allMuted && node.mode === LiteGraph.NEVER;
allBypassed = allBypassed && node.mode === 4;
if (anyActive || (!allMuted && !allBypassed)) {
for (let i = 0; i < toggles.length; i++) {
const toggle = toggles[i];
const pos = group._pos;
const size = group._size;
ctx.fillStyle = ctx.strokeStyle = group.color || "#335";
const x = pos[0] + size[0] - BTN_MARGIN[0] - BTN_SIZE - (BTN_SPACING + BTN_SIZE) * i;
const y = pos[1] + BTN_MARGIN[1];
const midX = x + BTN_SIZE / 2;
const midY = y + BTN_SIZE / 2;
if (toggle === "queue") {
const outputNodes = getOutputNodes(group._nodes);
const oldGlobalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha;
if (!(outputNodes === null || outputNodes === void 0 ? void 0 : outputNodes.length)) {
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.lineCap = "round";
const arrowSizeX = BTN_SIZE * 0.6;
const arrowSizeY = BTN_SIZE * 0.7;
const arrow = new Path2D(`M ${x + arrowSizeX / 2} ${midY} l 0 -${arrowSizeY / 2} l ${arrowSizeX} ${arrowSizeY / 2} l -${arrowSizeX} ${arrowSizeY / 2} z`);
if (outputNodes === null || outputNodes === void 0 ? void 0 : outputNodes.length) {
ctx.globalAlpha = oldGlobalAlpha;
else {
const on = toggle === "bypass" ? allBypassed : allMuted;
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.rect(x, y, BTN_SIZE, BTN_SIZE);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
if (toggle === "mute") {
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
ctx.lineCap = "round";
if (on) {
ctx.stroke(new Path2D(`
${eyeFrame(midX, midY)}
${eyeLashes(midX, midY)}
else {
const radius = BTN_GRID * 1.5;
ctx.fill(new Path2D(`
${eyeFrame(midX, midY)}
${eyeFrame(midX, midY, -1)}
${circlePath(midX, midY, radius)}
${circlePath(midX + BTN_GRID / 2, midY - BTN_GRID / 2, BTN_GRID * 0.375)}
`), "evenodd");
ctx.stroke(new Path2D(`${eyeFrame(midX, midY)} ${eyeFrame(midX, midY, -1)}`));
ctx.globalAlpha = this.editor_alpha * 0.5;
ctx.stroke(new Path2D(`${eyeLashes(midX, midY)} ${eyeLashes(midX, midY, -1)}`));
ctx.globalAlpha = this.editor_alpha;
else {
const lineChanges = on
? `a ${BTN_GRID * 3}, ${BTN_GRID * 3} 0 1, 1 ${BTN_GRID * 3 * 2},0
l ${BTN_GRID * 2.0} 0`
: `l ${BTN_GRID * 8} 0`;
ctx.stroke(new Path2D(`
M ${x} ${midY}
M ${x + BTN_SIZE} ${midY} l -2 2
M ${x + BTN_SIZE} ${midY} l -2 -2
ctx.fill(new Path2D(`${circlePath(x + BTN_GRID * 3, midY, BTN_GRID * 1.8)}`));
function eyeFrame(midX, midY, yFlip = 1) {
return `
M ${midX - BTN_SIZE / 2} ${midY}
c ${BTN_GRID * 1.5} ${yFlip * BTN_GRID * 2.5}, ${BTN_GRID * (8 - 1.5)} ${yFlip * BTN_GRID * 2.5}, ${BTN_GRID * 8} 0
function eyeLashes(midX, midY, yFlip = 1) {
return `
M ${midX - BTN_GRID * 3.46} ${midY + yFlip * BTN_GRID * 0.9} l -1.15 ${1.25 * yFlip}
M ${midX - BTN_GRID * 2.38} ${midY + yFlip * BTN_GRID * 1.6} l -0.90 ${1.5 * yFlip}
M ${midX - BTN_GRID * 1.15} ${midY + yFlip * BTN_GRID * 1.95} l -0.50 ${1.75 * yFlip}
M ${midX + BTN_GRID * 0.0} ${midY + yFlip * BTN_GRID * 2.0} l 0.00 ${2.0 * yFlip}
M ${midX + BTN_GRID * 1.15} ${midY + yFlip * BTN_GRID * 1.95} l 0.50 ${1.75 * yFlip}
M ${midX + BTN_GRID * 2.38} ${midY + yFlip * BTN_GRID * 1.6} l 0.90 ${1.5 * yFlip}
M ${midX + BTN_GRID * 3.46} ${midY + yFlip * BTN_GRID * 0.9} l 1.15 ${1.25 * yFlip}
function circlePath(cx, cy, radius) {
return `
M ${cx} ${cy}
m ${radius}, 0
a ${radius},${radius} 0 1, 1 -${radius * 2},0
a ${radius},${radius} 0 1, 1 ${radius * 2},0